Tainted Night

Bởi LivingInWonder

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achievements : #85 vampires #116 werewolves Year 2500 twelve years ago the witches and vampires started a... Xem Thêm

chapter 1-The party!*
chapter 2-Nice to meet you?!
chapter 3-The talk!
chapter 4-Gardens
Chapter 6-Memories
Chapter 7- Scars.
Chapter 8- The devil rises.
Chapter 9- Fate!
Chapter 10- The witch.
Chapter 11- The truth
Chapter 12- captivated
Chapter 13- The first vampires.
Chapter 14- The bond part 1
Chapter 14- The bond part 2
Chapter 15 - Secrets
Chapter 16- confession
Chapter 17- Just a regular day.
Chapter 18- The revelation part 1
Chapter 19- The revelation part 2
Teaser trailer
author note *very important*
Chapter 20- Where The Story Begins
Chapter 21- Bloody coronation part 1
Chapter 22- Bloody coronation part 2
I apologize
Chapter 23- Bloody coronation part 3
Chapter 24- The golden wolf
Chapter 25- The Hybrid Angel.*
Chapter 26- New friend?
Character ask :D answers
Chapter 27- It is time.
Chapter 28- The New King.
Chapter 29 - Torture. part 1
Chapter 30 - Torture part 2
Chapter 31- Epilogue.
BOOK 2 !!!

Chapter 5- The secret haven

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Bởi LivingInWonder

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment”- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Chapter 5- The secret haven.


The door opened as Ella turned the door knob and there on the browns’ house door step stood the brown haired vampire in a tight black sleeved T-shirt and skinny black jeans -that hung low on his hips- with dark converse. His hair fell on his forehead and he pushed it back only to fall down again. A grin stretched on his face as he checked Ella out from head to toe. And for some reason his heart leaped in his chest when he caught her doing the same.

“Like what you see?” He said grinning. Ella’s eyes travelled up to his and once their eyes locked she glared at him arms crossed tightly across her chest.

“Oh come on! Don’t be such a baby.” Johnathan teased her and was rewarded by another glare and a ‘whatever’

Taking a deep breath Johnathan sighed and scrolled to his black Range Rover Ella following close behind. Johnathan opened the passenger door and let Ella get into the car before he slammed the door shut -making her jump- before walking towards the driver side of the car and getting in. With a last look at Ella he smirked and turned the key in the ignition, the car came to live and he pressed his foot onto the gas. The car speed out of the browns’ house driveway in 200km/h making Ella get pressed back against the leather car seat her nails to dig in the arm rest.

“What the hell!” she yelled making Johnathan laugh out loud.

“Ian, slow down. You will get us killed.” She barked fearfully.

“Not until you talk to me.” He sang over the loud roar of the wind.

“I am talking to you idiot now slow the down!” Ella said more calmly now.

Very slowly the car slowed down and stayed at 120km/h. Ella finally let out the breath she was holding and let her grip on the arm rest loosen.

“Gosh! You get scared way too easily!” Johnathan laughed.

“Shut up, Ian!” she muttered and stared out the window watching as shops and houses passed by.

“So, Where do you want to eat?” Johnathan asked eyes focused on the road ahead of them when Ella didn’t answer he looked at her sideways to find her still staring out the window.

“Are you still mad at me?” he finally asked the question he dreaded the most. His tone was partly amused partly hurt but he tried to cover that up as best as he could.

Ella’s whole body tensed as she remembered the look of anger on Ian’s face the day before. The look of hatred and distaste, the way he spat those harsh words at her without a second thought about them ‘slave’ the word repeated in her head, like a song on replay. And at last the way he pressed his body against hers, the way he sniffed her neck lustfully. The kiss he pressed to her neck –oh- that kiss it made her heart thumb in her chest and she felt a tingling feeling in her body. But that tingling feeling could have been caused because of nervousness or fear –or something else. But she didn’t want to think about that option it wasn’t true- it couldn’t be true- she couldn’t possibly l-

“Ah!” Johnathan’s voice broke Ella out of her deep thoughts and she looked at him form the corner of her blue eyes. “The silence treatment! Good move El.” He said and sighed afterwards before continuing his talking “you left me no choice.”

Ella wanted to ask what he meant by that but didn’t have the chance as he body was yet again pressed back against the passenger seat rather painfully as Johnathan’s foot pressed on the gas sending the car flying forward. Ella’s eyes were wide with fear and she wanted so bad to scream at Ian to slow down but she didn’t want to appear weak or in his words ‘A baby’ but when Johnathan’scar hurriedly flew out of the city’s doors all kinds of questions captured her mind and she started to get worried.

‘Where is he taking me? Is he kidnapping me? Is he going to hurt me? Is he going to hurt my mother and sis?’ she thought in panic.

Way too quickly the car came to a stop. Johnathan opened his door with more force than needed and got out before he slammed the door back shut. Within seconds he was standing in front of Ella’s side of the car he was standing so still that anyone would have thought he was a wax status. His usually puppy-like blue eyes were then a flaming red colour showing just how irritated he was.

“Get out!” he barked Ella quickly obeyed his order - she was too scared to protest.

