My Seven Brothers

By _Sam-Winchester_

1.3M 29.6K 10K

COMPLETED ; BEING EDITED Meet Isabella. She's a 16 year old girl. Isabella is your average normal girl. Exc... More

Meet the Winchesters
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter 10
11|| Taken Bacon
12|| Backstories
13|| Cousins
14|| Witches Beware
15|| Texas Y'all
16|| Homecoming is a Big Deal
17|| Friends?
C18: Weston
C19: Perfectly Perfect
C20: Holidays!
C21: Tree Decorating
chapter 21 clear up :)
C22: I'm Wounded!
C23: Explaining Nolan
C24: #Braniel
C25: You little sh-
C26: Christmas
C27: Bear Bear
28: Aunt Isabell
C30: My Idiot
C31: Here Comes the Bride
C32: Graduation
authors note
authors note + sequel info

C29: Valentines Day

17.2K 495 97
By _Sam-Winchester_

Isabella Rose Marie Winchester

Today was Valentines Day.

The day Prim told Luke about her pregnancy. She had called me a lot, she's been having bad morning sickness.

She had to tell Luke that she was getting a stomach bug, so he wouldn't be suspicious.

"Wheres your boyfriend?" Colton asks, taking my plate of cookies.

"Mm. I don't know, I haven't seen him all day." I say with a frown, taking the cookies back.

"I'm sure he's around somewhere," Carter assures.

"Ooh! Go into the living room now!" I yell. Carter and Colton share a look and follow me into the living room.

I saw Prim Rose staring at me with twinkling eyes. She tosses me her phone and sat down next to Luke.

Luke looks at us with questioning looks. I shoved the camera into Coltons hands and mouth the word, 'record.'

Prim ties a blind fold on Luke head with a smile.

"Why is there a blind fold on my head?" Luke asks with amusement. Colton clicks record and I watch as the plan goes down.

Prim sits the basket in front of Luke. I could tell she was nervous.

"Because its a Valentines Day surprise!" She squeals.

"Hmm." He mumbles, confused.

She does the last finishing touches to make the basket pretty.

"Okay take it off!" Prim squeals, I could tell she was both excited and nervous.

Luke takes the blind fold off and stares intently at the basket in front of him.

"Your pregnant?" Luke asks with wide eyes. She laughs and smiles down at her stomach.

"Yeah..." She mumbles.

Luke has a mega watt smile on his face, he envelopes Prim in a hug.

"Oh my god. Your pregnant!" He cheers.

Relief washes over Prim's face and she immediately hugs him back.

"We're gonna have a baby!" Luke yells. Colton and Carter chuckle at the sight of the couple. "I love you!"

"I love you too," Prim says. They kiss and I turn my head, scrunching up my nose.

Prim quickly gets up and runs into the bathroom. I hear gagging and throwing up.

"Morning sickness," I mumble. Luke runs to the bathroom behind her, probably going to hold back her hair.

"Well that was exciting," Carter states.

"And surprising," Colton adds.

"But absolutely adorable!" I sing.

Watching Luke and Prim made me really miss Chris. I miss him, even though I saw him yesterday. The school was considerate enough to give us Valentines Day off. I think it was only because the Principal has a new girlfriend...

Anyways, I missed my guy.

"Don't look so glum!" Weston shouts. He nearly pulls me in the backyard. The cool, crisp air hit my back, making me shiver. Weston glances at me, then proceeds to give me his jacket.

"Thanks!"  I mumble, the jacket hits my shoulder and I immediately melt into it.

Weston's jacket is really warm and comforting.

"Its so pretty outside," Weston mumbles. I nod my head in agreement. Laying my head on his shoulder, I feel him tense up, then relax.

I watched a bird land on a branch, it seemed to look right at me. The bird flew away and I watched it fly behind the house.

"Thanks for keeping me company Wes."

"Of course. What are twins for?"

I smile at him and look down at the ground.

"Athena alert," Weston calls. I hear panting behind me and loud paw steps.

"Hi, girl!" I chirp, I stand up to pet her. She sets a toy at my feet and looks up at me. I grab the toy and pull at it, Athena pulls back and growls playfully.

"I'm gonna leave you two," Weston says, chuckling.

"Come get it," I call.

We played tug-of-war a little bit longer. Feeling tired, I laid down in the hammock, swinging back and forth. Athena whimpered and plopped down beside the hammock.

"It's Valentines Day, Athena."

She lifts her head and tilts it slightly.

"I haven't seen Chris all day," I say with a frown.

She stares at me, as if she understands what I'm saying.

"But your here for me right?" I ask, scratching her behind her ear.

She woofs in agreement.

To be quite frank, I'm pretty mad. I don't expect any gifts or anything, but I do expect to actually see him.

I stared up at the sky and I closed my eyes, yawning slightly.


Dang it. Dang it. Dang it.

"Athe, its 4:30!" I shout. She scrambles to her paws and follows me inside the house.

I jog inside the house and sprint into my room.

"Well, hello to you too." Weston jokes.

"Slow down," Luke bellows. Walking into my room, I see a box sitting on my bed. Sending Athena a questionable glance, I walk cautiously to the box.

To the love of my life:

Put this on and be ready by 6:30 PM

Love, 'tall fry'

I squeal in delight. He didn't forget...

I open the box to find the prettiest dress ever. There were also a box of chocolates at the bottom.

I felt the dress in my hand. It was soft and silky.

I showered very quickly and blow dried my hair.

I put the dress on and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

The dress was mint green and hugged my body in all the right way. It draped down to my knees, and my calves in the back.

