Spotlight ~ larry mpreg au

By bestwriterever8

1.9M 85.6K 81K

[FINISHED 2017] Who would want to be in the spotlight? Certainly, Louis wouldn't. He cherished his private li... More



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By bestwriterever8


By Cindy Morgan

Harry Styles has been touring across Australia for the last couple of weeks, and more than a few times he has been photographed with Grayson Walsh, guitarist of the band Blue Sunset, which has been touring with the British singer.
On the first pictures above, they're seen together at the hotel bar in Sydney, while the following ones, which are more recent, show them in the pool at the hotel in Perth. Despite none of the pictures show them kissing, like it happened in the famous elevator footage in Bogotá, they do look pretty cozy together.
While in Australia, Harry has given a number of interviews, but he hasn't been asked, nor has he mentioned anything about Grayson. But that can't be said about the latter, who in a recent interview he gave with his band mates, was asked what his thoughts about Harry were, and he answered: "I've always been a fan of his, not only because he's great at what he does, but also because he's such an inspiration for the LGBT community".
We are aware that that is not a confirmation of them being in a relationship, but the way Grayson speaks so highly of Harry, makes us think there is a big chance they might be in one.


Harry had never been one to know how to deal with his feelings very well.

And to him, that was the reason why he couldn't get over Louis, even though it had been over a month since he broke up with him.

Every time he sang one of the songs he wrote with Louis, he thought of him, every time he picked up his Kindle, he thought of him, every time he ordered a drink from a bartender, he thought of him.

It was as if he was everywhere.

Even when he closed his eyes at night.

Louis, Louis, Louis.

"Harry!" Gemma said exasperated.

"Huh?" Harry asked distracted.

"Where's your head at? I've been talking to you for the last 10 minutes" Gemma said, clearly annoyed.

"Sorry, I was just thinking" Harry apologized.

"Let me guess, about Louis" Sawyer said knowingly.

"Yeah" Harry sighed, and looked out of the window.

They were all currently in Harry's private plane heading from Australia to Auckland, New Zealand, where Harry was performing the following day. Gemma had joined him on tour in Australia a week ago, and she was also going to go with him to Japan, which was Harry's destination after New Zealand.

"I can't stop thinking about him" Harry added "I love him".

"You don't love him" Gemma denied.

"You can't say that, you don't know how I feel" Harry told his sister.

"But I do know that if you really love someone, you don't cheat on them like you did" Gemma said firmly.

Gemma had actually been quite upset when she learned Harry had cheated on Louis, and not precisely on Louis' behalf (she had never even met him), but because she had been cheated on once, and it had been devastating to her.

"It was a mistake, I thought he cheated on me first, and I lost my mind" Harry explained, although he had already done it before "But I did love him, I still do".

"Then why are you still sleeping with that Grayson guy instead of trying to get Louis back?" Gemma questioned.

"Because Louis doesn't want me anymore, so I'm trying to forget about him" Harry explained.

"By sleeping with the same guy you cheated on him with" Gemma declared.

"It doesn't even matter at this point who I sleep with, Louis is gone, there's nothing I can do to get him back".

"You didn't even try, Harry" Gemma told him.

"Yes, I did, I talked to him, and he said he never wanted to see me again" Harry argued.

"So you just gave up, and then jumped into bed with that lad again?".

"Why are you going on about this?" Harry asked confused "You're the one that always says that cheaters should never be forgiven, so according to your book Louis was right to break up with me".

"Of course he was right to break up with you, but you just swore you love him, and if that's true, you should at least try to get him back, but instead you're making it worse by sleeping with that Grayson lad".

"I'm just trying to deal with this the best I can" Harry excused himself.

"Well, you suck at it, you couldn't possibly be doing a worst job" Gemma scoffed.

"Then what am I supposed to do?" Harry demanded.

"If you love him, you should go back to London, and talk to him face to face" Gemma proposed.

"He asked me not to do that, he said that if I really loved him I should leave him alone, so that's what I did" Harry explained.

"But it's been over a month, Harry, and you keep whining about him every single day" Gemma pointed out.

"Because I love him, he's the best thing that has ever happened to me".

"Then do something!" Gemma yelled.

"I can't!" Harry yelled back.

"Alright, guys, chill" Sawyer intervened

"She's the one who started it" Harry said crossing his arms.

"Because he's being stupid" Gemma accused.

