All's Fair in Love and Law

By ColouredCookie

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*NO STRINGS ATTACHED SEQUEL* What do you say when someone tells you they love you? Cherri Alonso is a simple... More

All's Fair in Love and Law
';Part One - The First Time
';Part Two - Falling
';Part Three- You, Me at Six
';Part Five- Be My Valentine?
';Part Six- Blast From The Past
';Part Seven- Do You?
';Part Eight - Questions
';Part Nine - Mine
';Part Ten - Beach!
';Part Eleven- Shock
';PartTwelve - The Big Reveal
';Part Thirteen - Unexpected
';Part Fourteen - Riccardo Returns
';Part Fifteen - Happy Birthday Cherri
';Part Sixteen - Arron
';Part Seventeen - Hangover
';Part Eighteen - It Must Be Love
';Part Nineteen - Prom Part 1
':Part Twenty - Prom Part 2
'; Part Twenty One - Revelations
';Part Twenty Two - Don't Go
';Part Twenty Three - Trying To Forget
';Part Twenty Four - Drake
';Part Twenty Five - Guns Don't Kill, Overprotective Fathers Do
':Part Twenty Six - Past. Present. Future
';Part Twenty Seven - Mine.
';Part Twenty Eight - Wide Awake
';The Epilogue

';Part Four- Care to Dance?

1K 20 0
By ColouredCookie

Next Part is up!

>>>> Picture of Casey (Cherri's best friend) on the side! :)


B. X


Cherri's P.O.V.

“Hold still you idiot!” Casey screamed, “He’ll be here in a minute!”

Casey had barged her way into my bedroom, insisting on giving me a makeover before Jake came over tonight.

Right now she was applying layer after layer of mascara and screaming at me to keep still.

“Alright! Alright! You’re going to make me look like a frickin’ prostitute!”

She pulled the brush away and smiled.

“Hun, you look gorgeous!”

I looked at myself in the mirror and tilted my head to the side. Then to the other side. Then straight again.

The black playsuit was covered in tiny little patterned flowers and pushed my chest significantly upwards. My hair was out, but pinned back with a huge black clip that matched the playsuit.

Casey had painted my nails a pearly pink and I had a tiny amount of blusher, a streak of lipgloss and about 5 layers of mascara and eyeliner, which actually made my eyes look bigger.

I usually went natural, especially for school, Dad hardly ever said anything about my makeup, but you could see it bothered him, especially if we were out and met a couple of guys from the football team who seemed to have an unnatural, stalkerish way about them.

I decided that I liked the look. In fact I liked it quite a lot!

I pouted my lips. Too slutty.

Slouched back. Too casual.

Finally I decided on one hand on my hip.

“Hi Jake, come in.” I practised in the mirror.

Casey was laughing.

“Someone has a crush! Someone has a crush!”

I threw a pillow at her head, which she dodged swiftly, “I do not!”

“Sure...” she grinned, “I better get out of here, leave you alone with lover boy!”

I frowned, “What about you and Arron? You know he really likes you Case, he keeps giving you that look....”

“I don’t know...” she replied, “He’s kind of a jerk, I’ll admit a totally hot jerk, but a jerk all the same. Have you seen the new kid Nathan? Oh, wow, he’s got everything hasn’t he? Hot, smart, funny. The whole PACKAGE.” She said suggestively.

She made a munching sound and licked her lips.

I shook my head, “Trust me, if you think Arron is a jerk, don’t even talk to Nathan...”

“Really?” she pouted, “Is he that bad?”

“Not really, and yeah he’s kinda hot, but you know I don’t swing for players and Dad would go ballistic.”

“Oh yeah, that tiny little problem of the overprotective father. Don’t worry, we can let that slide. I’ll think of something...”

“Look Case, I’ll talk to you later okay, Jake will be here in a minute.”

“Sure thing!” she smiled, opening my bedroom door, “See you later honey pie.”

She ran downstairs and out of the house via our back entrance.

No sooner than she had left, the doorbell rang.

It was him. It was Jake.

