The Rogue's Love

By papez123

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Tikoto Raikou is sick of the village life. Once housed in The Leaf Village, now a rogue. She meets a very int... More

The Rogue's Love
Chapter Two: The Leader
Chapter Three: Easy
Chapter Four: Unwanted
Chapter Five: The Puppet Master
Chapter Six: Entertainment
Chapter Seven: Art's True Beauty
Chapter Eight: Shopping
Chapter Nine: Hope
Chapter Ten: Rebirth
Chapter Twelve: The Interrogation
Chapter Thirteen: Raikou, The Evil
Chapter Fourteen: Stitches
Chapter Fifteen: Desire
Chapter Sixteen: To Fight, for Pride
Chapter Seventeen: Battle Royal
~Extra~ Jesshika's POV
Chapter Eighteen: Navigate Me
Chapter Nineteen: Memories
Chapter Twenty: Mission
Chapter Twenty-One: Dilemma
Chapter Twenty-Two: Parents-to-Be
Chapter Twenty-Three: Sasori's Fight
Chapter Twenty-Four: The End

Chapter Eleven: Oh, Kiss Me

6.8K 216 75
By papez123

Warning: There is like a major make out, OMNOMNOMNOM face eating going on in the chapter xD. If you’re not entirely comfortable with this fact, it’s okay, and you could totally wait to my next update to pick back up on this story xD Trust me, you’re not missing anything important. Just some serious OMNOMNOMNOM face eating…God…I’m so childish...Anyways, enjoy~


The Rogue’s Love

Chapter Eleven: Oh, Kiss Me

“You’re joking,” I said. He couldn’t be a puppet. Didn’t they need someone to control them? A master? It didn’t make sense. Sasori controlled his own actions, otherwise, it’d just be plain creepy. Besides, he couldn’t be a puppet…I was attracted to him.

“Does it look like I’m joking?” he deadpanned, shooting me a glare. I couldn’t comprehend this nonsense. It just didn’t make sense. He didn’t make sense.

“I just--you’re…” I shook my head, “How is that possible?” I was beyond the point of astonishment. That’s it. I’m crazy. None of this is happening, and I’m going to die. They’re gonna kill me, and I’ll be dead. Not the most rememberable way to go, but, it was good enough.

“It’s really not that hard to understand, brat.” He seemed to be getting aggravated with my refusal to believe. But, the concept was hard for me to grasp onto. He looked real, enough. Well, human. And, he felt human. I quickly grabbed his hand, feeling the smooth surface. His hand was warm in my own, and to be honest, I couldn’t tell the difference. As far as I was concerned, he was human.

“But…it is,” I slowly said, looking down at his opened palm. I felt like I was telling him how I didn’t accept him for who it was. Or rather, what. But really, I didn’t know who he was. I knew nothing. “I never even…I don’t understand. If you’re a puppet, where are your strings? The puppeteer? How are you even talking to me?” Sasori stood quiet for a moment, speechless from my little outburst. I just wanted to understand. Wanted him to explain to me in that overly calming voice of his; to reassure me.

I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. We could’ve talked AFTER we made out. I would’ve been okay with that. But, by then, I probably would’ve been dazed to care. Seems like the better option to me.

He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off with my finger. I couldn’t take this, couldn’t listen to anymore. Impossible, unreal nonsense. Not now.

“I changed my mind. Don’t talk…just…kiss me.”  I begged. Sasori seemed taken aback by how upfront I was being. I wouldn’t said anything like that under normal circumstances. But, I didn’t even know what normal was, anymore.  It felt as if, for me, the thin line between reality and fantasy were beginning to blur away.

“Are you su--” I cute him off, again. Only, this time, with my mouth. I thought he didn’t like to keep people waiting? He surely made me wait long enough.

Sasori slightly stiffened under my touch. But, after getting over the initial shock, he responded, wrapping his arms firmly around my waist, only deepening the kiss. My hands roughly rake through his hair, earning me a smirk.

I couldn’t help but to love every minute that I was in his arms, touching him. And, just as I had thought, his lips felt as perfect as they looked. Especially when molded so perfectly against my own. I wanted to be like this forever. And, I would’ve, if I didn’t need air.

Much to Sasori’s dismay, I broke away too soon, literally gasping to get air to my lungs. My cheeks were flushed, and I was left feeling a bit dizzy. My head was feeling woozy. Needless to say, he was an amazing kisser. Although, the male took no notice to my very much endangered health. Not that I minded. As long as he was touching me, I was fine.

Instead of moving away from me, like I had originally thought he would, Sasori moved his lips from the corner of my mouth, to trail down my neck. Licking and biting all the way down, most likely leaving marks all the way. Good, maybe that’ll keep all of the other unwanted Akatsuki members away.