"I'm not your mum, so I don't care who started it, or who's being stupid, I just want you to chill because I'm stuck in this plane with you for at least another 2 hours, so if you could talk like civilize people, and not yell at each other, that would be great" Sawyer explained.

"I don't have anything else to say to him" Gemma replied.

Harry rolled his eyes, and decided not to fight anymore, there was no point in it, so he just grabbed his Kindle from his carry on, and turned it on.

"Since when do you own a Kindle? Better yet, since when do you read?" Gemma asked him.

"Louis gave it to me for Christmas, and it has all the books he likes, so it reminds me of him" Harry mumbled.

"Oh my god" Gemma sighed, and shook her head.

"What?" Harry asked looking up at his sister "I thought you didn't have anything else to say to me".

"Well, I do now, because 5 minutes ago you said you're trying to forget about Louis because he asked you to stay away from him, and now you're saying that Kindle reminds you of him" Gemma reasoned.


"You're clearly not really trying to get over Louis, you're just saying you are, if you meant it, you wouldn't still be carrying that Kindle around"

"So what? Am I supposed to throw this away?" Harry asked the Kindle in his hand "And what am I supposed to do about my album? I wrote half of it with Louis, should I pretend those songs don't exist?".

"Of course not, I'm just saying that you should make up your mind, either you really start trying to get over Louis, or you catch a plane to London and do something to get him back" Gemma told him.

Harry knew Gemma was right, right now he was in a weird limbo state, where he wanted to get Louis back, yet, he was doing nothing for that to happen, because he thought there was nothing he could do. But at the same time he didn't want to forget him, never.

"So what is it going to be?" Gemma wanted to know.

"I don't want to get over Louis, I don't want to stop loving him" Harry confessed.

"Then go to London, you should at least try, Harry" Gemma advised.

"But how do I try? What can I do to get him to forgive me when he made it clear that there's nothing I can do?".

"I don't know, I haven't even met him, but maybe a good idea would be to stop sleeping with that Grayson" Gemma suggested "What were you even thinking when you got him in your bed again?"

"I told you, I just wanted to forget, and he was there, and he said he forgave me for using him to cheat on Lou, and he's a really a nice lad, he really listened to me, and okay, I knew he was flirting, but I was just so heartbroken and I wanted to feel something other than hurt, so I just... I ended up giving in" Harry explained.

"And every night since that first time" Gemma said unamused.

"It hasn't been every night" Harry denied, although it had been more times that he would like.

"But if you're going to try to get back with Louis, you have to stop, Harry, otherwise, don't even try" said Gemma.

"I'm going to talk to him as soon as I see him at the hotel" Harry decided.

"Good" Gemma approved.

"But what do I do with Louis?" Harry wondered.

"I told you, go to London, talk to him face to face" Gemma repeated.

"And what do I tell him?".

"I don't know" Gemma rolled her eyes "Are you expecting me to write you a speech or something?".

"You like to tell me what to do, so yes, please, write me a speech, tell me whatever it is I need to tell Louis to get him to give me another chance" Harry begged.

"Harry, I honestly don't know, I never met him".

"But, when it happened to you, when Charlie cheated-" Harry started.

"We're not talking about that" Gemma interrupted him.

"But just tell me what he could have said to get you to forgive him" Harry insisted.

"I don't know, Harry, there're no magical words you can say to get someone to forgive you, there're probably no words at all that can make that happen, I guess you just have to show him that you're sorry, and that you do love him" Gemma explained.

"Show him? But how? Do I like... buy him roses? Or a watch? Or a car maybe?" Harry asked confused.

"No" Gemma rolled her eyes "Based on what you've said about him, he wasn't with you for your money, so buying him stuff probably won't earn his forgiveness".

"Then how do I show him if not with things?" Harry questioned.

"With actions, Harry" Gemma said exasperated.

"What kind of actions? What do I do?" Harry asked, feeling quite desperate.

"Just like there are no magical words, there isn't a recipe either;  just go to him, and try, that's all I can tell you".

"That's so vague, Gemma" Harry said annoyed.

"Well, that's too bad, because it's all I can give you" Gemma shrugged.

They landed in the airport in Auckland an hour and a half later, and they were taken to the hotel where they were staying, and while Gemma and Sawyer decided to go out 'to do something fun', as they said, Harry decided to stay in, not feeling like being followed and harassed by fans and paparazzi.

