Key To The Broken Heart(Loki...

Por FandomMarvel

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Robin Underwoods. She's an old friend of Natasha Romaova. They met when the redhead was caught in a sticky si... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chpater 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 21

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Por FandomMarvel

|Robin's POV|

  I hated it. I hated everything that Laufey has made me do. And it's only been three days.

  For three days Laufey has commanded me to do nothing but strike fear into Asgardian's hearts and kill innocent people. I could do nothing but watch. I felt like a puppet and Laufey was the puppet master. Everything he said I would do immediately, no questions asked. I would just do whatever he told me to do without batting an eye.

  At first the people of Asgard had tried to attack me but when I killed my first innocent man with my bare hands people immediately backed off. On the outside I had given them all a cold deadly stare but all I really wanted to do was say sorry, to bring that man back. But even my powers can't do that.

Laufey has made it his job to make me the most feared person in all the nine realms. At times when doing a patrol around Asgard I could hear quietly talking about how the other realms are getting armies ready, not to take Laufey down from power but to take me as their own weapon.

At times I could feel the Tesseract power weakened but quickly rebuild. At times, when doing patrol, I wouldn't watch what Laufey made me do but think. Think about the others. Whether or not they have a plan to help me out or of their only plan is to kill me. In all honesty, though, I wouldn't mind if their only choice to save the nine realms and myself is to kill me but I know Steve and Nat too much that they would try to find another solution.

During my three days as a puppet Laufey has made it so I sleep in the room right beside his. I can't ever change out of my armoured clothes and he's forced me to take off the crown and necklace saying that those things would only slow me down. When he said that I wanted nothing more than to shred him to pieces but all I really did was take the two pieces of jewellery off without hesitation.

Some days when Laufey had nothing for me to do he would allow me to do whatever I wanted as long as it didn't involve harming him or any other frost giants. In those times I would be grated the smallest of free will, I was granted to go where I pleased. That place would always be the garden out back.

Before Laufey had taken me over, when me and Loki were kinda dating, Loki had taken me to this garden. He told me that the garden was where he went, it was his sanctuary to get away from Odian and Thor and everyone else. Now I come here all the time when granted that small free will, I sit on the floor and watch beautiful flowers grow. This was my sanctuary, my place to get away from the horrible things I caused to the people of Asgard.

Those would be the highlight of my day. Sitting on the green grass, lightsaber to my side, watching the different colored flowers as they did nothing but grown. This may seem boring but it's the most normal thing that has happened to me in such a long time.

  It's July 10, 2014 and the first frost giant I encountered that started this whole thing was in June 11, 2014. I guess time flys by when there's so much action in my world.

  "Dyffea!" Another thing Laufey calls me, and only calls me, by my real name. "Get over here!" My legs moved towards the sound of his demanding voice without hesitation, I hated it.

"Yes sir?" I asked with a dead tone as he stared down at me.

"Have you heard of the rumours of others coming to take you?" Yes I did you sick bastered.

"Indeed I sir." I said politely which made me vomit on the inside.

"Good. Then you should be aware of the new auras," and as he said that I could feel the overwhelming feeling of more auras. It felt warm and nice.

"What would you like me to do?" He simply smirked and apparently that's all I need to know what he wants me to do. "Of course." Walking out of the throne room my golden double bladed lightsaber materialised in my right hand.

Walking through the grand double doors, all the way towards the rainbow bridge an army could be seen marching their way. A sinister smirk played on my lips and I hated that. I hated every single thought that came to mind because they were evil.

Making my way through the village the people closed their doors and hid behind anything they could hide behind. Evil self was just loving this kind of thing while I was here hating it.

I made it to rainbow bridge fairly quickly. I could see warriors walking closer to me and I had to raise an eyebrow seeing how the warriors were Valhalla warriors. From behind I could feel the coldness and knew Laufey got me some back up even though it pointless.

"Robin!" Getting to the front of the crowd were the Avengers. "Just back down now and no one he's hurt!" Cap spoke as he held his patriotic shield.

"You really think it will be that easy!" I yelled back at them. "You are greatly mistaken." Scanning the crowd Natasha seemed to get her weapon ready. "For Laufey!" And just like that the battle had started.

|3rd Person POV|

Frost giants against Valhalla warriors. Avengers against Robin. None of them had expected for any of this to happen. They didn't expect to be having a battle in Asgard against a friend and creatures from another realm.

Robin was making her way towards the first Avenger, Natasha Romanova. Although Valhalla warriors kept getting in her way but she didn't mind disposing of them.

Robin could easily get rid of everyone on this bridge, one blast of her aura everyone would be dead and gone but her alter ego wanted it have fun. As for the Robin trapped inside, she cringes whenever someone innocent is killed.

