When All Q Breaks Loose

By KarlieLucas2

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Hiro has finally recovered from breaking his ribs while trying to stop a mad bomber. Now that he's back in ac... More

Chapter One: Allow me to help
Chapter Two: Someone Has to Help
Chapter Three: Trying to Make Contact
Chapter Four: First Contact
Chapter Five: Welcome to Mi Casa!
Chapter Six: Agree or Disagree
Chapter Seven: Not Happy
Chapter Eight: Merely Surprised
Chapter Nine: Something Going On
Chapter Ten: Determined to Find Out
Chapter Eleven: What Were You Thinking?
Chapter Twelve: Suit Yourself
Chapter Thirteen: Don't See the Point
Chapter Fourteen: Don't Like the Sound of That
Chapter Fifteen: Find Hiro
Chapter Sixteen: State of Emergency
Chapter Seventeen: You Don't Look Fine
Chapter Nineteen: Just A Dream
Chapter Twenty: What's Going On?
Chapter Twenty One: Good and Bad News
Chapter Twenty Two: You Must Be Mistaken
Chapter Twenty Three: Except For Hiro
Chapter Twenty Four: Go Looking
Chapter Twenty Five: Daddy
Chapter Twenty Six: Notice A Pattern
Chapter Twenty Seven: Don't Have That Much Time
Chapter Twenty Eight: You Know What This Means
Chapter Twenty Nine: You Awake In There?
Chapter Thirty: Absolutely Fascinating
Chapter Thirty One: I'm Right Here
Chapter Thirty Two: Working On A Strategy
Chapter Thirty Three: What's the Point?
Chapter Thirty Four: You're Going The Wrong Way
Chapter Thirty Five: Don't Give Up
Chapter Thirty Six: We'll Find Him
Chapter Thirty Seven: Hold On Tight
Chapter Thirty Eight: Begun To Suspect
Chapter Thirty Nine: Oh No
Chapter Forty: Unable To Determine A Cause
Chapter Forty One: I'm Sorry
Chapter Forty Two: Give Him the Best Chance
Chapter Forty Three: No Mistake
Chapter Forty Four: You're Wrong
Chapter Forty Five: How Dare You
Chapter Forty Six: Just Drop It
Chapter Forty Seven: Waiting
Chapter Forty Eight: Last Chance
Chapter Forty Nine: Goodbye

Chapter Eighteen: No Reason

22 0 0
By KarlieLucas2

Deanna Troi winced as she resettled her arm in the sling. The day's events had brought an interesting element into play. And they'd learned more about their hosts because of it. She gave a grim smile of amusement, feeling Q's emotions washing over her. He hadn't been happy to be placed in the same room as Worf. Data had opted to relinquish his bed, but decided to stay in the same room. He didn't need sleep, which was just as well, given the circumstances.

"We seem to find ourselves in a rather unusual set of circumstances," Picard mused as he paced the bedroom. They'd chosen his room to meet up in, instead of using any of the others. It was closer and slightly larger.

Q pouted from his perch on the mattress. "I don't see any reason to feel amused or smug about it," he grumped. "Why is it you're the only one of the males who gets a room to himself? It's not fair."

Worf gave him an admonishing look, moving as if to restrain him before settling back against the wall, his arms folded across his chest. "You should remain quiet until spoken to," he reminded. It wasn't worth the effort to do anything to the sulky man at the moment.

"Perhaps we should consider what Counselor Troi has told us from her encounter with Hiro and his robotic companion," Data spoke up, referring to their aborted discussion from earlier. "The incident does seem on par with recent events. Not to mention that all are within the realm of plausibility when placed inside the theory GoGo presented earlier."

Deanna couldn't help but agree with Data. She brushed some hair from her face with her free hand. "I tend to agree. The only other possible explanation is one I don't care to entertain."

Picard perked up at that, pausing in his turn about the room. "Please explain," he requested.

The counselor crossed one leg over the other as she sat on the only chair in the room. "Earlier, Hiro suggested the possibility of Ley Lines. I know there isn't any scientific evidence to support that. At least not in our universe, which is why I didn't bring it up earlier."

"You would be wrong there," Q pointed out, though he was still inclined to be sulky. "What you don't know about the working universe could fill volumes. For example, these so called Ley Lines might just be another name for the natural conduits of energy that lie below the Earth's surface. Some areas might be more densely concentrated with them than others, which would explain why some areas have more unusual events than others."

Picard glanced over at Data. "Is that even possible?" He knew that their Earth had energy conduits of a sort, but the proposed theory seemed to hint at them being something much more influential than just gravitational fields meant to keep the planet together.