Breathe Cherri. Just breathe. Deep breaths.

I ran downstairs and opened the door.

He was leaning against the door frame. All 5 foot 10 of him.

God, was it hot in here?

His dress shirt was clinging to his body and those trousers were hanging off his sexy legs fitting in all the... right places.

Cherri! He’s your best friend for Christ’s sake!

“Hi.” He smiled, “I thought we could perhaps catch a bite to eat? I don’t know about you but I’m really hungry.”

I bit my lip, “Um... sure, I mean I guess that would be okay, my dad won’t mind I mean...”

Pull yourself together Cherri! It’s Jake. Jacob Elijah Wood-Banks. Auntie September and Uncle Alex’s son. He’s your best friend, always has been, always will be.

He took my hand and led me out of the house, shutting the door behind him.

“I’ve got my licence.” He said, opening the door of his dad’s BMW.

I quickly sat down, before I did something, something my dad would probably kill me for. Right now, I just wanted to run my fingers over his chest....

Snap out of it Cherri!

He started the engine and we drove off down the road.

He smiled at me and put his hand on my leg.

Sh*t. Be good Cherri. Be good.

Devil Cherri was telling me to jump him, Angel Cherri was telling me to smile like nothing was happening. So I did, smile I mean.

“So...” he said, “About this English project....”

I gulped, “Yeah, well I know for a fact that Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. We could do a brief summary of each play and like do a poster or something. Then we could do, like, a modern day version of one of them and get the class to participate or something like that.”

Keep cool. I was stuttering....

“That’s a great idea,” he smiled, “You’re too good at this type of thing. Ideas and arguments and all that. You’ll make an excellent attorney one day Cherri, I just know it.”

He was so sweet! Ever since I was a little girl, it was my dream to be a lawyer just like Mom and Dad. It was Mom and Dad’s dream too. I had been studying law books since I was 9 years old, like Dad had done. That way I’d only have to do three years at an Ivy League and pass the bar exam if I got in. I made sure that I had tons of extra-curricular on my CV so that I’d be more likely to get in if I got good grades. It was my life. Jake knew that.

We drew up at Taco Bell.

He wound down the window of the car as we approached the drive-thru terminal.

 “Two hard shell beef tacos please, extra cheese on both.” He said into the receiver, “Oh and a strawberry milkshake.”

He reached out of the window and grabbed the tacos.

“How did you know what I wanted?”

He gave me a meaningful look, “I’ve known you since forever Cherri Alexandria Gabriella Alonso. I think I should know your order at Taco Bell...”

I rolled my eyes.

“Back to your place then?” he asked handing me the taco and the milkshake and taking a bite of his.

I took a bite and licked my lips, “Sure. My place.”

We drove for about 10 minutes, without saying a word, finally though, we were back at my house.

We walked into the living room and sat in silence for a few minutes.



He walked towards my dad’s printer and grabbed a few sheets of paper.

“Right then. Shakespeare...” he mumbled.

I got up and turned on the stereo. It was my mom’s classical music for when she got stressed out.

“Classical music?” he raises one eyebrow, “I’d have never had you down as a Pavarotti kind of girl!”

I laughed nervously, was it hot in here? “It’s not mine you idiot! It’s Mom’s.”

He smiled, “Then why listen to it now?”

I swayed along to the lullaby melody, “It relaxes the soul.... don’t you need some relaxing Jake?”

He shook his head, “I’m relaxed enough thank you very much!”

I pirouetted around the room, showing off my ballerina-like form and his eyes were trailing from my head all the way to my toes as he was leaning back in the sofa.

I grinned at him and patted my knee, “Come on then, dance with me.”

His eyes suddenly widened, “Dance? With you?”

I rolled my eyes, “That’s what I said wasn’t it?”

He slowly stood up, his hands slightly shaking and the track ended.

The familiar tune of Sugar Plum Fairy now danced its way out of the stereo.

“Aw!” I smiled, “I love this!”

We began to waltz around the room in unison, together, like one whole person. His hand was on my waist now as our pace quickened. We were twirling and twirling and I didn’t want to stop. We could just do this forever....

