Lazarus Project: Mass Effect...

By Julianne_Winters

12.7K 672 59

~~MASS EFFECT: BOOK 3 of 3~~ *Book 1: English Bay Blues *Book 2: Dragon's Teeth: Mass Effect 1 Ranked #4 in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chatper 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94

Chapter 82

92 6 0
By Julianne_Winters

Milky Way/Widow System/Serpent Nebula/SSV Nomad

Earth year: 2186 CE --- January

"What's going on sir?" Mason asked from his chair in the cockpit. "You haven't said anything since we left Hagalaz."

"I'm not sure Chief." Kaidan admitted, his back pressed into the wall while he stared out the Nomad's external view screen. "Anderson received a disturbing message from Kahlee Sanders and wants us to follow up. He didn't want it going through Alliance channels. He has reason to believe Alliance comm buoys are being monitored."

"What? Since when?"

"He can't be certain, but he's pretty sure it's been going on for several months."

"Well, shit."

"Who do you think is behind it Commander?" Tanner asked as they dropped out of FTL and she plotted a course for the Petra Nebula.

"My guess is it's Cerberus. I don't know who else would have resources for something like that aside from the Shadow Broker."

"Good point." Tanner nodded. "ETA with the Academy in ten minutes sir."

"Understood Lieutenant." Kaidan said, straightening. "I'm heading to the airlock now. You and Mason stay with the ship."

"Aye, aye."

Milky Way/Petra Nebual/Vetus/Grissom Academy

"Commander Alenko." Kahlee frowned on seeing him. "It's unfortunate we have to keep meeting like this."

"Agreed. What's going on Kahlee? Anderson seemed worried when I spoke to him." He said as she closed the door behind him.

"With good reason." She replied, taking a seat. "Remember the girl Cerberus tried to kidnap two years ago?"

"Uh..." Kaidan began, his mind whirling. "You mean Gillian Grayson?"

"Yes." She nodded. "Her father instigated the entire incident, but then helped Anderson and I stop Cerberus from getting hold of her. Then he disappeared."

"I remember."

"Well he contacted me about a month ago, then sent me a massive data file on Cerberus. He was supposed to meet me at a secret location a week ago, but never showed."

"That doesn't sound good."

"It gets worse." She continued, her frown deepening. "I've heard rumours someone on Omega was murdered recently."

"Murder? Isn't murder an odd thing for Omega to report? How'd you hear about it?"

"It seems whoever it was had connections to Aria. I couldn't find any other details, all my usual channels have been closed off. No one's talking."

"I see." Kaidan replied, confused by what she was telling him. "If he's dead or Cerberus got to him, I'm not sure what you want me to do here."

"I need you to go to Omega. Talk to Aria. Find out what happened."

"Aria T'Loak?" Dammit, he had no desire to see that woman again. He wanted to see Shepard. He still didn't know where she was or if she was safe.

Kahlee gave him a half-smile. "Anderson told me you received some upsetting news recently." She began. "But I'm sure Shepard will be fine. I need you to do this for me Commander, I'm worried Cerberus might be planning to come after the students here. I don't have anyone else I can ask."

"I understand Kahlee." Kaidan sighed. "My team and I will head there right away."

"Thank you Kaidan. I know it's not what you want to be doing right now."

"Maybe not, but it's my job. It's more important I find out what Cerberus might be up to. Besides, it will help keep my mind focused on something other than worry for Shepard."

"Of course." She said, smiling. "Good luck Commander."

"Thanks. I'll be in touch."

Milky Way/Omega System/Sahrabarik/Omega

Tanner plotted a course for the Omega Nebula, her mind spinning.

"Damned Cerberus." She growled, relaxing back in her chair. "I thought we were done chasing those assholes."

"Only delayed Lieutenant." Kaidan corrected her. "We ran out of leads, remember?"

"I was hoping we'd run out of Cerberus sir." She retorted. "I was hoping one of their experiments had finally got the better of them and killed them all."

"Funny." Kaidan smiled, catching her eye. "I was kind of hoping the same thing."

"I hear that." Mason echoed.

"ETA to Omega, fifteen minutes Commander."

"Send Aria a message." Kaidan instructed. "Request permission to dock."

"Sir?" Tanner frowned, confused.

"I don't want to have another confrontation with her Dlaney. Maybe if we play nice, we can skip the posturing and she won't be so argumentative this time around."

"One can hope." Tanner muttered as she followed through. "Permission granted sir. Though I think I just spoke to a batarian."

"That's fine Lieutenant. Aria will be sure to hear about it then, especially since we're in an Alliance vessel." He assured her. "I'll be in the airlock. Stay with the ship for now."

"Aye, aye sir." Mason replied while Tanner continued with docking procedures.

Milky Way/Hourglass Nebula/Sowilo/Hagalaz

Callie could barely contain herself as she waited to exit the airlock and step onto the Shadow Broker's ship. Kaidan, she whispered, she was finally going to see him. Forcing herself to keep her pace even, she entered Liara's cavernous work area and looked around expectantly. Her step faltered as she crossed the room to where Liara waited. Kaidan was nowhere to be seen.

