My Only 'One'

By chocolatyangels

462K 19.9K 1.4K

You see I am a normal teenager with great over thinking, reading books twenty four hours, having crushes on t... More

Chapter 1-Vampire
Chapter 2-Erik
Chapter 3-Chance
Chapter 4-Family
Chapter 5-Possessive
Chapter 6-Training
Chapter 7-Dance
Chapter 8-Friend
Chapter 9-Werewolf
Chapter 10-Kids
Chapter 11-Nightmare
Chapter- 12-Hybrid
Chapter 13-Mate
Chapter 14-Wolf
Chapter 15-Fairy
Chapter 16-Sad
Chapter 18-Chitchat
Chapter 19-Almost
Chapter 20-Ball
Chapter 21-Kidnap
Chapter 22-Trap
Chapter 23-Sentre
Chapter 24-Back Home
Chapter 25-Kiss
Chapter 26-Sleepyhead
Chapter 27-Gabbs
Chapter 28-Shopping
Chapter 29-Mall
Chapter 30-Silence before the Storm
Chapter 31-Love
Chapter 32-Pregnant
Chapter 33-Fake smiles
Chapter 34-Dream come true
Chapter 35-Blank
Chapter 36-Reasons
Chapter 37-Demon Princess
Chapter 38-Struggle
Chapter 39-Rescue
Chapter 40-Back Home
Chapter 41-Fairy Princess
Chapter 42-Family
Chapter 43-Anwers
Chapter 44-Distance
Chapter 46-Together
Chapter 47-Breakdown
Chapter 48-Irritation
Chapter 49-Heat
Chapter 50-Wedding

Chapter 45-Misunderstanding

6.4K 312 42
By chocolatyangels

I opened my eyes after I was sure they stopped sucking each other which lasted more than ten minutes. They are breathing heavily panting from their heavy make out session. I know what you are thinking. I could have escaped while they were kissing but I wanted to stay here ah no! I am not a pervert. I just want to get introduced to her quickly and also I want to see the affection between them. You see I never witnessed couple talk before and right here before me are soul mates bound for each other loving unconditionally.

So I definitely don't wanna miss their love talk even if their lovey-doviness remind me so much of Blake that I want into run to his arms. This distance intended as a punishment to him is ending more like a punishment to me. Okay, I will be frank, I am not angry with him anymore but I don't know how to close the gap between us.

He is always with me, just except now, for which I don't the reason making me all the more anxious. Anyways he would always be with me maintaining a little distance and looking at me with longing and love. I try to act nonchalant but I am affected by his gaze which would be very obvious if I am observed closely. I think its enough of punishing him this way.

"I missed you." She panted.

"Me too baby. I love you."

"Love you too." She pecked him again which resulted in another full blown sucking session for ten minutes which would make it a  total of twenty minutes waiting. I thought of getting away from there to give them privacy so that they can complete what they were doing. They definitely need a room.

"How's  cutiepie?" She whispered panting.

"Ask her yourself baby." My brother Xander husked.

"She's here?"

"Yep, watching the show." He said making both of us blush.

"Hey! I closed my eyes. If you so want me to get out..oof!"

But before I could complete I was knocked off onto the floor in a hug by Xanders's mate.

"Cutiepie!" She shrieked with glee as if she didn't tackle me to the the ground. She released her arms around my neck and looked at my face.

"You've grown so much cutiepie. Last time I saw you are four and always used to be around me and Xander. I missed you so much." She said kissing my cheeks and forehead mind you staying in the position not getting up from above me. I think by far she is the craziest one I met. I guess my family can never be normal.

"That's enough baby. If you don't want to scare her further I suggest you get up." Xander said coming to my rescue. Brother knows best huh?

"Oh sorry!" She said not seeming sorry at all. "I guess I was too excited to see you." I smiled at her. 

"That's fine."

"I am Ximena, your brother's mate. I bet you don't remember but always used be around me and your brother. I used to be jealous of your brother since you liked him more than me. I tried so many things but your brother always came first." She said making me laugh. "You used to move around me in circles calling me Xixi." She said fondling reminding the incidents. Up till here it was fine but after that she said she had so much to talk to me making me sit on the sofa and continuously blabbered for four hours. No kidding!

Don't get me wrong. I love her and all but when a person continuously talks for four hours without giving gap to at least tell a sentence in between you are bound to get exhausted and what fascinates me is that she can still continue. Doesn't her throat hurt or feel dry? May be this is also perks of a supernatural? No, no I am sure that it's the specialty of my brother's mate. Will it be impolite to ask her to stop talking?

"Baby." My brother and currently my savior interrupted her monologue. "Why don't you greet my mom and dad along with Vampire kingdom's king and queen? They should know that you are here right?"

