His World

By melcruz0319

815K 20.9K 5.4K

***WARNING*** ----SEXUAL AND MATURE CONTENT----- My name is Laylie Francis Volevoy, and this is the story of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 13

31.9K 891 176
By melcruz0319

COMMENT! I like hearing you people's opinions :))))


It was real. Full of passion. Full of lust. Full of desire. My heart racing as if it were to fly straight out of my chest. My breathing heavy and ragged. My skin now entirely covered in goosebumps. His touch was addictive making me want more.

The thought lingered though. He was a murderer.

Asher's hands were firmly cupping both sides of my face, holding me in place as if I were to run. His minty breath like fresh air, mixed with his cologne makes my senses ignite.

He is a murderer.

His hands then roamed down to my waist gripping me ever so slightly. His breathing is heavy and full of want.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this"  his eyes are dark, his lips then move back onto mine.

He has blood on his hands.

Suddenly I was lifted effortlessly onto his lap, now straddling him. My hands remained on his chest and my lips move in sync with his. I then felt his teeth bite my lips causing me to gasp, allowing him access in. He groans bringing a sense of pleasure coursing through me. His hands then slightly lifted the hem of the shirt I am wearing so he is able to feel the skin beneath it.

I then hear a moan and don't realize that it had escaped from my lips. Asher's grip then tightens now bringing me closer to his heated body.

He shot someone as if it was second nature. Right in front of me. He's probably killed many more! Possibly innocent people!

I then slightly push Asher away from me while still straddling his lap. My breathing heavy. His as well. I shut my eyes with my head down. Thinking.

I slowly open my eyes and look at him, "I-I need to keep things slow. I can't do this with you. Not when I have just learned all this. I barely know you. I just-" I then maneuver off his lap backing off and standing up. "I need time to process all of this," I say crossing my arms.

He sits on the edge of the couch with his hands together leaning against his knees. His gaze sends a shiver running down my spine. He tongue moistens his lips and he pushes his knees standing up. He slowly comes closer to me standing so close to me that I can feel his warm minty breathy fanning my face. I slowly take a step back. His eyes are full of defeat.

"Alright" is all he says.

"You should get some sleep, it's nearly 12:30 and we have to leave early", realization soon hits me. This is actually happening.

"Okay," I say and head upstairs without saying another word.

It's as if everything is in slow motion. I stop at the foot of the bed and stare at it. I feel as if my whole life was a lie. I am related to possibly one of the world richest criminals. Me. A girl beaten by her mother, timid, and weak.

I climb onto the soft cloud-like bed and engulf myself in the warm plush comforters. I bury my face in the pillow inhaling the familiar comforting scent of him. He's a criminal. But he wants to keep me safe. The continuous battle with my self-conscience is exhausting.

I turn and shut off the lamp. Staring up at darkness I think of what I am leaving behind. What I'll never see again possibly. And how my life is to change forever. How did I end up here? How could my father possibly be capable of doing such sick actions? I'm leaving with a man I barely know. If you had told me I would be doing this 2 months ago I would say you're crazy.


I need to see her before we leave this town. How am I going to tell her this? Should I even tell her? Gosh, I'm mentally exhausted. How am I even going to sleep with all this?

When I am usually here I have him right by my side. His presence allowing me to feel safe and secure. But I need space from him. I need to understand his world better. And soon to be mine.

I look over at the electronic clock and it reads 1:00 am. Gosh, how time flies. I realize Asher must be sleeping in some other room since he is not here.

I shut my eyes and soon fall into a deep slumber.

"Laylie. Laylie you need wake up." I hear a husky hushed voice say. I slowly open my heavy eyelids to reveal the sun low and Asher sitting on the edge of the bed with his large hand rubbing my shoulder. I let out a large sigh.

"What time is it?" I ask stretching. He licks his lips.

"About 5:30 am," Asher says getting up and grabbing a large black duffle bag from the closet. He then grabs to what seems to be my bag and I stare at it confusingly.

"Oh I went over there earlier to grab your stuff," he says continuing to check in the corner to see if everything is in the black duffle.

"Thank you. Did you see -" I'm then cut off.

"Your mother was nowhere to be found, I have no idea where she went," he says then runs his fingers through his hair. He comes over to the bed and sits on the edge close in proximity to me. "I need you to forget about her, once we leave this town there is no going back. For your safety. She hurt you, and believe me the only reason I didn't put a bullet in her skull was for your own sake," his eyes are now dark and his hand grabs onto my thigh.

