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Da bestwriterever8

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[FINISHED 2017] Who would want to be in the spotlight? Certainly, Louis wouldn't. He cherished his private li... Altro



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Da bestwriterever8


By Samantha Rogers

After a very successful start of the Serendipity Tour in Latin America, Harry Styles headed to L.A to celebrate his 24th birthday, before the tour continues in Australia.
Sources say that he threw a huge private party at his Hollywood Hills mansion, that was attended by many other celebrities, amongst them Kendall Jenner, Ed Sheeran and Chris Martin.
It was said that another attendant had been Grayson Walsh, the guitarist of the band Blue Sunset, which has been touring with Harry. The musician was seen kissing Harry in an elevator in Bogotá a few weeks ago, and there has been speculations about them being a relationship, but we've been informed that the entire band headed back to their home town in New Jersey after the first leg of the tour ended.


Louis had had a few days to get used to the idea that he was going to be a father.

But he could still hardly believe it.

He didn't feel pregnant, and he didn't look pregnant either, his stomach was as flat as it had always been.

But that test he took said it was 99% accurate, plus Edna said he was pregnant, and she was right most of the time, and then there were also all those symptoms he had had for the past month, but that he had completely ignored.

But now that he knew the truth, he was kicking himself for not relating any of his symptoms to the fact that he could be pregnant, but there was nothing he could do now, except make sure he took care of his body as best he could, and go to the doctor.

And that was exactly what he was doing that afternoon, because he was at the waiting room at the doctor's office. They had already taken a blood and a urine sample, and had weighed him, measured him, and taken his blood pressure by a nurse in a different room, and now he was waiting to be called into the doctor's office.

"Louis Tomlinson?" someone called.

Louis looked up, and saw it was a middle aged woman who was calling him from one of the doctor's offices, so he quickly got up, and walked over to her.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Natalie Stevens" the woman introduced herself.

"Louis Tomlinson, it's nice to meet you" Louis said, and shook her hand.

"Likewise" Dr. Stevens answered nicely "Is anyone else joining us today?".

Louis knew she was probably referring to the baby's other father, who would normally come to a baby checkup.

"Uhm, no, it's just me for now" Louis answered.

"Alright" the doctor smiled "Please take a seat".

"Thanks" Louis replied, and sat down.

"So, Mr. Tomlinson..." Dr. Steves said, opening a folder.

"Just call me Louis, please" Louis told her.

"Okay, Louis, I got your tests back, and they're positive for pregnancy, but you probably already knew that".

"Yes, I took a home test" Louis replied.

"Well, congratulations" Dr. Stevens told him.

"Thank you" Louis smiled softly.

"Do you know more or less how far along you are?" the doctor questioned.

"I'm not sure, at least a month, though... that's the last time I had sex, but this wasn't really planned, and my bo-, I mean, the baby's dad always used a condom, but I guess one broke? But I don't know when exactly".

"It's alright, we'll be able to tell how far along we are when we do an ultrasound" the doctor explained.

"Okay" Louis nodded.

"Are you having any symptoms?".

"Some dizzy spells, mainly in the morning, uhm... some cravings, and mood swings, and I'm pretty much tired all the time" Louis recounted.

"Do the dizzy spells include vomiting?" asked the doctor.

"Not really, I mean, I've gotten sick a few times, but not much" Louis answered truthfully.

"You're one of the lucky ones then" Dr. Stevens said, while she scribbled in the file "You mentioned you're tired, and that's pretty normal in pregnancy, but your blood work shows that you're a bit low on iron, which is making you anemic, and that usually makes people even more tired".

"Is that bad for the baby?" Louis asked worried.

"It's not ideal, but don't worry much about it, it's pretty common in pregnancy, so I'm going to prescribe you some iron supplements, besides the normal prenatal vitamins, and you should make sure to eat plenty of foods rich in iron, alright?".

"Yes, of course" Louis agreed right away.

