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De bestwriterever8

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[FINISHED 2017] Who would want to be in the spotlight? Certainly, Louis wouldn't. He cherished his private li... Mai multe



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De bestwriterever8


By Claudia Mayer

Just yesterday morning we reported that Harry Styles' fans were speculating that his baby with Louis Tomlinson might have been born already, because neither of them had been seen in public for a couple of weeks.
But now we know that the rumors aren't true, because of a Twitter user, @leahj97, who last night took it to social media to tell the world she had just seen Louis Tomlinson at a pizzeria in London, and then uploaded a picture she took of him in which he looks heavily pregnant.
So there you have it guys, no baby Styles yet, but by the looks of Louis in the picture it seems it could be any day now, it's just a waiting game from here, we just hope that whenever it happens, Harry will be kind enough to announce it to his fans!


It was 10 in the morning already, and there was no sign of the baby wanting to come anytime soon.

Louis had been just 4 cm dilated last time he was checked, but he was in a lot of pain. He kept changing positions to try to cope better with the contractions, but according to him nothing was working.

"Every time I think the contractions can't possibly get any more painful, they do" Louis declared, he was sitting on a yoga ball and was bouncing slightly.

"I know, but it will be over soon, Lou" Harry told him.

"You said that 3 hours ago" Louis complained.

"I don't know what else to say to comfort you" Harry said honestly.

"There's nothing" Louis sighed, as he rubbed the sides of his belly.

"Are you having another one?" Harry asked.

"Not yet" Louis denied "Can you give me water, please?".

Harry nodded, and went to get Louis' glass, which only had a little water in it, so he refilled it with the iced water someone had just brought in, and gave it to Louis, who drank from the straw.

"Thanks" Louis smiled a little.

"You're doing great, Lou" Harry said as he softly pushed Louis' hair back.

"I'm so tired, though" Louis sighed, and rubbed his left eye with the heel of his hand.

"Why don't you get in the bed and rest a bit?" Harry suggested as he left the glass aside.

"Okay" Louis nodded.

Harry helped him get up, but just as he did, he felt Louis' hand squeezing his arm tightly and he knew he was having a contraction.

"Just breathe, love, breathe" Harry said soothingly as he held him tightly.

Louis was doing that, but he kept squeezing the life out of Harry's arm, but he let him do that, as he knew his pain was a million times worse.

"Is it over?" Harry asked, when Louis finally let go.

"Yeah" Louis breathed.

Harry helped him get in the bed, and Louis laid down on his side, and closed his eyes, Harry sitting on a chair right next to the bed.

"You know what I could really use right now?" Louis asked, opening his eyes again.

"What?" Harry asked, thinking he could get him whatever he needed.

"A smoke" Louis smiled a little.


"I know I can't, but it would be the best, it used to help me relax" Louis explained.

"What else might help you relax?" Harry wondered.

"This baby coming out already" Louis whined.

"She will, Lou, you just have to hold on a little more" Harry said softly.

"I know".

"Do you want to call your sisters to let them know the baby's coming?" Harry wondered.

"No, I want to call them after she's born" Louis decided "But I will text Niall so he knows he has to go feed Edgar, can you give me my phone?".

"Here" Harry said, grabbing it from the table close to the bed, and gave it to Louis "Do you mind I let my mum know we're here?".

"No, go ahead" Louis allowed him, already busy texting.

Harry grabbed his own phone, and noticed he had a text from his manager about some irrelevant nonsense, so he ignored it, and looked for his mum's contact.

"Hi, honey" Anne picked up right away.

"Hi mum, how are you?" Harry asked her.

"I'm doing alright" Anne answered "How about you? Why are you calling me so early?".

"Because Louis and I are at the hospital" Harry announced.

"Oh my God! Is the baby here?" Anne asked, her voice happy.

"Not yet, but she's on her way" Harry declared.

"I'm so excited" Anne stated, her voice showing it "How's Louis doing?".

"He's in pain, but he's doing amazing" Harry smiled at Louis, who rolled his eyes.

"Be nice to him, Harry, labor is a very painful process" Anne told him.

"I am being nice" Harry said "Right, Lou?".

"Yes, very nice" Louis agreed with a small smile.

"Did you hear that?" Harry asked his mum.

"Yes, just make sure to keep it like that, and if he wants to yell at you, let him" Anne advised.

"I will" Harry chuckled.

