Writing Our Story (Complete)

By Monsi_Salcedo

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Demi Lovato & Harry Styles Demi Lovato moves into a new town after the death of her mother. Her dad wanting... More

Writing Our Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Thank You
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Fun Facts on Writing Our Story

Chapter 20

95 8 2
By Monsi_Salcedo

Demi drop her keys on her desk and place her backpack on her bed. Heading to the bathroom as she close the door. Five minutes later she was drying her hands off. Walking to her room as she drop her bag next to her bed before laying down. Flipping over for her back was resting, looking at the roof as she felt bored. She was expecting to have time with Harry today. She wants to be wrapped around his strong muscle arms and want to breath in his aftershave. Looking into his special eyes as it create butterflies into her stomach. Just thinking about him create a smile on her face that was hard to get rid off. Hearing her phone buzz inside her pocket as she quickly pulled it out. Unlocking her phone as she saw she had a text for a specific somebody.

💬This meeting is boring. I want you in my arms.💬

Reading the text created a light blush on her cheeks. Replying to his text as they quickly fell on to the topic of the song he wrote for her. Demi had it hidden between her books knowing that nobody would look threw them. It was her mother that got her into books, will her father would only watch sports on T.V.

💬When you were writing the song, what were you thinking about? Since whenever I read it. It almost sounds like you don't believe in love.💬

Pressing send as she was wondering what he could be doing right now. Mostly likely relaxing on those uncomfortable wooden chairs they have in the library. Having his bag on the table as he tried to hide his phone from the presenter. Every now and then would listen but could his main focus be on her ? It send a shiver down Demi's spine and made a big smile appear on her face. Hearing her phone go off as she quickly grab it and read the text.

💬I was thinking about you. Ever since I saw your eyes in the library on that day, I felt different. A good different but can't explain it. Then we start to get to know each other and you know how I felt about her. I felt that I didn't belong anywhere. Then I got a taste of your lips and I felt reborn. Like I had a purpose in life. If people say i'm in idiot for falling for you, then i'm the biggest idiot in the whole universe. Because I fell hard for you, and I hope you know i'm never letting you go. Not even in a couple years when you head off to college.💬

Demi had the biggest smile on her face as she couldn't feel happier. Getting a text from Nick as he said to get on the webcams. Telling Harry goodbye as walks to her desk. Placing her phone screen up before typing in her password. Getting the webcam ready as she push her hair behind her. Soon receiving the invite as she press accept. Demi got a smile on her face as she saw her best friend with a set full of curls on his head.

"Hi Nick, how's life ?"

He simple smile as they quickly fell on random topics. It was never difficult for them to find something to talk about. Demi soon had him laughing so hard that his stomach hurt. When he look back at the camera, his face was completely red. Demi had a simple smile on her face but when Nick look into her eyes he saw something different. Hearing something moving as she looks down. It was her phone telling her she had gotten a text message. Unlocking her phone as she saw Harry had texted her.

💬I'll get kik for us to communicate with. Just tell me where I can get it, love. :)💬

Demi smile as she quickly told him to go to the app store and download. Hearing Nick clear his voice as she look at the screen as he only had his eyebrow raise.

"So does the little Demi got a boyfriend, because you have never had a smile that big before. "

Demi laugh as she thought about her relationship with Harry. The only thing that ran threw her mind were things that weren't clear.

"Don't know. Maybe but I don't think so. Well.....in all honest I have no idea what we are. It's still unclear. I'll talk to him later though."

Giving a wink to Nick as he just chuckled. Quickly telling Harry what to do as she place her phone down. They talk for another hour before letting each other go. Demi grab her backpack and did a few worksheets, but she kept on getting distracted. Harry would keep appearing in her mind. She could see his beautiful smile, his soft curls being push backwards. Her favorite thing about him that took her breath away was his eyes. Those emerald eyes that were so clear she could see her reflection. Resting her chin on her hand as she let out a breath.

"Oh Harry, why can't I get you out of my head?"

Hearing her phone go off as she saw a kik notification. Unlocking her phone as she press the app. Seeing she had a new contact knowing it was Harry. Clicking on it as she saw the his kik name Harry_Styles. Smiling down at it as she relax on her chair. Checking her own kik name as it was only ddlovato. Quickly changing her picture were she didn't have a silly face. Sending him a text messages as they quickly fell on the topic of writing.

💬It's just easier to write down how u feel or whats going on in her head then to actually say it. Don't u think? Or well maybe just for me since I am very quite.💬

💬Yeah I get u Dems. It's better to write down your thoughts on paper then trying to explain it to a person who doesn't even know what's going on. Which reminds me. I want to apologize for that outburst. U must have thought I was crazy.💬

💬You're fine Harry. U needed to let it out. Having it bottled inside u isn't good for your health. Why don't u write it down?💬

💬I should. Shouldn't I? Maybe.... i'll think about it. 💬

Demi turn her head to her door as she heard the door bell ring. Getting off her bed as she lock her phone. Walking down the hall as she headed to the front door. Checking the side window to see who was there. Only seeing the back of Perrie as she was facing the opposite direction. Opening the door as Perrie turn around with a smile.

"Hey Perrie what's up ? I thought you were busy today."