Data searched his data banks, his expression going momentarily blank as he accessed all the requested information. "Using Q's definition, I believe so. Many planets appear to have a natural course of energy-like conduits that run throughout their planetary environment. It is entirely possible that such is the case here as well. If so, any rampant energy might be attracted to those conduits, making it easier for us to at least predict where they may next occur."

The captain nodded his understanding. "Sounds reasonable. Do you think you can find a way to discover where these so called Ley Lines are located?"

Again, Data tilted his head to one side in an almost mechanical manner. "I believe so. It would require that I be able to access the computers inside this building or some other location. But I believe I should be able to find the necessary information to locate them."

"Make it so," Picard instructed as he straightened his shirt before realizing the late hour. "Just not right at this moment. I'm sure our hosts are still keeping an eye on us. Perhaps it would be best to request they give you access to their computers, garner their trust. Tomorrow, perhaps."

Data nodded. "That would seem wise."

Q let himself fall back against the bed. "Ugh, you humans are so mundane! How is that going to get my powers back?"

Worf glared at the man. "You are not helping. However, if we can accurately predict where these random pockets of energy occur, and if they are indeed yours, we should be able to find some way of retrieving them. The sooner we do, the sooner we can be rid of you."

"Well that's not very nice," Q retorted, his nose wrinkling a bit around the edges as he pushed up to a semi-reclining position. "I want my powers back more than you want me to have them. And I want to be rid of you more than you want to be rid of me. Klingons are even more repulsive than humans. Ugh."

Picard scowled at their behavior. "Silence," he ordered. "We may have to rely on our new friends to find a way to contain this energy. But first, we need to make sure our theory is sound. We're not even sure if there are Ley Lines or how they relate to our current problem, regardless of what may have been previously said."

"That's true," Deanna admitted. "But it's about as good as any theory we currently have to work with. If Hiro believes they exist, chances are good there is some reason to believe they are real."

The captain nodded. "Very well. We'll look into this matter further in the morning. Until then, you are dismissed."

With a bit of a strong hint, Worf escorted Q out of the room, followed by Data. Deanna was about to leave as well but Picard called her back.

"Counselor, have you been able to uncover anything more about our friends?" Picard asked as he faced his colleague.

Deanna let out her breath. "Are you referring to my statement earlier that Hiro seems to be hiding something?" She needed only to look into her captain's eyes to confirm it. "No. I haven't. At least not yet. But there is definitely something he is keeping hidden from us and maybe from his people as well. Whatever it is, he's very good at hiding it. So good, in fact, that I'm not even sure he realizes it."

Picard nodded, though he wasn't sure what to make of that statement. "Thank you, counselor," he said instead as he held the door open for her. "We'll talk more in the morning."

Troi gave a brief nod of acknowledgement before she left the room. She had a lot to think about and not all of it was good.


By the time Hiro finally managed to head to bed, it was well after two in the morning. Despite that, he'd been able to complete most of his new carbon-fibered suit, minus the space metal. Unfortunately, he'd run out of printing material for the 3D printer before he could finish it. At least he'd managed to get the gauntlets, leg guards, and part of the chest plate, though the helmet and the rest would have to wait.

Feeling rather defeated, he'd returned to his shared room and collapsed on the mattress, still fully clothed. He let the air escape his lungs in a long sigh as he stared up at the darkened ceiling. Definitely not one of his better days, he decided. But at least the previous symptoms had all subsided. That was a good thing. And, with luck, they wouldn't come back, though part of him had the audacity to doubt that.

Baymax waddled into the room, softly closing the door behind him. He'd detected hormonal fluctuations coming from his primary patient. It wasn't too surprising, all things considered. Hiro didn't like it when things happened outside his realm of possibility, and a lot of such incidents had occurred lately. Instead of commenting, however, he remained silent as he stationed himself next to Hiro's bed. It wouldn't do to wake Wasabi.

Hiro turned onto his side, pulling his legs in close, bending them at the knee so he was almost in fetal position. Sometimes he tried to make himself as small as possible to try and cope with the emotions of any given day. And now was no exception. He'd almost lost it out there, before his friends and pulled him back from the abyss. He felt a sense of appreciation that they'd managed to do so before they'd gone out to rescue his aunt. He didn't dare contemplate what would have happened otherwise. It probably would not have ended well.

All the same, things had not gone as he'd imagined they would. They seldom did. But that didn't keep him from trying. He'd made a promise and he wasn't about to break it.

With another sigh, Hiro closed his eyes. There were so many things he needed to do in the morning. If he woke up in time for them. He could always ask Fred to send Heathcliff for more carbon fiber for the printer. But part of him wanted to go out and do it himself. Or at least get away from everything for a little while. He needed space. And time to clear his head. Unfortunately, Hiro also knew his friends wouldn't hear of it, especially not now that they knew what the random energy floating around the city could and would do to him.