“I-I thought we were going to eat.” She whispered shakily while looking at her in-locked fingers trying to stop their shaking. Her legs felt like jelly and she was afraid her knees would give out on her and she would collapse.

As if she had said nothing Johnathan bent down-just enough for Ella to hop on his back. “Get on my back.” He ordered his tone harsh and demanding.

Swiftly Ella walked towards him and hopped on his back, his hands quickly gripped the back of her thighs as she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders. She mentally cursed herself for wearing a dress instead of jeans as Johnathan’s ice cold hands made contact with her warm flesh, a shiver ran through her body-not in a good way-

“Hold on tight, you don’t want to slip during the trip now, do you?” he said bitterly, Ella only shook her head from side to side and tightened her grip on him. Without a warning Johnathan took off running as fast as he could towards his destination.

Ella’s eyes stung as the wind rushed towards them so she closed them trying to stop them from watering as she hid her face in her capture’s back, her body shaking uncontrollably in fear.

“Stop shaking!” Johnathan snapped, his fingers digging in Ella’s flesh. Ella gulped and her body stiffed earning a satisfied chuckle from Johnathan as he speed up. Five minutes later Johnathan stopped running and stood still as he looked around him a faint smile playing at the corner of his lips. ”we are here.” Johnathan announced, ever so slowly Ella let her eyelids flutter open and take a look around. They were standing in a forest -a rain forest- trees surrounded them from everywhere. The trees were huge and had thick branches; their leaves were colourful and bright. Strange looking flowers were growing around. Birds and parrots were flying around chirping happily. Some animals were hiding around while others were running and playing making cute noises that almost brought a smile to Ella’s scared face.

If Ella hadn’t been so scared she would have been in great awe of the place she was currently standing in and she would have been admiring every little detail. But right then all she could think about was how he was going to punish her and for the first time in 12 years she was scared, not for herself but for her family.

“Hop off.” Johnathan ordered gently. Without a second thought Ella jumped away from him and backed away. Her back hit the trunk of a giant green-leaved tree and her eyes widened as she stared at the vampire standing four feet away from her. Ella’s arms were loose at her sides and her hands were shaking and sweaty.

“Don’t you like it here?” Johnathan asked concerned.

Ignoring him Ella said “If you are going to hurt me just be quick please.” She pleaded and closed her eyes tightly weighting for the upcoming pain. Johnathan’s body tensed and his eyes widened as he let Ella’s words sink in. He quickly speeded towards her so he was standing only a few inches away from her. He extended his arm towards her and his fingers brushed her hair away from her face and to behind her ear, slowly he brought his face closer to her neck and sniffed. The familiar smell of her blood made its way into his nostrils but that time it was mixed with fear and panic a sweet combine that made Johnathan’s mouth water. Johnathan could feel his fangs growing out and he had to pull away from Ella before he actually kills her. Slowly he cupped her angelic face and tilted her face up so he could look directly into her eyes.

“I will never hurt you.” He said in a soothing gentle voice. Ella stared into his eyes and let her body relax slightly. She was completely obvious to what he was trying to do.  Compulsion. She had seen many vampires doing it before, she herself had a handful of vampires trying it on her –usually vampire costumers trying not to pay- but none of them succeeded for some reason and Johnathan’s attempt was no different. She felt the same stinging pain at the area above her left breast right where the filthy scar she has is. She whimpered and nodded just wanting to get rid of Ian’s burning gaze and the pain she was feeling.

Nodding Johnathan looked away from her eyes and instantly the pain vanish making Ella gasp in relief. Ella’s eyes then fixed on Johnathan who was running his hands through his hair in frustration as he paced back and forth in front of her suddenly he stopped his back facing her. Ella started to move away from the tree when Johnathan whipped around to face her, making her freeze and stare at him. The first thing she noticed was his eyes colour, they were a golden-brown colour so bright and clear. Taking a deep breath Johnathan opened his mouth and let the guilty words out.

“I shouldn’t have called you a slave.” was all he said. Ella nodded scoffing.

“Yeah, you shouldn’t have said that.” She said bitterly.

Johnathan sighed “Let me re-phrase that.” He paused “I am sorry that I called you a slave.”

Ella nodded “You should be.”

Johnathan groaned and threw his head back in anger “Can’t you just forgive me already.” He said looking sideways at her “I am not used to begging.” He said lied.

“Of course you aren’t.” Ella said in mockery.

“Just … please.” He said clasping his hands in front of him as if he was begging.

 Ella rolled her eyes and nodded “Fine then … I forgive you, happy?”

“Thank the heavens!” Johnathan said throwing his arm in the air.

“Now if I may ask, What the hell are we doing here?” Ella asked throwing her arms in the air in frustration. Johnathan suddenly grinned a toothy grin.

“You will see.” He said and held his hand out for Ella to take “Trust me.” He said gently his eyes focusing on the girl in front of him. Ella looked from Johnathan’s hand to his face a couple of times before hesitantly placing her small hand in his big one. Johnathan wrapped his fingers around hers and the warmness of her hand quickly swept to his hand making Johnathan sigh in admiration of that feeling.

