Retrieving My Princess- Book...

By princessofpoprock

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Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. -Lilo & Stitch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... More

Emptiness- Chapter 1
Week 1- Chapter 2
Week 2- Chapter 3
Week 3- Chapter 4
You or Them- Chapter 5
Waiting- Chapter 6
Departures- Chapter 7
Gone- Chapter 8 Part 2
A New Beginning... Again?- Chapter 9
Update! :)
Best Friend and Tiaras- Chapter 10
Meetings and Plans- Chapter 11
So It Begins...- Chapter 12
Truth or Lies- Chapter 13
Confiding Problems- Chapter 14
Melodies and Outings- Chapter 15
Bruises- Chapter 16
Reappearance- Chapter 17
Amends- Chapter 18
Reminiscing- Chapter 19
Avoiding- Chapter 20
Surprise Visits- Chapter 21
Broken Images- Chapter 22
Remembrance- Chapter 23
Tensions- Chapter 24
Finding Lost Treasures- Chapter 25
Moving Forward- Chapter 26
I'm Sorry
Update: New Fan Fiction

Here of There- Chapter 8 Part 1

2.1K 53 25
By princessofpoprock

Here of There- Chapter 18 Part 1

Ariel's POV:

I followed Pen out of Hogwarts and on we traveled until we reached the toll bridge. How is it not overly warm here? It's as if we're stuck in a phase between early summer and late spring. The sun shines so beautifully here. I'm sure there are still rainy days as well as cloudy, windy, snowy, and etc. I'm sure Mother Nature still has a hand here. I still don't understand why it's so warm here while in the Northern hemisphere of the planet it's currently cold. I pushed my weather thoughts to the side for now and decided to pay attention to Pen's conversation with the toll man. "Ms. Mayfield! What a surprise! I wondered where you've been off all this time," the elderly man spoke while he smiled kindly down to her.

"Ello Mr. Rockefeller! I've been assigned as a Guardian Angel. Don't think I've switched over to the other side, now. I'm still a loyal Directioner and Rocker. Although as tempting as it is to be at Hogwarts or Camp Half-Blood, I won't switch. Do you mind letting us in?" Pen informed him while she shot him a bright smile and her eyes shone in excitement.

"Not at all, but she needs to state her visit first." He nodded at me, and I grew uncomfortable. I don't blame him for being cautious, but do I really look like I could hurt anyone?

"Oh come on Mr. Rockefeller! Does this look like the face of someone that would hurt anyone in there," Pen said while pinching my cheeks. I slapped her hands away and stuck out my tongue. She sent a cheeky smile in my direction while I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Penelope, you know the procedures as well as I do. She doesn't look like a menace, but its part of protocol." He gave Pen a stern glare. She pouted and crossed her arms.

"What's your business here, Ms..." He said trailing off.

"Seacaster. Ariel Seacaster," I said while giving him a small smile.

"Ariel Seacaster... You can't be the same Ariel Seacaster that has her own fandom in here, right?"

"Yes that's me. I go by the name of Rockin' Ariel in the music industry. Well, at least I did. Not sure if I will again," I told him with a sad smile.

"You see! She's harmless! She would never hurt us! Can we go in now?" Pen said sounding impatient. I missed her short temper.

"Yes yes. No need to become cross, Penelope. You may enter," Mr. Rockefeller said while opening the gate and sending an amused grin to Pen.

"Oh you know I still love you, Mr. Rockefeller! You should trust me by now to know that I would never hurt anyone," Pen said to him while smiling widely.

"Yes, you're right. Now, get going before any of them try to get in. Goodbye, Ms. Mayfield and Ms. Seacaster," Mr. Rockefeller said shooing us away. We waved bye and walked through the silver iron gates. They closed behind us, and I turned to look at the other half of the bridge we crossed. I noticed there were a couple of curious teens just staring at us. Some of them were giving us loathing looks while others just smiled and waved at us. I returned the gesture and turned back around to face Pen. Behind her I could see that the island was actually quite big. I could tell all music genres were mixed throughout the island because there were different buildings. I still couldn't distinguish which building belonged to which artist. However, one building caught my eye. This building was a castle. It was designed to look like the Middle Ages.

"I'm guessing the castle belongs to the Nicki Minaj fanbase?" I said while snorting and turning to look at Pen. She had an amused grin and actually giggled.

"Well let's go down there and see," she said while dragging me along. The difference about this island was that everyone could see us. As we walked through the roads to get to the castle, my outfit started to change. Eventually I was wearing the outfit I had on for my first album. Pen seemed to notice this, and she smiled brightly. We were almost to the castle as well.

"I actually love that outfit. It was one of my favorites. If you've noticed, each building has a fountain in front that shows what building belongs to which fanbase. If the band or musician is alive, then it shows random clips of their interviews or live shows. If they're dead, then it shows past shows and interviews. The fountains project sound as well, but I've blocked it out for us right now."

"That's amazing, Pen. I love that idea. I've seen that many people interact with one another. How is it possible with all these different genres that there are no arguments?"