He spotted it before I did, but by then, it was too late anyway. The table leg, hooked on mine, sent us spiralling across the room and we landed with a short, sharp THUD on the floor.

We were both breathing erratically now, panting almost. I was pinned mercilessly under his strong arms.

His warm breath tickled my neck, causing me to breathe even heavier and his silver eyes staring straight at me, staring into my soul....

Then my hands were in his hair, moulding his body toward me, pulling him. He kissed my mouth slowly then began to open his, slightly. His kiss became more intense, more adrenaline filled. He was shaking, shuddering, gripping my bare shoulders, caressing my skin, holding me in his arms.

His breath was hot, and I could hear his heartbeat, his pulse sharp and jagged.

We both pulled away from each other and I rolled up off the floor


“Cherri..” he moaned

“Not now Jake, in fact not ever....”

His expression suddenly changed, he was angry.... “You know what Ri?” he snapped, “I can’t deal with this... with you....”

I furrowed my brow, “What the hell do you mean ‘with me’?”

“This! He waved his hand, “All of this Ri! You’ve changed!”

“I haven’t!” I screamed

“You have!”

He sighed, “LookRi,”

He brushed his hand across my cheek, “You look.... tonight... you look... so gorgeous, even sexy. I’ve never seen this side of you before... it’s... wow.”

I sighed and rolled my eyes, “I guess....”

“No.” He said, “Seriously, Ri. You’re so amazing... and you know what? I think I just might be falling in love with you....”

He kissed the corner of my mouth and pure ecstasy seemed to ooze its way out of me but I turned away.

“Jake, we can’t do this. We don’t know what love is. We can just about spell it at our age!”

He scoffed, “I’m tired... so damn tired of this. Perhaps it would be better if we.... kept our distance.”

“NO!” the sound escaped me and I gripped his arm, “Jake, no!”

“Then tell me!” he shouted, turning to face me again, “Tell me that you love me, Ri...”


He gripped my head, looking into my eyes, “Tell me!”

My eyes were brimming with tears.

I wanted to tell him, I wanted to tell him so badly. But I couldn’t. Dear God, I couldn’t do it. Jake, I love you. I love you so much....

I shook my head and he dropped his hands to his sides and turned away masking his face, “Okay... it’s getting late. I’ll be going...”

“Please Jake! Please don’t go...”

“Bye Cher...” he smiled weakly and quickly walked out, slamming the door behind him, leaving me alone, empty and what’s more. So afraid....


Jake's P.O.V.

God damn she was looking hot tonight!

The playsuit cut just before her thigh, showing off her long and sexy legs. Her hair was out, just the way I liked it, pinned back, but a few strands framed her face.

“Hi.” I smiled, “I thought we could perhaps catch a bite to eat? I don’t know about you but I’m really hungry.”

My appetite is ravenous. But not for food.

Damn, I really needed to get this obsession out of the way before I went crazy...

She shyly looked towards me, biting her lip, “Um... sure, I mean I guess that would be okay, my dad won’t mind I mean...”

I took her hand and lead her out of the house, almost slamming the door behind me in anticipation.

Perhaps if I got her in the car.... you idiot Jake!

“I’ve got my licence.” I opened the door of Dad’s BMW and slid in.

Her eyes darted around the car nervously; she didn’t look in my direction for a minute.

I revved the engine and sped off down the street.

My hand wavered, finding itself placed on her bare skin.

Oh my God.

She gulped.

“So...” I murmured “About this English project....”

She took a deep breath, “Yeah, well I know for a fact that Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. We could do a brief summary of each play and like do a poster or something. Then we could do, like, a modern day version of one of them and get the class to participate or something like that.”

Was that a hint of nervousness? I just marvelled at how smart she was. Smart, beautiful, funny, perfect.

“That’s a great idea,” I grinned, “You’re too good at this type of thing. Ideas and arguments and all that. You’ll make an excellent attorney one day Cherri, I just know it.”

We drew up at Taco Bell.

