Retrieving My Princess- Book...

By princessofpoprock

61.9K 1.2K 758

Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. -Lilo & Stitch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... More

Emptiness- Chapter 1
Week 1- Chapter 2
Week 2- Chapter 3
Week 3- Chapter 4
You or Them- Chapter 5
Waiting- Chapter 6
Departures- Chapter 7
Here of There- Chapter 8 Part 1
A New Beginning... Again?- Chapter 9
Update! :)
Best Friend and Tiaras- Chapter 10
Meetings and Plans- Chapter 11
So It Begins...- Chapter 12
Truth or Lies- Chapter 13
Confiding Problems- Chapter 14
Melodies and Outings- Chapter 15
Bruises- Chapter 16
Reappearance- Chapter 17
Amends- Chapter 18
Reminiscing- Chapter 19
Avoiding- Chapter 20
Surprise Visits- Chapter 21
Broken Images- Chapter 22
Remembrance- Chapter 23
Tensions- Chapter 24
Finding Lost Treasures- Chapter 25
Moving Forward- Chapter 26
I'm Sorry
Update: New Fan Fiction

Gone- Chapter 8 Part 2

2.1K 57 69
By princessofpoprock

Gone- Chapter 8 Part 2

A/N: Before I start I'd like to say this: In the words of the excellent author @BelWatson here on wattpad, I have two bodyguards protecting me all day & night. Now, continue reading & DONT KILL ME!

Harry's POV:


I was dressed in all black. My usual rebellious curls were messy and unkempt. The usual sparkle I had in my green eyes was gone. Instead, I looked like a zombie. I looked lifeless. I felt lifeless as I stood in front of her casket. She looked so beautiful even when she's dead. Her wavy hair framed her face. Her beautiful eyes were closed forever. I will never see her beautiful blue-green eyes again. The ghost of a smile was on her lips. The black lace dress that Mary designed for her made her fair skin look pale. I placed I hand on both of hers that lay on her belly. She was cold to the touch. My princess... She's gone.

I felt a tear roll down my face, and a sob escaped my lips. The service had just ended, and the only people that lingered around were the lads, the girls, Logan, and Ariel's family. Rockers weren't allowed to attend the service. We all wanted them to attend, but management said that it'd only cause havoc. I removed my hand from hers and gripped the side of her casket. I dropped my head, and I just let tears roll down my face. I was well aware that they were going to close the casket now so it would be buried six feet under, but I didn't want to move. I cried until I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder. "Hazza, let go. She's gone," Louis said with emotion thick in his words.

I turned and looked at him straight into his dark brown eyes. "I can't, Lou! She was my life! She was my happiness! She held the key to my world, and she's gone! You don't know how bad it feels to have someone ripped from your life. My best friend and lover are gone... She's gone, Lou," I said as I sobbed into his shoulder.

He held me tight, and I felt his tears mix with mine. "Harry, we're all going to miss her," I heard Liam say.

I looked at him, and I saw that sadness was filled in his blue-gray eyes. "If you really want her to rest in peace, you need to follow her last wish," Zayn said quietly approaching us.

He had fresh tears falling from his sky blue eyes. Niall approached us and said in his Irish accent, "Let her go. Yes mourn for her, but don't let it control your life."

Niall tried stopping the tears from his hazel eyes, but he failed miserably. "You don't understand. I can't move on. She was the purpose to my life. Without her, I'm nothing! I can't leave her," I roared and I pulled away from Lou.

I turned to look at Ariel again, but I discovered that her casket was now buried. The only thing that was left behind was a pile of freshly moved dirt, and many bouquets of flowers. I did the first thing I thought of when I felt the lads approach me again; I ran. I ran through the cemetery until I left everyone behind. I stopped running once I got to a tree. I turned to see if anyone followed, and no one was behind me. Strangely, I still felt a presence near me. "Why did you leave me, Ary? You promised me you would fight for your life! Where did that promise go, huh?! I can't move on, Ary. You were my life. Without you, I'm honestly empty. I'm nothing but an empty shell," I said sobbing as I kneeled on the grass and clutched the grass tightly.

"Harry," a soft melodic voice said. It rang through my ears, but it can't be the same person...

"Harry, look at me," the voice said. I felt something cold touch my chin pull my head up. Ary stood in front of me. However, when the clouds overhead moved and sunlight shone, she faded a little bit. It's her ghost.

"Ary," I said quietly, but tears still fell from my eyes.

"Haz, don't cry."

"How can I not cry? You're gone! I told you I'd be broken if you left."

She giggled and said, "Haz, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to open your eyes."

"What?" I said in confusion.

"Open your eyes, Haz," Ariel said, and she faded away. I felt someone shaking my shoulder, but I shook them off. What did she mean?

"Harry, wake up," Louis’s voice said from far away. I closed my eyes, and did as I was told.


I opened my eyes, and I gasped. I was back in Ariel's hospital room. I immediately sat up, and my eyes immediately searched for Ariel. There she was. She was on the hospital bed looking lifeless, but her heart was still beating. It was just a dream... I quickly turned to my right, and I spotted Lou there. He was holding a tea in one of his hands while he looked at me sleepily. "You ok, mate? You were crying in your sleep," Lou said as he stifled back a yawn.