"Well, you see everyone here obviously know they're dead. They know there's no use in arguing with one another because they're dead. So, in order to keep peace with one another, everyone gets along. I know, it sounds impossible since many fanbases hate Directioners, but it's true. Everyone gets along as if they're one big family. Sure there are people that still don't like a certain type of music, but they just avoid listening to it. They still talk to each other though. They just don't bring up their music."

"Ok, that makes sense. That would explain a lot."

"Exactly. Are you ready to find out which fandom the castle belongs to?"

"Yup!" She led me down the road where the castle was, and I started to hear music. It was a bit muffled at first, but it got louder. It was the tune for What Makes You Beautiful. I turned to look at where it was coming from, and I saw a big Tudor home. It had a mix of Irish designed homes, and it had a fountain up front. I saw the lads being projected through the fountain. I think it was live because I saw them rehearsing with whom I presumed was their opening act. I also heard whispering, and I turned. I saw Directioners pointing at me and smiling widely. I waved at them, and they squealed. We continued walking, and came across another two Tudor homes. They were completely British homes, but they didn't look exactly the same. One of the Tudor homes had a small rock edge to it while the other had more of a girlie design. I looked at the fountain, and a smile stretched across my face. The house with a rock edge belonged to Cher. I saw through the fountain that they were replaying one of her old X Factor performances. I looked at the other fountain, and it discovered that the girlie home belonged to Little Mix. I saw that the fountain was replaying the music video for DNA. I noticed that the fans that were outside were shocked. They slowly stood up and looked at me. They looked quite excited as well.  "Ello, loves," I said loudly to them.

They squealed and started to jump up and down. They watched us stop in front of the fountain that was outside the castle. I knew they weren't being rude, but they were just curious as to why I would be there. "Don't celebrities visit here often?" I quietly asked Pen.

"Not really. A lot of celebrities don't care about their fanbase. Many are still alive as well. There isn't that many fanbases because they die over time. The fans move to other fandoms or fanbases. It's constantly changing. Once a fanbase dies, a statue is built after their presenter. Oh, and don't get annoyed by the fans. They're just curious," Pen said shooting me a small smile. I nodded and paid attention to the fountain. Softly the song Quiet started to play. It was my very first concert. During the first concert, it would shift off to me just lying on the hospital bed. I saw Logan, Dani, and Mum watching over me. None of them caught my eye, but Logan. He's watching over me. He looked so worried and upset. It broke my heart seeing him in that state. I looked away from the fountain and I turned back to Pen.

"The castle is my fanbase?"

"Yes. It wasn't my idea, but everyone's. We thought it was fair because you're as much a princess as you are a Popstar/Rockstar. It fits your fanbase. Girls, round up all the Rockers. We'll be meeting up in the ballroom," Pen said turning to them. They nodded and sprint off calling all my fans. "Come on, let's go in. The longer we stand out here the more attention you get. It's not bad, but as you know I don't enjoy attention."

I giggled and we walked in. As soon as we were in, there were girls by the front hall. They were just chatting and laughing. Once they saw me, it quieted down, and their eyes widened. They followed us all the way to the ballroom. Pen led me to the front of the room and told the Rockers to just stay behind for now. While she told them to get everyone gathered, I scanned my fans. By now there had to be at least twenty girls. I'm sure there won't be more than one hundred, but even then that's a lot. So many young people died. How? Was it through cancer like Pen here, or was it because of suicide? I shuddered at the thought. I really don't hope that's why they're here. To my relief, there were only about fifty Rockers in total. Pen urged me to start talking, but I just stared at her confused. "Um... Ello everyone. Um... I really don't know what to say. To be honest, I don't even know why I'm here. I guess I'll just start by introducing myself... Well I'm Ariel, but I'm sure you all know that."

I let out a nervous chuckle, and the girls just laughed. "I guess I can also ask why you're all here. I mean obviously you all died, but why?"

They stayed quiet. Some avoided my gaze and rubbed their elbows guiltily while other just got tears in their eyes. Way to go, Ariel. You just upset your fans. I saw one raise her hand, and I nodded for her to stand up and continue. She stood up and said, "My name's Amy Green. I know I'm speaking for some of us when I say that I didn't willingly end up here. In my case I died of pneumonia."

"Thanks, Amy. You're lovely by the way. Where were you from?"

"I was from Belgium. My mom and dad didn't have a lot of money to take me to see a doctor, so I died in bed." I walked up to her and hugged her tight. I told her to sit back down, and I decided to just speak from the middle of the crowd. It would be easier to speak this way to them.

"Rockers, I need you all to be honest with me. Who of you died because.... Because you committed suicide." They hesitated, but slowly at least forty of the fifty girls stood up. "Why?"