It was hopeless. He was just as stuck now as he always was, one wheel spinning while the other didn't even want to turn. And he still couldn't figure out how to make it work.


Wasabi woke at his usual time. But, unlike the morning before, Hiro was sleeping in his bed, which was a nice change. And it looked like he'd be staying there for quite a while. The little man hadn't even bothered to remove his shoes, something that made Wasabi cringe. At least they weren't contaminating the sheets, not that Wasabi had to worry about washing them. It was the principle of the matter though.

"Good morning, Wasabi," Baymax greeted softly from his station near Hiro's bed.

The physicist yawned as he stretched, doing his best to ignore the sight of Hiro still fully clothed and sleeping on top of the covers. "Morning," he replied. "I see Hiro's still out. Just how late did he stay up this time?"

The robotic nurse contemplated that for a moment. "Hiro entered this room five minutes after two this morning. However, he did not succumb to sleep until closer to four a.m."

Wasabi went to retrieve a fresh pair of clothes from the little dresser next to his borrowed bed. He'd stocked it up once they'd assigned out their respective spaces. Unfortunately, Hiro hadn't done the same with his side. But the physics student liked to be prepared. "Guess he'll be out for a while then," he said as he grabbed his traveler's pouch full of daily necessities, such as shampoo and soap. "I'm going to clean up a bit," he announced as he left the room.

Baymax watched him leave, blinking as the bulky form of the student disappeared behind the door. He then turned his attention back to Hiro. A quick scan indicated the teen was probably dreaming. Despite that, he observed Hiro did not exhibit the classic outward symptoms of REM sleep. However, the robot did detect that his neural transmitter levels were elevated; signifying Hiro might be having a bad dream.

He was about to shake Hiro awake when the door to the bedroom opened once more. Only, instead of Wasabi, Fred poked his head into the room. "Hey, Baymax," the comic-book addict greeted. He glanced around, noticing Hiro out cold as he nodded to himself. "Honey asked me to check in on the little dude. Guess he's still sleeping."

This announcement brought Baymax to the door. "Did Honey Lemon require some assistance?" the healthcare bot inquired.

"Nah," Fred said with a lazy drawl. "She just wanted to make sure he actually went to bed. You know, after all that other craziness that happened, he does have the tendency to stay up longer than he should. But since he's out, I can safely tell her he's asleep and she won't get mad at me."

Baymax tilted his head to one side. "Why would Honey Lemon be mad at you?"

The mascot shrugged. "No reason. Well, later." He gave an errant wave as he left, closing the door behind him.


Picard met his crew in the breakfast room. It seemed to become the meeting place for everyone involved as he also found four of the six Big Heroes there as well. "Good morning," he greeted them all in turn. It took him a moment to realize Baymax and Hiro weren't there as well, though part of him wasn't entirely surprised. Yesterday had been a trying day.

"Morning," Honey and GoGo answered in yawning voices. Each had a cup of coffee in hand as they buttered toast or scooped up eggs with a fork.

Wasabi nodded in acknowledgment before turning his attention back to his plate of waffles. He'd carefully cut them at precise angles, with his syrup applied in the best possible manner to make sure each waffle had the same amount of sugary liquid. He almost looked like a surgeon as he ate his meal.

Picard tugged a bit at the collar of his jacket, still not used to the change in style from his Federation uniform. The collar kept rubbing against his neck, even though it wasn't all that high. The fabric was not the same as his uniform either, which didn't help.

Data stepped aside so the captain could reach the food on the table, which presented an assortment similar to the morning before. "I was wondering," the android said, looking towards Honey Lemon, "if I might be allowed access to your computer system. There are several theories I would like to investigate and cannot do so without further information."

Honey glanced over to Wasabi and then at Fred and GoGo, who all kind of shrugged. Hiro wasn't there to ask either, but it was Fred's house. "I guess that would be okay," she said a bit hesitantly. "Hiro's still asleep but I don't think he'd mind." At least as long as they left the 3D computer alone, she mentally amended.

Her comment caught both Deanna and Picard's attention as she moved to refill her now empty mug. They exchanged glances, wondering about that just a little. Hiro's absence became all that more obvious with Honey's statement.

"Does Hiro usually sleep this late?" Picard finally asked as he helped himself to some hash browns. The butler had remembered his taste for Earl Grey tea. It was freshly brewed in a pot, which he appreciated. In fact, he thought it tasted better than anything the Enterprise could replicate. There was something to be said for a fresh brew.

GoGo put her coffee mug down and reached for a muffin. "You're lucky to see him up before noon most days," she quipped. "Well, when he doesn't have classes. Luckily, we have a holiday or we'd all be in trouble."

