Happily ever after ~Merrell t...

By zozo_cookiexox

58.9K 1.4K 701

Veronica and Vanessa Merrell are two inseparable girls. As twins, they spend their time entertaining their vi... More

1 - Collaboration
2 -Vollins?
3 - Date?
4 - Crash?
5 - Safe.
6 - Video
7 - Devnessa?
8 - Home?
9 - 2 Million subscribers
10 - Phonecall
11 - Broken?
13 - Birthday
14 - New York
15 - Aaron?
16 - Live show
17 - Kidnapped?
18 - Rescue Mission
19 - Revealed?
20 - Back on Track
21 - Liza's back?
22 - Surprises
23 - Strange feelings.
24 - Skype Calls
25 - What will we do?
26 - Tour
27 - Spain
28 - Jealousy?
29 - Skype Date
30 - Dream come True
31 - Travel
32 - Family Time
33 - Close Encounter
34 - Fights
35 - Halloween
36 - Regret?
37 - Anniversary
38 - Secrets
39 - Surprise!
40 - Adventure
41 - Beach
42 - Last show
43 - Stop over
44 - Reunited
45 - Dance
46 - Together
47 - Apartment
48 - Youtube Rewind
49 - Christmas!
50 - Yes or No?
51 - New Years
52 - Happily Ever After
Thank you!

12 - Quake

1.3K 26 4
By zozo_cookiexox

3 weeks later....

Veronica's POV

"Hey Nessa!" I scream over the music. Beth says that music helps you calm down, and your bone to heal quicker. "Yeah!" Nessa replies. "I've gotta go meet Collins, could. You please drop me off?" I yell, wheeling myself to pause the music. Collins has been coming over at least twice a week to check up on me and hang out, while Nessa attends classes. Beth said that I can go to school next week if I want to, because my hand will be fully strong enough to push me around the school, and my leg will be in a smaller cast.

"Alright!" Nessa yells. I wheel myself out of my room. I still can't get gown the stairs, so Nessa helps me. "Devan called, again." Nessa rolls her eyes. "He won't stop will he?" I question as we get to the bottom of the stairway. "No." Nessa sighs. "I wish I could just ignore him, but he is Collins brother." I smile at her. "Thank you, you know how much this means to me." I hug her.

Nessa has put up with Devan the past 3 weeks, because Collins is my boyfriend. I love her, she does so much for me. I get in the passenger seat and Nessa starts driving. We decide to do another Car rides. "Hey guys! I'm Veronica!" "And I'm Vanessa. Today we are doing another car rides." Nessa smiles at the camera, then starts to drive again.

We arrive at Collins house and Nessa helps me out of the car. "Thank you so much." I hug her. "I know how hard this is for you. I love you." I smile, and roll myself to the door. I wave to Nessa as she pulls out of the drive. Collins answers the door. "Hey Babe!" Collins hugs me, and helps me inside.

Devan is sitting on the couch. Collins stops. Devan looks up. His face turns a dark red. "I.ah...bye!" Devan runs out of the room. Collins laughs and I glare at him. Collins sits on the couch. "He's been so different lately, he's not the Devan I know." Collins sighs. "You wanna watch something?" Collins asks me. I chuckle and nod my head. He puts in a movie and I lay my head on his shoulder, while he massages my knee.


I must of dozed off, because Collins shakes me awake. I open my eyes to find Collins above me, under a door frame. The whole house is shaking. I realise it's an earthquake. I cover my head as pots and pans fly out from the kitchen, one hitting the back of my wheelchair. The glass breaks on the window, and a heavy gust of wind flys in. I scream. Collins Parents are under the dining table, and Devan is in his room. "Nessa." I mumble. I'm freaking out on the inside. "What?" Collins screams over the house of the wind. "Nessa!" I shout in terror. I quickly grab my phone and dial her. I sigh when she answers. "Nessa," I shout. "Roni I know! I'm getting to high ground! The earth is really shakey, I can't walk very much, but I'm trying! I'll call you when I get there!" And she hangs up.

I start to cry. Collins rubs my shoulders, while looking around the shakey house. "Whats wrong Roni? Please tell me." Collins sympathises. "Nessa went to walk on the beach, and there is a tsunami warning, I'm scared she won't make it Collins." I look up a him for support. "She's strong, is she not? She'll find a way. She will be fine." Collins smiles. "I love you Collins." I state, while the shaking gets heavier.


