Fallen Angel. (A Supernatura...

By DevilsFavoriteDemon

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(This is a continuation of my other account CelticPhenom's story Fallen Angel.) [Book 1 of the ANGELS AMOUNG... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning [RE-EDITED]
Chapter 2: Bad Moon Rising [RE-EDITED]
Chapter 3: Mr. Grumpy [EDITED]
Chapter 4: Drunken Shenanigans [EDITED]
Chapter 5: Tragedy [EDITED]
Chapter 6: Please Don't Leave Me [EDITED]
Chapter 7: 10:41 A.M. [EDITED]
Chapter 9: I See Wings of Blue...[EDITED]
Chapter 10: ...And Red Boxers Too [EDITED]
Chapter 11: All Hell Breaks Loose [EDITED]
Chapter 12: This is Serious Ya Idjit! [EDITED]
Chapter 13: Mystery Spot [EDITED]
Author's Note
Chapter 14: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 1) [EDITED]
Chapter 15: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 2) [EDITED]
Chapter 16: Getting Out. [EDITED]
Chapter 17: A (Mostly) Normal Life. [EDITED]
Chapter 18: Lucifer Rising. [EDITED]
Chapter 19: The Devil is an Angel Too. [EDITED]
Chapter 20: Loverman. [EDITED]
Chapter 21: Who Are You Gonna Call? [EDITED]
Chapter 22: The Real Ghostbusters. [EDITED]
Chapter 23: Abandon All Hope...[EDITED]
Chapter 24: Welcome Home (Sanitarium) [EDITED]
Chapter 25: The Reason He's Feared. [EDITED]
Chapter 26: Home Sweet Home. [EDITED]
Chapter 27: Beautiful Trauma. [EDITED]
Chapter 28: An Act of Desperation.
Chapter 29: Hammer of the Gods.
Chapter 30: So It's Come to This.
Chapter 31: Life and Loss.

Chapter 8: Wibbly-wobbly, Timey-wimey Stuff [EDITED]

5.3K 159 83
By DevilsFavoriteDemon

     A couple of days pass by since the death of John Winchester and his body is released into Sam, Dean, and Jean's custody.

    After they borrow a truck from Bobby, they drive back to his place to give John a hunter's funeral.  Bobby allows the siblings to burn John's body in a field behind his auto salvage and the Winchesters are grateful.

    As they stand around the fire and watch their father's body burn, all three are struggling to hold back their tears.  Jean lifts a bottle of whiskey to her lips and swallows a mouthful.  She then passes the bottle to Sam who takes a shot then passes it to Dean.  Dean takes a large gulp of the booze then hands it back to Sam.  Sam passes it back to Jean who drinks another mouthful.

    Sam asks Dean if John said anything before he died.  Dean tells him no, but Jean can tell that he's lying, however, she doesn't say anything so that a fight doesn't break out between her grieving brothers.


    Months pass and the Winchester siblings have been through a lot together.  First Sam and Dean meet Ellen Harvelle and her daughter Jo.  Ellen is the owner of a bar for hunters and once good friends with John Winchester.  Jean has known Ellen and Jo for years and absolutely adores them.  When she was hunting by herself, she would frequently stop by Harvelle's Roadhouse to visit with them.  Ellen gives the Winchesters a case which turns out to be a Rakshasa, an ancient Hindu creature that eats human flesh.

    Dean manages to fix the Impala and she's good as new by the time that the siblings head out on their next case.  The next hunt they go on involves vampires.  They end up running into Gordon Walker, a fellow hunter who is obsessed with killing vampires.  Jean tries to warn Dean that Gordon is nothing but bad news, however, Dean doesn't listen to her.  It turns out the vampires they're hunting are only drinking cattle blood and haven't harmed anybody.  There's a huge confrontation with Gordon in which Gordon tries to prove to them that all vampires are nothing but mindless monsters, but fails when the vampire, Lenore, refuses to give into her lust for human blood when Gordon slices Sam's arm and let's the blood drip onto Lenore's face.  Dean then knocks Gordon out and the siblings leave him tied to a chair inside of an abandoned farmhouse.

