Funny how love works (A Spoby...

By Kelys151

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Spencer and Toby are now living their current lives separatly. They haven't seen each other since the breakup... More

Chapter 1: Hello again
Chapter 2: Cookies and Sundays
Chapter 3: This is A Goodbye
Chapter 4: the Fight
Chapter 5: The Decision
Chapter 6: Detective Hanna
Chapter 7: Troubles
Chapter 8: Nobody knows where we mind end up
Chapter 9: Post it and Memories
Chapter 10: Limerence
Chapter 11: Together even in pain
Chapter 12: Don't Let Go
Chapter 13: Happiness never last
Chapter 14: A.D and misery
Chapter 15: Keys & Blackmail
Chapter 16: Pictures & Pills
Chapter 17: Explanations
Chapter 18: Police or Secrets ?
Chapter 19: To trust or not
Chapter 20: Worst day of their lives
Chapter 21: Ohhh the guilt
Chapter 22: How do you feel ?
Chapter 23: This Weird Computer
Chapter 24: A Good night of Sleep
Chapter 26: The End of a bad Period
Last chapter: An Unusual Wedding
A/N 1K ❤️

Chapter 25: I know who A.D is

150 5 0
By Kelys151

Spencer's PoV

Toby comes back with Emily and a few drinks. He looks pale
" You okay? " i ask him softly
" Hum yeah, i'll explain to you" he kisses my forehead

- Guys, i think i found something. Caleb says
Look at this, A- has got all of her birth certificate. All of our medical files actually.

- Isn't that confidential? How di-

- Come on Aria it's A-. Are you really that surprised ? Hanna asks

- You've got a point

- Is it recent ? I ask.

- How could i know this ?

- Look at mine or Toby's. We went to the hospital within the last three months.

He scrolls and stops
- Here. Spencer Hastings. Surgery. Two months ago.

- That means that A- did not manage to go back to the building after Wren did.
A knows we know something

- And what do we know exactly ? Hanna looks at me

- I don't know, but we're gonna find out soon.

Caleb keeps going and find multiples videos
- Ali, i think this is you.
He starts the video but quickly stops it.
- We can pass it if you want. You already told us what it was about.
-No. I'm not this person anymore, you can see it.

We watch carefully the video just in case something pops up or something. But nothing. Just Ali, a violent drug addict Alison freaking out.
Emily holds her hand while watching this, it's hard for everyone so we stop.

Video n.2:
- No please. Please i'll do anything. Any-
* gun shot*

- Ahh! The fuck ?! Caleb Yells.
What psyco would record while killing someone! Who is this anyway?

- Hanna? Isn't that the girl from the picture ?

- What picture ? Caleb asks

- You know. Hanna replies. The picture we found in the pizza. It's Jane smith. She says with a trembling voice.

- Why would he/she film this ? That's nuts

- And why this poor girl ? She's not even connected to us. Hanna barely knew her. I add

- Jane Smith you say ? Ali asks
I made an Instagram friend with that name. She's actually the one who told me to tell my feeling for you. She looks at Em'

- Awww. May you rest in peace Jane. So sorry for everything since it's probably our fault. Aria say
We looked through the computer all day and didn't found much. Except the photos of Wren and I that Toby received when he was in Paris, and a few photos of us - the gang- through the years

At some point, we left because we had to pick up Grace from School. But we said we'll come back if it's urgent.
- Toby ? Can I go sleep at Annie's ?

- I don't know, ask your moth- Spencer.

Despite the fact that she said "mommy" the other day, we still don't want to force her into things. So he prefers to call "mommy" "Spencer" for now.

- Honey on a school night ? It's not very reasonable. I respond turning my head to see Grace

- Pleaseeeeeeeee. The teacher told us we won't have class tomorrow morning anyway.
*puppy eyes*

- Arg. I can't say no to a face like this.
I give up

We come home and I take a long, hot shower while Toby takes Grace to her friend
Gosh it had been a while, i've forgotten how nice this shower was.

I come out with a towel around my waist and hair.
- Oh you're back already. I say to Toby.
He seems preoccupied and doesn't answer
- Tob's ? Are you okay ? Ever since you came out of the kitchen with Emily you've been acting weird.

- She, She told me something. Something bad. Not "bad" bad actually because it could be good  it it's true but it's hard to believe.

- Toby...
i sit at the counter in front of him
What did she tell you ? You know you can tell me, no more secrets we agreed on this.

- I know Spence but, Emily did not even tell Ali. I don't really know if she wants everyone to know yet...

- The question is, do you think she's hiding whatever she's hiding from Ali because it concerns her, because she doesn't want to hurt her or because she doesn't trust her ?

- She didn't tell me directly, but i know that it's because Ali would worry a lot if she knew.
I... I need to tell you but please, don't say anything yet. Not until we're sure.

- I promise. What is happening Tob's?
He start telling me what happened in the kitchen earlier today

- I think i know who A.D is Toby....

- What ?! But. How?

- Listen, i'm not sure but, the building. What we found in it. It was very, familiar

- How familiar ? Did you know Wren well?

- Wren is not the person i'm thinking about. I told you already, he's not A-
At first, the posters caught my attention. I don't know if you've seen some but-

- I wasn't really interested in the background of the room i was in. Get to the point i don't want to remember this

- Sorry... Anyway. The posters were all things that were "cool" back in 2013-2014. Mostly old bands and youtubers I used to listen and watch.
So i was like "What about it. A.D is "human" you may like the same things it's no big deal"
But then, this computer. I knew this computer. You see the listen scratch it has on the side. I did this 7 years ago. That's why i knew the password, i suck at prob's Toby.

