Funny how love works (A Spoby...

By Kelys151

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Spencer and Toby are now living their current lives separatly. They haven't seen each other since the breakup... More

Chapter 1: Hello again
Chapter 2: Cookies and Sundays
Chapter 3: This is A Goodbye
Chapter 4: the Fight
Chapter 5: The Decision
Chapter 6: Detective Hanna
Chapter 7: Troubles
Chapter 8: Nobody knows where we mind end up
Chapter 9: Post it and Memories
Chapter 10: Limerence
Chapter 11: Together even in pain
Chapter 12: Don't Let Go
Chapter 13: Happiness never last
Chapter 15: Keys & Blackmail
Chapter 16: Pictures & Pills
Chapter 17: Explanations
Chapter 18: Police or Secrets ?
Chapter 19: To trust or not
Chapter 20: Worst day of their lives
Chapter 21: Ohhh the guilt
Chapter 22: How do you feel ?
Chapter 23: This Weird Computer
Chapter 24: A Good night of Sleep
Chapter 25: I know who A.D is
Chapter 26: The End of a bad Period
Last chapter: An Unusual Wedding
A/N 1K ❤️

Chapter 14: A.D and misery

222 9 8
By Kelys151

- I can't believe it... Hanna responds in chock

- I know... A.D is back, and he's coming for every one of us. I say

- But, how did it get inside? How did he left this "note"

- I don't know, A.D is unpredictable, especially when you think it's over.

- Do you think it was watching you all along ? Waiting for you two to go and act??

- I... I don't want to know Hanna. Just be careful please. Warn the others and i'll get back to you. We have some stuff to take care off with Toby.

- No problem and Spence? If you ever need anything just ask..

- Could- Could you take Grace, for a while? Just so we can talk about our financial problems with Toby? I don't want her to worry.

- *she hugs her* Anything. You know i'm here, we all are.

They were, but we all know that AD is stronger than them.


Spencer's POV

Here we are, standing is a crappy hotel room because we can't afford anything else, no jobs and no home to come to.
We have to have this discussion but i don't feel it, what if it tear us apart again? I sit on the bed and he does the same.

- So, how are we gonna get through this ? We can't stay here and leave Grace at Hanna's forever.

- I could find a cheap job in Rosewood, just for a while.So you can keep studying and pass your degree.

- I can't let you do this! You want to build things, you love being a carpenter. You won't find anything here Tob's...

- Spence, i won't let you give up on psychology when there are other options...

- There aren't any Toby! I can't be the reason you hate your job. *tears in my eyes*

- Actually, there are... I think there is one.

- What do you mean??

- Remember when we were in France, i was drawing our dream house on some piece of paper every night. When we were at this art gallery and i started talking to this guy who owns a firm and he loved my plans.

- Yes i remember, what about him?

- He offered me a job back then, i turned him down so he left me his number in case.

- No, nonono i can't let you go an ocean away! We'll go with you, we'll find something we ca-

- It pays well, if i work there two or three months we'll have enough money  for a while. You could keep studying and i could find a job here again. 

I feel my heart breaking at this moment, i can't let him leave. Long distance doesn't work, i won't survive this.

*i start crying*
- I can't live without you around Toby, it's too hard. What if we divorce because of this, what if you find someone else in France.

- Spencer, come here *he open his arms, and I get into them*

"There is no one that could ever take my heart, you already have it and i won't take it back."

- But-

- There is no but, i love you and that's not gonna change. I will keep loving you from a million miles away Spencer Hastings-Cavanaugh

- I don't trust myself Toby, you're the one that keep me away from stupid things. What if i do something wrong when you're gone...
You protect me and if AD do something, to Grace, to me. I won't be able to stop it, i'm not strong enough.

- You're the strongest person I've ever met you'll get through this, i know you can.
We can call each other all the time you know, we can send each other stuff, we can face time.

- It's not the same, i want to hug you, i want to feel you. I can't wake up without you next to me, i can't sleep without you

- It's the only way we can do this baby girl and i won't be able to go if you're unhappy... *he starts crying too*

- The only way i can be happy is if you are too, if i know for sure that you want to do this.

- I want to do this, not to go away. I want to do this just so i can stay here forever afterwards, just so we can be happy.

- I know it's the right thing but, i feel like if you go, AD will win. A- always wanted to break us up and i can't let this happen again.

- No matter what A.D will do, i'll always be in love with you and I'll always come back to you.

- You promise me?

- Always. *he leans in and kiss me*
I still can't stop crying.

He pulls back and takes his phone.
- I'm gonna try to call him, see if i still have the job, it has been 5 months but we never know.
He dries his tears and dial the number.
I stay into his arms and wait

- Allo? I'm Toby Cavanaugh th-
- ..........................
- Oh you remember me. Okay so, I know it might be too late but do you still have that job offer?
- ...................
- Two or three months would be great.
- ......................
- Monday ? Really? I- Thank you so much.
- ............
- Right I'll see you then. yes, i'll bring the drawings if you need. Goodbye.

Toby's POV

- So? Spencer asks while getting up.

- They- they want me to start on monday... They'll pay for the flight and everything.

Tears are in her eyes as she responds.
- But- three minutes ago you were here and now you're leaving for three months? Toby are you sure it's worth it?