I tried to hold back my tears, but I failed. They slid down my face, and the girls immediately looked guilty. Pen quickly came up to me and hugged me tight. "We didn't have another choice. People bulled us every day. They called us so many names just because we were huge fans of you and One Direction. You were the only reason why we held on for so long, but eventually it just got too much. No matter how many times you all told us that you love us and care about us, it just wasn't enough. We weren't seeking attention all we wanted was love. Some of our parents did love us, but the rest of us either didn't have any parents or we were abused. In my case, both my parents didn't love me. They both preferred their drugs over their own daughter. They forced me into prostitution so they would have money for their drugs. They threatened me that if I were to tell anyone of what goes on at home then I wouldn't live to see help. They told me they would kill me the instant they found out. The drugs brainwashed them and changed them into monsters. I turned to the only source of comfort I could find, and that was cutting. One night, it was too much for me. My classmates always bullied me and told me to kill myself. My parents that night went overboard as well. They wanted me to sleep with three older men, and I just couldn't do it. I decided to just end my life in the restroom."

The girl was beautiful. She had dark skin and long wavy black hair that ended right over her bum. She also had chocolate brown eyes, but they sparkled with happiness. She was finally happy to be away from everyone that caused her harm. I later found out that her name was Beatrice and she was from Alabama in the United States. I turned to look at my Rockers while tears filled my eyes. They all looked happy to be here. Every single one of them doesn’t regret that they died. You can finally notice the genuine happiness on their faces. "Don't worry about us, though. We are finally happy. You saved us so many times. Please continue to save lives. You don't realize that everything you do keeps most of your fanbase alive," Beatrice continued to say.

My Rockers nodded their heads as if agreeing with her. I stood there in shock. They can't be right. Why? Because if that's true then... "That means that if I die not only will I affect my friends and family, but also you guys. I would be responsible for so many lives," I said quietly as I clung onto Pen.

I heard Pen dismiss the fans, but she allowed them to linger if they wanted to. "Ariel, let's go out into the small garden. Follow me," Pen said while pulling away slightly and wiping away my tears.

I nodded and followed her out of the ballroom. She led me down a corridor, and I heard my Rockers start talking as I walked away. Pen led me to a wooden door, and she pushed it open. Outside there was a small garden with flowers and a willow tree. Under the willow tree there was a bench, and we sat on it. "Don't cry anymore. You saw how happy they are to finally be away from everyone that harmed them," Pen said softly while playing with the hem of her sundress.

"I can't. It's just that... I know what they feel. I know how they feel with the constant bullying and being abused. Amelia abused me for an entire month. I've never felt so much physical pain. Even cutting seemed a lot less excruciating. It doesn't help that I know there's thousands of other fans who have similar stories. It hurts knowing that I mostly likely won't make it out. I want to help everyone, but I know I can't. I want to keep everyone happy. How long have I been gone?"

"It's been a total of seven weeks. You spent four weeks kidnapped and so far it's been three weeks in the hospital. Ever since you stepped foot here, a week has passed. Time moves by a lot slower here."

"Three weeks... Everyone must be worried! Pen I need to return. I can feel my heart growing weaker. I need to wake up. Please. Is there anything you can do? I'd do anything to keep everyone happy." Penelope started to nibble her lip and play with her hands. She avoided my stare. She kept looking everywhere but at me. "Penelope... There is something, right?"

Liam's POV:

"Hey emos! We'll see you guys at the Cardiff, Wales concert this weekend," I heard Harry bang on the boys' tour bus door. I saw the door open, and all four of them popped their heads out.

"You're leaving?" Calum asked while pouting.

Niall chuckled and said, "Sorry, mates. We have to go. We want to spend these three days with Ariel before we head off to Wales."

"Yes. Not to mention the fact that who knows when our girlfriends will be available next. We need to see them with every chance we get," Zayn said leaning on Niall. I chuckled from beside them as Harry kept glancing over at the van. I know he wants to leave. We all want to leave, but we need to say goodbye to these boys before we head off.

"Yes I need to see my sassy mistress. She's used to us being on tour, but I want to spend some time with her. I don't care if it will have to be in Ariel's hospital room," Louis said flashing a cheeky smile.

"Alright then. We'll see you all in Cardiff," Luke said while yawning slightly.

"I thought I was supposed to be the one who's always sleepy?" Michael said turning to Luke. "Anyways, we'll see you soon. Go enjoy time with your best friend."

"Yeah. We send her our wishes and we hope she wakes up soon. We are dying to meet her," Ashton said while waving and smiling broadly.

"Alright bye, guys. I need to spend time with the girls before we head fully into tour. I need to survive with nine guys for eight months. Oh dear mother of pearl. I hope I do survive," Scarlet said while looking scared. We all laughed, and we said goodbye to the boys. We climbed into the van and headed to the hospital.

"So, Harry you need to tell Doctor Hopper about the little detail you forgot to mention," I said looking over at Harry. He sighed annoyed, and crossed his arms while rolling his eyes.

"I know, Liam. It's not like I can tell him immediately. By the time we get there it will be nine in the morning, and that's when he and one other nurse give Ariel a check up."

"I know, mate. I didn't mean to annoy you. I'm just worried," I told him while giving him a sad smile.

