Key To The Broken Heart(Loki...

By FandomMarvel

27.5K 830 145

Robin Underwoods. She's an old friend of Natasha Romaova. They met when the redhead was caught in a sticky si... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chpater 3

1.6K 47 6
By FandomMarvel

Spoiler Alert: something will be spoiled about Narnia.  
Today was Tuesday the 10th of
June 2014. I didn't sleep in as most people would if they didn't have to work, I woke up at nine in the morning. By now I'm sitting on my bed, door open, listening to Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi while reading the book Lost Heroes book 1 by Rick Rioradn part of the Heroes of Olympus series. I've already read the series at least ten time but I just love the darn book.

My tunes were cut off when my phone started ringing. Placing the bookmark in place I close my book and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Robin speaking."

"Hey Robin you mind coming to the tower?" Nat asked which made me curious.


"Tony bragged about you and now Fury wants to meet you and he's at the tower so I suggest you come here quick."

"Be there in five." Hanging up the phone I quickly changed into pants, shirt, oversized jacket, pulled my green hair into a rockabilly hair style before rushing out of my apartment and into the streets of New York.

At 10:36 am I was in the elevator of Avengers Tower and the AI named Jarvis was kind enough to take me up to the 30th floor where the Avengers, Loki, and Fury were all waiting for me.

Even if the metal doors didn't open all the way I squeezed my way through and fast walked into the room to find the Avengers sitting on the couch, Loki sitting on a stool reading the book he checked out yesterday, and a man in full out black clothing wearing an eyepatch.

"Fury I presume?" I said making everyone turn their heads toward me, even Loki how seemed so engrossed in the book when I first got up here.

"Ms.Underwood?" He asked and I nodded my head. "Director Fury."

"Director of what exactly?"

"Shield," he said making me raise an eyebrow.

"Shield? Does that stand for something or did you really want that name?"

"Shield stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division."

"How could you remember that whole thing? And seriously that whole thing? I feel like someone really wanted a secret organization to be named Shield but wanted it to have a somewhat cool acronym." He didn't laugh but Tony did and Clint smiled.

"Ms.Underwood I've been informed by Tony that you have the ability to change a persons aura," I didn't answer but instead took out my own aura. "And create wormholes."

"I can but the risk is me being passed out by how many and how long." He nodded his head before walking towards me.

"I'd like to give you a job."

"Already have one."

"A better job-"

"I actually like working in the library."

"With better pay-"

"The pay is enough for me."

"Would you just listen to me?" He asked and stopped in front of me. "Shield had been watching you for a very long time Ms.Underwood. The people who work with you or work at the library are undercover Shield agents sent to keep an eye one you."

"Cause that totally doesn't sound creepy," I then faced him. "And you don't trust me?"

"I trust you well but a hero could always become corrupt." He had a point there but I can't actually become corrupt.

"If I listen to the job you want to offer me can I still work at the library?" He just gave me a look. "I'm taking that as a yes."

"I want you to be a Shield agent."

"Shield agent? Isn't that what Nat and Birdy do?"

"Hey!" Clint protested but we both ignored him.

"Exactly. You'll work as a Shield agent and maybe land a spot on the Avengers."

"By the way you said that I have this distinct feeling that I'm going to have to prove myself."

"Correct." I thought about it, Either work with a secret organization or stay as part time hero but have my 'co-workers' always be watching me? Uhm? Tough decision.

"Ok." I said. "I'll be a Shield agent. Wait do I get a badge or something? Oooooo, if I get a badge will it look cool? Can I pick my profile picture 'cause I have this amazing picture of myself and Nat that would be awesome!" From behind me I could hear light laughing.

Fury just sighed and pinched the bride of his nose. "If you stop talking then I'll let you pick."

"Yes!" I said happily. "And that my friends is how you get things. By annoying the other person."

"From now on you'll have this," he held out a bracelet. "At all times. When it flashes red it means to meet up with the Avengers. If it flashes grey then I'm calling you for a mission." Fury handed me the bracelet which reminded me more of a tracking device sort of thingy.

"Aye aye captain!" I saluted him and he just sighed once more while mumbling words under his breath.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the Helicarrier, Agent Romanova and Agent Barton will help you get there. Be there at eight sharp." He started walking away but I yelled at him.

"Does that mean I'm excused from work tomorrow!" The only response I gained was a thumbs up before he disappeared into the elevator. "I have a feeling me and him are going to be great friends." Turning around Nat and Clint were smiling at me.

"Why'd you really want to be a Shield agent?" Nat asked and I honestly had no clue onto why.

"Because why not." She just rolled her eyes at me.

  "Of course you would do something like that." Nat responded and I glanced down at the bracelet.

  "Is it just me or do you guys feel like this bracelet will do more than what Fury says." Tony walked up and took the bracelet from my hands.

  "Want to see what else it does?" He asked.

  "Hell yeah!"

  "Come on!" We both rushed into the elevator and up to the next floor where one of his labs would be at.

  "Woah." I said a bit breathless as the sight of the grand lab was pretty amazing.

  "Enough of the awing and lets see what else this tiny thing could do."


  Turns out I was correct. The bracelet does more than Mc Flurry says it out to be. After some poking around Tony - with the help of Jarvis and myself - had figured out that the minute I place the bracelet on my wrist a tiny tracker would be implanted into my body but I wouldn't feel it. The bracelet would also read my vitals and stuff like as well as give me a shock if I ever had to be detained.

  I had kindly asked Tony if he could get rid of the shock and tracker and he was more than happy to do so. The tracker was now in my ying yang necklace and the shocker was throw away.

By the end Tony had checked the bracelet five times before telling me there were no more tricks on it so I slid it on my right wrist.

"Thanks Metal Head."

"Anytime Robin." Walking into the elevator I pressed the lobby button but while going down the elevator opened once more and in entered Loki who was currently reading Narnia.

There was a silence which I didn't really like. "So," I started. "How do you like the book?" Loki didn't answer at first but he closed the book and looked at me.

"Interest." He said and I thought that was all he was going to day but he continued. "I do not understand why a lion is a ruler."

"Aslan is powerful. He is the powerful creator of Narnia. He links all the other worlds together." In all honesty I love Aslan, he's like my favorite.

"True but he died," So he's at that part. "How could an all powerful ruler simply die like that?"

"Keep reading." Was all I said as the doors opened and he walked out. "Bye Loki."

"Bye Robin." He walked out and started to read the book once more and I found myself smiling out of the blue.

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