Once In A Lifetime.

By DamieWorld

30.2K 1K 338

This is a story about Damie who admitted falling in love after denying their feelings for 2 years. But their... More

Damie: Once In A Lifetime - Chapter One.
Damie: Once In A Lifetime - Chapter Two.
Damie - Once In A Lifetime: Chapter Three.
Damie - Once In A Lifetime: Chapter Four
Damie - Once In A Lifetime: Chapter Five.
Damie - Once In A Lifetime: Chapter Six.
Damie - Once In A Lifetime: Chapter Seven.
Damie - Once In A Lifetime: Chapter Nine.
Damie - Once In A Lifetime: Chapter Ten.
Damie - Once In A Lifetime: Chapter Eleven.
Damie - Once In A Lifetime: Chapter Twelve
Damie - Once In A Lifetime: Chapter Thirteen.
Damie - Once In A Lifetime: Chapter Fourteen.

Damie - Once In A Lifetime: Chapter Eight.

1.7K 64 22
By DamieWorld

I look at myself in the floor to ceiling mirror as I admire the beautiful work my stylists have done. It's been very hectic getting ready for the Hamburg premiere as Jamie and I share one hotel room but we managed to make it work. As I turn around, two strong arms wrap around me and I know it's Jamie. "God, I want to sent everyone away and have you all for myself. It'll be like unwrapping a present for my eyes only." I can't help but laugh because I'm absolutely sure I'm not the only one who heard him. "You'll have to manage for a few hours." I wink and sashay away towards the elevator. Jamie is walking behind me and when the elevator doors close, I feel my back hitting the wall as he pushes me up against it. "If you continue to be this... this sexy, I'm not sure we'll even make it out of this damned elevator." I want to respond but I'm interrupted by his lips crashing on mine, kissing me hard and with need. Just as my surprise ebbs away and I want to respond, I hear a 'ping' and the doors open. I'm released immediately and taking my hand, he walks me towards the entrance of the hotel. "Jamie, wait!" My voice is high pitched but I don't care.
"What is it?" He asks, confused.
"We both know there are paparazzi out there. They can't see us holding hands and getting in a car together. Imagine what the tabloids will make of it." I roll my eyes and hate the fact that this is our situation right now.
"Fuck." He curses but straightens himself and says "Ok, I'll see you at the premiere baby. You go first and once the car is gone, I'll be right behind you." I see his frustration but we have no choice for now. He leans in to kiss me again. This time it's a very soft kiss. Looking up at him, I see his lips are red from my lipstick and I chuckle. "Come here." I say and try to move the color from his lips with my fingers. "That's better." I whisper as I'm done and turning around, I head out to face the cameras but not without hearing Jamie shout he loves me. The man is hopeless sometimes.

After being momentarily blinded by the flashlights of the cameras, I make it into the car and it drives off. Looking behind me after a few minutes, I notice Jamie's car is right behind me. My phone vibrates and at first I think I'm being called but then I realize I've received a text message.

"Dare to sway your delectable ass at me like that again and we won't make it back to the hotel tonight! ;)"

I laugh out loud. He changes from side to side every time. He's loving one minute then basically demanding sex the next. I text him back.

"I might have to as I pose for pictures. :)"

I tease and wonder how this'll make him feel.
After a few minutes of waiting and not receiving another text, I put my phone in my clutch and look out of the window. The car has stopped and my first thought would be that we've arrived at the premiere but when I see other traffic stop, I know we're at a stoplight. Suddenly the door of the car flies open and both me and the driver look up, only to see Jamie getting inside and boy, does he look angry. What the fuck?! What is he doing here? My heart beats frantically in my chest as he brings himself closer to me.
"Do it." He whispers in my ear, to softly for my liking.
"By all means, do swing your ass at me tonight and I'll show you how good teasing can be when we get back." He hisses and very deliberately, he kisses me below my ear, exactly at that sweet spot causing me to shudder.
"Jamie..." I want to say something but my voice is gone when his tongue teases my earlobe. He presses a button and suddenly we're alone in the car. What's he planning?
"What? Dakota." Is he angry? Is it because I teased him? I have no idea.
"Why are you mad?" The sadness in my voice is audible and he pulls back. No, don't stop kissing me now. Ugh.
"I'm not mad, baby. I'm highly frustrated by the fact I'm like a walking hard on next to you because you tease me every minute and I can't seem to control it." He leans in and his lips touch mine. "I'm sorry." I gulp. "We both know you're not." He chuckles and I see his smile reappearing.
"I don't do it on purpose if that makes it any better." I look down and can't help but notice the bulge in his pants. Holy shit. My eyes meet with his as he points out to me he can't show up like that. I nod my head and just as he leans towards me again, our doors are opened and I realize we're at the premiere. Jamie looks panicked as he realizes that he'll have to get out soon. "You go first. I'll see you in a minute." He whispers and closes his eyes as he tries to calm down. At first I thought he'd fix it himself again but he's using all his self control. I kiss his cheek and tell him I love him before heading out. I'm guided towards the cameras and am blinded once again when they notice I'm there.