I start to curl my hair as Athena runs around my room, barking.

An hour later and my whole Spotify playlist, I was ready for the surprise date. I munched on some of the chocolates, awaiting for Chris.

"Theres a horse carriage waiting for you outside," Daniel says with a wink. I move the curtain and look outside to see a, like Daniel said, a horse carriage.

I grabbed my things and walked out the door.

"Hello Miss Winchester, I am your ride for the time being. Also, Mr. Wild wanted me to give this to you." He hands me a bouquet of roses and an envelope.

Dear Isabell,

I'm very sorry that I had to send the horse carriage. I wanted to pick you up myself but this is all part of the "Extravagant, Wow Isabell Valentines Day Surprise."

Awesome name, am I right?

I know you thought I forgot about you and Valentine's Day.\

I didn't *insert smirk*

How could I forget about my favorite person, especially on Valentines Day.

Unfortunately, I couldn't spend the day with you. I had to spend the day setting up the date stuffs.

Happy Valentine's Day, sunshine.

Anyways, see you soon small fry.

Enjoy the flowers :)

I love you.

Love, Chris.


I love you too.

His words sent tingles and butterflies through my body.

I slipped the letter in my purse and smiled. The smile never left my face.

We pulled up to a field that bursted with colors and scents. Even though it was the middle of winter, the flowers were so beautiful.

"Thank you for the ride," I say.

"It's my pleasure. Go stand right over there by that blanket," the coachman says with a wink.

I nod my head and do as told. I stand by the blanket and look around. The field was pitch black, he could possibly be trying to kill me.

Or not, but you never know!

I turn to face toward a wall in confusion. I hear a machine and see a light shooting at the wall.

Oh my god.

It's a movie! He got a projector out here. I looked down at the blanket, realizing it was littered with popcorn, drinks, and my favorite candy.

A song starts to play (*cough* song at the beginning).

I start to listen to the lyrics, understanding the meaning.

I start to cry. No one had ever done this much for me before.

I stare intently at the screen.

What movie was this?

"A Dog's Purpose."

I turned around to see Chris standing there with gleaming eyes and a black tux.

I stand up and run into his open arms.

"Happy Valentines Day, Small Fry." Chris whispers into my ear.

"Happy Valentines Day, Tall Fry."

"So I have a plan, movie first, I know you've been wanting to see A Dog's Purpose. Then we're gonna have dinner," Chris says with a small smile.

"I have been wanting to see A Dog's Purpose!" I squeal. Chris pats the spot next to him on the blanket. I lay my head on his shoulder and he wrapped a blanket around us.

"I brought you tissues because I heard it was a sad movie."

Good thing I wore water proof mascara.

"I love you." I mumble, he smiles down at me and starts the movie.

Chris was right, very very right, I cried, a lot. He was by my side the whole time, rubbing my shoulder and kissing my head.

I love this guy.

"That was the saddest movie ever," I cry, wiping my tears.

"Aw, it's okay Small Fry." Chris coos, he rubs my shoulder and shows me a grin.

"I hate that nickname," I whine.

Chris sends me a lopsided grin and handed me a remote.

"Click the biggest button," Chris says with a grin. I hesitantly click the button, the whole field lit up.

Chris had strung lights from all the trees, making the field glow. I looked around the field in awe.

I turned around and saw a table, lit up with lights. It was set with plates and utensils, with carnations in the middle.

I cock an eyebrow and walk over to the table, seeing Chris sitting there with a grin.

"Dinner?" I ask with a smile.

"Yes, but first, a gift." He has a blue pink gift in his hand.

"Aw. I didn't expect anything," I say.

"Yeah but I wanted to get you something." He says, handing me the gift.

"Thank you." I say with a big smile.

"I love that smile." Chris mumbles under his breath.

I unwrap the gift carefully. Opening the box, there was a blue Polaroid Camera. There was also a book, I'm guessing to put the pictures in.

"I realize you like to save moments and cherish them. I thought, whats better then a camera that can easily print pictures out." I turn to Chris with all smiles.

"Thank you. I love you so much," I say. I jump into his arms and I melt into his touch.

He pulls me into a gentle and slow kiss. Chris was always so thoughtful through everything.

"I love you too, Happy Valentines Day." Chris says with a smile.

"Happy Valentines Day."

Dinner was a huge success. Chris cooked me bow tie pasta, the best pasta ever.

"Although, spaghetti is much better then bow tie pasta, bow tie is your favorite."

"Spaghetti is not better!"

"Yes it is!"


"I mean come on, bow ties, really?"

"Well spaghetti is like noodle straws!"

"No!" Chris protests.

"Let's take a picture to commemorate this day." Chris hesitantly gets up and stands next to me.

"Smile!" I chirp, the camera flashes and takes the picture.

"Ow! My eyes," Chris says, covering his eyes.

"Oh shush its a flash."

"I know. Did you know that your one of my favorite people?" Chris whispers into my ear.

"Mm, no."

"Well you are. You are absolutely amazing." I lay down on the blanket and stare at the stars.

"The stars are so pretty." I whisper.

"She thought the stars were pretty but I bought she was prettier." Chris says, stroking my hair.

No the stars are definitely prettier.

Too tired to speak, I close my eyes. Chris wrapped a blanket around us and kissed my forehead.

My eye lids grow heavy and I soon fall asleep, warmness enveloping me.


omg A Dogs Purpose is so sad, I cried so much.

it's like one of my favorite movies now.

also, depending on when your reading this. happy Valentine's Day.


Have a Lovely Day


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