House Full. (Nick Jonas Spank...

By Sweet-Intoxication

79.7K 937 266

House full of kids, two older brothers, what could go wrong? ****COMPLETLY EDITED**** More

Helmets For Hardheads.
The Two K's Are In Trouble.
Wrong Answer, Try Again.
I'm Up.
Dark Tunnels.
Candy & Running.
Ass Whooping Of The Year Award.
Rubber Ball & A Big Disaster.
Sick Nick.
Flea Market.
Furious Zayn.
House Visit.
The Note.
The Bottom Fell Out.
My Life, Not Yours.
Stay Safe.
Hitting Is Hateful.
Video Games.

Kevin's Punishment.

4.4K 56 9
By Sweet-Intoxication

Nick's POV. The last time Kevin acted like this, he got bedtime spankings for two months, from me and Zayn.

He knows he shouldn't resist or run, especially like this, he was being reckless and immature, he was showing his stupidity and I don't put up with stupidity.

I was pissed with him, which meant I was definitely not going to lay a hand on him, neither was Zayn.

Kevin peered down to the floor, most likely feeling extremely small now, due to all of his circling around him and giving him glares.

I take two more steps closer to him and lift his head up so he can look at me.

"Go to your room, now. No shenanigans or lord help me I will blister your ass," I spoke, my tone was not to be reckoned with.

Kevin immediately shifted in between us and ran upstairs.

I ran a single hand through my hair then pinched the bridge of my nose between two of my fingers, trying as hard as I could to figure out why the hell Kevin was being such a dick to everyone.

I wasn't going to give Kevin very much time before I went up because it may take awhile and I still have to start dinner.

I decided fifteen minutes was enough time for him to cool down as well as myself.

Zayn and Chad had found themselves a seat at the table, fiddling with a deck of cards as they talked to each.

"Hey, you two watch the other kids, please. Thanks, bros." I turned around and headed upstairs towards Kevin's room.

When I send one of the kids to their room, even if I don't say get in the corner, they know I mean go stand in the corner, without me actually saying that.

I open his door, shutting it behind me once I enter his room, at the moment it was a disaster, which I don't accept either.

He knows when he gets up in the morning, he is expected to make his bed, clean up all his dirty clothes, put them in the hampers then make sure everything else is picked up and come down for breakfast, clearly he has ignored the rules, again.

I sit down on the edge of his bed, lean forward a bit and place my elbows on my knees, lacing my fingers together.

"Come here, Kevin," I call, my tone stern but not harsh.

I believe he knows he is in deep trouble now and I don't believe in rubbing it in.

Kevin turns around and slowly walks over to me, soon standing just a couple feet from me.

"I'm not going to lecture you, I believe you already know why your in this position, correct?" I give him a stern look, just reminding him that he is not in the position to make a snobby comment.

"Yes, sir," Keven replied, still peering down to the floor. I nod my head, satisfied with his answer.

I place my one hand on his upper arm and pull him across my lap, wrapping my free hand around his lower back to keep him in place.

I then let out a deep breath and begin without warning.


"I honestly feel bad for you because of this ass whooping you are about to receive," I state, continuing.


"Nick!! They hurt!!" Kevin states, trying to wiggle around.

I ignored his comment because they are supposed too and he knows it.


"Good. But we're just getting started," I reply.


"Nick!! Please!! Stop, I can't take much more!!"


I stop at fifty and rub small circles against his upper back while I readjust myself and rub my palm against my jeans as it burns slightly from the spanking I just gave out.

"P-please no more!!" Kevin begins to plea, both of his hands were clutching the sheets on his bed.

"Sorry, buddy. You still have the belt coming your way, possibly by Zayn as well," I informed him, which tugged on my heart when he started to panic.

I unbuckled my belt from my pants while holding the boy with my one arm, once I got my belt off of my pants I doubled it over and started right away, trying to get this done as soon as possible for Kevin's sake.


"Nick!!! I can't take any more of the belt!! It feels like fire!!"

I decide to stop at ten, knowing Zayn was going to most likely use the belt on him as well.

I pull the young boy into my arms and whisper soothing things into his ear while his loud sobs get a bit muffled as he cries into my shirt, making it a wet mess.

"Kevin," I whisper softly, catching his attention. "Why did you act that way at the park? Why were you being so disobedient?" I ask, peering down to him.

