Secrets - Niam {LiamPayne&Nia...

By LoveLikeWOEx33

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Niall’s pretty. There’s no denying it. Baby blue eyes framed by thick lashes, full pouty lips, porcelain skin... More

Prologue & Part 1
After The Night
The Drunken Moment...
Heartache Devil
Shhh... Dont Tell Them
Harry, Harry-Harry.
Tea Burns
A Jar Of Broken Hearts
If I Tell My Secrets Or Expose My Weakness...
Cry Me A River
Mistakes Part 1
Mistakes Part 2
Vanilla Twilight
Getting Together
Without You
Dirty Little Secret
Awkward Romance
Home Sweet Home
Welcome Tiegan
I Miss You
Pouring Out On The Pages
i Dabble
All Nighter?
I Wanna Stay Up All Night, And Do It ALL With You...
Two Different Worlds Collide
Drunk Truth
Harsh Crowd
Last Night
Why her
Bittersweet Love
Angels Fall
Jam Packed Feelings
fresh eyes, opening heart
Author's Note
Building Confidence [BOOK 2 OF SECRETS]

My Secret Book

11.7K 53 9
By LoveLikeWOEx33

Part 21

{Liam’s P.O.V}

Five days had passed since I came back home, so now I only had about a week left before we all promised each other that we’d meet up for two days and one night – as we all missed each other. I’m now sitting in my room waiting for Tiegan to come help me pick clothes; I know I’m a grown man… Scratch that boy. I still love my Buzz & Woody; but she insists on choosing my clothes for me, I told her I only need a nights back pack and a different shirt but nope, she wants to lay out a two whole outfits for me because the boys and I don’t know what we’re doing. Oh yeah, she’s also making this book my journal as well encase I get any more thoughts on Niall and Danielle. So that’s why I’m writing to you, I was meant to write yesterday but I forgot but it’s not like she’ll know she shouldn’t be putting her nose in this book now it’s my diary. Knowing her though she will…

I’m excited to see Niall, I truly am we’ve talked on the phone every day or we send each other sweet text’s that make me smile or are far to cheesy. The other day he called me up a bit drunk shouting down the phone that he loves me and that he feels like his dying, it made me laugh he was telling me to write his will saying that I could have everything, then I heard Greg come on and take the phone off of him laughing. For all they know I’m just his best friend, nothing more. When really his everything to me…

Darn it my hand is starting to hurt due to me writing so fast, I swear if anyone of my sisters catch me doing this they’d read through it all, or they’d call me gay… Which isn’t exactly true but you get the point of it… Although I have been a bit of a girl by decorating the front cover… It’s just a plain dark purple scrap book, but now at the bottom I’ve put ‘Property of Liam Payne’ and I gave this book a title, ‘Secrets’. Being the child I am I also stuck a picture of Buzz&Woody on the front and under ‘secrets’ I wrote love and lies. I’m keeping this book on my wherever I go because no one goes in my bag without my consent, it’s just something that all of us boys do in the band, it’s our personal thing. Normally there’s only junk in our bags anyway but take Harry for example he has a little album of his mom and him in his bag, so he don’t want people going through it messing it up so we learn to stick to our own things.

So I’m pretty sure this book won’t get looked at by any of the boys anytime soon. Tiegan has sworn on her life that she no longer will look in it once I start to write in this book, I trust her but she is very sneaky and I know she knows she can see it if she wants, but I respect her and I hope she respects the fact that this is now personal.

Okay well I’m not too sure on how to end this diary entry or whatever it is so I’m just going to sign off so … yeah… Okay bye