"I'm going to leave for London now, should I go straight to the hospital?" Anne wondered.

"Lou, do you want my mum to come here?" Harry asked in turn.

"Yeah" Louis nodded.

"Lou says yes" Harry said to his mum.

"Alright, text me the address of the hospital, please".

Harry was going to answer, but he suddenly felt Louis holding his hand, and squeezing it hard.

"Sure, but I have to go now, Louis' having a contraction" Harry said talking fast.

"Alright, give him a kiss from me, and I'll see you soon" Anne replied.

"Okay, bye" Harry said quickly, and put down his phone to focus on Louis "You're doing great, Lou".

"Oww" Louis whined as he curled into a ball.

"You're okay, love, just breathe"  Harry said as he stood up and then leaned down and gave Louis' temple a few small kisses "You're okay".

"No" Louis whimpered.

Harry didn't say anything else, he just ran his free hand across Louis' hair as an attempt to soothe him, and he did that until the contraction passed and Louis let go of his hand.

"That one was so bad" Louis said, his eyes closed.

"I'm sorry, love" Harry said sympathetically, and kissed Louis' temple again.

"Why are we you doing that?" Louis whispered, his eyes open now.

"Because I remember you liked it when I used to cuddle you, so I thought it might help" Harry explained, and Louis didn't say anything "Does it?".

Louis nodded slightly, and Harry smiled, and made a point of it, and kissed Louis' temple again.

"Why didn't you tell me you broke up with Mason?" Louis suddenly asked.

Harry was a little taken aback by the question itself, but not by the fact that Louis knew about it, he could imagine how he knew.

"I wasn't sure if you would care" Harry replied honestly, as he sat down again.

"Okay" Louis replied.

"Do you care?" Harry hesitantly asked.

"Yes" Louis mumbled.

"Why?" Harry questioned, his heart starting to beat faster.

Louis opened his mouth to answer, but he didn't get to say anything.

"How are we doing here?" Kelly, Louis' midwife, asked coming into the room.

"The contractions are getting worse" Louis complained.

"I know it's terrible pain, love, but it means you're getting closer" Kelly said sympathetically.

"I know" Louis nodded.

"Now that you're back in bed, I'm going to put the fetal monitor back around your belly for a little while, and then I'll check your progress, alright?" Kelly asked.

Louis nodded, and the midwife went ahead and put the fetal monitor around Louis' bump while he was still laying on his side, and the baby's heartbeat immediately filled the room.

"She's doing well?" Harry wondered.

"Yes, but I want to see how she does with a contraction" the midwife explained while she watched the monitor and then scribbled in Louis' file "There we go".

"Harry" Louis whined, making grabby hands at him.

Harry immediately got up knowing Louis was having a contraction, and used one hand to hold Louis', and the other to pet his hair while he whispered encouraging word at him.

"Baby girl did great with the contraction" the midwife determined when it ended "I'm going to check you now, can you lay on your back?".

Louis did, and then bent his legs, and opened them so the midwife could check him, and while she did that, Harry made sure to keep holding Louis' hand.

"You're at 6... I'd say 6 and a half actually" Kelly announced as she checked Louis.

"I am?" Louis asked surprised,

"Yeah, it was a lot of progress since last time, you're in active labor now, which means things will move faster now, so you'll probably be fully dilated in a couple of hours" the midwife explained while she took off the latex glove she had used.

"That's great news, thank you" Louis said, clearly relieved.

"Do you want still want to try a water birth?" Kelly wanted to know.

"Yeah, I think so" Louis nodded.

Harry knew Louis had made that decision a while ago, and he supported it if it was what he really wanted.

"Remember that means no epidural" Kelly warned him.

"I know" Louis gulped "But I can handle it".

"Alright" Kelly agreed "I'm going to start filling up the bathtub, so you can get in soon, the warm water should help you relax".

"Thank you" Louis smiled.

The bathtub, which was more like a jacuzzi, was right there in the room, which was huge overall, and Louis had been getting round the clock care, and everyone was very nice. And despite Harry seeing in some people's eyes that they knew who he was, no one had said a word about it, except when they first got there in the middle of the night, and they were told that the hospital had a strict privacy policy, and that nobody would know they were there. So overall, Harry was pretty happy with his decision to insist that Louis had the baby in that private hospital.

"Harry?" Louis asked, taking Harry away from his thoughts.

