Time Again

By pknelson1

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Adelle Montgomery has been completely ordinary her whole life. She lives in a small collage town and can't sa... More

Chapter 1: My Love
Chapter 2: Not that I was thinking of him shirtless
Chapter 3: An almost kiss
Chapter 4: His dark chariot
Chapter 5: Seeing through your eyes
Chapter 6: Take a deep breath
Chapter 7: True to my heart
Chapter 8 : Hospital rooms, Star Wars, and Soulmates oh my!
Chapter 9: Revelation
Chapter 10: Missing Pieces
Chapter 11: It Wasn't my Heart Breaking, but my Soul
Chapter 12: This Love can Heal
Chapter 13: Midnight Confessions and 2 AM Fears
Chapter 14: Two types of Wicked
Chapter 15: A Need To Know Basis
Chapter 16: Goodbyes Were Never Meant To Be Happy
Chapter 17: The Levels of Pain
Chapter 18: Blood Bond
Chapter 19: All Hail the King
Chapter 20: My Heart and My Soul
Chapter 21: Doubt
Chapter 22: Take My Soul and Set Me Free
Chapter 23: Shatter
Chapter 24: Shot in the Light
Chapter 25: The Beginning


48 0 0
By pknelson1


"Keep your face always towards the sunshine -and shadows will fall behind you."

~ Walt Whitman


Ten years later

Life will always throw curve balls. I never saw myself being a Time Traveler. Nor did I see myself being twenty six, having two kids, and just graduating college. But what can you do?

I glanced over at the rocker sitting next me and smiled. Steven Joseph Payne was born just a little over two months ago and he took after Wes with his beautiful curly black hair. I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his soft curls then walked over to the back window to watch for Wes.

He was supposed to be coming home today from a scouting trip with Ronan and Asher. Kyle had his hands full with the community and his three girls and it was up to Wes and Ronan to make these trips to our different allies. Although we've been bonded for nearly two decades now, I still get anxious whenever he has to leave.

My gaze was taken from the window when I heard the thumping of small feet running down the stairs. A laugh bubbled out of me when Evie came into my sight, all dressed up in a pink tutu and plastic dress up pearls.

"Is daddy home yet?" At four years old, she was ridiculously smart and good with words. Smiling, I picked her up so she could look out the window.

"Not yet, but he will be soon."

We watched out the window for a few more minutes until she got bored and I put her down so she could go find her toys. I looked at the clock on the stove and found that it was that time of night again. I picked up Steven and moved his rocker into the kitchen with me so I could make dinner.

Dinner was nearly done when I felt the bond grow warm. I smiled, growing excited at seeing my soulmate for the first time in three days. I quickly turned off the burner and picked Steven up from the rocker. I hurried to the front door and threw it open.

"Wes!" I called, hurrying down the driveway.

It only took two seconds and the world was perfect again. Wes pulled me into his arms, holding me against his chest before sweeping down to kiss me then Steven then stooping to pick up Evie who was so excited for dad to be home.

"Were you a good girl for mommy while I was gone?" Wes questioned her with mock seriousness.

"Yes!" She screeched and threw her little arms around his neck.

"Good." He kissed her cheek then set her down to run inside.

Wes wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his side, pressing a kiss to my head.

"I missed you," he said.

"I missed you too." I smiled and kissed his cheek.


Later that night, after the kids were put to bed, Wes and I were finally able to relax and reconnect. I curled up in his arms and smiled, basking in the presence of my soulmate.

"How was the trip?" I asked.

"It was really good, we were able to negotiate some better terms for expanding the community."

"Good, that should really help Kyle."

"It should. How were things at home? Was Evie good?"

"Yeah she was so cute and Steven just slept." I laughed. "But we missed you." I tilted my head up so I could look at him.

"I missed you guys too." Wes smiled and leaned down to kiss me. The bond sparked and I sighed. Even after all these years, each kiss was always like the first.

We still had our scars, they were old but still there and that was okay because I wouldn't want to forget any part of our journey together. It is what led us here. To this perfect life we have together.

Authors Note

And there you have it people. The completed first draft. After four long years, Time Again is finally complete and I am so absolutely excited! Thank you all so much for travelling this journey with me! This book has taught me so much and I am so excited to see where it goes, so once again, Thank you!!

Keep in mind that this book is extremely unedited and raw so over the course of the next few years and whenever I get the time there will be some major reconstruction. I will be starting my next book in a few months but will be uploading a short story on to wattpad :) so keep an eye out for that!

This book is dedicated to my family who always listened to my crazy ramblings about plot structure and character analysis. Thank you for putting up with it for the four years it took to write this book. Love you!

And for the final time in Time Again,

Until next time!


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