"Here's a list of those foods" the doctor said, giving him a pamphlet, and then offering another one "And this is a full list of things you can't eat, like raw meat of any kind, unpasteurized dairy, caffeine for the most part, and alcohol, of course, there's more, but you can read that on your own".

"Uhm, I actually have a question about that" Louis said to the doctor.

"About what specifically?".

"The alcohol... uhm, I work as a bartender at a nightclub 4 nights a week, and I usually take a couple shots a night with customers, which I completely stopped doing when I found out I was pregnant, but that was just 3 days ago, and now I'm scared that maybe I harmed the baby with all that alcohol... and the smoking, I did that too, a lot, but I swear it wasn't on purpose, I wasn't planning to get pregnant, I didn't know, or I would have never done it" Louis explained, feeling desperate for the doctor to understand.

"I'm not going to lie and tell you it's alright, because it isn't, but you're not the first person that gets accidentally pregnant and keeps doing things they shouldn't before they found out, but the good thing is that you stopped, right?".

"Yes, I've bartended for the last 2 nights, and I haven't had a drop of alcohol, and I threw away all my cigarettes, even the lighters" Louis said truthfully "But I'm so scared I already caused my baby damage".

"Relax, okay? Your baby is probably alright, but we'll make sure of that with the ultrasound" the doctor said calmly "We can do that now to we make sure, and then we can continue talking, alright?".

Louis agreed, and the doctor told him to lay down on the exam table next to the ultrasound machine, and lift up his jumper and t-shirt, which he did, while the doctor washed her hands.

"I forgot to ask, have you felt any cramps or discomforts in your belly?" Dr. Stevens wondered while she examined Louis' flat tummy with her hands first.

"No, nothing" Louis replied.

"Alright" the doctor smiled, and grabbed a tube "I'm going to put this gel in your belly, it's going to be cold".

Louis nodded, knowing this, not because he had ever had an ultrasound, but because he had seen enough movies and TV shows to know, and yes, the gel was in fact cold, but not too much.

"We're going to see your baby on this screen" Dr. Stevens announced, while she started moving the ultrasound wand on the lower part of his belly.

Louis was nervous, and bit his lip, as he stared at the screen intently; all he wanted was for his baby to be healthy, he didn't care about anything else.

"That's my baby" Louis said in awe, when he clearly saw something shaped like a fetus on the screen.

"Yes, that's your baby" Dr Stevens confirmed, and pointed at the screen with her free hand "That's the head, and the arms, and the legs... and that's the heart, see how it beats really fast?".

"Yeah" Louis nodded with a smile, and watery eyes "Can we hear it? The heartbeat?".

The doctor nodded, and a few seconds later the baby's heartbeat filled the room.

"Wow" Louis whispered, while he wiped the tears from his eyes.

"It's a pretty strong heartbeat, nothing to worry about in that department" Dr. Stevens explained, while she focused on the screen.

"Is there something else to worry about?" Louis asked, remembering his concerns.

"I haven't finished checking everything, but so far everything seems normal".

"The baby looks a lot clearer than I thought, I imagined it was going to be just a blob" Louis commented, still staring at the screen.

"That's because you're almost 10 weeks along" the doctor announced.

"I am?" Louis asked surprised.

"Yes, based on the development of the fetus, I would place you at 9 weeks and 5 days" Dr. Stevens determined.

Louis did the math in his head, and realized he probably got pregnant one of the first times that he and Harry had sex, not that that mattered now.

While the doctor continued checking on the baby, Louis kept asking questions and raising concerns, and she answered and explained everything very nicely, which made Louis decide he really liked her as a doctor.

When she was finally done, she declared that everything looked normal with the baby, and the pregnancy in general, which was a huge relief. And after a few more questions from Louis, the appointment was over, and Louis left with a few pictures of the baby, a few pamphlets, his prescriptions, and a scheduled appointment for his 14th week.