"Oh yes! You are right. Come on cutiepie!" She said taking my hand and standing up. My face morphed into one that of horror and before I could completely drown in despair my other hand was held by brother. 

"Why don't you go alone and spend time with them. Since you monopolized her past few hours it is my turn to spend time with my little one."


"Please. I can't spend forever with her you know? She got a mate who will monopolize her time and we also need to return one day or the other."

My brother is surely my saviour.

"Okay. Sorry, don't worry cutiepie. We will get to spend time together, even if not I will make it possible." She said grinning and skipping outside. Is she naturally dense or purposefully ignoring my grim face. I turned to face my brother gobsmacked and he smirked.

"You can thank me later."

"Is she the same with you?"

He nodded yes.

"Don't get me wrong, I love her and all but if she continues her monologue for hours like that without letting us speak a word won't it make you exhausted?"

"I have ways to stop her."


"The thing you saw before.." He means kissing. Effective I guess. "...and continuation."

Bloody hell? Doesn't he feel embarrassed? And he is telling that to his little sister?

"You are shameless!" I exclaimed.

"And why is that?"

Does he want me to explain? I shook my head. 

"She is my mate." I think think this is normal for supernaturals.

"Hai! Hai! That explains why you are staring at her all the four hours." And I am serious when I say this. He was seriously staring at her sometimes with a smile all the time and to be frank at one point he gave me creeps at one point. "I bet this week was very hard for you. As soon as I mentioned her you got her in giffy using spells instead of standard means." I said teasing him. 

He just laughed it off. I bet he accepted this in front of me but I don't think Xixi knows how much he loves her. My brother doesn't seem the type to proclaim his love, at least not before her.

"Leaving my love life aside what about yours? I know he is wrong but don't you think it is time to forgive him. Don't punish yourself."

"I forgave him long ago."


"I don't know how to talk to him now." I said sulking. "And I don't know when is the right time to talk to him."

"What time is right rather than now?" He said making me look at him. "If you don't know what to talk about you need not talk."


"You can do things." He shrugged innocently as if he didn't say something outrageous making my jaw drop.

I hit him playfully. "Are you really my brother? What kind of brother gives such kind of suggestions to his own sister?"

"I am modern brother who understands her sister;s husband." We just laughed. "But seriously you shouldn't delay. The more you delay, the more the distance would be between you guys."

 What he said was true. I shouldn't delay. I decided to forgive him so I should do it now. It's enough punishment for him, moreover I can punish him in various other ways.

"I think you are right." I said and started running from that room in search of my stupid prince. Who knows where he is! In  search of him I found Barone in one of the rooms sitting there gloomily and as much as I wanted to run away leaving him in search of Blake somehow I couldn't just leave him and so I sat beside him. A few minutes might not hurt.

"May I know why my butler is sitting here moodily?" I said startling him.

"Because the mistress has been ignoring her butler." He replied in a gloomy tone.

"Hey! Wait! I did?" I revinded this past week's memory and indeed he was not around me.

"I am sorry if it seemed that I ignored you. My family just needed so much of my time but that doesn't mean I ignored you. If you have felt ignored you could have told me directly instead of sulking alone. What would you have done if I didn't notice?"

"Sulked silently your highness."

"Firstly stop calling me your highness and such. You are a important friend of mine. If you don't know you are my first 'boy' friend. Don't sulk silently like this. Next time just come and spend time with me joining us and why were you not around me? As my personal bodyguard it is your duty, got it?"


"Fine then. I will be moving then. I have something to do now." I said standing up and stopped in my tracks when I found Blake standing there with a bouquet in his hand looking at us shocked. I smiled looking at the bouquet. I think that is the reason for his disappearance. I wonder what he planned or may be he just went away to give me some privacy with my brother. I went to him smiling but that disappeared when he stood there shocked without any expression.

He is not shocked because I was smiling at him. I know for sure because he is giving off strange vibes that are sure not positive.

"Blake?" I asked tentatively which seemed to get him out of the trance he was in. I raised an eyebrow at him asking him what happened.

"Sorry. Sorry for disturbing." He said his voice cracking a little.

"Huh?" I asked confused. I looked at his eyes which knocked the breathe out of me. Those beautiful eyes of him showed so much hurt and heartbroken rendering me speechless.

"Wha...what? What happened?" I stuttered.

"Can't you give me another chance?" He asked looking at me with misty eyes.

"Huh?" What is he talking about?

"Why? Why? Why did you choose him?" He said pointing at Barone. What does he mean? "I know I hurt you but can't you give me another chance?" He said throwing the bouquet and smashing the wall shocking me and soon enough all family members came running in.

"Why can't you? I said I am really sorry. Why can't you give me another chance?"

He shouted at the top his lungs making me flinch.

"What are you talking about?" I said scared and not knowing what mistake I did.