I hate to see her like this but, it's the right decision and she has to understand.
- Spence... If i go, you won't have to give up on your studies and everything. We won't have any financial problems for a least a year.

- I don't care about money, we'll go with you, we- we know how to speak French and Gr-

- You can't leave everything, not again. A.D is back, you need to be here with the girls. Leaving is not an option for you. Not this time.

She starts crying harder and continues.
- How did we end up here?! four months ago everything was perfect, we were just fine. Now that we're back in Rosewood everything sucks! The only good thing that happened in the last 90 days is Grace, but it's only because HER PARENTS got killed.

- I know it's hard for you but you have to be strong.
You have to be strong because i won't be able to go if you're like... This...

- Like what *she dries her tears*

- Like you're going to kill yourself right after I leave.

I come closer and put my head against hers
- Listen, I let you go once and I'll never do it again. Even if i'm an ocean away. There is not going to be a second when i don't think about you. Everything I do, i do it for you and only you.
- I know... Promise me you'll come back every time you can. Promise me y-
- Every free second I'll have, I'll call you and Gracie.

She looks at me with a sad but grateful look. Her makeup is ruined and the tears keep coming ( mines and hers actually). She kisses me very softly but passionately. Like it was our last kiss. Despite the sadness and desperation, i kiss her back. She was hurt, hurt but like I said, she was grateful.
She pulls my shirt and makes me lay on the bed with her. We keep kissing until she takes off my shirt. I stop her.
- You're very vulnerable right now Spence. Are you sure you don't want to sleep on it and rest?
- You're my husband, and you're leaving for at least two months. I just want once last night with you *she smiles*
- I love you.
- Love you more.
This night was sad and amazing at the same time. It's only temporary but it's hard to leave her.
The next day, we quickly got to Hanna and Caleb's to explain what will happen for the next few months.

- So you're leaving, again? Caleb asks

- Well, actually. Just me, for a few months then I'll come back for good.

- Did you guys got in to a fight? Are you divorcing? Hanna says panicked.

- Nonono. Spencer adds. He's just taking a well payed job in Paris. We talked about it last night *she takes my hand* and we'll be okay.

- What about Grace?

- We told her a few minutes ago and she replied that she understands. We're just hoping that she doesn't think I'm abandoning you and her or something.

- When?

- Tomorrow... I'll take the first flight.

- What about your house? Spence do you have any place to live? You know you can sta- Hanna is speaking very fast right now.

- Han' honey, don't worry. Toby and I have found a little apartment near Grace's school,it'll be okay. / Spencer says trying not to sound sad.
- Okay so, we should get going we have some things to prepare. Goodbye guys.
I hug Hanna and Caleb then we leave.

I call Emily on my way "home" to tell her, she sounds so upset but i think she is just covering her sadness
" You just got here and you're already leaving. It's not fair Spencer must be so angry."
"I know Em' but you two need to understand that this is the best way"
We talk a bit and she hugs up

We spend the night in the new apartment, just the three of us. Talking and spending quality time while we still can. We start a Scrabble game and Grace is like beating the crap out of us. She's so competitive ! Just like Spence. Even thought she's not our "real" daughter, they look so much alike. Hope they won't fight when I'm gone. I'm going to miss them so much.

- Grace, you'll take care of Spence when i'm gone right???
- We're gonna have so much fun she won't even notice you're away.
I wish that was true, i really do. Spencer fakes a smile, i see that she's still bumped about the news. Grace knows how hard it is for her and i know she's going to do everything she can to lift her spirits a bit.
Around midnight we put Gracie up to sleep and we go to our bedroom.

I can't see her like this it's too hard. I sit on the bed just like 7 years ago and start to cry.
- Toby...
- Spence i can't see you like this. I try to take things on the bright side but you look so sad and depressed, it's awful.
- I'm sorry... But it's hard to see you leave. I ca-
- Don't you think it's hard for me too ? *the tears keep coming*. We talked about this Spence, this is for the best but I can't do it if you're not 100% with me.
I put my head in my hands

She comes closer and lifts my head with her hands. I pull her closer and we kiss, just like in that motel room 7 years ago (little parallel 3x24)
She starts undressing but I stop her.

- Actually *i dry my tears*, we had sex last night.
- I know I was there... *she chuckles*
- No seriously, can we just... Talk? About everything, about anything, i just want to have one of those nice long talks just like when we were teens.
- Can we cuddle at least? She makes her puppy eyes.
- Sure.

We stand here all night and, at 6 AM we're at the airport.
" The flight 1550 on his way to Paris will leave in 15 minutes. Please enter the gates "

I hug the two of them and kiss Spencer.
- I'll call you when i get there, love you.
I run so i can catch my flight.
"Tickets please"
I enter the plane and realize i forgot to tell her something.
I take my phone while it's still on and text her.

" Hey, heading out in 5 min, i just wanted to tell you that I left you something on your nightstand. Just so you don't forget that I love you.
I love you Spencer Cavanaugh." I press send immediately

" The plane is leaving, please turn off your phones and fasten your sit-belt. Have a nice flight "

Damn I miss her already...

Sorry if this is really bad, not my first language so i'm doing what i can not to repeat myself too much.

Next, AD will play with Spencer's emotion and will do something bad to one of the girls.

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