W || J.H


150K 6.7K 1.2K

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M || J.H


2.5K 115 40

Seojoon had ordered a caffe latte for himself while waiting, as for me I refused to drink anything.

Honestly I was more looking forward to seeing the members again rather than caring about the phone or drinking coffee, bleh

"I'm going to the toilet stay here and don't go wandering around" Seojoon said as if I was a kid.
I shook my head smiling at how cute he was despite his age.

I was thinking about why Hoseok was so awkward with me... Yet he's the sunshine of the group; always out going and cheering other people up.

The thought didn't bother me much and I didn't seem to care maybe because he was just being shy although I was a little worried.

Just sitting there doing nothing was quite boring so I ended up observing the people through the glass walking outside the cafe and there stood a child. He was constantly looking around aimlessly, so I assmued he must've been lost, also the expression on his face was pretty desperate.
Without any hesitation I got up, walking in that direction.

When the kid saw me I waved my hand with a wide smile, trying to look open as he seemed scared of a stranger.

'Hello~ are you lost?' I wrote slowly because of course korean wasn't my first language.
The boy, who must've been around 5, nodded with teary eyes; precisely two seconds later he hugged me and started crying.

Aww don't cry, I thought as I patted his head and hugged back while my eyes started to get teary too. Honestly I couldn't stand seeing people cry.

'Do you want to eat anything?' I asked him.
"Can I? But I don't have money" his small eyes lowered while some of the bangs fell on his forehead.

'Don't worry noona will buy it for you'

"Really?" his face literally lit up in a smile, as I replied back with a smile too.
Feeling all happy the boy started cheering loudly while Seojoon just came back giving me a lot of questioning looks.
I mouthed him to just play along and that I would've explained everything later.
The little kid excitedly ran to the counter looking for the most delicious-looking cake and choose a small peach and creamy cake, yea it was slightly expensive but oh well.

While he was eating I explained everything to Seojoon.

"Ahhh so that's how it is" manager-nim exclaimed crossing his arms and taking glances at the small child.

"Noona try this! It's so good!" the innocent boy offered in his natural cutesy voice.

"So how do we bring him back?" he questioned to no one specifically. "Do we make an announcement?"

I shrugged having no idea.

"Hey kiddo do you know your address?"


"What's your name?"


"Aww what a nice name"

I sighed seeing we had no clue or whatsoever.

"I really like noona" all of a sudden Jungseol hugged my neck with his short arms.
It was so cute I swear.


"Why don't you talk to me? Are you mad?" he was pouting and looked so adorably squishy ugh.

"Jungseol noona isn't mad at you, she just can't speak" Seojoon answered for me.


"You ask too many questions"

"That's why I only like noona, hyung is mean"
Sejoon gasped loudly while I was laughing my head off.

We ended up sitting silently while Jungseol kept on playing with my hair, since he didn't hurt me it was ok I guess.

"Guess who?" someone suddenly whispered in my ear in a deep voice holding his hand on my eyes.

"Uhm" I hummed trying to act like I can actually speak.

"Ya! Jungseol-ah what are you doing here???" Jungkook's voice echoed in the whole cafe, attracting the cashier's attention.

Smh and they want to stay undercover....
Wait. What

"Hyungg!!" Jungseol shouted excitedly.

Jungkook? what? hyung?

"Why do you never listen to your parents huh?" Jungkook scolded.

"But hyung it wasn't my fault" Jungseol kept pouting.
Jungkook let out a deep sigh before helding his hand out for the kid "Come hyung will take you home".

At that the small boy jumped down running towards his hyung.
"Jiji I'm sorry I'll need to bring him back home see you at the dorm then?"

I nodded and waved them goodbye.

"Bye noona~" Jungseol happily waved back.

Well that was confusing.

Only Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin were there. Yoongi if I wasn't wrong needed to work on music, Namjoon and Jin had another schedule meanwhile Jungkook needed to drop his cousin, yup Jungseol was his cousin. I didn't knew it either.

Well I was a little disappointed that we weren't all together but it was ok, I would've seen them at dorm anyway.

The four of them were discussing about things I couldn't understand so I zoned out in la la land, only for a little while though because I was brought back to reality by a Taehyung who kept on nudging me.
"...ya, Jiji-ya are you there?"