"Because, I-I thought I could get away with it," Kevin mumbled, still sniffling.

I felt the urge to ask him if he really thought he could get away with it, but I didn't.

"Well, I hope now you think before you do such reckless and rude things. I love you and I forgive you for your actions, I hope nothing like this ever happens again." I voice, giving him a kiss on the top of his head.

"I'm sorry, bubba. It won't happen again, I swear. I love you too." Kevin mumbles, I nod my head and ruffle the boy's hair, frowning as I stand up and place him on his feet.

"It's not over yet. I would like you to go back to the corner and wait til' Zayn comes in." I remind him, his eyes immediately filling back up with tears.

My heart tugged a million miles down south but I had to go through with this.

Otherwise, he will never learn.

"Zayn will be up in a few minutes, please return to the corner til' then," I order, pointing towards the corner while I look at him.

Kevin shoots me a pleading look but walks to the corner and stands.

I leave it alone and exit the room, afraid if I don't, I will shield the boy from any more spankings, regardless if he deserves them or not.

"Alright, Zayn. I'm done, maybe take it a bit easier on him, I believe he is sincerely sorry for his actions," I suggest before I can even help myself.

I gave Zayn a sympathetic face, Zayn nodded his head a bit before disappearing upstairs.

Zayn's POV. I was a bit pissed that Kevin flipped me off, no one in this house has ever done that before so I'm not sure where he even saw that from and he knows damn well that is so not acceptable in this house.

I walk into his room, turning his spinning chair around and taking a seat in it.

I am going to give him a good lecture before I actually spank him.

Just to make sure he knows what he did was reckless and that I will not tolerate it at all.

"Kevin, turn around and come here, please," I order, seeing Kevin turn around and slowly walk to me with his head down.

"You have disappointed me so much today. Especially being you flipped me off and ran like that through the park. You embarrassed me as well, I bet everyone at the park believed Nick and I couldn't control you because of how you acted today. I literally can't tell you how disappointed I am. Oh, and then of course when you got home you continued the fucking disrespect. I taught you way better than this!" I scolded harshly, Kevin was already sobbing hard and couldn't keep eye contact with me.

"I'm sorry, I mean it. I know it was disrespectful and I feel bad now, but that doesn't mean I can take it back! All I can do is hope you take my word for it! Can you stop reminding me that I messed up?!?!?!" Kevin yelled through clenched teeth, I could tell I hit a nerve.

"Don't raise your voice to me, little boy. You are in no position to do so. You're the one who pulled that shit, not me." I reply, shooting the boy a stern cold look.

In return, Kevin backed up a bit and continued crying.

I felt a bit guilty for scolding him so harshly but he needed to recognize how bad what he did was.

"I'm sorry, bubba." Was all Kevin stated as he fiddled with his fingers and stared down at the floor.

"Come on, let's get this over with," I voice, grabbing his arm and pulling him over my lap, Kevin didn't fight me, he went with it, which I was so glad because, at this rate, I'm not sure if he could earn himself more spankings from me.

I situate him on my lap and begin.


"Don't you ever pull something like you did today ever again," I scold.

I stop and pull my belt from its loops, doubling it over and continuing the spanking.


I stop and lift the poor boy into my lap, his breathing was so off, he was so limb, it broke my heart to see him like this.

I know I needed to teach him this lesson, though.

Otherwise, he wouldn't respect anyone and that definitely isn't going to happen.

"Shhhh, it's alright baby boy. It's over, your forgiven." I whisper soothing things into his ears as I stroke his back comfortingly like.

Eventually, after about thirty minutes, Kevin's sobs die down enough we can go back downstairs, most likely dinner is already ready now.

I rub Kevin's head and put back on my belt, appearing downstairs to eat dinner.

Kevin stands to eat, as I wouldn't wanna sit either after that ass whooping.

Hey, peeps~! New update! Yaayyyyy!!! Omg, thanks so so so much to everyone who commented and voted on this book!!! So many people have!!! I appreciate it so much!! Please continue it!! Big shout out to @Beautiful_Lone_Wolf she has amazing books as well, she just joined not to long ago and if you wouldn't mind, please go read her books, that would be awesome, she is my best friend. Thank you so much if you do!!!! If you have any ideas, prompts, or requests, feel free to drop them in the comments down below or my inbox. Please don't be a silent reader, leave me a review. Thanks, peeps~! ^-^

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