"Hmm?" Harry hummed.

"Water, please?".

Harry picked up the glass, and held it while Louis drank from the straw, but he didn't get to drink too much.

"No, no, no" Louis said scrunching up his face, and turning to the side "Oh, God".

Harry knew what that meant, so he left the glass aside, and went back to doing his job of comforting Louis, which he didn't mind one bit, it was a very easy job compared to Louis'.

When it was over, Louis kept his eyes closed, and didn't move, but Harry could tell he was awake by the way he was breathing, but he didn't speak, wanting to let Louis rest until the next contraction, which came around too soon for poor Louis, and the same thing happened for the next one.

Then the midwife went back to Louis to take the baby monitor from his belly, and told him he could get in the bathtub already if he wanted, which he agreed to do right away, and Harry helped him, while the midwife left saying she had to go get something.

"Is the water nice?" Harry asked.

"Yes" Louis smiled as he sat down "I think this was a good decision".

"You usually make good decisions" Harry told him.

"Don't you mean always?" Louis smirked.

"No" Harry shook his head.

"When have I not made a good decision?" Louis asked skeptically.

"When you decided not to give me a second chance" Harry said bluntly.

Louis shook his head from side to side as he looked down.

"Lou-" Harry started.

"Shut up" Louis stopped him, his hands on his belly as he started breathing in and out.

That was when Harry realized Louis was having a contraction, so maybe him shaking his head had not been about what Harry said, but as a reaction to the pain.

"Louis, what I meant before was-" Harry started again when he noticed the contraction was over.

"Shh" Louis shushed him, his eyes closed.

Harry realized it wasn't at all the right time to talk about this, and he decided to just leave it for the future, and just focus on a more pressing issue; helping Louis go through labor the best he could.

And he did that for the next 2 hours, in which Louis stayed in the bathtub as the contractions got closer together, and more painful, which clearly showed in the way Louis was handling it, because at this point he had already broken down in tears once and had started cursing, but thankfully not at Harry.

At least not until now.

"Just breathe, love" Harry said softly.

"Shut the fuck up" Louis practically barked.

Louis was kneeling in the tub, holding to the edge, and Harry was kneeling right outside the tub, and was holding Louis' upper body, and rubbing his back as best he could, and despite Louis being kind of mean, Harry kept trying to soothe him, he wasn't about to abandon Louis now.

"Sorry for cursing at you" Louis said once the contraction passed.

"I know, don't worry" Harry said smiling, and offered Louis water.

"I don't know if I can do this for much longer" Louis stated as he drank the ice water from the straw, which was just as he had been asking for it.

"You can do this, Lou" Harry assured him "You know you can, and you're so close now".

Louis sighed, and nodded, but he looked so tired it broke Harry's heart, and he kept wishing the baby would come already, so Louis could stop being in so much pain.

"I feel you'll be ready to push in less than half an hour" the midwife said coming up to the tub with the monitor she had been using to check the baby's heartbeat while Louis had been in the water.

She hadn't left the room in the past 2 hours, keeping a close eye on Louis and the baby, which was part of the round clock care they were promised, and she was very nice, which was great.

"Don't get my hopes up if you're not sure" Louis warned her.

"Trust me, love" Kelly replied, and put the monitor's wand underwater on Louis bump and the baby's heartbeat was heard, and it sounded just like the other times.

"Good, right?" Harry asked.

"Perfect" Kelly smiled.

But she kept measuring the baby's heartbeat while Louis started having a contraction, just to make sure the baby was still doing well with those, which she was.

For the next 20 or so minutes, the contractions were coming right on top of each other, and Louis was just a mess of tears, moans and curses... that was until it finally happened.

"I think I have to push" Louis announced.

"See? I told you" Kelly said seeming excited, as she went to press a button "Do you want to change positions or do you feel comfortable staying on your knees like that?".

"I'm okay like this" Louis replied, his voice shaky.

"Alright, just spread your legs a little more, and when you feel the pressure starting to build, bare down as hard as you can, and don't stop until the contraction passes" Kelly explained softly "You can hold on to your partner's hands if you want, it might help you".

Louis let go of the edge of the tub, and Harry immediately held both his hands, and kissed them to show him his support, and Louis gave him the tiniest of smiles.

But then Louis started to squeeze the life out of Harry's hands, and he had closed his eyes, and was scrunching his face, which told Harry he was pushing.