Robin had finally made it to Natasha. "Hey there Nat, missed me?" She said blocking a punch that her redhead friend threw.

"Robin stop and look around, this isn't you." Robin just smirked before throwing a bunch at her friend.

"Technically this is me, the Tesseract and Laufey just helped me see the inner me." Robin fell to the rainbow colores ground and Natasha got on top of her.

"The real you wouldn't kill innocents."

"That's where you're wrong," Robin reached in and pulled out Nat's aura. "So long." Robin went to squeeze the aura but didn't get the chance when someone else grabbed Nat's aura and shoved it back into her.

"Go help the others, I've got Robin." Glancing up the green haired women was surprised to find Loki helping the redhead up.

Natasha glanced once more at her green haired friend once more before rushing off to fight a frost giant who was currently beating a Valhalla female warrior.

"Loki," she said with dread. "It's so good to see you. Not really."

"Robin listen you are stronger than the Tesseract, you can over come it's power." He pleaded but his words didn't affect her whatsoever.

"The Tesseract has helped me gain more Loki, do you really want to stop me from learning?" She split her weapon into two and threw them both at the Prince who barley dodged it.

"This isn't you. The Robin I know wouldn't let innocent people die. The Robin I know wouldn't let other people fight her battles. The Robin I know would risk her life to save others."

"Shut up!" She yelled sweeping her feet under his and pointing both lightsabers at his neck. "You don't know anything of what I've been through. The pain of lose of the only person who's ever cared for me. The feeling of not every being wanted by anyone because of my differences. You have no idea how it feels sixteen years to know that the only person who ever cared about me died in my arms!" Loki was silent, she was right he didn't know much of her past life but he did know what she felt like.

"I know how it feels to be different. By to be loved as equally as others. No I don't know your past or the grief you went through when losing someone you dearly love. But if there's one thing I'm certain about, it's that I can help you if you just let me." His words struck something in her. Inside Robin was battling for control, using the strength she could use to gain control.

"Lies." She spoke, fire in her eyes. "You are the Prince of Tricks and Lies, your words are moving but they are lies."

"They are not lies Robin, they are the truth." Her Tesseract blue eyes stared into his emerald green ones, she felt comfort. Something she hasn't felt for a long time. "Believe me." His words brought Robin to a memory she has tried so hard to forget.


"Look out!" Cyntia yelled at Robin as the a robber shot at Robin. But she never felt the pain of the bullet tearing through her skin.

Opening her green eyes Robin found Cyntia on the floor in a pool of her own blood and the gun man just stared eyes wide.

"You bitch!" The green haired girl yelled before taking his aura out and hitting it hard enough that the man was unconscious. "Cyntia," she whispered getting on her knees and taking her Hispanic friend in her lap. "W-why?"

"Cau-cause you were slow," she said with a smile.

"Where did it hit you?" Her Hispanic friend pointed towards her heart.

"Grazed it but I'm dying."

"I-I can heal you." But she shook her head.

"You always faint midway healing."

"I have to try something." Robin said changing her aura and started healing her friend but she could heal the heart, only prevent her death.

"Told you," Cyntia joked. "Lo-look keep fight-fighting bad guys. You're goo-good at it."

"I can't do that without my best friend," she said with tears streaming down her cheeks. "You can't leave me."

"I'm not," she took Robin's hand and stared up at her green eyes. "Take a piece of my au-aura. Take me-me everywh-" she stated coughing blood. "Everywhere. I'll be wit-with you all the ti-time."

"No!" Robin yelled. "If I take your aura you'll instantly die!"

"Do it," her friend pleaded. Robing just nodded her head before reaching in and taking out her friends gold aura.

"I'll miss you."

"Me too." Robin took a small chunk of Cyntia's aura and placed it on her own before placing it back into her chest.

"What's our forever line?" Robin said sniffing holding her cold friend even closer.

"Believe me," was her part.

"Always." Was Robin's.


"Always." Robin whispered as she was snapped back to reality. "Always believe."

"Robin?" Loki questioned and it wasn't till then that Robin realised she was in complete control. She couldn't tell what had snapped her out of the Tesseract powers but she was grateful for it.

"I have something to do," she got up from the floor and looked around to find most of the frost giants still alive.

She clenched her fists. Her aura was now her own and she was sick and tired of these damn frost giants.

With just one move her hands all the auras of the frost giants were out of their own bodies, she was sick and tired of them. All the eyes were trained on her, what Robin did wasn't to kill the frost giants but to create a wormhole and send those auras in there, sucking in the frost giants as well.

The Avengers rushed to get to her side but Robin had one thing in mind: get back at Laufey.

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