"Now I am. I dreamt that Ariel died. It felt so real Lou. The pain was unimaginable! I can't live without her," I said quietly.

"Harry, you heard Doctor Hopper last week. He said that Ariel should die any day now. From what I heard, today may even be her last day. You need to start letting go."

"Lou, that's the issue. I can't let go. I know everyone says I can and I need to, but I just can't. She's my world. She holds the key to my happiness. I can't move on."

"Harry, we'll talk about this later. I came to wake you because we need to go to an interview. That's the main reason why we're back here to London. She'll be here when we come back. I'm sure of it. Come on, let's go," Lou said offering me a small smile. I reluctantly got up from the chair and stretched. Dani, El, and Mary gave me small waves as Lou and I exited her room.

"Hold up! I forgot something," I said as I ran back in. I ran up to Ariel and stroked her right cheek. It felt warm to the touch. It was different from last night. Last night it felt cold, and now it's warm. I hope that's a good sign. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. I told her quietly, "I'll be back soon, Ary. Please don't go anywhere."

I heard the girls coo, but I quickly left the room, and I found the lads talking to one another. One thing that was different from the lads in my dream to my real life best friends was their eye colors. In my dream, Liam had Louis's eye color, Zayn had Niall's, Louis had Zayn's, and Niall had Liam's. I don't know why I didn't notice it first. Now that I look back, it was an obvious sign it was a dream. Not to mention the fact that she would never give up that easily. She would never go down without a fight. I approached the lads, and they all quieted down. "Let's go. The faster we get this over with, the faster we can return," Liam said flashing me a small smile.

We walked into the elevator, and a thought popped into my mind. "What about Scar? Isn't she coming with us?" I asked while turning towards the lads.

I mean they should know because I'm the only one that ended up staying last night. I was being stubborn with them when they were forcing me to leave, so Dani and I made a deal. She got to sleep in her flat last night while I stayed in the hospital."No she's not needed for the interview. Management said she should catch up with her sleep," Zayn said answering my question.

I merely nodded and remained silent. I still can't get that dream out of my head. Is it some sort of sign? Or am I just overly worried? Either explanation is plausible, that's what scares me. I hope she isn't dying. I know no one else noticed it, but I felt improvement in her today. Well one thing’s for sure, today I'll be finding out if she lives or dies.

As soon as we were back in the waiting room, I felt Niall slap my back and turned to him. I raised an eyebrow, but he just smiled. "What's got you in such a quiet mood?" Niall asked low enough so no one would hear him.

"Ary," I said so none of the other lads would hear me.

Niall sighed and said, "Mate, smile and relax. Don't let this get to you. At our last concert you didn't interact as much and the fans noticed. You can't let this get to you. She would be upset if she found out that you're worrying your fans over her. She would tell you that no matter what happens, she'd want you to accept it and move on fast. She'd hate to see this affecting your career. Don't think that I've lost hope. Unlike Doctor Hopper and a good chunk of our friends, I still have hope that she will wake up. I'm sure of it. Show her how strong you can be. Don't worry our fans so much."

We climbed into the van and I let his words sink in. He's right. She'd hate me for worrying our fans so much. I do need to prepare myself for whatever happens. I know that whatever I do to prepare myself, I'll never be fully ready. It's not possible to prepare yourself for a death. No matter how much you think you're ready, you will never be. The death will always impact you in some way, shape, or form. If we're lucky, then nothing in your attitude will change. If you're not, then you're entire world can be changed. Your attitude can be affected, and your personality can flip completely. Even then, these are just small ways in how a death could affect you. I know there are worse forms, and I strongly hope I don't get a huge impact. Or at least not big enough that will hurt our fans and the band.

"Harry? Come on. Time to get off. You're really out of it today," Paul said popping his head into the van. I noticed I was the only one left. Did they ditch me?! I jumped out of the van, and merely shrugged at Paul. "I hope you drop this now, though. There won't be many fans in the audience, but the easier and faster you get done with this, then it'll be better for all of you."

Paul dropped me off outside of our dressing room. He pushed the door open and encouraged me inside. As soon as I was inside, Paul stood in front of the door way, and closed the door. I looked at everyone in the dressing room, but no one looked at me. As soon as I stepped away from the door, it opened again and a panting Lou came in. "So sorry I'm late, lads. Lux didn't want to stay home. She kept saying how she missed Ariel, but anyways... Who's going to be my first victim? Harry? Great! Thanks for volunteering! Now go sit on the chair while I take out my things."

I heard chuckles across the room, and I playfully rolled my eyes at Lou. "You're welcome, Lou," I said while making my way to the chair.

I didn't volunteer, but I won't complain. I know she's in a hurry. After here, we've got to get changed into the outfits our new stylists picked out. Yes, management hired new clothes stylists. They said Lou already had a huge job taking care of our hair and makeup, so that's why they hired these new stylists. They're nice as well, but we are still getting used to them. "Harry, do you want me to style it like I usually do, or do you want something new?" Lou asked while approaching me with her products in her hands.