"That's it, Louis, good job" Kelly praised him.

That was when the door of the room opened, and in came another midwife, and Dr. Evans, who had been in charge of Louis since early in the morning, and she had been coming and going all morning to check on him.

Kelly explained to the doctor how Louis was doing, while the latter was still pushing, and the doctor walked over to the edge of the tub, and checked on him, almost her entire arm going in the water.

"Louis, don't stop if the contraction is still going" Dr. Evans told him.

"It's over" Louis replied, his breathing a little heavy.

"Okay, rest then" the doctor advised, while Kelly was busy checking the baby's heartbeat again "Oh, she's doing great".

Louis didn't even react to that, and Harry could tell he was just too tired and over everything, and he wished with all his heart he could take his place.

Then the pushing started again, and Harry was sure Louis was going to break the bones in his hands, but he just bit his tongue about it.

When Louis stopped, his breathing was ragged, and he opened his blue eyes and looked straight into Harry's and he could just tell how scared he was.

"You've got this, you know you do" Harry whispered.

Louis nodded slightly, and closed his eyes again, and when Harry felt him squeeze his hands again, he knew he was pushing once more.

"Good job, Louis" the doctor said, her arm under the water again "The heads coming down fast".

"You're amazing, love" Harry praised him, feeling proud.

Louis stopped pushing, keeping his eyes closed, and Harry let go of his hands for a second, so he could push back the hair that was covering Louis' face.

But he didn't get to.

"Harry" Louis said and opened his eyes, his voice scared.

"I'm here" Harry assured him, and held his hands again "I've got you".

"Please, don't let go" Louis begged.

"I won't, I'm sorry" Harry said, and kissed his hands again.

And in that moment, Harry couldn't help but think how in love with Louis he was, and how much he wanted to protect him, and assure him that he was there for him no matter what.

Which he did while Louis kept pushing and pushing.

"Ow, ow, no, it hurts" Louis cried in pain.

"Louis, come on, don't stop, her head's right there" Dr. Evans told him.

"Hurts too much" Louis shook his head.

"Give me your hand, Louis" the doctor said.

Louis hesitantly let go of Harry, and the doctor guided his hand under the water.

"Oh my god, that's her head" Louis breathed, and Harry smiled.

"Yes, that's the top your baby girl's head" the doctor said smiling "You just have to bear the pain of her coming out for just a few minutes, and then you'll be able to hold her, alright?".

Louis visibly gulped, but nodded, and he pulled his hand from under the water, and offered it to Harry for him to hold again, which he did.

And then he started pushing again, and he cried, and moaned and cursed, and when the doctor said her head was completely out, that's when Harry started to freak out a little, but he made sure to keep it cool for Louis' sake.

"Just a little bit more now, Louis, I'll let you know when she's almost out so you can pull her from under the water yourself, okay?" Dr. Evans suggested.

"Yeah" Louis nodded, he was shaking a little.

"Alright, push!" the doctor told him.

Louis took a deep breath, and bared down, his face going completely red with the effort.

"Good job, baby" Harry told him "Keep going".

"She's coming, hold her" the doctor said.

Louis let go of Harry's hand, and submerged them, and he suddenly pulled their tiny baby out of the water, and held her tightly to his chest, and immediately started crying.

"Good job, Louis" the doctor said as she rubbed the baby's back.

Harry was speechless, and just stared at Louis holding the baby to his chest, until the baby made a little noise, and then started crying very loud, which brought Harry out of his daze, and actual tears gathered in his eyes, because this tiny little thing was his daughter, and he loved her so damn much.

"Is she okay?" Louis asked the doctor, his eyes on the baby as he sniffled.

"Yes, love, she's great" the doctor smiled "And you did incredible".

"You did, Lou" Harry stated, and Louis immediately looked at him "And she's perfect".

"You're crying" Louis said with a small smile.

"You bet I'm crying" Harry chuckled, his hand going to hold the back of the baby's little head "I love her more than anything".

Louis' smile grew, and he looked so beautiful, and Harry wasn't even thinking what he was doing when he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Louis', which felt as soft as he remembered them, and he missed them, he missed them so much.

But when he realized what he had done, he stopped himself, but looked into Louis' eyes to see if maybe it hadn't been a mistake.

But Louis just bit his lip, and looked down at the baby again, who wasn't crying anymore, and he kissed her forehead.