~ Liam James Payne January 2nd 2012

“Move your ass now!” Tiegan came rushing in and straight to my wardrobe. I blinked at her and stood up moving out of her way “Oh yes please come in Tiegan, thanks for the hello and hug, nice to see you too!” I joked with her, he swished around on her heals and came skipping towards me and hugged me. “Sorry, in a rush, and you should be too why are you still in your pj’s?” she turned back around and started chucking my stuff out of the closet “Hey be careful you know they’re my clothes and I don’t want to have to iron them again!” I said walking around my room picking my clothes up as one by one they hit the ground, attempting to fold them again before they get scrunched up. I just sat on my bed now and then getting up cleaning up the mess that she was making not me! I tried my best to fold them all right again. After about ten minutes she pushed me out of my room. Well at first she asked me and I said no, then she grabbed me by the front of my shirt pushing me backwards out of the door. She closed the door in my face and I held my hands out in disbelief. “Why am I friends with you?!” I shouted through the door, she quickly opened it again and poked her head out, or shall I say afro. “Because you love me” she grinned and shut the door in my face again. I decided to get my phone out and text Niall, but being the idiot I am I left it in my room, where my journal is too. Great, my luck! I decided to walk down stairs into the kitchen to make a sandwich; Tiegan can make her own since she ate all of the crisps.

{Tiegan’s P.O.V}

Why is Liam so messy? I mean look at this room, there are clothes everywhere!!! I managed to put together two cute outfits for him, then I heard his phone vibrate, I did a little happy dance as there was no music playing because it was on vibrate, I can now stalk his friends I didn’t look at the caller ID I just picked up. “Hello, Liam isn’t here right now can I take a message?” I asked politely “Oh umm Hi” a very sexy voice replied back with, I was about to start fan girling like crazy but I had to keep my cool “Sorry to be rude but who am I talking to?” he asked again “Oh I-I’m T-Tiegan.” I stuttered out, I wanted to slam my head into the wall, why can’t I just act cool for once! “Oh! I know you… Well heard of you Liam talk’s about you often when we talk about home, I’m Zayn!” I wish I could see him face to face! I have my fingers crossed that his smiling. “Hey I was wondering if you could tell him that he needs to pack for longer, the boys and I have decided that I might as well celebrate my birthday a little earlier down here, even though my birthday is like 2weeks away so I can spend time with the boys then have family time.” He explained, “Sure I’ll let him know, and wait he talks about me?” I asked in disbelief. “Yeah he does” he chuckled lightly, it sent shivers through my spine, “Wait, this is so rude of me, would you like to come as well? It’s also a plus that Liam won’t have to go back on his own?” Okay that’s it call the ambulance I’m officially dead.

I don’t know how long I was smiling down the phone for but it must have been a while because he then asked me “Um... Hello are you there…. Stupid bad connection….”, “No, no I’m here s-sorry um sure I’d love to come!” I smiled down the phone. “Oh and one more thing!” “Yeah” I said a bit too quickly… “Tell Liam I invited Danielle too, as Louis bringing Eleanor and I also invited Holly, she has a thing for Niall so it should be a good night!” she said happily “But wait, Holly? Doesn’t Niall like Li-” SHIT TIEGAN! “Li… Lindsey that’s it yeah…” oh for fuck sake Tiegan… “I don’t know who Niall likes I just know she likes him and they get along so what happens will happen” he said not taking note of my mistake… Thank god. “So, you coming?” he asked to make sure “Wouldn’t miss it for the world!” I smiled “Okay well bye babe see you soon!” with that he hung up. I dropped Liam’s phone on the floor and squealed. Liam came running up the stairs in panic. “WHATS THE MATTER?!” He said looking around as if I’d been attacked. “HE CALLED ME BABE LIAM! HE CALLED ME BABE!” Liam now stood there confused as I continued to happy dance around the room, “What the hell Tiegan! I thought someone was coming to kill you! And who called you babe?! You’re phone got taken off you the other day and-” It suddenly clicked for him, he leant on one leg and flooded his arms “Who did you pick up the phone to Tiegan, come on tell me now.” He said in a stern tone. “ZAYN!” I practically screamed out, he rolled his eyes and laughed. “Tiegan, your special.” He said while picking up his phone “What do you mean by that!” I said offended. “He called every girl babe” he laughed checking his phone log, probably to see if I had made any calls to the boys. I glared at him “Yeah well… Like you said I’m special so it means something!” I poked my tongue out at him and giggled as he did the same back. “By the way, Zayn said that you have to pack for a few days extra, his celebrating his birthday and oh yeah IM COMING, andddddddd also to tell you the Danielle is coming, so is this Holly girl that likes Niall and Louis girlfriend too.” I smiled at him, his face dropped from a smile to panic. “Oh shit… I just realized… Danielle and Niall….” I said chewing my bottom lip looking at my best friend while he sat on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands…

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