I was going to tell just to do my usual curls, but then I got an idea. I knew that if I change my image a bit, everyone will think it either has to do with Ariel, or that I just wanted a change. Plus, I can show the lads that I'm trying hard to move on just in case Ariel does die. "Actually Lou, can you do a quiff?" I told her with a small smile.

"A quiff? Sure. May I ask what convinced you to change your usual style?" She plugged in the hairdryer, and wet my hair with a spray. While she styled it, I decided to just answer her question. I knew the lads were eavesdropping. How? Because it was too quiet.

"I'm just preparing myself for the worst, ya know? I'm trying hard to move on just in case she does die," I told Lou while I kept my eyes trained on a small spot in the mirror. Lou didn't say anything anymore. Instead, I heard her sniffle. I dared a glance, and I saw a couple of tears escape her eyes. She silently finished my hair, all in the while humming one of Ariel's songs. I could identify the song in my sleep. It was one of her biggest hits, and one of Ariel's favorites. It was Don't Forget. I decided to hum it along with her, and I saw her look at me with a bit of shock in her eyes. She then gave me a small smile, and we finished humming along to the song.

Don't Forget

Did you forget

That I was even alive?

Did you forget

Everything we ever had?

Did you forget?

Did you forget

About me?

Did you regret (did you regret)

Ever standing by my side

Did you forget (did you forget)

What we were feeling inside?

Now I'm left to forget

About us

But somewhere we went wrong

We were once so strong

Our love is like a song

You can't forget it

So now I guess

This is where we have to stand

Did you regret

Ever holding my hand?

Never again

Please don't forget

Don't forget

We had it all

We were just about to fall

Even more in love

Than we were before

I won't forget

I won't forget

About us

But somewhere we went wrong

We were once so strong

Our love is like a song

You can't forget it

Somewhere we went wrong

We were once so strong

Our love is like a song

You can't forget it

At all

And at last

All the pictures have been burned

And all the past

Is just a lesson that we've learned

I won't forget

Please don't forget us

Somewhere we went wrong

Our love is like a song

But you won't sing along

You've forgotten

About us

(Don't forget)

Lou finished styling my hair with a small smile, and she called Zayn up. I gave Zayn a small smile as I passed him on my way to one of the beanbags. He returned it, and told Lou just to style his hair normally. When I reached the lads, I playfully glared at them and said, "Why'd you ditch me?"

Lou heard what I said and she gasped. She said, "You ditched him?! Why would you do that? What did he do?"

I pouted and said, "Hey! Why do I always need to do something?" They laughed, and Lou continued with Zayn's hair.

Liam said, "We didn't ditch you, mate. You just didn't hear us when we kept telling you that we were there. It's as if you were frozen and in your own world. Eventually we got tired of calling you and shaking you, so we just left the task up to Paul. We figured that if we couldn't get to you, maybe Paul would."

"Yeah. We didn't intentionally ditch you. We just needed to get into the studio before management killed us," Louis said while checking his text messages. I didn't respond. Are they right? Am I getting so wrapped up in my mind that I'm blocking everyone out? Am I really shutting down?

"I'm sorry," I say quietly while avoiding eye contact. "It wasn't my intention to shut down. I didn't even hear you guys. I promise to try harder though. I'll try hard to move on."

For the rest of our time, we talked about random things and avoided any topics on Ariel. We even started to talk about Reagan Burell. "Lads, you all know about Reagan Burell, right?" Niall asked from Lou's chair.

"Nope. Enlighten us," Zayn said while locking his phone and making sure his hair hasn't messed up yet.

"Ok, well she's an actress on Disney Channel in America. She got her breakthrough on the hit show Goodluck, Charlie. She has a beautiful voice as well," Niall said.

"What's so special about her though?" Liam asked while looking at the Irishman as well.

"Well, listen to this. It's the song that appears in the beginning of the show. Listen to her. She's amazing," Niall said while playing the song. We all listened intently to the voice of the newest celebrity, Reagan Burell.

Hang In There Baby

Today's all burnt toast

Running late and dad jokes

Has anybody seen my left shoe?

Close my eyes take a bite

Grab a ride laugh out loud

There it is up on the roof

I've been there I survived

So just take my advice

Hang in there, baby

Things are crazy,

But I know your future's bright

Hang in there, baby

There's no maybe,

Everything turns out alright

Sure life is up and down,

But trust me, it comes back around

You’re gonna love who you turn out to be


Home run, loud crash

Someone’s gonna pay for that

Why's everyone looking at me?

Trouble in paradise

Skating on melted ice

Please don't take away my TV

I've been there I survived

So just take my advice

Hang in there, baby

Things are crazy,

But I know your future's bright

Hang in there, baby

There's no maybe,

Everything turns out alright

Sure life is up and down,

But trust me, it comes back around

You’re gonna love who you turn out to be

Someone who gets along

Can keep you moving on

That's what I’m here for

Say anything, you can say anything

Cause I've been there

Hang in there, baby

Things are crazy,

But I know your future's bright

Hang in there, baby

There's no maybe,

Everything turns out alright

Sure life is up and down,

But trust me, it comes back around

You’re gonna love who you turn out to be

Hang in there, baby

Things are crazy,

But I know your future's bright

Hang in there, baby

There's no maybe,

Everything turns out alright

Sure life is up and down,

But trust me, it comes back around

You’re gonna love who you turn out to be

Take it from me

Hang in there, baby

"She's great," Louis said honestly while grinning from ear to ear.