Vanessa's POV

I walk down from my car to the beach, looking out at the horizon. I sigh, sitting on the grass. I take a picture for Instagram. The tide is really far out, so I go for a quick walk, holding my shoes in one hand, and my phone in the other. I am the only one on the beach, except for an old couple sitting on a Bench nearby, I smile. I look out at the tide and see a wave forming. Then it hits me. There is going to be a tsunami or earthquake.

Just as my thoughts pass, the shaking starts. The ground is trembling quickly, and the wave is forming bigger. I call out to the couple, who didn't have a car. "Quickly! Come with me! We'll get to high ground!" I point to my car. They start to run, as fast as they can to the car. As I'm climbing the small slope upwards, I get a call from Roni. She sounds upset. I try and wrap up the convesation as quickly as possible, because I need to get up high. I finally reach the top of the hill and unlock my car, getting in the drivers seat. The old couple hop in the back, and I back out of the parking space, getting one last glimpse and the growing rifle wave, as I zoom off.

I roll down my window and yell at passers by to get to high ground, as I take myself and the old couple to safety. Turns out their names are Jill and Harrison. "I'm Vanessa." I cry over the wind and shaking. It is really hard to drive in this condition, the road is shaking violently, and cracking beneath me. I turn down a small road, heading as far inland as possible. I turn on the radio.

"Anyone who is driving, please get inward as soon as possible. Tsunamis are coming from all sides. Get up high and inward. The shaking is still happening, so stay indoors, and away from Windows. We will keep you posted." The radio crackles. I am scared out of my wits. We reach the centre of town, with a bunch of panicky people turtleing underneath benches, tables and any other form of shelter. A large tree falls over, and lots of people scream. I struggle to get out of the car, but manage.

I help Jill and Harrison out of the car. They thank me and hobble off to safety. I look around the screaming people. I see out of all people, my parents. I run over as fast as I can. "Vanessa! Thank god you're alright." My mum coos, and hugs me. A lamppost falls over, and more screams occur. "I saved two lives, Jill and Harrison." I breath into my mums shoulder. "Oh, good girl." My mum cries. "Where's Veronica?" My dad asks. "With Collins at his house." I try and hold back tears. I have to call her. I promised. I quickly grab my phone and ring.

"Hello! Nessa!" Roni screams. "Yes Roni! I'm okay. I'm in town square with mummy and daddy, how are you?" I ask worried. "I'm okay, Collins is being a great protector, but the house is creaking, and I don't want it to fall!" Roni cries. I smooth her, and calm her down. We stay on the phone the whole time, neither of us wanting to hang up. Who cares if we are wasting data.

The shaking goes on for another 3 minutes. The total shaking time being 12 minutes, the longest earthquake I've ever heard of. When the shaking stops, everyone sighs, but doesn't move. The wind still is blowing harsh, and I can hear the tsunami in the distance, demolishing people's homes and possessions. Another after shock shakes the ground, and everyone screams.

After about 30 after shocks, Roni screaming, another tree falling over and a radio report, people finally decide to go inside. The council is letting people go home if you live industrial, which we do, but the people who live on the outskirts have to sleep in a community hall they opened. "We will check all houses in suburbs tommorw. You may come inside." The concil yelled, as I hopped in the car. I was shaking, and Roni was still on the line. "Roni?" I ask, my heart beating. No response.

"Roni!" I yell. "Nessa?" Collins answers, shaking. "Where's Roni?" I ask, on the verge of tears. "Nessa!" I hear a familer scream. "Roni!" I yell into the phone. "I'm stuck Nessa! Stuck in a cupboard!" Roni laughs. "Phew," I sigh. I thought she was hurt.


We arrive at Collins house to pick up Roni. The outside of his house looks fine. I brace myself. Devan will be in their. My dad notices my worried look and puts his hand on my shoulder as we enter the house.

"Roni? Collins?" I yell. "Kitchen!" Collins yells. I run over, and find Roni stuck in a cupboard. Pots and pans are scattered, lots of dangling lights have fallen and smashed, there is broken glass everywhere, and the TV has fallen off its hinges. I help Collins free Roni. "Thank god your okay Nessa!" Roni exclaims, trying to wiggle herself out. When we finally free her she hugs me. I smile. Ronis face turns sour. "Don't look behind you." Roni mouths.