    Their third hunt together makes Jean's skin crawl.  They return to their hometown of Lawrence to visit their mother's grave.  While Jean and Sam are at Mary's grave, Dean is walking around the cemetery when he notices a perfect circle of dead grass and plants surrounding another grave belonging to Angela Mason.  It so happens to have been caused by an ancient ritual that raises the dead from their graves.  Jean never has liked zombies or zombie-like creatures.  She's never been entirely sure of why, but feels fairly certain that it's because she and Dean watched Dawn of the Dead when they were really little.  Eventually they manage to lure Angela to the cemetery and nail her back into her coffin with a silver spike.  Afterwards, Jean empties a clip of silver bullets into the corpse's head and heart.  Sam and Dean look at her like she's gone insane and her only response is to claim that, "When it comes to zombies, it's better to be safe than sorry."

    They then travel to Guthrie, Oklahoma after Sam has one of his psychic visions and track down another psychic by the name of Andrew Gallagher.  Andy apparently has the ability to make people do whatever he wants them to do with verbal commands.  Andy has short brown hair and brown eyes and lives in his van, but Jean finds him to be fairly cute anyways.

     While Sam and Jean are following the psychiatrist who, according to Sam's vision, walks into a gun store and shoots the owner and then himself;  Dean follows Andy in the Impala.  Andy notices Dean following him and uses his power to make Dean give him the Impala.  Once Andy leaves and Dean's head is clear, he calls Jean and tells her that Andy Obi-Wan'd him and now has the Impala.  Jean can't help but laugh at Dean's comment.  She temporarily leaves Sam by himself in order to go and pick up Dean.

    After they find the Impala, the siblings get into an argument about whether Andy is the one killing people or not.  Sam believes that he is while Dean and Jean aren't convinced.  The fact that Jean agrees with Dean instead of Sam has both of the brothers looking at her in amazement.  Ever since Sammy was seven, Jean would always agree with him, even if she knew he was wrong.  It was what aggravated their father the most about them; when he fought with Sam, he would also have to fight with Jean and vice versa.  The two of them have always taken each other's sides.

    They're caught by Andy while they're watching his van, the Winchesters discover that both Sam and Jean are immune to Andy's mind control when he uses his power to try and get them to leave him alone, but only Dean is affected.  With Sam's psychic powers they can understand why he is immune, but Jean being immune raises red flags to all three of the Winchesters.

    While confronting Andy, Sam gets another vision, this time of a woman pouring gasoline on herself then setting herself on fire at a gas station.  After a fire truck passes by, Dean goes to investigate while Sam and Jean stay to keep an eye on Andy.  After sitting down and talking with Andy,  Jean decides that she really likes him and mild flirting passes between them while Sam is left feeling really awkward.

    Dean returns and tells them that the woman's name was Holly Beckett and that he called Ash on the way back.  Ash managed to find out that Holly Beckett gave birth when she was 18 years old in 1983...the same day that Andy was born.  Andy admits that he is adopted and asks if Holly could have been his birth mother. Dean tells him that he doesn't know, that he tried to get a copy of the birth records but they're hard copy only and sealed at the county office.

     This leads them to a trip to the county office where Andy uses his powers on the clerk in order for them to look at the birth record.  They find out that Holly Beckett was indeed Andy's birth mother and that he has a twin brother, but they were separated when they were adopted by different families.  Dean then prints out a picture of Andy's brother and shows it to him.  Andy is taken off guard to see a picture of Webber, the busboy at the restaurant where Andy's ex-girlfriend, Tracy, works.

    In the Impala, Sam gets another vision where he sees Tracy jumping off of a dam and the four of them rush to the dam.  Sam, Jean, and Andy go to confront Webber on top of the local dam while Dean hangs back at a safe distance with a sniper rifle.  Sam smashes the driver's side window of Webber's car, an old beat-up junker, with his gun pointed at Webber's head.  Webber tries to use his powers on Sam, but Sam backhands him in the face before pulling him from the car as Andy opens the passenger side door and helps Tracy out of the car.  Sam holds a gun to Webber's head while Jean places a strip of duct tape over his mouth.  Andy then rushes over and begins to kick Webber until Sam and Jean pull him away.  Webber looks over at Tracy and she picks up a large branch.  She hits Jean over the head with it and then slams it against Sam's back.