“Sasori,” I gasped as his hands traveled away from the innocent spot on my hips, down to tease the hem of my shirt, testing to see if he could lift it over me, or not. Although, even if I had protested, I’m not sure if he would listen. And, I really don’t think I would want him to, either. “Maybe we should talk about this? I’m not exactly sure you actually have feelings for me. This is just one big mess. What are you doing? What am I doing?” I rambled, a strange feeling sitting in my stomach, starting to breach throughout my body. His sinister touch was driving me over the edge, and I think he was enjoying it every much as I was.

He nipped at my collarbone, making embarrassing noises come from my mouth. What the actual fuck? He smirked, laying me down on the bed. “Shut up,” he growled, attacking my lips. His body pressed against my own. Even with his cloak on, I could feel every aspect of his body. Which, in return, only turned me on further. 

This time when we kissed, Sasori was much more prepared. Meaning, he was in no way gentle with me. He had a firm hold on me, making sure I didn’t dare move. And, for once, I wasn’t thinking. Just doing. It felt amazing. He felt amazing.

Sasori bit my lip, seeking access to inside my mouth. At first, I thought of teasing him, and refusing. But, my jaw opened on its own, automatically giving Sasori what he wanted. I’m glad I didn’t wait, though. I was tired of waiting. Without prevail, he slipped his tongue in my mouth, making me moan in appreciation. The taste of him seemed to be the only thing that would satisfy this hunger I had just seemed to developed, one that would never actually go away. Just temporarily appeased. Our tongues danced together, exploring each others’ mouths. The adrenaline coursing through my veins was phenomenal. When this all ended, it would be way to soon.

The thought of the possibility of us breaking apart only made me want more, my body arching in response to his fingers.

He slowly took his lips off of mine, a trail of spit lingering from our mouths. Sasori kept his eyes on me as he worked his way down to my bare stomach (thank Kami for all of the relentless training I went to, to gain my flat stomach), causing butterflies to start war inside of me. By the time his hands reached down to fiddle with my pants, I got this unnerving sensation spread across my skin. I tried to get lost in the way that his lips moved, but I couldn’t. Not matter how hard I tried.

“Sasori,” I whispered, trying to sit up, only to be pushed back down. “Didn’t I tell you to shut up? They’ll leave in a minute.” Alarm shook my body, making me jolt upright.

 Sasori growled, collapsing on the empty space beside me.

“They always fuck everything up,” He murmured, placing an arm over his eyes. The other hand, however, was sensually rubbing the inside of my upper thigh. It took everything in me to not climb on top of him, and resume what had put to a halt. And, judging by the smug smile on his face, I was guessing the he knew that.

“Raikou!” Deidara yelled, literally appearing out of thin air. Okay, what? “What were you doing with this shady man?!” His eyes raked over my body, noticing the lack of a shirt. Then, Sasori’s hand. By the look of his face, he didn’t know which to be angrier for. 

“Sasori! Remove your hand from the innocent!” He demanded, deciding he’d deal with me, later.

Sasori sat up, a devilish grin set upon his perfect face. Okay, really? Could he NOT make those faces when other people were in the room? I’d like to keep the little shred of dignity I had left. But, judging by their expressions, I wasn’t doing a very good job.

“And, if I don’t?” He asked, running his hand up a bit higher. Not cool, not cool. I grabbed onto his hand, squeezing with all I had in me. He seriously couldn’t do this to me. Not in front of Deidara.

“Dude…whoa.” I heard Jesshika’s voice somewhere off in the near distance, but just barely. It was hard to concentrate on anything else at the moment. The probing of Sasori’s hand kept grabbing my attention, refusing to loose it, again.

I groaned. Form the pleasure, or embarrassment, I didn’t know. But, Sasori surely didn’t stop, pissing Deidara off further. The puppet nuzzled the nape of my neck, slowly kissing it. Without realizing what was going on, I stretched my neck out, giving him easier access.

“God Dammit!” Deidara said, frustration lacing his voice. Moments later, I heard the door slam shut, and a whining Jesshika. “Wait!” She complained, sounding as if she were struggling, “Things were just getting good!”

Sasori laid down, forcing me down beside him. His embrace comforted the uneasiness in my stomach, calming me. I cant believe that actually just happened. Sasori leaned over, quickly pecking my lips. And, just like when he would touch me, all rational thinking was gone. It was just him. I was a bit disappointed when it didn’t turn into something more, but was just content knowing he wasn’t ready to let go of me yet, either.

“They’ll be back,” he sighed, tracing invisible patterns on my stomach. I could see the uncertainty burning behind his eyes, the want. It’d be nice if we could have some privacy.

“I hate them,” I pouted, jutting out my bottom lip. There was always some extremely evil force that kept me away from what I wanted. And, right now, that was him. Sasori chuckled, laying his head down on my chest. 

“Oh, and just for the record, I am in no way finished with you.” I ran my hand through his brilliant red hair, not able to keep the cheesy grin that had spread all the way across my face, away.

“I think I could go for a round two.”


Happy readings~! ♥

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