"She really is," I said nodding. "How does she look?"

"Hold up, let me look up a picture," Niall said while scrolling through his phone as he climbed off of Lou's chair. He searched for a picture as we made our way to our clothes stylists. "Aha! Got one! Wow... She's really pretty," Niall said as he passed his phone around,

When the phone eventually got to me, I showed no emotion. She had about elbow length blonde hair and brown eyes. Her fair skin helped hide the fact that she was actually a brunet like Niall. She looked average height, and she was pretty thin. She was pretty I guess, but she's not gorgeous like Ariel. I still prefer Ariel over her. Ariel is curvy, but it just makes her look a lot more beautiful. She even made it to the top fifteen of the most beautiful women in the UK. She got number eight. Sure it's not that high, but I think the fact that she's eighteen explains a lot. "She's pretty I guess," I said shrugging while passing Niall his phone.

"Not your type?" Niall said furrowing his eyebrows.

"Nope. My heart only belongs to one person," I said hurrying into our other dressing room to grab my outfit for the interview. It was a simple white v-neck with black jeans, and brown boots. I changed fast while the lads did too. They didn't tell me anything about my little comment. I was the first one done, and I decided to go to the tech crew so I could get a microphone. Not even three minutes after I left, they all join me, and they got microphones as well. We were scheduled to be on in about three minutes.

"Lads, you're on," the head of crew informs us. Zayn walked out first, then Niall, Louis, Liam, and me. The little fans that were in the small audience started to scream, and we waved at them. They usually make me smile, but lately they haven't succeeded in doing that. Some even yelled for me to smile, and I couldn't help but smile at them. They're wonderful when they care about us so much. My smile seemed to please not only the fans, but the lads as well. They smiled when they noticed my smile. They looked so happy that our fans finally made me smile. I turned to our host, Elliot, and greeted him.

(E= Elliot, H= Harry, N= Niall, LP= Liam, LT= Louis, Z= Zayn)

E: Ello boys! Looks like the audience is pumped. *laughing*

H: Hey! You're the same lad that interviewed Ariel a couple of weeks back!

E: Ah. So you remember?

H: Yeah I saw the interview. It was great.

E: Glad you liked it! Now, how have you all been?

LT: Busy.

LP: What Louis means is-.

LT: Busy. That's what I mean. We've been nothing but busy.

N: In other words... In between other interviews, spending time with our opening act, visiting the hospital, concerts, and fan meetings... We've been quite busy. We don't have much time to ourselves.

Z: I mean it's great because we get to make our beautiful fans happy, but we would enjoy a bit more free time.

E: That does sound busy. Very busy actually. Are there any updates on Ariel though? Everything has been kind of cloudy and quiet over her.

LP: We aren't allowed to give out any information actually. At least not major information.

H: What we can say is that soon there will be news on her.

Z: Yeah that's about all we can say without being specific.

LT: Well I guess we can also say that she's as healthy as a person in her condition can get.

N: Yup. That's all.

E: It was pretty general, but we can see why. Like you said, it would be pretty much violating her privacy. Is there any country you're looking forward to perform in?

N: I'd have to say Ireland or Mexico.

LP: I'd have to say the entire European leg of our tour.

LT: I'd have to say the American leg.

Z: Australia sounds great as well!

H: Japan and the European leg sound great. Especially the European leg because we will be close to home.

E: And that's always great! If you're close to home you have a lot more contact with your family.

LT: Exactly! We get very little time as it is with them, so the little time we do get we enjoy it to the max.

Z: We also have a week off between our Birmingham and Liverpool concerts.

H: Yeah. All of us will probably spend it with our family and friends. We love our fans, but we prefer spending our free time with our family for the reason we rarely get time with them.

E: Excellent. You hear that Directioners? They'll be having a week off soon!

Lads: *laughing*

E: So besides the fact that you've been busy, how's tour so far?

LP: I mean we don't have much to compare to. We just started tour about two weeks ago.

E: But evaluating these three weeks you've been on tour, how would you describe your experience so far?

Z: Well it's different. Every tour we will ever do will be different if we compare them to past ones.

N: Yeah. This tour is a lot different because our best friend is in the hospital. The same best friend that went on tour with us last year, so that's one reason.

H: Well a Niall said the biggest difference. I guess another difference is the fact that this time we are promoting our second album.

LT: Then again we did that during our last tour, but I think Harry means that we will be using a lot more songs from our second album. We did that last tour, but we only used three songs I believe. Even then that was at the end of our tour.

E: Well that was our exclusive interview with One Direction! Next we have Reagan Burell! She's the newest American actress and singer. Goodbye boys, and we wish you luck with your new tour!