Deanna gave the girl a sidelong glance. "You're all students?"

"Most of us," Honey corrected as she momentarily looked towards Fred. "We're in our final year, though Hiro's only about a year or so behind us."

Fred gave a little wave from his corner of the room. He'd finished his food already and was just chilling while the others finished. "If you want," he spoke up, "when you're done, I can totally take you to a computer." Just like Honey, he didn't think Hiro would like having the android messing with his 3D computer so he planned on taking Data to the library, where a different model resided. Besides, the less they saw of their command center the better.

Data glanced over at the captain who nodded his approval. "If possible, I would like to go now," he said. "As I do not require sustenance, and you appear to be finished, I believe that would be the best course of action."

The mascot made a funny, worm-like movement as he got out of his chair and sauntered towards the door. "No problem. Just follow me." And he led the way out the door, Data following close behind.

"I was hoping we could discuss events over breakfast," Picard spoke up once the door closed. "But with Hiro still asleep, that somehow doesn't seem appropriate at the moment."

GoGo blew on her cup of joe, letting the steam waft upward. "You're right," she agreed over the mug's lip. "Hiro's usually a late night person so he sleeps in most mornings. We probably won't get much out of him until after lunch anyway."

Worf watched the exchange with some interest. The sausages they'd provided were pretty tasty and he ate them with good appetite. He wasn't so sure about the toast, but opted for a strong cup of coffee. It wasn't his typical drink, but he doubted they'd serve alcohol this early in the day, if at all. They didn't seem the type. But, perhaps, he might be able to persuade them to provide some prune juice instead. "If we are going to wait for Hiro to wake up, it would be advisable to find something constructive to do while we wait."

"Agreed," Picard said as he straightened his clothes once more. He'd finished his plate of food, along with his tea. Unfortunately, this wasn't the Enterprise and they still had a lot to learn. At least there was a cart to put their used dishes on, as before. "What would you suggest?" He glanced towards Honey and GoGo. With Hiro absent, he deemed them as the higher ranking officers of the group.

Wasabi polished off his waffles and set his plate on the cart. "Maybe it would be a good idea to discuss what we learned in our groups without him," he advised. "Don't get me wrong. I'm all for waiting, but sometimes it's better to just get things over with. Besides, we can always bring him up to date later." They'd started the night before without their leader. They might as well finish.

Deanna sensed the other girls in the party didn't seem quite comfortable with that idea. If she were in their shoes, she probably would feel the same. "Why don't we wait?" she suggested. "In the meantime, we can have some girl time. And perhaps Captain Picard could visit the library." She'd seen the room earlier on her way down for breakfast.

Honey smiled at that. She had no qualms getting to know Deanna a little more. She wasn't sure how GoGo would take that, since she was the less girly of the two. But when she looked over at her friend, she gave a somewhat interested expression. "Sure," she responded for the both of them. "Wasabi can show Picard the library and we can go do something in the city."

The counselor glanced at Picard to make sure he was okay with that before accepting the invitation. "That sounds lovely," she replied. It fell completely within her original orders of getting to know their hosts a bit more.

The two girls finished off their coffee, giving Deanna a chance to finish her food before heading out of the room. This left Picard with Worf and Wasabi.

"If you do not mind," Worf spoke up, "I would like to accompany you. Perhaps there is a book in this library that will interest me." Though he was not as interested in reading as the captain, it was always possible that he might find something of interest.

Wasabi looked a little hesitant about that. Then a sudden realization hit him as he glanced around the room once more. "Hang on a minute. Where's that Q guy? Wasn't he supposed to be with you?"

Picard instantly turned towards Worf. "Is there something you need to tell me, Lieutenant?"

The Klingon frowned as he stood to attention due to the sudden use of his rank. "My apologies, Captain," he said. "When I woke up this morning, I discovered Q was missing. Neither I or Commander Data know where he went."

"Say what!?" Wasabi all but got into Worf's face before he could say anything else. "How could you let that psycho just get out?! If something bad happened, it will be all your fault!"

The captain also looked less than pleased with this admission. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" He gave his crew member a reproving look. "I may not approve of the man, but he is one of our own, if only temporarily, and we are charged with keeping an eye on him."

Worf hung his head slightly. "I apologize for not informing you sooner." He had no real excuses and knew none would be accepted even if he had any to give. He alone was to blame for the mess up and would therefore take full responsibility for it.

Wasabi let out a groan. But then he perked up a bit. "Wait a minute. All's not lost. If anyone can find the guy, Baymax can. But that means I'm going to have to wake up Hiro." He cringed inwardly at the thought.

"Make it so," Picard said in a rather tired voice, forgetting he wasn't in charge of the situation. This was the last thing they needed to have happen. And the sooner they rectified it the better.

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