I love taking pictures with fans and signing autographs, but I hate paparazzi photos. I'm relieved when I get a sign to walk further onto the carpet. Finally I spot Jamie and when I look him up and down, I see he failed his self control. He shoots me a look I've gotten to know well in these past few days but decide to ignore it for now. The routine begins when I have to pose and hold interviews with reporters but my smile is genuine when I am standing in front of the fans. Finally something I really enjoy doing. Jamie is a few feet away from me doing the same and soon we're giving some fans access to the theater for the movie. I see a lot of "Damie" signs just like I did in LA and I think it's because the fans think Jamie and I are together and they've combined our names. Oh, how right they are! Suddenly I feel Jamie pulling me towards him and telling me for us to pose together. I can't help but look at him with a loving look that's practically plastered to my face.

His hand goes below my waist sometimes but I don't mind.
"You won't get much sleep, tonight. I need you." He whispers and I break into a set of giggles.

"I'm serious." He hisses and cocks his head to the side.
"I can't wait." I say with confidence and I think it's not the answer he expects because his eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
"Oh, bring it on!" He challenges. I can't believe this is the Jamie who is portrayed as very sweet, caring and loving. We continue to joke around with each other before being guided inside the building. First up is Erika being called down to the stage and then followed by James Foley. After answering questions about the movie the fans are about to see, we are called to the stage.

Jamie being the gentleman that he is, walks me down the stairs. His mood changes from sweet to naughty and back to sweet again in a nanosecond. It's refreshing though. I'm asked what the fans can expect from Darker and being the awkward person I can be, I tell that they will get more excited from it. Right, Dakota. Perfect answer. I nudge Jamie and ask for his help and he basically agrees causing me to laugh. He isn't doing very better than me and when he says "yeah, and I wanna stop talking", I look at him and giggle. This all feels so surreal. I assume Jamie is looking for an exit as he walks away from me. When we're asked about which bar or restaurant they can find us tonight, he hurries back to me and we exchange a look only we understand. Well, this is awkward since we can't be open about us yet. I change the subject by telling them I'm not even realizing where I am right now and it turn into a joke. Erika and I receive a bouquet of flowers as we are about to go and Jamie and I are basically messing with them and having fun.

After saying good bye to the fans, we're brought to the cars again and after Jamie makes sure there are no paparazzi near us, he follows me inside and seats himself next to me.
"You sure did a great job to express yourself talking about the movie." I say, raising my eyebrows.
"Well, it's not exactly easy when they remind you of it and my mind wonders back to certain scenes while I'm already out of control with you, now is it?!" He says deadpan. Now I feel for him. The poor man must be tied up with his feelings right now.
"Hold on for only a few more minutes, Jamie. Then I'm all yours." I smile. He unbuckles my seat belt and lifts me up and onto his lap.
"I know baby, but you don't make it easy for me. But I'm already glad to have you in my arms." He says and his arms wrap around me, pulling me against his chest. I look out of the window and realize we're not going back to the hotel.
"Jamie?" I say panicked.
"Hmm?" His nose is in my hair and he inhales but I ignore it as I call out for him again.
"What is it?" He realizes the tone of my voice.
"Jamie, we're not going back to the hotel. I remember now. They told us we had to go straight back to the airport after doing the interview and the premiere but I momentarily forgot. You have that effect on me." I try to lighten the mood but it doesn't help.
"You have got to be kidding me! Fuck!" He curses as his head falls back. "I am THIS close to asking for a private plane just for you and me."
"We'll get through this, Jamie. It'll only be a flight of what? 3 to 4 hours? We'll be alone before you realize." I know he is far from happy about this and neither am I but this is our life and we have to make the best out of shit situations. He sighs but says nothing and continues to nuzzle my hair.

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