"You know I can't do anything against you. I want your happiness the most in the world and if it is found somewhere though I don't want to let go, I am letting you go. Go! Go to you happiness. I wish you will live happily." He said and I saw a tear drop falling on his left cheek which shocked and I felt a pang in my heart at his tears and just like that he disappeared. Like really disappeared. At times like this I hate the witch side of him.

He left leaving us in silence and everyone stayed in their place not uttering a word. I stood there in shock not understanding whether the past five minutes happened or not! What actually happened? I still don't understand what he was saying but one thing was sure. He misunderstood something again. What happened this time?

"What happened?" Sarah asked coming to me. I still stood like a statue not not knowing what to do. She hugged me trying to console me.

"Everything will be alright Sophie. Get yourself together. Now tell me what happened so we can help you." She said looking into my eyes.

"I don't know." I said at my wits end. "I really don't know what happened." I said on the verge of crying myself.

"Barone! You are here too. Do you know something?" To which Barone shook negatively and started thinking deeply.

What happened now?

"Wait! May be he understood when you said I was your first 'boy' friend." Barone said after thinking deeply.

  If you don't know you are my first 'boy' friend.  

Huh! Is that it? May he came in the middle and misunderstood everything without knowing the truths completely. That has got to be it! This stupid vampire prince! When will he get things straight and stop misunderstanding such silly things?

"That idiotic stupid!" I said clutching my head. "How come he always misunderstands such simple things?"

"Sorry for raising a stupid son." Sarah said making me drop my mouth.

"No, no, no. I don't mean so." I stuttered.

"Don't stress it! I know it. You know sometimes love makes people idiotic. You understand right?" She said making me smile and I nodded.

"I understand. Let us find him." I said.

"That is the question right? Where did he disappear?" Ben said.

Oh yeah! That's right! Where did he disappear? Where am I supposed to get find him? I really wish Sarah was not part witch then he couldn't have disappeared just like that.

"His witch powers increased recently. So he could have gone anywhere in this world."

Where could he have gone? I clutched my head at the headache brewing.

"I don't mean to panic anyone." Erik said. "But the way he talked before disappearing wishing Sophie a happy life, its as if saying his last words. He wouldn't do anything drastic like taking his life right? After all she is his life." He said making me lose strength in my legs.

"Sophie." Xander said running to me.

"Don't panic. We will deal with this slowly. Nothing will happen to me." My brother said holding me in his hands consoling me.

"Let us think peacefully." My dad said.

"Yes." I said straightening myself. "We need to search for him immediately. Nothing will happen by being sad." I need to stop these tears until I can find him and be strong. Crying doesn't solve anything. "Ben and dad. I believe you will help me. I want guards dispatched everywhere. Search every corner for him. I believe it is not a big deal based on vampires speed."

They nodded at me.

"Where would Blake go when he is sad? Is there some place he would go when he wants to think or be alone? Blake was sometimes sad at not being able to find his mate right? Did he go somewhere then?"

"No, he kept himself busy with work or learnt something new."

"Okay. If there is some work regarding the kingdom, even a small issue send people there to search if he is there. Search in his office too. May be he could have gone to the places we were together too but there are not many places. Send some guards to the mall too, search there especially around chocolate house. Then there is the flower garden too. Search everywhere. Don't leave an inch." I said all serious and the castle became chaotic.

^Four hours later^

Where could he have gone? We were searching for him nonstop for the past four hours not leaving an inch in the kingdom trying to find about his whereabouts. We made many assumptions, tried to think like him and find where his but I couldn't find him still. I started getting tense not knowing what to do. All I really want to do is curl up on the ground and bawl my eyes out.

"Xander!" I said suddenly. "Contact your powerful witch. Ask him to locate Blake."

Xander remained silent in what I suppose contacting his witch silently.

"He said he somewhere in this castle itself. He couldn't find his exact location. He blocked himself from being found out consciously or unconsciously but he is somewhere in the castle itself."

With that we searched the castle inside out and the castle was buzzing with people running around. We searched everywhere but we sill couldn't find him anywhere. It is getting difficult to contain myself. My heart aches for Blake and the very thought that he could be dead knocks the breathe out of me. How could that happen? It is not possible.

"I will be back. I need to use the washroom. You guys continue searching." I said running to our room. The room which Blake and I shared. As soon as I reached the room I closed the door and collapsed against the door.

I couldn't bear it. Blake! Where is he? I want him. I can't live if something happens to him. He is my life. How could he misunderstand always? Why? Why did he leave me? Why couldn't he let me explain. Just when I wanted to get close to him such a hing happened. I want Blake. I want him!

***************************************************************************************And so our Sophie has to face  another obstacle in her love life. How will she overcome this? Where is Blake all this time? Let us find out next week.

Till then! Read, vote and comment! Have a nice time guys!

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