"I love you" Louis whispered to her.

Then the doctor asked Harry if he wanted to cut the chord, which he did, and after that, Louis delivered the placenta while still holding the baby, refusing to let go of her yet.

But eventually he had to, because she had to be checked, and weigh and measured, so while Kelly took her to a corner of the room to do that (the baby wailing the second she was separated from Louis), the other midwife helped Louis out of the tub, and back to the bed so the doctor could check on him properly.

"6.1 pounds" Kelly announced after he placed the baby on the scale.

"That's low, isn't it?" Harry asked worried, as he looked at his crying daughter.

"Lower than average, but she's healthy, she's just little overall" Kelly replied while she measured her "18 inches long".

Harry nodded, and watched as the midwife finished checking on the baby, and when she was done, she put a nappy on her, a pink beanie, she wrapped her in a blanket, and handed her off to Harry, who held her with nervous hands.

"You really are tiny" Harry said in realization, while he held the baby tightly to his chest, but she kept on crying "Shh, it's alright, I'm your dad, don't you remember my voice? I used to talk to you all the time".

Apparently she didn't remember that, because no matter what Harry did, the baby wouldn't stop, and it kind of scared him, so he brought her to Louis, who had just finished being checked.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked, offering his hands to take her.

"I think I broke her" Harry said handing him the baby.

Louis chuckled and held the baby to his chest, and started whispering softly to her and kissing her head, and in just a minute, the baby had calmed down and fallen asleep.

"You're like a baby whisperer" Harry said amazed as he very gently ran his knuckle against the baby's cheek.

"No, I'm just her mum" Louis said with a soft smile as he stared at their daughter's little face.

"A great mum" Harry stated.

Louis looked up at him, and despite how tired he looked, he seemed so happy it filled Harry's heart with even more love than he was already feeling for him and for their baby, and although this time he knew pretty well what he was doing, he still leaned down and kissed Louis' lips.

And this time Louis did more than just let Harry kiss him, he actually kissed him back, and when their lips broke, Louis smiled, and kept the eye contact.

Harry was about to tell him he loved him, when the doctor came up to them.

"Louis, you're doing great, but we're going to wait another half hour, and then they'll take you to your postnatal suite so you and your little girl can rest properly, okay?" Dr. Evans said.

"Okay" Louis nodded.

"Thank you for taking such a good care of him, doctor" Harry told her.

"It was my pleasure" Dr. Evans smiled "Congratulations on the baby, she's a cutie".

"Thank you" Louis grinned.

"I'll come check on you in a little while" the doctor told Louis.

Louis agreed, and the doctor left, and Harry wanted to resume the previous conversation, but Louis had gone back to focusing on the baby, and Harry realized the moment had already passed.

A while later, Louis was taken to the postnatal suite, which was pretty great, it looked more like a hotel room than a hospital room, and it even had a bed for Harry to stay overnight if that's what he wanted.

"You should sleep, Lou" Harry advised once Louis was settled in the bigger bed.

"Yeah" Louis nodded, and yawned "Hold her?".

Harry was a little scared to hold her again, but he could tell Louis was barely awake, so he took the baby in his arms, making sure not to wake her up. But less than a minute after baby girl was in his arms, she woke up and started crying again.

"Come on, baby girl, mummy needs to sleep" Harry said as he rocked her, but she cried even louder.

"Just hold her to your chest, Harry" Louis advised.

Harry did, but there was no use to, because the baby kept crying her lungs out, and he ended up giving her back to Louis, apologizing for not being able to comfort her.

"It's alright, I think she might be hungry" Louis considered.

"Should I call the midwife so she can teach you how to feed her?" Harry asked.

"Not yet" Louis shook his head, and pulled his hospital gown down, and held the baby to his chest.

It took a few minutes, but eventually baby girl stopped crying, and latched on and started eating.

"How did you know how to do that?" Harry asked impressed.

"I didn't" Louis smiled looking down at the baby "But she knew".

Harry took out his phone to take a picture of them, realizing he hadn't taken any yet, having been too focused on every moment before, and he was about to unlock his phone, when he noticed he had 3 missed calls from his mum and 2 texts, which he hadn't heard because he had had his phone in silent mode.

From Mum: I'm almost there, how are things going?

From Mum: I got here, but the hospital people are saying Louis and you aren't even here, and they won't even let me in the waiting room.