"Liara?" She asked, keeping her voice even. "What's going on? Where's Kaidan?"

Liara broke eye contact for a moment before answering. "I'm sorry Shepard. We received your message, but he was ordered to report back to the Citadel. He's gone."

"He's gone?" Callie repeated. She couldn't keep the surprise and disappointment from her voice. She'd been so sure she was about to see him and tell him everything in her heart. Sadness and frustration pressed down on her and without a word, turned to leave. She stopped short though when a thought occurred to her.

"Shepard?" Liara called, watching her.

"Why was even Kaidan here?" Callie asked, turning back. "What did he want?"

"He learned what happened on Aite and about David Archer. We were confused and worried about you. After he met David he was concerned the Illusive Man was screening your messages."

"You mean because I didn't leave Cerberus then and there." Callie said. "Trust me Liara, if I knew how to get to the Illusive Man, he wouldn't still be drawing breath for what I saw on Aite."

Letting out s tired sigh, she crossed to Liaras couch and sat down. "I would have quit Cerberus sooner if I knew someone else could have taken on the Collectors. But there was no one, and no other ship capable of passing through the Omega-4 relay."

"So you did it then?" Liara asked, taking a seat nearby. "You went through the relay and came back? What happened?"

"We destroyed the base. No casualties. Then I told the Illusive Man to shove it and took his ship."

"You're a force to be reckoned with  Shepard." Liara smiled. "I knew you would quit Cerberus and I'm glad to hear you destroyed the Collectors. The galaxy owes you a great deal."

"Thanks Liara. But what do you know about Aite and how did you find out? Did the Shadow Broker have access to the research facility?"

Liara shook her head. "No. Glyph, the Broker's drone found what little was left to uncover after the base was destroyed, but I learned about it from Kaidan. I'm not sure if you know, but Dr. Archer is missing. There's no record on how he left the facility."

"The Illusive Man doesn't like failures." Callie commented. "If he's disappeared, he's either dead or the Illusive Man has moved him somewhere else."

"Wherever he is, I hope he's not happy." Liara grumbled.

"We can hope Liara." Callie agreed, getting to her feet. "But I have to go. I need to see Kaidan."

"I understand Shepard." Liara smiled, rising with her. "I was surprised by your message. I didn't expect you to forgive me so soon."

"Liara," Callie began. "Despite everything, I know your intentions were mostly good. Without you, I wouldn't be here. By the way, what did Kaidan have to say about it?"

Liara frowned. "You mean he didn't tell you?"

Callie shook her head. "If he tried to tell me, I don't know about it. The Illusive Man was blocking my messages, and then the Normandy's extranet comm system was damaged in the Collector attack."

"I see. Well he was very angry at first." Liara began. "But when he came here to ask for my help, he said basically the same as you did."

"Which is what?"

"That he was grateful you didn't end up with the Collectors. He thanked me for saving you."

Callie's heart swelled at Liara's words. "Sounds like Kaidan." She said, her voice tight with emotion.

"Yes. He's a good man." Liara agreed. "I just hope he forgives me someday."

"I'm sure he already has Liara." Callie ventured. "He just takes a little longer to say these things out loud."

"You're right." Liara smiled. "I'd forgotten how alike the two of you are in that regard."

"What regard?" Callie frowned.

"Being stubborn."

"I'm not..." She began, then shrugged, a wry smile on her face. "Okay, you're right. I am stubborn. It was good seeing you Liara, but I really have to go." She continued, turning to leave once more.

'"Wait! Shepard!"

"What now?" Callie huffed.

"In all the confusion, I forgot about Admiral Hackett."


"Yes. I contacted him when I couldn't reach you. I told him what I knew and then I offered to help him track down information on the Reapers. He knows I'm the new Shadow Broker."

"Okay, but what did he want?"

"He has a classified message for you. He wanted me to let you know he'll be contacting you via your private terminal on the Normandy."

"Sounds serious." Callie frowned. "Let him know my vid-comm should be working now. EDI was almost finished optimizing it when I boarded here."

"Of course Shepard, and please be careful."

"You too Liara. If the Illusive Man knows about this place or that you're now in charge, he might come after you next."

"I understand. I'll get Glyph updating our security protocols immediately."

"Take care Liara. I'll see you later."


Kaidan had met David? Damn. What must he have thought of her for continuing to work with Cerberus after seeing that? That she condoned the experiment or the ends justify the means?

If she was ever done putting out galactic fires for the Alliance or anyone else and finally caught up with him, she would have a lot if explaining to do.

As she waited for the airlock to pressurize, a niggle of doubt nudged her. With everything that had happened since her return, a small part of her began to wonder if it was worth it. He was a strong, sincere man who valued honesty, integrity and fairness. He was also attractive, caring and a highly skilled and capable biotic soldier.

She knew he cared for her, yet she still doubted she was worthy of him. After everything he'd gone through because of her, maybe he'd be better off letting her go.

Objectively, she knew she was just looking for an excuse to protect herself and vetoed the idea. But as she entered the CIC, the doubt remained.

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