Hetalia One-Shots (Requests C...

By kaitlynn-bush

55.5K 1.3K 429

The title explains it all More

England x Colourblind!Reader
Hetalia x Country! Reader
Father!America x Child!Hawaii!Reader
2P!America x Reader (LEMON)
Chibi!S.Italy x Reader
Prussia x Reader x Italy Brother's
Spain x Mermaid!Reader
America x Rebel!London!Reader (Partial Song-Fic)
England x Reader
Papa!Spain x Mama!Reader (Chibi Romano Involved)
America x Reader
Japan x Child!Reader (done)
Hetalia x Country! Reader (Part 2)
2P! France x Ex-Alcoholic!Reader
Canada x Reader
America x England (USUK)
2P! America x Reader
America x Dying! Country! Reader
England x Native America! Reader
Germany x Nyo!Germany
I Got Tagged
France x Child!Reader
France x Country!Reader
N.Italy (Romano) x Singer!Reader
Father!Prussia x Daughter!Country!Reader
Padre!Spain x Child!Reader x Papa!Romano
BTT x Reader
Perv!Male!Reader x Ukraine

Prussia x Child!Reader x Germany

2.6K 88 72
By kaitlynn-bush


"Luddy!" You tug softly on Ludwig's coat, hoping to ask him for some more cookies. He look down at your 8 year old self and smiles. "Ja?" He asks as he pokes your head. "Can I have another cookie?" You grin innocently.

He stares at you for a minute then sighs, "Fine." He simply says as he opens up the cookie monster cookie jar from the counter and hands you two cookies. You gasp and quickly grab them finally running towards the living room, "Hey! you're forgetting something!" Ludwig calls, you suddenly stop outside the kitchen doorway and poke your head back in. "Danke Luddy~" You grin childishly and run into the living room.

You sit yourself down on the couch and begin chewing on a nice and soft chocolate chip cookie. You then remembered how your Dad (Lovi) would come by soon to pick you up from the Beilschmidt's residence, since they were only babysitting you while your Dad was at work (the mafia). You sighed into your cookie and continued chewing, except this time you were a bit more saddened.

"Vhat's vrong little one?" Gilbert walked into the living room and sat himself down next to you on the couch. "Nothing~" You eyed him suspiciously. "Pffts. That's not vhat it looks like."

        He sits you on his lap. "Can I have a cookie? Luddy von't let me have one." Gilbert smirks and he plays with your hair as you sit on his lap nomming your cookie happily. You grin widely, "No. This is My cookie." He raises an eyebrow at you, "Hmm.. are you sure about.. that?!" He exclaims as he begins to tickle you.

         "NO! LUDDY! HELP ME! GILBO IS TICKLING ME! PFFAAAHH!" You screech and begin laughing hysterically and squirming around in Gilbert's lap.

         "Bruder, c'mon let (Y/N) go." Ludwig sighed and he cleaned some dishes at the doorway, raising an eyebrow at Gilbert. "NEIN! SHE DIDN'T GIVE ME A COOKIE!" Gilbert frowns and tickles you even more, by pressing his finger deep into your stomach and wiggling them around.


Awkward Silence.

Both Gilbert and Ludwig stopped what they were doing and stared at you wide-eyed. You fixed yourself and sat down on the couch. "What?" You look at them, now curious. "D-Did you just say.." Gilbert suddenly stutters. "Say what?" You raise an eyebrow at him. "(Y/N), did you just say a bad vord?" Ludwig put down the dish and walks over to the couch. "No? What are you talking about?" You look at Ludwig then to Gilbert. "Nein, I heard you say, 'Gilbert stop you shit' and I heard it clear." Gilbert suddenly blurts out.

"DUMMKOPF! STOP REPEATING IT!" Ludwig slaps the back of Gilbert's head and crosses his arms. "HEY! YOU'RE THE DUMMKOPF FOR HITTING ME YOU DUMMKOPF!" Gilbert then hits Ludwig's arm. "DON'T TOUCH ME, DUMMKOPF!" Ludwig suddenly pokes Gilbert chest. Soon enough they both start yelling at each other. You sigh, "CAN YOU BOTH PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

Cue awkward silence.

Gilbert snatches your leftover cookie, "No more cookies for you."

"You. Fucking. Bastard."

       "DON'T SAY THAT!!!" The two Germans scream in sync just as a certain Italian walked through the door.

        "Don't-a say what?" He asked, setting his coat on the coat hanger.


"....... I've never been more proud in my life....."

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