"She will be fine, Liam. Don't forget that she's stronger than what she looks. She will never give up easily." He gave us a confident smile, and the van grew quiet again. Louis and Zayn started texting while Harry started to have a conversation with Scarlet. I turned to Niall and I found him examining me.

"Everything alright, Liam?" Niall asked while looking concerned.

"Yeah. Why would you ask?" I said with a confused tone.

"Well you seem quiet. Usually you keep us on top of things."

"Well there isn't much to say today. We are just going to visit Ariel for these three days. According to Dani everything seems the same. She hasn't improved."

"She will be back soon, mate. Don't worry so much about her. She's in good hands anyways. The girls are always with her and also her parents and Logan."

"That's what I'm worried about. I'm worried Logan isn't taking everything so well."

"None of us are taking this well, Liam."

"I know, but think about it in his point of view... He doesn't talk much to Ariel because of his always filming and her always being busy with her music. The little they do talk, he's always trying to calm her down and make sure she remains happy. The last time they spoke to one another was on New Years when they wished each other a happy new year. Plus let's not forget the fact that we forgot to tell him about Ariel being kidnapped. So, we aren't in the best light with him at the moment."

"Liam, you worry too much. If you don't remember, Logan forgives everyone easily. I'm sure he's not upset that we didn't tell him. He understands that we were too worried to remember. He should know better than us that when anyone gets worried, they shut down. He understands from all the times that it happened with Ariel. He won't hate us. Yes he will be more worried than us, but that makes sense. He was Ariel's first brother. He's known her the longest aside from Harry and Cher. Just relax and look at the bright side of everything." Niall gave me a warm smile, and I returned it. Is he right? Maybe he is. For all I know, maybe Logan was the one who taught Ariel to forgive people easily. Niall's right. I need to just relax and calm down for the rest of the fifteen minute ride to the hospital. However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get my mind off of her. What if that small crucial piece of information is what's keeping Ariel from waking up? What if she ends up dying because of her panic attacks? We were warned they can be severe, but I'm hoping this won't cause her death.

I didn't realize I was lost in my own thoughts until the van stopped in the hospital parking lot. Security was definitely applied here as well. Why? Well because security would only allow visitors and hospital workers to pass. In other words, you needed proof that you knew a patient here to be allowed inside. Fans have been prevented from going inside, but their gifts still make it through security. I wonder how many gifts she has now. Before we left, we decided that we would only keep the stuffed animals and flowers in the room, but everything else we'd take to her flat. Yes, we have a spare key. I actually have the spare key. Why? Well she said she was going to give it to me because she trusts me the most, and I live right under her so it only makes sense.

We got off the van, and we heard the fans on the sidewalk start screaming. We waved slightly at them, even Scarlet, and we walked inside. We went straight to the Intensive Care Unit ward and into room 713. I knocked before entering, and Mary opened the door. She hugged all six of us as a greeting and led us inside. Logan was seated on Ariel's left side as fresh flowers and all the delivered stuffed animals adorned the entire room. Many of the stuffed animals were pigs because they are Ariel's favorite animal. We gave Logan a small greeting, and he just slightly smiled and waved back. Harry rushed over to Ariel's right side, and he took her hand in his. He sat on the chair beside the bed and kissed her hand. All this time a loving smile was on his face as he then started to move the hair out of her face. Logan was staring at him, and he had a smile as well. I'm guessing he finally approves of Harry for Ariel. "Logan, mate, you seem very quiet. You're usually a bit more social," Zayn said as we took a seat around Ariel.

He pulled his gaze away from Harry, and sighed. "What do you expect? My sister is currently disconnected from us. I haven't had a proper conversation with her since the day her album was released. She called me about fifteen minutes before her signing, and she was really excited. It's hard to accept that the conversation we held was three hours before she was kidnapped; she was excited for everyone to hear her album. Little did we both know that would be our last conversation… Her last words to me were, "I'll talk to you later. I promise." The irony in that is that she was never able to get back to me. I miss her so much," he said as a couple of tears fell from his eyes.

The poor lad. Here I was worried that he would be upset with us when in reality he's upset that he wasn't able to hear from her. We honestly didn't know what to say. Luckily we didn't need to because he continued talking, "She started out as a stranger then as a girl I had a crush on then into my girlfriend for a year and a half. All this only to find out that our love died and turned into sibling love. Our careers ruined our relationship. I miss my little sister. She was the only person I opened up to, and I was the only person she opened fully up to as well. All I want is for her to wake up and be happy."

"We all want that, mate. All we ask is for her to wake up and be like her usual self. We also miss her," Louis said quietly.

"If it helps, you at least ended on a good note with Ariel. I on the other hand, ended up looking like an arsehole all because of Cara," Harry said quietly while focusing on Ariel's hand.

"Harry, there's something you should know. Ariel didn't hate you before she was kidnapped. If anything she was just hurt when she believed that the song was for Cara. She told me how she fell for you even harder this time around, but she was just afraid to tell you. She said that you had to earn her. She will never hate you. Trust me," Logan said while looking at Harry.