I wound down the window as I drove up to the terminal

 “Two hard shell beef tacos please, extra cheese on both.... oh and a strawberry milkshake.”

I reached out of the window and grabbed the tacos.

“How did you know what I wanted?”

Seriously? She was asking me that?

“I’ve known you since forever Cherri Alexandria Gabriella Alonso. I think I should know your order at Taco Bell...”

She rolled her eyes

“Back to your place then?” I asked in between bites of the taco.

She daintily bit her taco and licked those sexy lips of hers, “Sure. My place.”

For the whole journey, we didn’t say a word to each other. You could slice the sexual tension with a knife and finally we were back at her place.

We walked into the living room and sat in silence for a few minutes.



I grabbed a few sheets of paper from her dad’s printer, pretending to look interested but the thoughts that were bombarding my brain had nothing to do with Shakespeare....

“Right then. Shakespeare...” I said

She suddenly arose from the sofa and flicked on the stereo.

“Classical music?” I raised my eyebrows, “I’d have never had you down as a Pavarotti kind of girl!”

She laughed, “It’s not mine you idiot! It’s Mom’s.”

 “Then why listen to it now?”

She was dancing along to the tune, swaying her body in time, “It relaxes the soul.... don’t you need some relaxing Jake?”

Could you relax me Cherri?

I shook my head, “I’m relaxed enough thank you very much!”

She danced around the room like a ballerina and I looked at her, taking in her beauty, her curves, her perfection....

She grinned at me and patted her knee, “Come on then, dance with me.”

I choked, “Dance? With you?”

She rolled her eyes, “That’s what I said wasn’t it?”

My hands were shaking as I stood up, placing my hand on her waist.

The Sugar Plum Fairy was playing out of the stereo.

“Aw!” she beamed, “I love this!”

We were dancing and dancing, twirling around the room together. She was laughing, showing her perfect teeth and little pink tongue. I swear, I could do this forever....

I gasped, spotting the table leg, but it was too late. We spiralled around the room, landing with a THUMP on the floor.

We were both panting from the recent shock, her body pinned underneath my arms.

She stared up at me for a moment, her pouty mouth slightly open.

Then her hands were in my hair, pulling her towards me. I kissed her slow and sweet but then I couldn’t stop myself. It became more intense, more insistent. I was shaking, holding onto her bare shoulders for support. Holding her beautiful body in my arms.

My heart was racing. God, this felt good.

We both pulled away from each other and she rolled up off the floor


“Cherri..” I groaned

Damn it, she had me so hot.

“Not now Jake, in fact not ever....”

Why was she doing this?

 “You know what Ri?” I growled, “I can’t deal with this... with you....”

She frowned, “What the hell do you mean ‘with me’?”

“This!” I waved my hand, “All of this Ri! You’ve changed!”

“I haven’t!” she screeched

“You have!”

I sighed, “LookRi,”

I brushed my hand across her cheek, “You look.... tonight... you look... so gorgeous, even sexy. I’ve never seen this side of you before... it’s... wow.”

She sighed, giving me that pouty sad face which made me die a little inside. I hated seeing her unhappy.

 “I guess....”

“No.” I said, grabbing her shoulders, “Seriously, Ri. You’re so amazing... and you know what? I think I just might be falling in love with you....”

I kissed her lips and she shuddered in my grasp and pulled away.

“Jake, we can’t do this. We don’t know what love is. We can just about spell it at our age!”

 “I’m tired... so damn tired of this. Perhaps it would be better if we.... kept our distance.”

“NO!” she held my arm tightly, “Jake, no!”

“Then tell me!” I screamed, “Tell me that you love me, Ri...”


I gripped her head, looking at her, looking inside of her, into her heart, into her soul, “Tell me!”

Her eyes were full of tears

Just three words Cherri. Three words. Just nod your head... nod your head!

She shook her head and I dropped my hands, turning away

 “Okay... it’s getting late. I’ll be going...”

“Please Jake! Please don’t go...”

“Bye Cher...” I weakly smiled and ran out of the house slamming the door

I loved her.

She didn’t love me...


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