- What are you trying to say ? Em'. Is this your computer?

- No... It's Paige's

End of flashback

- Paige is A.D? I exclaims in surprise

- I don't know, but Em' is 100% sure that this is her old computer

- But what would be her motive? Paige liked us, she was a good person. what the fuck?

- I really don't know, I've been thinking all day but the things on the computer did not help. Nothing can confirm that it's her. That's why she didn't want me to say anything.

I think a bit and take my phone.
- I'm calling her, and Ali

- Spencer, she is going to kill me !

- Don't worry, i know her if she told you she already knew was going to know.
Grace is not here tonight and has school tomorrow so we have more than 20 hours to find out everything

I call the both of them and explain what Toby told me. Like i expected, Emily was waiting for me to call her about this.

The four of them talked for about an hour about Paige. What could be her motive if it was her but they didn't came up with anything.
- Girls, we're not gonna find anything like this.
We need to redraw everything A.D ever since it came back.
Toby said in a directive voice

They went through every letter, pictures, texts they've had for the last three months.
After 3 hours, they all started to go crazy
- It doesn't make any sense! Paige isn't connected to any of this! Ali yells

- Wait! Spencer exclaims
It's weird.

- What is ? Toby asks

- When A- was Charlotte, i remember all of us breaking up with our boyfriends/girlfriends.
This time, it looks like only Us got targeted.

- Coïncidence ? Maybe he/she hasn't finished yet

- No look, A.D tried to break you two *she looks at Ali and Em* up, but it kind of failed. And Toby, ever since we came back it looks like everything is against us being together.

- But Wren did this. He said it was his "reward" for doing othe-
Emily stops talking
Oh my god. Do you think ?

- Exactly. Spencer replies

-What? What did you realize ? Ali and Toby ask in sync. They look confused

- Okay so, i'm not sure about this but we think that Paige asked Wren to break us up *Emily is talking* and that if he did, he could have Spencer. That's why only our couples have been threatened.

- Oh my god! That's why Jane Smith got killed! She's the one who convinced me to tell Emily about my feelings. A- wanted to scare us and decided to kill the one that brought us together! Alison says

- That make sense -kind of- But. You did not break up afterwards. And A- knows everything. Why would A- let Wren have what he wants if he did not accomplished his task properly? Toby adds

- We received texts last night. Well, Em' did. It has been a few times actually...

- What was in the texts?

- Secrets. Fake secrets that she would want me to believe. But i trust Ali and that's what she doesn't understand -if she is who we think she is-

- I didn't know that Paige was still in love with you. You broke up such a long time ago... Spencer says

- I'm her first love, it wouldn't be surprising, you're always hang up to your first.

We all nod to that statement.

- But, how can we be sure ?

- I think I have an idea. Obviously, there are cameras at Aria's somehow, or else she wouldn't have known that we all live together in there.
Em points out

- What about them? I don't thin' taking them down is the solution . Spencer says

- On the contrary, we need to act like we didn't know they were there.
Ali, i'm gonna need you to break up with me at Aria's.
Spencer, Toby. You find Paige's address online. After the drama happens, i'm going to go there and say that Ali wasn't worth it and bullshit like this. I'm gonna tell her everything about A- and i'll get her to confess somehow.

- Em... This is very risky are yo-

- More sure than everything. I'm probably the reason everything happened again so i'm gonna fix this. I owe you this guys.
Just, no a word to the others. It'll work better this way

- We trust you, let's go and prepare this
Aria's POV the next night

We invited Emily and Alison over for dinner. Em's seemed preoccupied yesterday so I thought we might figure out why tonight.
But the dinner didn't go the way we thought it would.
When the dessert arrived, Ali received a text and showed it to Em'
And all of a sudden, they started this huge fight

- You're unbelievable ! How could you hide this from me again ? I knew you still loved that slut!

- What ? How could you say this ? You're the one that I love

- Don't you think i saw the pictures in your drawer ? Everywhere i look, there she is! We've been through so much before we finally get together and you ruin this because you're not over her!

- How can you blame me! You left me, she was there! You were alive but did not tell me. She was honest with me at least!

They didn't tell any name but i could tell they were fighting about Paige. But why? They looked so happy? Was Paige an issue all along ?

- You know what ? I don't care! Get out and go meet your slut, i know you want this!

- Maybe i will! I'm not wanted here anyway!
And Emily slammed the door while Alison started crying.
I told Ezra that he should probably go upstairs or something while i was confronting her

She spent two hours or so checking her phone and crying.
- I, I've ruined everything. But why does she still love her? Why Am I not enough?

I honestly didn't know, so i just rubbed her back while telling how sorry I was for her.
I'm sure A- has something to do with this, i have to figure out why.
Emily's POV (right after storming out)

Wow, that was violent. Alison is such a great liar it's wonderful and scary at the same time.
It was the plan but i don't like yelling at her.
Before heading to the address Toby sent me, i text Ali
" I know it was fake but i love you, did not mean anything i said
-Em' "
She responds immediately
" Aria bought it perfectly, So will A- (paige?)
Love you too
-Ali "

Ok, step one completed.
I drive to the address, wow, this is a really crappy apartment. But at least it's not in the middle of nowhere...
I'm sorry Paige, but if you did this you deserve everything i'm going to do tonight
Game over bitch, you're going down.

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