"I agree with that," Niall said from beside Mary.

"So do I," Mary said quietly.

"I agree as well," I said while looking at Harry. "Just don't murder us. Harry, think about it. You've hurt her so much. You need to earn her trust and love. Don't ask her out immediately when you think it's time. First help her out of the dark hole she will be in. Be there for her as a best friend. That's what she needs right now."

Harry nodded his head and he sighed deeply. "You're right. I promise that I will earn her trust and love. I promise to be there for her at every step of the way and to give her space when she wants it."

Before we could continue our conversation, a knock was heard at the door. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm here for Ariel's daily exams. A nurse is accompanying me as usual as well. Now, if you don't have anything to report, I need you all to step out for a minute," Doctor Hopper said with a smile.

We nodded and left the room. On the way out, Harry turned to Doctor Hopper and said, "I forgot to list on Ariel's file that she has panic attacks. She even needs medications for them."

The doctor's eyes widened and he jotted it down on Ariel's file. "Thank you, Mr. Styles. We will inform you guys of any changes as soon as we are done with her daily exams. It should take us about an hour," he said while walking into room 713 and locking the door beyond him.

We were all standing in the hallway, and that's when Logan spoke up, "How about we head to the cafeteria? Generally these exams last between an hour to an hour and a half."

"Yeah let's go. Don't worry about the fans. Rules have been enforced to leave all you guys alone," Mary said with a small smile. We agreed and we went down to the cafeteria. We talked about everything, and it was obvious we were growing impatient.

"What's taking them so long? They should be done by now. Usually they come and get us by this point," Logan said checking the time on his phone.

"You don't think that they found something wrong with her, right?" Scarlet questioned beside Mary and Louis.

"Well they do have something new to check," Zayn said from Louis's right. We were seated like this: Logan, Mary, Scarlet, Louis, Zayn, Niall, Harry, and me. It's all in a clockwise motion.

"That's true. I hope it's because of that," Logan said while sighing softly.

"Mate, don't stress over it. From what we've heard, it involves X-rays, MRIs, and a mixture of studies," Niall said.

"Niall, think about it. It's hard not to. According to Logan they never take this long, so for it have been two hours and no one has came to get us, something has to be up," I said trying to reason with everyone.

"Have hope, Liam. I'm sure everything is fine. Like Zayn said, they need to check her closely because of the panic attacks I forgot to mention," Harry said trying to lighten our moods.

"How about we put everyone at ease and we just go back to her room? Plus it seems as if Mary needs to sleep. She looks like a zombie," Lou said while standing up. We all nodded and stood up. Mary complained a little by saying that she was comfy there, and it was a bit funny that she was pretty much being dragged back to Ariel's room with the help of Niall and Scarlet.

As we made it back to the room, we saw a nurse exit and she said, "I was just about to get you. Doctor Hopper is inside with news."

She gave us a pitiful smile and her eyes showed sadness. What's going?! I felt my heartbeat speed up, and I turned to everyone else. Everyone's faces had visible paled, and Mary seemed wide awake and alert now. We quickly walked into the room, and my palms were clammy. Doctor Hopper was standing by Ariel, and he was looking at her heart monitor. He sighed, and turned. When he saw us he motioned us to sit down. We took our usual seats, and that's when the doctor (A/N: lolol I keep inserting Doctor Who references on accident in here XD) gave us a sad smile. "I don't know how to say this in an easy way... Let's start with the least severe news. We suspect that the reason Ariel got a concussion was not only because of the impact on the stone, but also because her panic attacks. She didn't take her medications for that entire month she was gone, and these last couple of weeks she's been here in the hospital. Because of that, it may cause some brain damage once she wakes up. We can't tell you exactly what will be wrong with her because even we don't know that just yet. We can guarantee though that she will need plenty of therapy. Let it be professional therapy, or just with everyone she loves helping her get through this horrid experience. Now for the other piece of information we actually need her parents and the rest of your friends to be here. I know it's against hospital code to have so many people in one room, but I know you'd all appreciate knowing at the same time. The nurse left in order to call them, so they should be here shortly. Until then, I will be in my office. Excuse me," Doctor Hopper said while giving us another sad smile.

He walked to the door, and closed it behind him. "Please tell me I’m not the only one fighting an internal panic attack," Mary said as she kept her eyes trained on Ariel.

"You aren't," I said quietly. After that, we didn't say anything at all. We remained quiet until Dani, El, Cher, and Perrie burst through the room door. All four girls looked out of breath, but they didn't say anything after they gave us a quick greeting. Minutes after they came in, Queen Cassidy and King Thomas came in as well. Queen Cassidy looked like she was in some sort of trance as she walked in. She merely walked straight to her daughter and kissed her forehead. Light tears started to fall from her eyes.