"I - I need to say goodbye to Nace, she is really the only person I care for. The only true family I have. I can't disappear from her without saying goodbye" I say hoping we can go. "Please" I breath out.

"It needs to be quick. I have no fucking clue when others may appear so we have to move fast" he says getting up heading towards the door and on the way out says, "I'll be downstairs when you're ready"

I quickly throw on a pair of dark washed skinny jeans Nace had given me, a long white sleeved shirt, and my sneakers. I then grab my bag and head down the stairs.

My coat and hat lay on the table. Asher is typing away on his phone and doesn't notice me since his back is to me. I pull on my jacket and pull over my hat ready to go. I slide my hand down Asher's shoulder so he is able to know I am there. He doesn't even seem to flinch. He turns around and has a lazy half smile.


"Alright let's go," Asher says grabbing the bag in my hand and flinging it over his shoulder and the black duffle in his other hand. I let out a sigh and shove my hands in my pockets following him.

Once outside I lift my eyes looking at the house across the street. The chipped paint, all the bad memories there. I'm never going to come back again. No more pain from my mother. I will miss the fond memories of before. Before my father took away a part of her when he left. When she was kind and gentle. Before the drinking and drugs. Before when she truly knew who I was. Now she's gone. I feel my eyes water. The loud sound of the trunk shutting frightens me causing me to flinch. I am then broken from my thoughts. Blinking away the tears I wipe my face. Walking to the car Asher is there waiting for me to get in holding the car door open for me.

I stare out the window at the passing red trees. The sky is cloudy and grey meaning it's probably gonna rain today. We pass the school. I never really knew anyone but it still hurts leaving everything you know behind in a blink of an eye.

I recognize the luxury homes and nicely trimmed hedges as we turn at Nace's street. Asher pulls into her driveway and I take in the home that was like a second home to me, well first. I let out a sigh.

I then notice Asher unbuckling himself, "um-can I- I wanna go in alone, I am just going to say goodbye," I say.

"Well your cover story is going to be your father recontacted you and requested you to move In with him in California," he says staring at me intently raising an eyebrow to see if I understand.

I just nod then exit the car. I cherish the last steps I am going to take on this pathway and walk right through the doors.

"Hello?" I say loudly. I wait a couple of seconds until I hear her.

"Laylie??? That you girl?" I then see her blonde hair cascade around her neck as she peeks down the stairwell. She smiles brightly. But then soon her cheeriness disappears and is replaced with worry. She runs down the stairs. I stand at the foot of the stairs. To be honest I'm quite surprised seeing her up and ready.

"Look I'm sorry for erupting like I did last time I saw you. I-I just got frustrated I'm so sorry Laylie" her arms then wrap around me and it takes me a second to respond. I then engulf her in a hug as well. We stay like this for a while and that is because I won't let go. Tears start pricking in my eyes. I'm going to miss her so much. My only true family. The one who helped me through it all. The one who was that spec of light in the darkness.

Full on tears run down my face.

"Lay? What's the matter? What's going on?" Nace slightly pushes me back so she now sees my face.

"I -" my voice cracks "I'm leaving" she furrows her brows.

"What do you mean you're leaving?" She asks slowly.

"My -" should I lie, she's the only one who would get it and understand. She needs to know why I truly have to leave, she knows I wouldn't just up and agree to move across the country for the man who left me. She would see right past the lie.

My breathing is heavy and I subside my crying. I sniffle and continue "you have to promise me to not tell anyone at all, not even your parents, no one at all, if you do you may get hurt-" she cuts me off.

"Lay what the hell are you talking about? What's going on?" She asks now stepping away crossing her arms.

I sigh and give her a brief summary of the whole situation from my fathers supposed status, to finding him, to me being in danger, to Asher helping. I didn't go into detail on the murder of the man and stuff yesterday, but I told her what I could to explain why I need to go.

Nace then slumps down on the couch holding her head in one hand.

"Holy shit. This is real." She breathes out.

"Yeah," I say silently.

"I promise if I can I will try to see you again. But for now, I'm not sure if I can even contact you for a few months" tears then start falling. Nace then starts crying as well.

"I understand," she says sniffling. She then abruptly gets up and runs up the stairs. Huh?