I wheel Roni around and go through the opposite door. I know it's Devan. I see my parents talking with Collins parents, and as I wheel out Roni they come over and hug her. "Let's go home." I smile. Roni wheels over to Collins. "Thank you for protecting me." Roni smiles. "Anytime baby girl." Collins grins, kissing her on the head. I smile and turn around, to see a face I don't want to see.

"Nessa!" Devan exclaims. He runs in to hug me, spinning me around. I jump out of his grip as soon as I can. "Just leave me alone, and please stop calling!" I crie, and run out to the car. I sit in silence for another minute, realising I don't have a key. My parents and Roni come out after me, and Roni gets helped into the car. My dad starts the engine, and we start the trip home.

Nobody talks the whole ride. Everyone feels shocked. We walk into the house, and find tiger hiding under the table. "Tiger!" I coo, picking him up like a baby and rocking him. "It's okay." I pet him. He moves around and I place him on the ground, and he runs to find a toy.

Veronica's POV

I have physical therapy with Beth in and hour, so I watch some cartoons in the lounge, brainstorming ideas for next weeks video. "Nessa!" I yell. "What Roni! You scared me." Nessa laughs. "I have the perfect idea for a video!" I squeal. "Okay, what is it?" "Well, I was thinking another Merrelltwins exposed, based on our, their birthday!" I suggest excitedly. "Perfect! They could be holding a big party!" Nessa looks at me. "Veronica and Vanessa's big party!" We chorus. "Copy of Margaret and Marie's big party." I laugh along with Nessa.

"Do you want me to drop you off at therapy? We need more clips for this weeks car rides." Nessa smiles. "Okay, thanks Nessa."I smile, and wheel myself to the door. Nessa helps me into the car and we begin our journey. "Let's play the alphabet game!" Nessa suggests. "A!" I shout, seeing the 'Another time' on a billboard. We play and laugh until we get to the place. "Do you want me to come in until your called?" Nessa asks, grabbing the go pro. I nod my head appreciatively.

Once we are inside, Nessa sits down as I ajar my brakes. "Veronica Merrell?" Beth asks after about 5 minutes. I smile at Nessa as she walks out the door. I roll into my therapy room, and see the weights, bars, crutches and mats for another time. Everything was so exciting 3 months ago.

We do the same routine as always. Trying to walk with help of the bars, lifting weights, siting on the mats and stretching, talking about how to use crutches, practicing wheeling myself, and talking in her office. "What's up?" Beth asks, looking at my sad expression. "Well, There was obviously an earthquake that just shock my emotions, literally, and I'm kind of bored of the same old physical therapy." I sigh. "Your great though Beth!" I exclaim, smiling.

She smiles. "Yes, well you get your leg cast off next week I believe." She checks her clipboard and nods. "Really? That's amazing! I thought it came off in like a month!" I squeal. "We will be doing new routines next week, so you won't be so bored." She laughs, her curly brown hair flipping over her shoulder. "That's all for today. Don't bother coming back next time, we've covered enough. Just do you back stretches and hand workouts at home." She smiles, and I wheel myself out of the office.

I roll out into the lobby, about to text Nessa when I see Collins. I quickly wheel over to him. "Wheat are you doing here?" I smile, hugging him. "We never really finished our hangout, so I thought I would take you out for shaved ice, seeing as ice cream is off the table. "Stupid lactose." I smile and we head out.

I wheel myself down the boardwalk with Collins by my side, gaining lots of weird looks from people. I shrug it off as we enter the shaved ice house. Collins pays and we go over to a table. We chat while we eat until it gets dark. I didn't bring a jacket, and it's cold out. We walk/wheel back down the boardwalk. I shiver. Collins looks over at me with his bright blue eyes.

"Here." He smiles, wrapping me in his jacket and placing a kiss on my forehead. "You missed." I mumble. "What did you say? Sorry I don't catch it." A new feeling of confidence overwhelms me. "You missed." I smile, staring up into his eyes. He leans down and I kiss him, sending an electric vibe through my body. Everything feels better. I pull away and smile. He smiles his beautiful smile. "I love you." Collins rubs my shoulder. "I love you too." I smile, and he kisses me again.

A/N I hope you like it! Shout out to merrelltwinner12  cocoultra64  Josie005  and JessicaAlexKnight  for always commenting and voting xx we are so close to 1k reads! Ahhh! Thank you guys so much for reading my story, voting and commenting. I love you! -zozobear

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