King Thomas pulled Queen Cassidy away slightly, and motioned for her to take the last open chair. He stood behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. They were dressed casually. If anyone were to walk in, they would think they are just normal people. King Thomas is wearing a regular pair of dark navy blue jeans and a gray thermal with a pair of expensive looking shoes. Queen Cassidy was wearing a pair of white skinny jeans, a black long sleeved shirt with a white vine pattern, and black knee high boots. Her hair was left down, and her fair and clear face had red splotches while slow tears fell from her eyes. King Thomas leaned down and told her quietly, "Calm down, Cassidy. I'm sure it isn't anything too serious."

"It's still upsetting, Thomas. Even though our daughter is back, she's still far away from us. I want our daughter back, Thomas. Even Alexander misses his sister," Cassidy said quietly. I know we all heard them because we all looked more upset. I know we can't do anything about it, but I still somehow feel guilty. No matter how many times everyone tells me it's not my fault, it actually is. If only I had allowed all of us to visit her sooner than the planned time. Maybe we could've saved her, or maybe we could've all escaped. Then again, we could've all gotten hurt and/or kidnapped along with Ariel. I just want my sister back. Is that too much to ask?

There was a knock on the door, and Doctor Hopper came back into the room. He gave a small greeting to the new additions, and he turned to face everyone again. "As you all know I called you all in here today because I have news about Ariel. About an hour ago, I told the five boys from One Direction, Ms. Winters, Ms. Lancaster, and Mr. Lerman that Ariel's concussion may, or may not, have been caused from the month and a half lack of medications for her panic attacks. This may cause some sort of brain damage for Ariel. We don't know if it'll be severe or minor, but we do know that she will need therapy. Let it be professional or therapy from all of you, that's up to you. That was one piece of the news. The other piece of news is worse. After we ran some tests today we discovered that Ariel's heart is weakening. In other words, it's got to the point that if it were to stop, we can't revive it because we would just be frying the heart. We estimate she has about a week to live. If she doesn't wake up in that time period, her heart will give out. If I were you, I would start saying goodbye," Doctor Hopper said with a serious tone.

He flashed us one last sympathetic smile before he exited the room. We didn't say anything. We were in shock. I felt tears fall and a hole open at my feet. She's leaving us. She's really leaving us.

Ariel's POV:

Pen was playing with the hem of her dress while avoiding my gaze. "There are actually two options, Ariel. Whatever option you pick, each one comes with a price to pay. Either option will take place in a week," she said in a quiet tone.

"I would pay anything. Just tell me the options. Please," I begged her as my soul filled with hope.

"Please take time to ponder each option. Don't rush to answer."

"I will. Please, just tell me."

She took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. "Option one," she began. "You die and everyone remembers you for who you were. They will remember you as a fighter. They will remember you as the princess and super star that fought for everything she loved and thought was unfair."

So I would die as who I am. That doesn't sound too bad. Everyone will remember me as me. Sure they will all think they never had a chance to say goodbye, but at least everyone got to know me. But, what about my parents? They will be heartbroken. They've already lost their daughter twice. If I die, they'll lose me for a third time, but this time it'll be permanently. What about the lads and girlies? They are going to be heartbroken as well. If I die, the lads may even split up. They did tell me that it was because of me always keeping them together and goofing around that they are still together. The girls... They may even fall into depression along with the lads. Mary was just starting to overcome her insecurities. If I leave now, all my work will go to waste. Harry... I don't even want to think how bad he will be. He may become suicidal and fall into depression. What about my fans? I can't leave them! I'm their idol! I was already told how much they all look up to me. If I leave now, I may be responsible for hundreds of fans, even thousands, seeking therapy for depression, or because of suicide. I can't bear the thought of losing anyone because of my selfish thoughts. "What's option two?" I asked quietly.

"Option two, you wake up. Well more like you're given a chance to wake up. In this option you may even wake up sooner than planned, if you try hard enough to wake up. But like I said there's a price to pay."

"A price to pay... What's the price?"

"I can't tell you. Either you accept or you don't. You have until this evening to tell me. You can't tell me sooner. You need to think about both options, Ariel. Meet me back here in the garden." She stood up and walked back into the castle alone.

I stood up, but didn't go after her. Instead I took the side exit of the garden and decided to walk around for a bit. Judging on the color of the sky, I have about three hours to decide. I knew that if I were to stay in the music fandom island I won't be able to think clearly. I decided to head off to the Astronomy Tower at Hogwarts because I know I'll think clearly while overlooking the scenery. I walked through the streets in order to get to the toll bridge. Mr. Rockefeller saw me coming, and he waved. I waved back, and when I approached, I asked him if he could open the gates because I wanted to get some thinking done at Hogwarts. He accepted the business, and he let me through. I gave a quick thanks and I quickly walked across the grass to get to the front door of Hogwarts. I pushed the doors open and I walked through the castle to get to the Astronomy Tower. I greeted a couple of students that recognized me, but they never asked what I was doing there. Good thing they didn't because it would've been awkward. They must've been the fans that don't care what fandom you're a part of. They must be the few that respect all fandoms. Eventually I made it to the Astronomy Tower, and thankfully it was empty. I walked to the edge of the tower where it overlooked the entire surrounding areas. I could even see a small part of the music fandom island from that point.