To Mum: sorry, I should've let them know you were coming, I'll go get you

"Lou, my mum's here" Harry announced.

"Is she?" Louis smiled.

"Yeah, they're not letting her in so I'll go get her, should I bring her here?" Harry questioned.

Louis nodded eagerly, which was so sweet, and Harry came close to kiss him again, but he refrained, and went to get Louis a cloth so he could burp the baby when she was done eating (which he knew from a baby book), and then left the room, telling Louis he would be right back.

Harry walked down the corridor to a sliding door that led to a waiting room, and then through another door, that led to an elevator, which he took to the first floor, and that's where he found his mum sitting on a bench, but she was looking at her phone.

"Mum" Harry called, and couldn't help the smile on his face.

"Harry" Anne said looking up, and quickly got up and walked over to him "Is she here already?".

"Yeah" Harry grinned "I'm a dad".

"Oh, honey, congratulations" Anne smiled, and hugged him tightly "How is she?".

"She's very healthy but tiny, and looks so much like Louis" Harry explained.

"And how's Louis?" Anne wondered.

"Very tired, but happy" Harry replied.

"Can I go in and see them?" Anne wondered.

"Yeah, Lou said to bring you there" Harry nodded

They went in the elevator, and Harry used the keycard he had been given when they arrived to go to the 4th floor.

"It seems this hospital has tighter security than a prison" Anne commented.

"Yeah, but it's great to be sure to have so much privacy" Harry replied "I don't want anyone to know we're here, especially the tabloids".

"No one knows, I was checking the internet, and there's not a word about it out there" Anne replied.

"That's good" Harry nodded as they walked out of the elevator.

"So the birth went well? No complications?" Anne asked as Harry opened the door that led to the waiting room for her.

"Not at all, and Lou was amazing, and he's great with the baby" Harry explained.

"And you?" Anne asked with a smile.

"Uhm... I don't think she likes me very much, she keeps crying when I hold her" Harry confessed, as he used the keycard to go through the sliding doors.

"Aw, honey, I'm sorry" Anne said apologetically.

"It's alright, I love seeing her in Louis' arms" Harry shrugged.

They reached Louis' suite a minute later, and Harry opened the door, letting his mum walk in first, him walking right after her, and that's when he noticed Louis had finished feeding the baby, but he had fallen asleep with her on his chest, the baby doing the same.

Harry closed the door behind him carefully, trying not to make any noise, and then watched as his mum went to wash her hands in the sink that was in the room, and then approached the bed very cautiously, and stared at the baby's little face, who was resting her head sideways on Louis' chest.

Anne turned to looked at Harry, and mouthed 'beautiful', which made Harry smile, because yes, his daughter was the most gorgeous baby he had seen in his life, and no, he wasn't being biased.

Then Harry's mum stroked the baby's cheek softly with the back of her finger, and then gave Louis a kiss on his forehand, but that caused the latter to stir, and he opened his eyes slightly.

"Anne" Louis said in recognition.

"Hi, honey" Anne said softly "I didn't mean to wake you".

"I was awake" Louis clearly lied, as sat up a little, his hands holding the baby tightly.

"Congratulation on this little beauty" Anne told him with a smile.

"Thank you" Louis smiled back "Do you want to hold her?".

"Of course, I do" Anne replied "I already washed my hands".

Louis nodded, and didn't hesitate to let Harry's mum take baby girl from his chest, and luckily, the baby didn't wake up.

"She's very little" Anne acknowledged "How much did she weight?".

"6 pounds, I think?" Louis asked looking at Harry.

"6.1" Harry corrected "And she's 18 inches long".

"And does she have a name?" Anne asked.

"Not yet" Louis said looking at Harry, clearly worried.

"It's alright, you'll figure it out" Anne said smiling.

"That's true, I believe the right name will come to us, and in the meantime, we'll just call her baby girl" Harry added, not wanting Louis to stress about the name, he was too exhausted already "

"Okay" Louis sighed.

"Harry was right, she looks a lot like you, Louis" Anne said, changing the subject, probably sensing how much stress the name issue caused to Louis.

"I think she has Harry's eye shape, I noticed it the second I saw her" Louis said, and smiled at Harry, who smiled back.

"I think you might he right" Anne replied looking at the baby closely "She's really beautiful, you both did very well".

