Famous And Normal

By selly_bizzel

13.6K 591 754

Selena Gomez famous pop star , actress who lives in los Angeles and Justin Bieber her childhood enemy who li... More

Characters and Intro
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

chapter 3

556 28 51
By selly_bizzel

Selenas outfit

I woke up to a loud squeal that rang through my ears which made me jolt up from my bed ..

My eyes were widened and I looked around to find that its not my room ...

Then suddenly it hit me ... I am in Texas !!!!

Then someone screamed selllyyy and jumped on me .

I yepled and I looked down to see Gracie !!! My baby sister .

" omg gracieeeee !!! " I yelled with excitement and hugged her tightly...

" selly ... why didn't you come yesterday and wake me up " Gracie says in her cute accent ..

I ran my fingers through her hair and smiled as she pouted at me .

" awhh baby ... I am sorry .. me and demi were both tired and I tried to search for you .. but mom said that you were asleep so I let you sleep... but now I am sooo happy that I saw you .." I say and hug her tightly..

She giggled her cute giggle..

I looked to my right and saw an empty space...

" wait .. where's demi ??" I say looking at my baby girl confused..

" demwi woke up early and she's helping momma..." Gracie says jumping on the bed now..

Wow demi ..

" ugh ... since when did demi started to wake up early .." I said to myself as I  got up putting on my slippers and stretching my hands ...

I ruffled gracies hair and went to the washroom..

And took a shower and wore my outfit ..

Gracie was still on my bed and she was playing with my I phone seven ..

" Gracie baby lets go down .." I say picking her up and took my phone from her slowly and opened it to see I had 4 missed calls from chaz..

I decided to call him back ..

The phone rang 5 times and he finally picked up...

" hey selly " chaz sounded sleepy... so I assume that he was sleeping..

" chaz ... you were asleep ??" I asked confused .... well he never sleeps..

He chuckled. .

" well sel there is this thing called time difference .." he says and I herd shuffling ..

Ooh yeah ...

" opps chaz , I thought it was morning like here ... well I will let you sleep " I say ..

" no no ... it's fine .. it's like 3 in the morning tho .. well how's everyone " he asks now refreshed ..

" every ones fine... well it's really wired in here ... it's full of greenery  .." I said still not used to this place..

" haha .. well you will be there for 3 months ... so you will get used to it " he says ..

" yeah I guess" I was now walking down the stairs and I saw everyone ..

" well chaz go to sleep ... I need to get some breakfast " I say as I wave at everyone and they wave back ..

" Kay Kay bye ... take care alright ..love you " chaz says ..

" love ya too " I says back as I hung up...

" good morning guys " I say as I slowly make Gracie sit on her baby chair ..

" good morning pumpkin " dad says while reading the newspaper ..

" good morning sweetheart .." mom says kissing my cheeks ..

" good morning selly wells " demi says as she hugs me..

I laugh  and took my plate and sat next to my dad giving him a kiss..

My dad smiles "  so sweetie .. in the newspaper it's the news about you " my dad said looking at me..

" what about ?" I say confused.

" what do you think selena .. it's about your break duhh" dmz says ..

" and there's a pic of you getting on jet " my dad says showing me the pic..

(  ignore justin )

" gosh these people ..." demi says shaking her head and I sigh ..

" they need to follow me everywhere I go " I say groaning...

" selena sweetheart .. these three months will be free for you ... so don't worry " mom says as she rubs my back..

I noded and I started to eat my food..


Me and demi cleaned the kitchen and mom said us to go out and have some fun..

So me , demi and Gracie decided to simply go for a walk...

" cool for the summer " demi started to sing as I joined her ..

I love that  song ..

We were in the middle of some green hill...

It was beautiful and I decided to take a Selfie ..

We took So many selfies and we were walking down the hill  but suddenly Gracie started to wiggle around  my grip ...

" Gracie what's wrong " I says concerned but she suddenly jumped off me and started to run..

" what the fuckk ?!? " demi says as we both started to follow her..

Then she ran to some boy around my age ...

" huhh  ?" Demi says confused.

I was also confused and that boy smiled widely , when he saw Gracie and picked her up and said to her something  ..

" Gracie , how dare you run away from us like that ! " I yelled as I ran over to them...

They both turned to me ..

" Jay ! Jay ! This is my sister selena and her friend demi  " Gracie says to the boy...

And he looked at me shocked

Justin's pov

I was walking around simply and suddenly I heard a familair voice calling me Jay ..

I turned around to see Gracie ..

What the hell ?!?! ..

I smiled widely when I saw her and picked her up hugging her.

" Grace what are you doing here alone ? " I asked her confused and she started to giggle ..

" I am not alone silly ... I am here with my sister .." she said as she giggled cutlery..

Wait sister ...that means selena is here  ?!?!?!

Then I heard a voice again ..

" Gracie ?! How many times did I tell you not to run away from us !" A girl voice said ..

I looked up and saw two girls
Catching there breath from running ..

" Jay ! Jay ! This Is my sister selwna and her bestfriend demi " Gracie says as she throws her arms in the air..

I looked at the two girls who looked confused..

Wait .... omg it is selena .... my childhood enemy  ...now she's famous and what in the world is she doing in here ..

" I am never running down the hill ever again " demi says as her phone started to ring..

" excuse me " demi says as she turns around and walks toward the tree..

I turned to selena...as she was looking at me ...like she was studying me...

" selena ? " I say gently still shocked as I looked at her at how much she changed ... she looks sooo beautiful ..

Wait beautiful ...?!? ... what the hell its my childhood enemy standing in front of me and I just called her beautiful...

Then I changed my expression into a cold look...

" so ...  you have decided to come back after 12 years huh !" I say harshly looking at her..

But she looked confused ... maybe she dosnt remember me...

" you don't remember me don't you " I say looking at her confused face which turned into shock ..

" Justin " she wispers

Oh so she remembers me .

I chuckle coldly ....

" Wowww ... I thought you forgot me since your famous and has everything   ...." I say half sarcastically and half coldly.

She stood silent not knowing what to say ..

" why did you come back ?!? After these many years you decided to come back ... " I say looking at her as her facial expression changed hurt ...

Wait what ... why was she hurt??.

"Look justin ... I came back for a reason .. so please leave me alone ..." she says as she takes Gracie from me and walks away ...

Gracie waves bye at me and I wave back confused ...

What does she mean by she came here for a reason ?


Yayyyy chapter 3 is done ... plz vote and comment and I hope you like it...

I love y'all soo much😍😘❤❤❤❤❤💋💋💋💋


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