"What should I do? If I pick option one, I can finally live in peace. I could have a relaxing life now, and I can even talk to my fans here. I can probably even attend Hogwarts while training to be a Demigod at the same time. Sure, I probably will never need to kill monsters, but it would be cool to fight like one. Plus I'm quite curious as to who my Demigod parent would be. The downside to this option is that I will leave everyone that I love heartbroken. Now, if I pick option two I can return to everyone that I love. I will make everyone extremely happy. I can even help my fans through bullying and give them tips on how to handle it. I can help them through their depression. I can also be with Harry. We can finally be together, and happy. I'm willing to fight through all the tabloids and the hate to just be with him. I want to feel his comfort. I can finally be with Mum and Father. I can even give Father a chance to be in my life. The bad part about this option is that I will be back in my stressful environment. I will need to eventually face all the problems I'm trying to run from. Plus, not to mention the price I need to pay. Something tells me that this price isn't going to be easy. What should I do?" I said aloud to myself.

"Ah!" I yelled while placing a hand to my heart. I started breathing heavily while clutching my chest. It feels like a constant stabbing pain.

"W-what's g-go-going o-on?" I said in between gasps. I turned around and my back hit the railing on the tower. I slid down the railing until I was sitting on the stone floor while clutching my chest. Eventually the pain subsided, but I knew I wasted at least an hour of clutching my heart in pain.

As I evened out my breathing I heard someone calling my voice, "Ariel."

I looked up quickly, and a smile spread across my face. "Daddy!"

I stood up and ran the couple of steps that separated us. I engulfed him in a tight hug, and I felt him chuckle. He hugged me tight and said, "My Princess. You made it out."

"Yes I did, but not unscratched."

"I know, Princess. If you were fine then you wouldn't be here."

"Daddy, I don't know what to do. I want to have a peaceful life and interact with my fans here, but at the same time I want to return. I want to make everyone happy. I know what choice I should make, but I want a stress free life. I'm tired of the hate. I know I'm being selfish."

"Princess, you aren't being selfish. If anything, you're finally thinking about yourself. The only thing I will say to help you decide is this: choose the option that you know will make you the happiest. Whatever you choose, everyone will understand. I know each option is hard, but you will work hard for either option. Just know that whatever you choose, I will support your decision." Daddy kissed my forehead, and we pulled out of the hug.

"You're dying aren't you?" I said with a thick voice as I tried to hold back my emotions. He gave me a sad smile but didn't respond.

He pulled away and said, "Be strong my Princess."

He vanished, and I was left again with my thoughts. It was then that I noticed that the sky was getting dark. "I know what to choose," I said softly to myself.

I ran down the stairs that led to the Astronomy Tower, and ran down the long corridors in Hogwarts. I ran down the stairs until I was outside the Great Hall. I noticed that all the students were in the hall getting ready for dinner. I smiled at the sight, but quickly turned and ran out the doors. I continued to run across the grass fields and all the way to the toll bridge. I saw Mr. Rockefeller and he smiled as I ran up to him. "Good evening, Ariel. What's your business over here?"

"Good evening, Mr. Rockefeller. I need to talk to Penelope and see my Rockers."

"Very well, Ariel." He opened up the gates and just as I was going to run off again, I heard him call me back. He said, "Goodnight, Ariel! I hope to see you soon!"

"Goodnight, Mr. Rockefeller! I'll see you soon!" I ran down the bridge and through the city. I heard my favorite music playing everywhere, but it didn't stop to listen. I ran until I got to my castle, and I stopped outside the side entrance to the garden. I was panting, and it was dark outside already. There weren't many people out, and the little people that were out were rushing to get back to their designated houses. I pushed the gate door open, and stepped into the garden. I walked to the bench under the willow tree and tried to catch my breath before Pen showed up. Pen exited the castle, and she was now wearing a white dress that's short from the front, but long from the back. It had a gold belt right under her chest, and she paired it up with gold gladiator sandals. Her hair was left in soft curls. As she approached me, I felt my outfit change. Once she was in front of me, I felt my new outfit. I looked down, and I noticed I was wearing a princess dress. The color was blue-green, and it had tulle sleeves. I felt my hair, and I noticed it was pulled back from my face and it was curled. I also felt that I had my tiara on top of my head. I knew I was wearing makeup because I felt the liquid eyeliner drying. I wasn't wearing any jewelry.

"You've made a decision?" Pen said with a small smile.

"Yes," I said with a smile as well.

"Very well. I can see what you chose, and all I advise you is to stay strong. I will be there every step of the way." I felt my vision darken, and I started falling through thin air. "Be strong, Ariel."

Harry's POV:

I opened my eyes and noticed I was in Ariel's hospital room. I was alone. I guess everyone went off to get food or a coffee. The room was dark, so I'm guessing it was night time. I had my head lied beside Ariel's right hand on her bed. I was just staring at the wall when suddenly, I felt someone threading their fingers through my curls. I jumped and turned to look at Ariel. She was awake and had sleepy eyes and a lazy smile. She's awake. She finally woke up! "Ariel! You're awake," I said excitedly.