Harry and Louis both chuckled at the compliment, and maybe they were too loud, because suddenly the baby started whining in her grandmother's arms.

"Is she alright?" Louis asked, immediately alert.

"I think she made a poopy, actually" Anne said scrunching her nose "Who's going to do the honors?".

"I'll let Harry take the first one" Louis smiled at him.

"Sure" Harry agreed, but he wasn't thrilled at the prospect "But you have to show me how, mum".

"Alright" Anne said, and handed the baby to Harry "Let's go to the changing table over there".

Harry did, and he laid her down on her back, and undid her blanket while his mum looked for the things they needed, and then she told him to open the nappy, and once he did, he wished he had never done it.

"Oh my God, that's disgusting" Harry said looking away, and saw Louis was laughing "Don't laugh, next one will be yours".

"Sure" Louis chuckled.

"Harry, come on, she's getting cold" Anne scolded.

Harry was about to throw up the whole time he was changing her, but he managed not to, and when he was done, he wrapped her in the blanket again, and held her in his arms.

"That was the most disgusting thing I've ever done" Harry stated as he rocked the baby, who was still crying.

"Get used to it, she'll probably go over at least 10 nappies a day for the first month" Anne told him knowingly.

"I know" Harry nodded, having read that in a book "She's very lucky that I love her".

"She is very lucky to have you as a dad, honey" Anne told him.

"Thanks, mum" Harry smiled.

"Harry" Louis called.

"What, love?" Harry turned to look at Louis.

"You made her stop crying" Louis pointed out.

That's when Harry realized it was a lot quieter, and when he looked at the baby he noticed she had fallen asleep in his arms.

"Look at that, she likes me after all" Harry grinned.

"She loves you" Louis corrected "She was just playing hard to get, but she gave you a chance to prove your worth, and you did, and it paid off".

Harry stared at Louis for a few seconds after he said that, wondering if it meant something else, and he might have asked Louis that if his mum hadn't been there.

Anne stayed just for a little longer after that, saying she wanted to let Louis rest, but said she was planning to stay in London for a while so she could help them with the baby, which Harry was very thankful about, and he knew Louis was too.

They didn't get any more visitors after that, as they were both exhausted, and the baby kept crying every time she wanted to eat or needed a nappy change, which meant neither of them had been able to get over an hour sleep in a row, which was also their fault, because they both refused to have the baby taken to the nursery with the other babies.

"Harry" Louis whispered.

It was night time already, and Harry was laying down on the bed that was set up for him, and he felt like he had just closed his eyes.

"Harry" Louis said again, louder this time.

"I'll change her" Harry mumbled, but didn't move.

"She doesn't need a change, she's still sleeping" Louis replied.

"What's wrong then?" Harry asked, and yawned as he sat up.

"Nothing's wrong, I just... I think I figured it out" Louis explained, and he seemed happy.

"What, Lou?" Harry asked confused.

"Her name" Louis clarified "I was falling asleep and it just came to me, and I think it's perfect".

"What is it?" Harry wondered, really hoping to like the suggestion.

"Sage" Louis announced.

"Sage" Harry repeated, testing it.

"I really think that's her name" Louis said looking at Harry with his blue eyes big.

"I like it" Harry decided.

"You do?" Louis asked, his smile huge.

"Yeah" Harry nodded, being very honest "I actually love it".

"She has a name, then?" Louis concluded.

"She has a name" Harry confirmed "Sage Snow".

"Actually, I was thinking maybe Sage Anne" Louis said sheepishly.

"After my mum?" Harry asked, feeling completely moved.

"She has been like a mum to me since the day I met her, and I thought why not give our daughter the name of such an amazing woman?".

"I would love that, Lou, and I know my mum would love it too" Harry answered truthfully.

"Sage Anne, then?" Louis smiled.

"Sage Anne Styles-Tomlinson" Harry completed.



A.N. I really hope you liked this chapter, I took my time to write it because I wanted it to come out exactly like I wanted it, and I'm pretty happy with it 😊

So what did you think about the birth of baby Sage?

Did you expect Harry to kiss Louis like that? And what about Louis' reaction to it?

Thank you for reading, hopefully I'll have the next chapter up soon.


P.S. I know some of you won't like the name, but names are a very subjective thing, and there won't ever be one that everyone likes.

P.S.2. Did you hear Harry's album? What's your favorite song? Mine's From the Dining Table 

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