Louis went home after the appointment, only stopping to get the things he had been prescribed at a drugstore, and as he reached his building, he saw Niall coming from the opposite side of the street, and he waved at his friend, and waited for him so they could go upstairs together.

"Hey" Louis smiled at his friend, when he reached him.

"Hey, Lou" Niall greeted him as they both went inside the building "You're home early".

"Yeah, I had a doctor's appointment at 3, but Virginia said I could have the entire afternoon off" Louis answered.

"Why did you go to the doctor?" Niall asked as they started walking up the stairs.

"Uhm..." Louis hesitated.

Since he found out he was pregnant, Louis hadn't told a soul about it, wanting to check that the baby was okay first. And now that he knew the baby was doing well, he wanted to tell at least one person, to just talk about it, he felt he needed it.

"Do you want to come over to my flat?" Louis asked.

"What's going on? Are you sick?" Niall asked, his voice worried.

"No, I'm not sick" Louis chuckled "Let's just go to my flat, okay?".

"Okay" Niall agreed, but he was looking at Louis suspiciously.

They reached the third floor, and they both went straight into Louis' flat, being received by a meowing Edgar, so Louis took off the backpack he had been carrying, and his jacket, and picked up the cat to pet him.

"So?" Niall asked, probably wanting an answer.

Louis went to sit on the couch, and put Edgar on his lap, but he didn't speak, he didn't know how to say it.

"Louis, you're scaring me" Niall said, sitting down next to Louis.

"I'm pregnant" Louis declared, deciding it was best to just rip off the band aid fast.

Niall's jaw literally dropped when Louis said that, and his eyes immediately went to Louis' belly, but he didn't say anything.

"Say something" Louis encouraged him.

"Are you sure?" Niall asked shocked.

"That's why I went to the doctor, and she confirmed it" Louis explained.

"Should I say congratulations or...?" Niall hesitated.

"Or what?" Louis asked confused.

"Are you keeping it?" Niall wondered unsure.

"Yeah, I am, definitely" Louis nodded.

Another option hadn't even crossed his mind for one second.

"And it's Harry's, right?" Niall guessed.

"Yes" Louis nodded.

"Are you okay with that?" questioned Niall.

"I wasn't expecting it, and I know it's not ideal to have a baby with my cheating ex, but it is what it is, you know? It happened and now I have to deal with it" Louis shrugged.

"Are you going to tell Harry?".

"Of course, I might not want to see him again, but he's the father, and he has a right to know" Louis replied "Now if he's going to want to be a part of the baby's life, that's a whole new story, but I won't stop him if he wants to, my baby deserves to have 2 parents".

"I think he'll definitely want to be part of the baby's life" Niall commented.

"How do you know that?" Louis asked skeptically.

"Because he has said in many interviews that he wants to be a dad one day" Niall explained.

"But maybe not now" Louis said unsure.

"He loves kids, Lou, everyone knows that, so of course he's going to want to be part of his own kid's life, I have no doubt about it" Niall stated.

"I really hope you're right" Louis said, and bit his lip "A child deserves to have 2 parents".

"So when are you telling him?" Niall wanted to know.

"I don't know, I want to do it person, but I don't feel ready to see him just yet, but I know he's in England right now, so I should probably do it before he leaves again until God knows when".

"Harry's not in England" Niall stated.

"Yes, he is, he was supposed to come back for his birthday, and that was yesterday" Louis said knowingly.

"I know for a fact that he's in LA right now, Lou" Niall insisted.

"How do you know? Are you still stalking him? I thought you hated him after what he did to me, and were no longer a fan" Louis reminded him.

"I do hate him, I know this because Liam flew to America a few days ago, to go celebrate Harry's birthday with him" Niall explained "Apparently, after you told him you never wanted to see him again, he decided not to come back to England".

"Oh" Louis said surprised "I'll just have to wait then... maybe it's for the best, it gives me time to prepare myself to face him".