I kissed her hand and cupped her face with both my hands. I brushed her left cheek with my thumb, and she smiled. She raised both of her hands to touch my hands, and cuddled into my left hand. "Yes, Harry. I'm awake. I've missed you," she said in a scratchy voice.

Her eyes were filled with joy, but at the same time sadness. "I've missed you as well, Ariel. Wait until everyone sees you awake! They're going to be so happy," I said excitedly.

She gave me a sad smile, and I felt my stomach drop. Something's wrong... "Haz, I can't wait that long. I need to go, now. I'm so sorry."

My eyes filled with tears, and I held her face tighter in a loving manner. "What do you mean?"

"Haz, I'm dying. I can't stay until everyone comes back. I'm sorry." Tears filled her eyes, but she didn't hold them back.

"No! Please don't leave me! You just woke up! You can't leave me now! Please, Ariel. I love you."

"I love you too, Haz. That's why I told you to move on. I can't have you being upset over my death for years to come. Please move on. I love you, and I'm sorry," she said. She started closing her eyes, and her hands were becoming limp. Her heart monitor started to slow down, and I limply let go of her face.

"No! Ariel! Come back! Please! No!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed while hugging her tightly. Her heart monitor became an endless beep, and I started sobbing on her dead body. The love of my life is gone. She's finally gone.

A/N: SHES DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'( no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read the next chapter once it's up to know wat happens next. So I know I'm talking in a bland voice. It's just... I'm still not in the mood to smile & laugh. If I've messaged u & I've smiled or laughed, most of them were forced. :( sorry guys. I'm just forcing smiles & laughs right now. I was told by my therapist that forcing smiles & laughs lead to genuine ones in the end. So far there haven’t been many, but there hav been a few. I know the chapter is pretty short. Keep in mind its Part 1.

Thanks for all the messages. It means a lot. I know I haven't responded to any comments on my last update about my grandfather, but that's cuz I start crying as soon as I start typing a reply. Even now, I'm crying. I know I can't do anything to bring him back, but I wish I had the chance to say goodbye. :'( the last time I saw him was winter of 2011. So about 3 years ago... I wish I had a chance to say goodbye. I couldn't even see his body. I would breakdown every time I got near. 2 of my cousins had to keep me in tight hugs for the whole week I was in Mexico & the churches for my grandpa. I still cry, but not as much. Now that my mind is busy with school & I'm back writing, I'm thinking less about it. I decided that I should make him proud by continuing my day to day life. It's not like my crying will bring him back. Thanks for the support & patience guys.

Midnight Memories music video comes out this Friday. I'm super excited!!!!!!!! Maybe that will make me laugh & smile again!!!!!!! I've been watching Doctor Who again. It's freaking amazing. It's keeping my mind busy too. I've got a couple of things to say...

1. WHY THE HELL DID DIRECTIONERS SEND HATE TO TYLER?!?! WHAT IN ACTUAL FUCK DID HE DO WRONG?! Ok yes he misinterpreted a tweet from Liam. I get that. But why send him hate?! I've misinterpreted many of their messages before but I've never gotten hate! He's not a fake fan at all! He just misunderstood everything, so please stop with the hate!

2. WHY ARE WE NOT SUPPORTING BELIEBERS?! Look I understand if you guys hate Justin. Just why do you hate him? Yes he's made many mistakes, but he's human! No one is born perfect. Don't lie & say that One Direction is perfect cuz they aren't. We just learned to look past the imperfections. Look, he was diagnosed with depression 5 months ago (it's currently January 2014) so give him a break! Please girls & guys. We need to support his fans. I'm pretty sure they would support us too if we found out that any of the guys had depression. I'm pretty sure Harry, Louis, &/or Zayn have depression. Or at least they had it. Let's support our other sisters/brothers! I'm not a Belieber. I was though. I drifted off from his music back in early 2011 (like January 2011). I just drifted off. There's no real reason. Even though I'm not a fan for all celebrities, I respect them all. I never go beyond the light teasing. Why? Cuz I know it's not nice. I guess wat I'm trying to say is that we need to cut Justin & Tyler some slack. They both made mistakes, but THEY ARE HUMAN!

We need to stop being so rude. Sure we love being labeled as the rude fandom, but admit it. It gets lonely when no one else really likes us. Sure we have the 5SOSFAM, Sheerios, Mixers, Brats, Murs Army, etc. to back us up, but don't you think we should at least be nice to other fandoms? Honestly, I have nothing against all the other fandoms. I actually want to get along with them. So, can we at least try to get along? Try spreading the word please!

So... That's all for today! I just have one more thing to say...



So yes I'll be 19 in July. Bye guys!!!!!!! Love ya!!!!!!!

-Susy xo

P.S. The picture on the side is of the Midnight Memories music video! The song... I'll just put Midnight Memories in honor of it coming out this Friday! If u can't see/hear the media, access it through ur laptop! Toodles!!!!!!!!! Xx

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