We stood up from the sofa and waved to the audience and the camera. I gave everyone a small smile while the lads gave them big smiles. We walked off the stage and towards Paul. As soon as we turned the corner to get to Paul, Niall crashed into someone. "Ouch," a girlie voice yelled as she fell and the Irishman landed on top of her.

"Excuse me. Do you mind getting off me, please? I'm running a bit late to get my microphone for my interview," the girl said. The only thing that was visible from her was her pale skin and her blonde hair. I pulled Niall off of her, and I heard her take a huge breath of air. Zayn extended his hand to help her up, and she took it. She looked down at her outfit and dusted it off.

"You're Reagan, right?" Zayn questioned while he kept examining her.

She snapped her head up at us, and she blushed. "Yeah that's me. The girl that's always running late."

"Haha. It's not bad to be running late, love. I'm sorry for landing on top of you though," Niall said with a sheepish grin.

She directed her attention at him, and I saw her cheeks redden even more. I noticed she had an unusual spark in her eyes, and her smile grew. Uh-oh that's not good. She can't fall for Niall. Niall has a huge crush on Mary. She will just get hurt. "It's fine. I just need to watch where I'm going. I tend to crash into people very often and that's how I meet celebrities in the most awkward situations. Like now, I've met the internationally famous boyband One Direction because I crashed into Niall Horan. Isn't that just lovely? Oh great. I'm babbling now. I better stop and get going because-."

"Where's Reagan?! She was supposed to get her microphone three minutes ago! She's on in four minutes," the backstage manager said startling Reagan.

"I've got to go! Sorry! Um... Bye!" Reagan said already ready to sprint down the corridor.

"Wait! You're fun to talk to. What's your number? You seem like you'd be a great friend," Niall said with a smile.

Reagan blushed and said, "I'm actually awkward, but I really need to go. Here, I'll write it down!" She pulled out a black sharpie from her jeans pocket and scribbled it down onto Niall's hand. As soon as she was done, she sprints down the corridor and I heard her mumbling excuses under her breath.

"She's always crashing into people and babbling..." Louis said sounding amused.

"Sounds like Ariel, huh?" Liam said with an amused grin. At the mention of her name I felt my heart quench. Ariel... I need to get back to her. How can I move on if they are always mentioning her? With those thoughts, I sauntered off, and I heard the confused calls of my five best mates fade down to corridor. I saw Paul by the side exit, and I just walked up to him.

"Where's the rest?" Paul asked while looking at me. I shrugged, and I heard someone running down the corridor towards us.

"Paul! We can't find Harry! He's- Oh he's here," Louis said sounding relieved. "Liam, Zayn, Niall! He's here with Paul!"

The next thing I know, my other three best friends come sprinting down the hall and they tackle me into a hug along with Louis. "I'm sorry! I know you're trying hard to move on from Ariel, but we aren't making it any easier by mentioning her. I'm sorry, mate," Liam said somewhere from my right.

"S'ok. Now, can we go back to the hospital? I've got to see my princess," I said while shoving them off lightly. They nodded, and Paul opened the door for us.

I clearly heard him mumble, "These boys will be the death of me." I merely chuckled and jumped into the passenger seat of the van while the lads got into the backseats and Paul started up the van. Usually he would just drop us off and leave, but there were times he'd go with us into the hospital and actually stand guard outside of Ariel's door. I don't know why he does this. I mean none of the fans know what her room number is, and they'd have to know her extremely well if they guess room number 713. I'm sure she will start fangirling as soon as she wakes up when she discovers her room number.  The love this girl has for Harry Potter will never surprise me. I miss her random nerd moments. I can tell everyone does because when we spot something Harry Potter related, we all get this faraway look in our eyes. It's as if we are reminiscing all her moments. I'm sure she hasn't bought any more nerd items because she hasn't had time. I'm sure she will as soon she gets more time and she's reminded of all the items she's wanted. I actually already had her birthday gift all planned out and ready, but depending on today's events will plan out the future.

Sooner than I expected, we pulled up to the hospital and we practically ran inside. As soon as we made it to her room, the atmosphere seemed different. Ariel was still in her unconscious state, but everyone was there. I wonder what's going on now. Logan got up from one of the chairs and led us back outside. He looked at us and I noticed that his eyes were red from recently crying. He said, "Guys, Doctor Hopper came around about half an hour ago and he told us that we should start saying goodbye to Ariel. He said that her heart is giving off weak signals now and she may die within two hours at the most. We've all said goodbye already. We were just waiting on you guys."

I froze. I even blocked him out. How could she have gotten worse if she was warmer earlier? This has to be some sick joke. This can't be true... When I zoned back in, I noticed that Zayn was no longer with us, and that everyone was slowly leaving her room. From what I heard they were going to the waiting room so they could give each of us privacy. I guess Zayn decided on going first. I can't handle this... I can't handle losing her. I guess it's finally happening.