"But he might not come back in a while, so maybe you should just FaceTime him, it's pretty much like seeing someone in person" Niall shrugged.

"It's not the same, Niall, and these kind of news can't be delivered through a screen" Louis decided.

"I bet if you call him, and tell him you need to talk to him in person, he'll catch the first flight to London, Liam says all he wants is to see you"  Niall told him.

"I don't want to do that" Louis shook his head "But, uhm... could you ask Liam if he knows when Harry is coming back?"

"Yeah, sure".

"But please don't mention me, or that I'm pregnant, I can't risk him telling Harry before I do" Louis explained.

"Of course I won't tell him, I'll be subtle, I promise" Niall told him.


"I still can't believe you're pregnant" Niall commented.

"I know, I could hardly believe it myself, but then today I had an ultrasound, and I actually saw the baby, and it made it so much real" Louis explained, and then smiled "It was actually amazing".

"You're happy" Niall said, and it wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"I am, and it's really weird, because I've never been one to be sure he wants a baby, and this is happening under the worst circumstances possible, but yet, I feel like I'm ready, and I can do it, and I also love my baby so much, so I can't help but to feel happy" Louis smiled again.

"Did I congratulate you?" Niall asked.

"No" Louis shook his head.

"Congratulations, Lou, you're going to be a great dad" Niall smiled and gave him a one arm hug, and then petted Edgar's head with his free hand "Just like you are with your fur baby".

"Thanks, mate" Louis smiled, and lifted Edgar to eye level "This one's going to have to get used to sharing me".

"He's a good cat, I'm sure he'll love his human brother or sister" Niall commented.

"I hope so" Louis said smiling and looking at the cat.

"So how far along are you?" Niall question.

"The doctor said 9 weeks and 5 days" Louis replied "I have pictures, do you want to see them?".

"I'd love to" Niall smiled.

Louis was excited to share the pictures with his friend, so he gave the cat to Niall, and went to get his backpack, where he had put everything he had gotten at the doctor's, including the pictures of the baby.

"Here" Louis said offering one of the pictures to Niall.

"Wow, you can actually distinguish the form of the baby already" Niall said looking at the black and white image "Do you feel it's a boy or a girl?

"I don't know..." Louis trailed off, he hadn't even thought about it "Maybe a boy".

"I think it's a girl" Niall stated.

"I don't really care as long as he or she is healthy, that's all I want" Louis told his friend, which was true, especially after spending the last 3 days thinking his drinking and smoking might have harmed the baby.

"Spoken like a true parent" Niall smiled.

"Yeah" Louis chuckled.

"And speaking about parents, what are you going to do with yours?" Niall questioned.

"I'll tell them" Louis said, although his stomach tighten with nerves just thinking about it "I don't know how, or when, but I have to tell them this time, I can't escape this, I can't hide my baby".

"What do they think about men having babies?" Niall wanted to know.

"The same thing they think about gays and gay marriage, that it's wrong" Louis explained, the happiness he had felt about his baby before completely fading, and looked down "They'll never want to see me again".

"Maybe not, maybe they'll surprise you" Niall suggested.

"I really doubt it" Louis sighed, and placed his hand on his flat stomach "But it's alright, I've always known this day would come, and I've prepared myself for the rejection, I just don't want my baby to feel that way".

"Maybe once the baby is born, they'll change their minds, I mean, it's going to be their first grandchild".

"Yeah" Louis whispered.

"But no matter what happens, you'll always have me, okay? And whatever you need, you just have to ask" Niall assured him.

"Thanks, Niall, you're a good friend" Louis smiled a little.

"Even if I eat all your food?" Niall grinned.

"Yeah, even if you eat all my food".


A.N. The baby is okay, I know a lot of you were worried about that last chapter, so I hope this gives you some peace of mind.

What do you think about Louis' attitude towards the pregnancy?

And when do you think he's going to tell Harry, and how is he going to react?

Thank you so much for reading 💖💖💖


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