“Follow me.” He demanded softly tugging her farther into the forest. The sound of owls and birds chirping and cooing could be heard clearly as they made their way through the large trees, having to duck under a few branches on the way. The sound of fallen leaves crunching under their shoes and their breathing were the only sounds coming from the both of them.  Soon enough Ella noticed a bright light coming from a distance, her head snapped towards Johnathan who stayed quiet and poker faced. Taking couple more steps forwards Ella could see the exit from the forest and she couldn’t be more excited. As they neared the bright light coming from the opening hurt her eyes. Ella quickly shielded her eyes using her free arm as she waited for her eyes to get used to the sudden light. When Ella finally regained her vision she let her arm fall back to her side, a gasp fell from her parted lips as she took in the view in front of her. The place they were standing in was breathtaking.

A lot of water was the first thing that Ella noticed as she started taking in the view. There was a waterfall in front of them, grey rocks scattered around behind the water. The mountain the water was falling from was stony with few branches sticking out of it. Green grass covered some stones that were neared to the water. Trees framed the whole place beautifully.

“This is my secret haven.” Johnathan whispered from behind Ella as a small smile fell on his pink lips.

“WOW … “Ella breathed out eyes wide in admiration.

“You like the view?” Johnathan asked stepping forward next to her, his hand still intertwined with hers.

“Yeah ... it’s-“she stopped searching for the right word “breathtaking!”

Johnathan breathed in relief, his shoulders visibly relaxing.

“I am glad you like it, not many people know about this place only four people: me , my brother and now you.” Johnathan said, Ella frowned.

“But that is only 3 three, Who is the fourth person?” Ella asked.

Johnathan gulped and his gaze fell away from Ella’s face “It doesn’t matter … she isn’t coming back.”

“wh-“ Ella started but Johnathan quickly stopped her “Please don’t”

Nodding Ella let her eyes look over the beautiful nature as she tried to memorize every simple bit.

“So, Can you keep this a secret?” Johnathan asked seriously, Ella’s gaze returned to his beautiful face and she nodded “I promise.”

A grin broke onto Johnathan’s face and he looked at the top of the mountain and the water falling from it an idea quickly coming to mind and he turned his attention back to Ella. “Have you ever thought about flying?” he asked

Ella nodded slowly, confused about the random question. ”yeah, why?”

 “Do you want to try it?” he asked.

“What? Flying?” Ella asked trying to snuffle a laugh. Johnathan nodded seriously.

Ella giggled “You aren’t serious, are you?”

When Johnathan didn’t answer she knew he was serious.

“Oh!” she breathed “I would love to but how?”

“Follow me.” He instructed and started walking towards the water. With an eye roll for the dramatic effect Ella followed behind the vampire jumping from rock to rock towards the waterfall mountain.

“You sure this is safe! I might drown.” Ella stated as she clumsily jumped on the first rock. Johnathan chuckled softly and turned his head towards the human girl standing on a rock a few feet behind.

“You are smart, I don’t think you will be clumsy enough to drown” Johnathan said as he reached the shore and turned around to watch Ella who was only just jumping onto the last rock when her foot got stuck between two small rocks causing her to lose her balance and fall backwards. In a blink of an eye Johnathan was in front of her. His arm wrapped around her slim waist, steading her and he pulled her against his hard cold chest. His other hand tangled in her hair as her small hand fisted his black T-shirt. Johnathan could clearly hear the sound of Ella’s heart crashing against her ribcage.

“Are you okay? Your heart is beating loudly.” Johnathan said as his hand gently caressed Ella’s hair. Ella closed her eyes as if in pain a memory quickly coming to mind but she quickly pushed it aside and took a deep breath to calm herself down.

“I am just not so fond of water.” She said opening her eyes to look at Johnathan in the eyes. Johnathan nodded his blue eyes searching hers for any signs that she was lying but found none. Nodding again he smiled “Ready for the real fun?”

“Depends?” Ella replied making Johnathan smirk slyly

“Just hold onto me tightly, okay?” he said Ella nodded tightening her grip on his shirt. With his eyes still locked on her, he slowly crouched down her still in his cold arms and in a flash Johnathan rose from his crouching position and him and Ella were both flying upwards. Ella’s eyes widened as she started at the ground that was getting farther away with each passing second.  All too quickly Ella’s feet touched the rocky ground and she was released from Johnathan’s iron grip on her.

Her own grip on his shirt loosened slowly till her hands fell to her sides. Slowly she turned around and took a look around, they were standing on the edge of the mountain and from where they stood Ella could clearly see the water and rocks they just climbed then the beautiful rain forest and then father away a bare yellow ground then the city of London. And for a second just a tiny second Ella forgot all the problems she had and all the pain she felt as she stared at the beautiful sight in front of her. And for a second she let herself believe that the boy standing there with her wasn’t a vampire a monster.

‘Never trust a vampire Elaria’

Her father’s last words replied in her head warning her, reminding her but she pushed it aside. ‘Not now’ she thought as she smiled up at Johnathan who willingly returned the favor his heart leaping in his chest.

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