     Andy uses his power to get Tracy to drop the branch.  Tracy drops the branch then goes to stand on the edge of the dam.  While Andy and Webber are talking, Dean takes aim at Webber with the sniper rifle.  Suddenly, Webber turns around and stares into the woods where Dean is.  "I see you....Bye-bye."  Webber says.  Anger rushes over Jean and quickly consumes her.  Seeming to react to her anger, a strange pulse of power begins to spread through her; it's similar to the feeling that she experienced when the werewolf girl attacked her and then again when she lost her temper with John.  Just like before, her eyes begin to glow crimson.  She pulls her pistol from the waistband of her jeans and rolls over onto her back before firing a shot at Webber.  The bullet finds its target and Webber falls to the ground, injured but not dead.  Jean stands up and as she does her eyes meet with Sam's and his eyes widen in shock at the color of her own.  Jean walks over to where Webber is laying on the ground, crying out in pain.  She stands over Webber and points her gun at his head.  "Stop!" Webber tries to command her, but it only results with Jean cocking her gun.  Realizing that his mind control doesn't work on Jean, he begins to beg for his life.  "Don't...please...I just...wanted to be with my twin brother.  Please, don't kill me."  Jean looks Webber directly in the eyes and, with a face completely devoid of emotions, she pulls the trigger, putting a bullet through the center of his forehead.

    Later, as Andy is talking to the police and using his mind control to convince them that Webber committed suicide; Jean's phone rings and she answers it.  On the other end of the line comes the voice of Garth Fitzgerald the Fourth;  a young man who has just recently become a hunter.  Garth is on a hunt in Texas and decided to call Jean for help.  She agrees to help him and after hanging up, walks over to where Sam and Dean are having a quiet conversation.  She arrives just in time to hear Sam say, "I know what I saw Dean...and I'm telling you something is seriously wrong with Jean."  Jean clears her throat causing Sam and Dean to turn in her direction.  "Jean, how are you?  Are you hurt?" Sam asks her.

    Jean waves her hand in a dismissive way, "I'm fine, Sam."  She looks him directly in the eyes, "Completely fine."  She takes a deep breath, "Listen, I just received a call from a buddy of mine who has just started hunting, and he asked me for help with a hunt down in Texas."

    Dean claps his hands together, "Great, let's go."

    "Actually, Dean, I think I can handle this one by myself.  Garth is kind of a goofball and it's probably a false lead.  Honestly, it wouldn't be the first time."  Dean opens his mouth to argue, but Jean stops him.  "Dean, it's one hunt, that will take three days at the most, and then I'll meet back up with you guys at Harvelle's Roadhouse or Bobby's."

    Dean sighs, "Fine.  Let's get back to the motel."  The three Winchesters get into the '67 Impala with Dean behind the wheel, Sam riding shotgun, and Jean sitting in the back.  A sudden thought occurs to Dean and he looks at Jean in the rearview mirror.  "Is the reason that you don't want us going on this hunt with you because you and this Garth guy are going to hook up afterwards?"  Dean asks Jean while making a look of disgust at the thought of his twin having sex.

    Sam looks at Dean with a similar expression on his own face, "Eww!  Dean!"

    Jean scoffs at Dean, "No, Dean.  I have not, nor will I ever have sex with Garth.  Even though he is really very sweet and kind, the dude is basically a real-life version of Shaggy from Scooby Doo."

    Dean chuckles and Sam seems to be holding back laughter.  Then Dean says, "Zoinks!" and Sam bursts out laughing.

    Jean laughs then a mischievous smile appears on her face, "You have nothing to worry about Dean."  She leans forward so that she's leaning over the front seat in between Sam and Dean and states, "As a matter of fact...I'm still a virgin."