I snapped out of whatever I was thinking about and returned back to reality.

"You remember why we're here right?" he asked.

I made a face to say 'I'm trying but I can't remember'.

Jimin jumped in "let's just get going."
He got up streching as if he was at home, well no one was there anyway.
"But hey Jiji?"


"I'm gonna choose a dress for you okay?"

I just shrugged again mentally screaming at how good all of them looked.

We looked through a lot of shops. Even though I hated changing clothes inside a store I was forced to do it like for a hundred times. Ugh.
I hate shopping.
But I love clothes.

The struggle.

"Jiji-ya" suddenly Hoseok called me in an angle of the shop.
"Try this one" he gave me a short deep red dress, which seemed weird to me since he liked green anyways I went to try it right away.

I quickly got changed into the sleeveless dress but only then realized it had a zipper.

Freak my life.

I would've never done it by myself and already knew, so I popped my head out in search of someone passing nearby.
The only one standing right in front was Hoseok and he definitely saw my head.
"What's wrong?" he questioned.

I made a gesture with my hand to call him inside; at first he was taken aback and stuttered to give an answer probably thinking about the reason why I must be calling him, still he came in.
Just after pulling the black curtain I turned around and indicated the zipper.

"If you want I'll call a shop assistant" I could see through the mirror in front of me that his cheeks were totally red.

So cute.

But then I realised mine were even more.

Just in that moment Hoseok and I made eye contact, he just laughed at our awkwardness.

It was as if the whole amount of tension in my body had melted down, only because of a smile. Yes, HIS smile.

In seven billion it shined the brightest.

"Ok I guess I'll just do it" he grinned with his flushed cheeks.

His left hand was slightly placed on my waist while the right one was pulling my zipper up.

He was quite close, very close. So close that I could feel his warm breath on my neck.
Just the feeling made my body temperature immediately increase without me being able to do anything. My heart started to sink deeper and deeper, as the red cheeks were the same color as the dress now.

"Here..." he softly mumbled taking a half step back.

I couldn't even barely face him, it was just too embarassing; so my head was automatically lowered as I bit my lip to not let the nervousness show.

"Hey, you look good" I met his eyes through the mirror in front of me.

Hoseok was smiling, a true smile, I knew.

But the next thing I knew was him checking me out, as if his dress choice was totally fit for me, and I swear I had never seen a sexier expression in my whole entire life. His slight smirk and the lip-bite while his hands were inside his pocket were about to make me combust.

My body felt hot. Like it was on fire. My poor heart was about to give up at any moment and he just didn't care. Worse, kept on making me feel even more nervous with his sudden change of mood.

"Why don't we take it?" he asked huskily, caressing my naked shoulder.

As much as I had kept a straight face till then, keeping my fangirl self caged and acting immune to his flirting, in that moment I just couldn't keep my shit together.

So I gathered up all of my courage, turned and looked straight into his eyes with a, kind of, angry expression even though there was like two centimeters between our faces.

He laughed loudly not breaking eye contact.

His eyes are so beautiful... NO THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT TIME

"You're so cute ahaha it makes me wanna tease you more"

I stuck my tongue out and crossed my arms over my chest, but internally I was still dying.

Ugh the things this boy does to me.

"Are you really going to change it?" he asked when I tried to push him outside.

I rolled my eyes trying to make the answer obvious.

"NOoooOOO" he half screamed "Keep it oh my god.You look so hot" he kind of just fanboyed I think...

I put a hand on my waist and flipped my hair as an 'of course'.

He chuckled and mumbled a "so cute" while taking my hand and buying me some other stuff, although I kept on repeating that I could've bought them myself.

After facing my objections for half an hour, he flicked my forehead. And it hurt so bad ugh

"Stop whining. I know that" he avoided my eyes, looking other ways. "I just simply... want to"

I s u c k a s a n au th or but thanks for giving love to this book <3 it really means a lot and nevermind my lazy updates i've really been busy with school and stuff ugh AND THE COMEBACK OMG ASDFGHJKL AND HOBI'SBIRTHDAY ANSNDJNFAUBUHA AND NOT TODAY MV AND *is already daed*

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