Zayn's POV:

I volunteered in going in first, and we all agreed that Harry should be last. I know his goodbye would be the hardest and the longest. The lads agreed on waiting outside the door while everyone else left to the waiting room. Why? I don't know. We're just used to being close I guess. I walked towards Ariel, and I heard the door close once the last person left the room. I dropped my act of being strong, and I started to quietly cry. I sat on the edge of her bed and grabbed her hand with mine. I smiled down at her as well. "Hello there, Ariel. It's been awhile since you've been with us, you know? We miss you. I know you probably won't be coming back, but it would be great if you could prove Doctor Hopper and us wrong. I wish you would just open your eyes, but I know that won't happen. I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you. Thank you for the amazing advice you've given me over time and the amazing moments we shared. Thank you for all the smiles and laughs, but most of all, thank you for uniting us. Because of you the lads and I are getting along a lot more. We are more united than ever and it's all thanks to you. I love you. You will always one of my little sisters. See you soon, love," I said in a thick voice and tears streaming down my face.

I kissed her cold hand and placed it back on her side. I wiped away my stray tears and walked slowly away. When I got to the door, I looked back and gave her another smile before I exited the room and told Niall it was his turn.

Niall's POV:

We saw Zayn exit the room, and I quickly stood up from the floor. He gave me a quick pat on the back, and I noticed that he wiped away the fresh tears falling from his eyes. I gave him a small smile, and entered Ariel's room. I closed the door behind me and immediately smiled. I felt tears stinging my eyes, and I let them fall. I started to cry loudly, and I wasn't scared if the lads to heard me. I was always the sensible one from the band anyways. I slowly walked over to her as I tried to even out my breaths. I sat on her bed and moved the hair from her face. I forced a weak smile on my face as I prepared my goodbye. "Ariel... I find it crazy how I was the second one from the band to meet you. I know Harry was the first since he was your best friend, but it's still an amazing feeling to know I was the second one. You always had an amazing voice to begin with. I know that wherever you are, you will always make people happy with your music. You have touched thousands of your fans with your music, and that's great. I always preferred your cooking over Harry's. There was always that extra spice or taste in your cooking. It's something indescribable. I know I'll never hear you sing and taste your cooking again, but I want you to know that I'm happy I did get to taste it. I'm happy I got to meet you and spend time with you. Every day I spent with you, was another day I fell deeper in love with you. I'm pretty sure by this point I'm way more overprotective of you in a brotherly way than Liam is. You will always be the little sister I wish I had. I love you so much little sis. I'll see you soon," I said while giving her a small smile and kissing her forehead.

I quietly walked over to her door, and looked back once my hand was on the doorknob. I turned around and whispered, "Sleep tight and sweet dreams my beautiful sister."

I opened the door and I still felt the tears going down my face. Louis quickly stood up as soon as he saw me.

Louis's POV:

I saw Niall exit Ariel's room and I slowly stood up. Niall looked so upset. I walked up to him and pulled him into a tight hug. Niall clung onto me as if he were a koala. I felt his tears soak my shoulder, but I didn't care. He's one of my brothers and I hate to see him upset. I want to do everything to get rid of his pain, but it's difficult when we are all suffering over the same thing. I pulled out of the hug, but I saw Zayn come up and take the Irishman from our hug. I took that as a sign to go into the room and say my goodbye. I quietly closed the door behind me, and looked over to Ariel's bed. I had a sad smile on my face as I approached her. I sat down to the empty chair beside her bed. I pulled her hand up to my face and kissed it gently. I placed it back on her side and I played with her fingers as I began my goodbye. "Ariel, you were the best pranking partner I've had. Harry has been my partner, but we've never been able to pull of such huge pranks before. I'm going to miss everyone's scared looks whenever we left alone together. They all believed we were plotting another prank when in reality we always did it on purpose to see them paranoid. I have to say that our best pranks had to be the ones where we scared the lads awake with firecrackers, and when we scared them during our Hunger Games movie night. You managed to bring all of us together in that pranking war, and I have to thank you a lot for that. You were the best opening act we had on tour as well. You always kept us entertained. I can already hear your sassy voice complaining on whether that's a good thing. It's one of the many things we won't hear again. I'm going to miss you so much. Thank you for providing great advice and being my twin. Goodbye my little sister. We will all see you eventually. Goodbye," I said as I gave her fingers one last squeeze.

I stood up and headed towards her door. I waved one final goodbye to her, and I opened the door. Liam seemed out of it, so I walked up to him and tapped him on his shoulder.

Liam's POV:

I still can't believe she's leaving. It's hard to accept. I could've sworn she was doing better, but I guess it was just my imagination. I felt someone tap me on my shoulder, and I looked up. I saw Louis, and I quickly stood up. I knew it was my turn now. We offered each other sad smiles, and I walked into her room. I closed the door behind me and slowly approached the bed of my best friend and little sister. I gave her a hug, but I made sure I didn't move her or accidentally disconnected any cables. I held her hand tightly in mine and squeezed my eyes shut. I felt tears escape my eyes, and I couldn't prevent the tears that escaped my eyes. "Ariel, I still have a lot of faith in you to wake up. I wish you would just open your eyes and we'll see your sparkling eyes. I was the first one you opened up to from all of us, and I'm very grateful. I'm happy Dani and I were able to help you overcome your trusting issues, and I'm so proud that you were able to move on from so many problems because of our help. You were always one of those special friends that we always had to keep an eye on. Am I complaining? No. If anything I'm very happy we did. I still can't get over the guilt that eats me inside every time I see you lying here helpless and out of reach. Maybe if I didn't listen to you for once we could've saved you. You could've been here with us, Ariel! But I didn't do anything about it! That's what eats me up day and night. I just wish I can turn back the time and reverse everything. We could finally know where to look for Amelia and prevent her from hurting you, but here you are. But I guess you will finally be safe. You can finally be with Penelope again since I can tell you really wanted to see her again. I know it will hurt you a lot to see us in pain, but we will move on eventually. I'll even promise to help Harry move on. I promise to help him find someone that will make him happy as much as you made him. I won't allow him to kill himself with sadness. I will be there for him every day. Thank you for all the great memories, Ariel. Thank you for all the random moments. Thank you for understanding my love for Disney. You are the only one out of everyone that understands it, and that's why I loved you so much. You were the only one that understood why I get so excited whenever a new Disney project is announced, or when a Toy Story marathon is announced on telly. I love you, Ariel. I promise to never leave your fans alone. I promise to always be there for them. Goodbye and goodnight my beautiful sister," I said while planting a light kiss in her temples and allowing my tears to hit her cold skin.

I slowly stood up from the bed and made my way away from her. As I made it to the door, I looked back at her and allowed a sob to escape my lips. I opened the door, and noticed that Harry was staring blankly at the wall. I kneeled down in front of him and placed my hand on his knee.

Harry's POV:

I jumped when I felt someone place their hand on my knee. I was met with hazel eyes, and a soft smile. It was Liam. He had tears slowly making their way down his face and he said quietly, "Hazza, it's your turn to see her."

I felt my heart rate increase, and I nodded. I slowly stood up and made my way to her room door. It's finally my turn to say goodbye. I'm not ready yet. I'll never be ready to say goodbye to her. I closed her door behind me, and I froze when I turned. There she was. My beautiful princess lay motionless on her bed. Her hair covered part of her face, but it still made her look beautiful. Perrie had made a braid in her hair, but it had already become undone. I slowly walked up to her. I was still unable to cry. I can't accept it. I can't accept the fact that she's dying, but I guess I need to. Her end is near. "Ary... Why do you need to leave us?" I asked her as I sat right by her, and intertwined our fingers. I brushed her hair out of her face, and I kept my left hand on the side of her face.

"Wake up, please. None of us want you to die. Why do you want to leave us? If you can hear me, please wake up soon. Please prove all of us wrong. Prove to Doctor Hopper that you will make it. We can't accept the fact that you're leaving us. I remember the day we first met. It was during Amelia and Joseph's wedding. You seemed shy, but random. You were such a friendly and lovely girl. I know how much you got bullied. I know there was many times in which you never told me of the times you got bullied. I never understood why you did that. If you were scared of my safety, I want you to remember that I would die to just keep you safe. That's why when you jumped in front of the bullet for me, I can't accept it. You sacrificed yourself for me. I should've pushed you away! You shouldn't have got hurt that day! You don't deserve to be in this condition," I sobbed as tears flowed endlessly down my face. "I remember our life growing up. You were such a great friend. I can't believe I didn't notice I had feelings for you until I was fourteen. For Valentine’s Day that year I actually wanted you to be my valentine. I wanted you to know how much I cared about you, but you only looked at me as a best friend. I was crushed, but I learned to accept it. Then when I made that silly dare... I regret making that dare. Well not completely. Because of that dare you made it into the prestigious music school. I know that if I never dared you in the first place you wouldn't have auditioned. You made it. I never doubted your ability, but it hurt to accept the fact that you wouldn't be coming to the same preparatory school as me. I was selfish on your birthday. I only thought of myself. I never thought about how this could have benefited you. In a sense, I was scared. I was scared you would get bullied and I wouldn't be there to prevent it. I was scared everyone there would hurt you, Ary. All I wanted was the best for you. In a way it's great that you did end up going because I ended up leaving for the X Factor. Imagine if you would've gone to the same school... They were going to break you as soon as I was gone. They were going to take pleasure in seeing you break while I'm away. I can already imagine their triumph smiles when they would see me return to look for you. I would have only found a grave. They would have been grinning widely because they would’ve gotten rid of the nerdy girl they hated for no reason. They would've loved to see my reaction. I'm happy you left because you got to meet Cher and Penelope. You got to make another two unforgettable friends. In a sense I felt replaced, but at the same time I was glad that close to no one bullied you in your new school. I was happy that you were finally accepted for who you were. And then when I remembered you after I forgot about you, I was horrified. I kicked myself for forgetting someone as important as you. I know it wasn't my fault I forgot about you because I got amnesia, but I still can't believe I forgot you. Although I have to say that the months you spent with us on tour was amazing. I finally got you to love me, and we were extremely happy until management forced us apart. Because of them I had to see you hurt every day until you finally met Joe. Even then, I still saw you broken. I saw how you longed to be with me when you couldn't. We you told me that you didn't love me anymore because you loved Joe that broke my heart. I believed I had lost you, but that only made me determined to get you back. I saw how much your breakup affected you, and I wanted to help you. Yet I couldn't because you pushed me away. I don't blame you either. I hurt you so much. I deserved to be pushed out of your life. I wanted to hurt Cara during Zayn's party. I knew it was because of her that you left the party. I only love you though. She's only a friend, and she will always be just a friend. That song that I sang was for you. It wasn't for Cara, but you didn't even stay long enough for me to tell you. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we've had our ups and downs, but I will always love you. You shouldn't be here on this bed. You should be up and running around. You should be keeping your fans happy. Ary, I know you've asked me to move on so many times, but I haven't done it because I love you. No matter how hard I will try to move on, I won't succeed. You will always be the reason for which I live. You will always be my sunshine, my reason to smile, and the reason why I only have eyes for you. I love you, Ary. I hope you do wake up, but if you don't then I want you to know that I will try hard to move on. I will do what you wished and try to find someone else. I just want you to know that there will never be someone I feel as strongly as I do for you.  Goodnight and goodbye my love. I'll try to survive without you."