    Dean jerks the steering wheel in shock which causes the car to swerve over the center lane, however, Dean quickly corrects the car.  Sam makes a noise of revulsion and tells Jean, "That was too much info, Jeanie."

    Dean looks at her in the rearview mirror again, "Are you serious?"  Jean just nods, "I'm not sure if I should be impressed or relieved.  Seriously?  A virgin?  You're twenty-seven and you've never experienced the beast with two backs?"

    Sam once again makes a noise of disgust while Jean looks at Dean in amusement.  "I may be your twin, Dean, but that doesn't mean I have the same sexual experience as you."

    Dean raises his eyebrows, "I hope not...it would be awkward if we had the same sex partners."

    "Oh my God!"  Sam exclaims, thoroughly grossed out by his siblings' antics.  "Can we please change the subject before I'm scarred for life?"

    Both Dean and Jean laugh at their little brother's discomfort.  "Fine.  We're here anyway," Dean says while parking the Impala next to Jean's Mustang.

    They get out of the car and enter the room they all shared.  Jean quickly packs her things and she hugs both of her brothers before telling them goodbye and promising to rendezvous with them in a few days.  She climbs into her car and starts the engine.  Instantly, Van Halen's 'Running With the Devil' blares from the car's speakers.  Dean grins and nods his head in approval of his twin's choice of music.


    The case with Garth turns out to just be a Chupacabra; so Jean shows him how to trap and kill the vampiric beast and helps him burn the remains.  The whole thing takes only two days.

    Jean is driving to the Roadhouse to meet with Sam and Dean, when Bobby calls her and asks for her help hunting a harpy.  Harpies are nasty creatures that have the ability to enchant men and turn them into their personal slaves, eventually killing and eating the men.  That's why it's necessary for a woman to hunt them.  So Jean calls Dean to let him know that she's going to be helping Bobby with a hunt and will meet up with them in a few more days.


    Jean finally reunites with her brothers a few days later on a hunt dealing with a crossroads demon.  Once they know for certain that it is a crossroads demon they are dealing with, Jean decides to sit out the rest of the hunt.  She believes that the people who have made deals with the demon did so knowing what they were getting themselves into but chose to make a deal anyway out of greed.  However, the hunt isn't a complete waste of Jean's time;  she did manage to utterly embarrass both of her brothers when they walked in on her watching Casa Erotica 5.  The expression of horror on both of their faces was absolutely priceless.

    Next the siblings check out a town which Sam has a vision about;  the small town of Rivergrove in Oregon.  Instead of taking two cars as they normally would do, this time Jean leaves her Mustang at Bobby's and they all ride in the sleek, black Impala.

    They pull into a local motel and Jean decides to stay at the motel and pack shotgun shells with salt while Sam and Dean look around the town.  As she's doing such a mind numbing repetitive task, Jean allows her mind to wonder.  While she's lost in her own little world, she fails to notice the other presence in the room until it's too late.  Someone hits her over the head with something hard from behind, rendering her unconscious.

    About an hour later, Jean regains consciousness only to find herself in the middle of an unfamiliar forest.  She looks around trying to find something that looks familiar to her, but is unsuccessful.  She checks her pockets for her phone, but the only thing she finds is about a dollar in change.  She also notices a small dot of blood on her arm, almost like someone has drawn blood from her with a needle.

    Jean walks for the rest of the day, only stopping to drink from a stream of fresh running water and when she comes upon a couple of blackberry bushes.  At sunset, she rests for a couple of hours before continuing to walk by the light of the full moon.  It's almost dawn by the time Jean finally reaches a road and by the time the sun has fully risen, she arrives at a small town.  She quickly locates a payphone and walks over to it.  She removes the change from her pocket, inserts it into the machine, then dials Sam's number.

    It rings twice before Sam answers, "Hello?"

    "Hey, Sammy."

    "Jean!  Oh my God! What happened?  Are you okay?  We got back to the hotel and you were gone and there was sulfur!  Where are you?"