And it also gave Gemma and Sawyer some time on their own, because although they hadn't said anything to Harry, he wasn't stupid, and he knew there was something going on between them, and it had been going on for a while. Actually, he was pretty convinced that Sawyer was the only reason why Gemma had even joined him on tour, considering how mad she was at him for being a cheater.

But Harry didn't feel like staying in the hotel room either, so he changed his clothes, and headed to the hotel gym to run on the treadmill, that always helped him clear his head.

The gym was pretty much empty, so he was able to work out without anyone bothering him, and it did help him clear his mind, and think about what he really wanted, which was Louis, there was no doubt about it.

And he decided he was going to do what Gemma advised him to do, as vague as it had been; he was going to go to London as soon as he had a few days off, and he was going to try to get Louis back.

When he finished at the gym, Harry went to the indoor pool, which he chose because it was empty, unlike the outdoor pool, where most of the hotel guests were, considering it was a sunny day.

But his solitude at the pool didn't last too long, because not even 5 minutes after he got in it, Grayson showed up at the pool alone, and who knew how he had known Harry was going to be there.

"Hey" Grayson smiled at him.

"Hi" Harry greeted him back "How was the flight?".

"It was alright, probably not as good as flying in a private plane, though" Grayson said, and sat on the pool edge, his legs inside the pool "Why are you in here, and not outside? It's a nice day to be out in the sun".

"There's too many people out there, and I felt like being alone" Harry explained.

"That's funny, because today I felt like being away from the guys, so maybe we can be alone together" Grayson said smiling.

Harry knew what Grayson meant, and he didn't blame him for thinking that was a possibility, because he was the one who had allowed for things to happen in the first place, but it needed to stop.

"Listen, Grayson, we, uhm... we need to talk about something" Harry told him.

"Okay, just wait a sec" Grayson replied.

Harry was going to tell him they had to talk now, because he wanted to get it out fast, but Grayson got up from the floor, took of the T-shirt he had on, left it on a chair along with his phone, and then jumped in the pool.

When he came out of it, he swam over to Harry, placed his hands on his shoulders, and tried to kiss him, but Harry stopped him, trying not to be forceful.

"Please, stop" Harry said.

"Why? What's going on?" Grayson frowned.

"Today I realized that I want to try to get back together with my ex" Harry said bluntly.

"Oh?" Grayson said, and raised an eyebrow.

"That means I need to stop this, what's happening between us" Harry explained.

"But you said he wants nothing to do with you anymore" Grayson reminded him.

"I know, and he did say that, but I love him, and I want to at least try, but I can't do that if I'm still sleeping with you, so we need to stop" Harry explained.

Grayson didn't say anything to that, he just stared at Harry, a sad expression on his face.

"You knew this was just casual, and that it wasn't going to lead to a relationship, and you agreed to it" Harry reminded him.

Because this time around they had talked about it before they slept together, and Harry had made sure Grayson understood that they were just supposed to have fun, nothing more.

"Yeah, I know" Grayson mumbled "But lately it was a lot more than sex, we were talking so much, I thought we were really connecting".

"I really like talking to you Grayson, you're a great listener, and yeah, we've connected, but in a friendly way" Harry told him, and felt he needed to add something "You're an amazing person, and I'm sure someday you're going to make someone very happy, but that person isn't me, I'm just... I'm in love with someone else".

"Okay" Grayson nodded.

"Yeah? We're okay?" Harry asked unsure.

"Mhmm" Grayson agreed "But when your ex rejects you again, I won't be here anymore, not again".

"I wouldn't expect you to be" Harry replied "But I would love for us to still be friends, I really do like talking to you".

"Do you honestly think that if your ex takes you back, he's going to let you be friends with me? The guy you cheated on him with?" Grayson asked.

"Uhm..." Harry hesitated, knowing he was right.

"Yeah, that's what I thought" Grayson smiled sadly "And you don't have to worry, if you don't want me anymore, I'm not going to beg, I'm not that pathetic".

"I'm sorry things had to end like this, I really do like you" Harry assured him.

"But you love him" Grayson finished for him.

"Yes" Harry nodded "I love him".


A.N. So that's what's been going on with Harry.

What do you think about his conversation with his sister? Do you think he's actually going to try to get Louis back?

And of course, what about Grayson?


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