"Yeah. Remember how I told you my mom wanted to go pick out apples at a farm outside of town. "

Demi nodded her head as she recalled how Perrie told her during lunch. She told them that they have been doing this ever since her parents started dating.

"They told me I could invite a friend. Of course I thought about you. Do you wanna go ?"

Demi smile as she agree to go with her. Telling her she would be there in 5 minutes. Quickly heading to her room to put on her shoes and to grab her bag. Throwing her keys inside there as she grab her phone. Walking down the hall as she quickly send a goodbye text to Harry. Opening the door as she step out. Placing her keys inside as she double check that the door was lock. Demi and Perrie walk side by side before jumping into Perrie's mom's car.
30 minutes into the drive all Demi could see was land. Beautiful green grass covering the floor as the leaves were barely changing colors. Demi always found it interesting how the leaves change colors from that bright green to that burnt orange. Taking her eyes to the sky as it couldn't be any more brighter. There wasn't a cloud to be seen in miles as it gave the sky a clear look. Demi smile at it as she felt happy. For the first time in a while she had truly felt happy. Feeling the car slow down as she turn her head. Seeing Perrie's mom turn into a small farm. Looking at Perrie as she only had a big smile on her face. Before her mom could turn off the engine Perrie had already ran out of the car, dragging Demi with her. Saying a quick hi to the owner as she grab a basket as she ran into the filled. Demi manage to get a hold of Perrie's arm as she tug on her to quit running. Perrie stop as she turn around to face her. Giving her a confuse look as Demi only raise her eyebrow at her.

"What? "

Perrie ask as Demi only shook her head. Looking forward as the sun hit the right spot to make a beautiful scene in front of them.

They walk side by side as they both slowly filled the basket with apples. Demi felt relax with the wind slowly blowing into her skin along with hearing the bird's song in the background. She felt as if she could be in a movie. She and Perrie made small talk as they walk around. Finding a spot under a tree to sit at as it would give them shade from the sun. They both rested their heads against the tree as they put the basket in the middle. It was quite for several minutes before Perrie spoke up.

"Demi can I tell you something. "

Demi let out a humming sound letting Perrie know that she's listening.

"You know that you can tell me anything. I know we haven't know each other that long but you can completely trust me with anything. I know how to keeps secrets. "

Demi turn to her only friend that a girl with a raise eyebrow.

"I know this Perrie. Trust me if there something I absolutely need to tell somebody, you're going to be the first person i'm going to tell. May I ask why did you felt you needed to tell me this?"

Perrie drop her eyes from Demi as she look up to one of the trees. Lifting her hands to her chest as she tried to figure out her words.

"It feels to me that you're hiding something. I could be completely wrong. I'm not saying that I don't trust you or you don't trust me. I just get this weird feels in my guts every time you stay after school. Or who knows it could be something else but...."

She tug some hair behind her ear as she looks into Demi's eyes.

"Just know you can tell me anything. Anything you want to get off your chest. You can come to me."

Perrie said as she only gave Demi a smile. Returning the smile as Demi told her that there nothing to worry about. They smile at each other as Perrie's phone went off. She check who it was as she answer. They got up as they walk to the entrance side by side. Paying for the apples as the owner put them in paper bags. They jump in to Perrie's mom's car as they drove back home.
When they reach their street Perrie had convince her mom on making apple pie that night. Getting out of the car with baskets filled with apples as they enter the house. They wash the apples as Perrie's mom told them to split the apples in half as she took out the ones for the pie.
Hours later Demi was walking home with an apple pie in her hand. She had a smile on her face looking up from the pie as she saw her dad's car in the driveway. Getting a bigger smile as she ran the best she could to the house. Bursting threw the front door as she walk into the kitchen. Placing the pie on the table as she ran to her dad's room. Opening the door with a big smile that quickly disappear as the room was empty. Closing the door as she walk to his office that was down the hall. Hearing his voice as she assume he was talking to somebody on the phone. Turning the door knob as she step into the room. He was facing the window as he had his cell phone press to his ear.

" I just don't know how. She just lost her mother a few months ago. She's still trying to figure things out. No i'm not a shame of us but she's an emotional girl. Just give me a few days to tell her and for to introduce you two to each other. We could have dinner that night when I tell her."

Demi's head went straight as she took a step backwards. Quickly turning around as she walk to the living room. Heading to the front door as she walk out of her house. Quickly running as fast as she could as the wind went threw her hair. She was three blocks away when she finally stop as she need to catch her breath. Placing her hands on her head as tears escape her eyes. She wanted him to move on but she never thought it would be this soon. Especially when she doesn't even know what happened to her own mother. Running her hands threw her hair as she felt alone and didn't know what to do.

"Demi ? What are you doing here ?"

A familiar voice ring threw her ears as she turn her head to see the only person that knows her story. Taking her head up to look at the man with the green eyes that she fell in love with. When he saw the tears in her eyes concern was all over his face.

"Demi what's wrong ?"

Harry said as he took a step forward to his student. Placing his hands on her shoulders as he look into her eyes, trying to get a read on her. Demi took a deep breath as she tried to figure out what to say. Placing some hair behind her ear as she look up at him.

"It's my dad. He's seeing somebody. I wanted him to but I didn't think it would be this soon."

Demi said as Harry hug her. Looking around to make sure there wasn't any people around and just their luck nobody was.


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