    "Ah, so it was a demon that smacked me over the head then ditched me in the middle of nowhere...but I don't understand why.  Don't worry; I'm okay.  I just spent the day having a leisurely walk through a forest.  I never thought I'd say this, but I'm really grateful for dad's survival exercises now.  As for where I am, uh..." she looks around and spots a local phone book.  "I'm in Norcom, Idaho.  How's the hunt going?"

    Sam quickly explains to her about what has happened since she disappeared;  about the Croatoan virus, how he's immune to it, and how everybody in the town seems to have vanished into thin air.

    "A demonic virus with no cure, huh?  Things actually make sense now."   A beep emits from the payphone and Jean tells Sam, "My time's almost up and I don't have any more money.  How long will it take you guys to get here?"

    "Um, actually, Jean...I've kinda gone my own way.  It's a long story and I'll fill you in later.  I'll call Ellen and have her get in touch with Dean to let him know where you're at."

    "That bad, huh?  Why don't you just come get me Sam?  It can be just the two of us for a while?"

    "Sorry, Jean...but there's something that I have to do...alone.  Besides, Dean has all of your things with him."  Sam is silent for a few seconds, "Jean...be careful.  Dad told Dean...."  The phone suddenly dies and a robotic voice replaces Sam's and tells her to deposit coins in order to make a call.

    Jean hangs up the receiver then steps out of the phone booth.  She looks around for a restaurant and finds one with a giant 'Fresh Baked Pies' sign outside.  She enters the cozy little restaurant and a male waiter seats her at a booth.  He takes her order while staring at her chest the entire time.  She finally scolds him and tells him to look her in the eyes, not her tits.

    For the next hour, she eats and drinks as slowly as she can; she even orders a couple of slices of different types of pie.  Finally Dean arrives and sits down across from Jean.  "You had us worried.  We thought maybe a demon possessed you but then when everyone in Rivergrove just vanished into thin air like you did, we thought maybe...you had been infected too."

    Jean pushes one of her slices of pie towards him before replying, "Nah, I'm okay.  I've got an anti-possession tattoo on my ass."

    Dean pulls the pie closer to him and picks up a clean fork.  He gives Jean a weird look, "Why on your ass?"

    Jean shrugs her shoulders, "Why not?"

    "Touché," Dean replies, then takes a large bite of cherry pie.

    "Sam told me about the Croatoan virus," when Dean's only response is a nod, Jean continues.  "I think the demons weren't sure if I was immune to it or not, so they knocked me out, took some of my blood, then ditched me in the middle of some woods to keep me from making my way back to Rivergrove."

    "I suppose this is all a part of the whole demon protection thing you have?" Dean asks with his mouth full of pie.

    Jean takes a deep breath, "I swear I was going to tell you and Sam about that Dean...."

    Dean looks at her with a pissed look on his face, "And why didn't you?!  Why did I have to learn about it from dad ? Also when were you going to tell me about the whole glowing eyes thing?  Both dad and Sam said that your eyes glowed crimson when you lost your temper."

    "First of all, the eye thing I had no idea about.  It's not like I look in the mirror every time I get mad.  Secondly, I didn't tell you about what happened in the boiler room of the hospital because I couldn't.  Dad made me promise not to tell you or Sam that he made a deal with Azazel and I couldn't tell you about the boiler room without telling you about dad's deal....And before you start yelling at me for not stopping dad from making that deal, I would have if Azazel hadn't zapped me away!"

    Dean heaves a heavy sigh, "So Azazel is that yellow-eyed bastard's name?"


    "Dad told me something and asked me not to tell you or Sammy."

    "What was it?"

    Dean's eyes begin to tear up, but he quickly regains his composure.  "He said that if I couldn't save you or Sam, that I...would have to kill you guys."

    Jean just looks at Dean for a few seconds, before she stands up and slides into the booth beside him.  She embraces him tightly and promises him, "It won't ever come to that, Dean.  I would give everything I have to the devil himself before I let you go through the horrible experience of having to kill Sam.  And if there comes a time that I become a monster, I will take care of it myself."

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