"I'll be right back, wait there!" She yells while running.

A minute later she runs back down holding a small box.

"I was gonna give you this on graduation, I know it's months away but now seems right" she hands me the small black box and I open it. It reveals an embedded bracket with a diamond charm and on the back is engraved True Sisters Bonded Forever. I then start fully crying engulfing Nace in a hug.

"Please be safe, don't trust everyone that seems nice, don't pet that stray dog, don't meet any new stalkers" through our cries we laugh.

"Okay," I say we then hug for the last time.

"I love you Nace," I says

"I love you Laylie," she says as we hug.

We then part and I start walking out the door. Not looking back I quickly walk to the car and enter. I then let out a large breath of air trying to calm myself.

Nace stands by the door watching with tears in her eyes.

"Let's go," I say and Asher remains silent. I'm glad, I don't feel like talking to anyone now.

We drive and I stare at the red and yellow leaves. I then see the park. I sit up straight and turn to Asher.

"Can we make one more stop, and that's it?" Without asking he pulls over to the park as if knowing. I raising an eyebrow at him but brush it off. I unbuckle myself.

"You can um come if you'd like," I say staring at his emotionless face and he nods.

We both exit the car and I start walking to the bench. Getting to the end of the lake, we reach the bench and I take a seat shoving my hands in my pocket.

"This is where I'd come to get away. To escape-"I start saying, "when the days weren't good" Asher remains silent but listens while looking at me. "This was my father and I's bench, we'd come here to play and feed the ducks every Sunday" I stare off into the lake "it was all a lie," I say gritting my teeth.

"I promise one day you will be happy like you were before all this shit" he starts off saying "you will live and be happy away from this fucked up world, I promise" I smile at him and he smiles with his arm leaning on the back of the bench.

"Ahhhh we meet again, how pleasant!" We are then interrupted by a familiar voice belonging to Evans. Asher's eyes immediately grow dark and dangerous. I turn my head away from Asher looking at Evans.

"It's official you are my stalker. I was hoping not to gain any more" I say sarcastically.

"Oh babe please, stalking isn't really my forte, I'm more into the physical types of activities if you know what I mean" his flashes a devilish smirk and stares me up and down now making me feel uncomfortable. I shift in my seat and Asher takes notice. He quickly stands up grabbing my hand.

"Laylie as I told you before I want you to trust me and this is me trying to gain your trust," I furrow my eyebrows confused at his words, he then straight on punches Evans right in his nose. I gasp putting my hand over my mouth. Evans stumbles back.

"Fucking shit" Evans groans.

"I made it clear yesterday. This is your last warning" Asher then grabs my hand pulling me to walk to the car.

"Asher!" We turn around and fear immediately consumes me as I see the black weapon being held in Evans' hand as his nose gushes blood.

"You're kidding right?" Asher provokes him. Evans then points the gun straight to Asher but he seems unfazed by this, I, on the other hand, am shaking.

"Your bitch ass, like I said, you are taking too long, so we have to speed this up somehow. It's better if she comes with me so this can be done with" he suddenly points the gun at me and I let a shaken breath out.

Asher then slightly pushes me behind him blocking me.

"Over my dead fucking body," he says through gritted teeth.

I peek over and see Evans squint his eyes, "ahhhh I see now, it is all making sense. You have grown fond of this one. I mean I can't blame you" he licks his lips sending an eery shiver running down my spine.

"But for real. She's coming with me, even if I have to get her over your dead body" Evans mimics Asher as if this whole situation is funny. "You really shouldn't underestimate me, Asher."

As if he had some sort of jolt of speed Asher whips a gun from behind his back and shoots it right at Evans' leg sending him to the ground crying in pain.

"Fuck!" He screams. Asher then strides next to him grabbing Evans gun and kneeling in front of his body.

"I warned you. Now this is a message for Boss from me" he then stands up pointing the gun to Evans.

"Wait stop," I say out of nowhere. "Don't kill him, please, just let him live," I say desperately. Asher then slowly lowers his gun and lets out a sigh. He grabs my hand and we start turning around.

"Pussy" Evans yells out.

Suddenly Asher turns back around and kicks him right in the face sending him out cold. We then proceed back to the car.

Once in he turns on the ignition.

"Alright, we are leaving now." He says groaning.

Off to a new world and leaving behind this one.




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