I kissed her forehead, and removed my hands from her cold skin. I could've sworn I saw her slightly frown, but I know I was just seeing things. I stood up from the bed and opened the door. I saw that everyone was outside now and waiting to come back in. I left the door open I took my spot on the chair right by Ariel's bed. I heard everyone slowly settle in, and I found myself ignoring them. I just can't face them. I know that if I do, I'll just be even more upset. I don't know how long we remained silent and just watched her. It sounds creepy now that I say it. It's like we were watching some sick science experiment. It's as if we were waiting until she died on us. The doctor came and checked her again. We heard her heartbeats start slowing down, and I started to cry softly again. This is it... Doctor Hopper turned towards us as said, "I'm so sorry we couldn't do anything."


As soon as those words left his mouth, her heart started to speed up again. Quickly it was back up to its normal pace, and he looked shocked. I suddenly held onto her hand tightly and got extremely close to her bed. I was bending down so the only thing she would see if she woke up was me. I heard her groan, and I saw her arms move a bit. "Come on, Ary! Wake up! I know you can do it!" I told her excitedly.


Slowly but surely, she opened her eyes, and I found myself staring into her blue-green orbs again. However, there seemed to be something missing from her eyes...


Ariel's POV:


I felt darkness pressing in all around me. I knew I had to wake up. Why? I don't know. All I know is that it's crucial for me to wake up. As soon as I start hearing people, I get happy. I'm finally accomplishing it! I'm finally waking up! The first thing I felt as soon I was conscious was pain. I groaned out in pain, but voices encouraged me to keep trying. Eventually I got my eyes to open, and the first thing I saw were a pair or amazing green eyes. They belonged to a boy with curly chocolate hair, and a beautiful dimpled smile. He said, "Ariel! You're awake! I knew you wouldn't leave me!"


I said the first thing that came to mind when I saw him. "Who are you?" I questioned with my scratchy unused voice.


I heard several other people gasp, and his face fell. No matter how much the other people demanded my attention, I kept my gaze on him. Why is he staring at me as if I just kicked a puppy? Who is he and why does he care so much about me?


A/N: so im back. heres part 2 dont kill me please. i need to live if u wish to see future updates. :P so i was doing better this week. i actually managed to smile & laugh sincerely & honestly. my friends looked relieved to see me doing this again. they were so proud of my fangirling over the fact that Midnight Memories came out on Friday. everything was going so great. i saw MM & laughed at their adorableness. however, this ended again. why? my dog died later during the day when MM was released. he got poisoned & we had no other choice but to take him to the vet so they could put him to sleep. :'( i know many of u want me to talk about it but i cant. i promise to get better. my therapist is giving me tips on how to get better. im taking them to heart starting tomorrow. right now i just want to suffer. just let me suffer for now. i promise to be better by my next update. i promise to be smiling & laughing again. now... how did you all like MM? i loved it. i found it dorky but completely adorable. i had panic attacks whenever the lads were on the bridge. yes i saw the video more than once. i tried to help break the vevo record. not sure if weve broken it yet. i hope we have. thats all i have to say again... oh wait... last week i said happy bday to Harry cuz i thought i wouldnt reach this deadline, but i did so...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE TWENTY... WHY?!

i guess we can be happy that we grew up with him... at least i did. i pretty much joined when Harry was 17. i saw him grow up & it hurts to know he grew up. :( but i guess we all do at one point. im happy i was able to help him get the success he has now. im proud to call myself a Directioner from the very beginning. never have i doubted them nor left their side. ive been there every day & i have never believed rumors either. i dont believe anything they dont confirm. take a hint there girls. i love you all & ill see ya soon.

-Susy xo


P.S. the picture on the side is of Reagan Burell. she will be a pretty big character. not important though. i may begin a side story while writing this. but that one will be about Reagan & the boy she will end up with. I know im being very general, but as you all know I don’t like to give out many secrets on my works. it would help & save room in this story if I just start a side one. the song on the side is Hang In There Baby by Bridgit Mendler. yes, Reagan is Bridgit. lets just pretend Bridgit's name is Reagan. it fits & saves time. see ya soon. Toodles! xx

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