Haikyuu!! One-Shots

Por infamouspan

6.8K 157 17

When life gives you volleyball nerds, you need to... write fanfiction about them? REQUESTS ALWAYS OPEN! Más

A Girl Worth Winning For! - Karasuno Team x Reader
Bang Bang! - Kiyoko x Reader
Play With Me! - Nishinoya x Reader
The Audience - Sugawara x Reader
Savior! - Hinata x Reader
It's In His Kiss - Kuroo x Reader
A Pregnant Soulmate? - Iwaizumi x Reader
Shirtless Crushes - Tanaka x Reader
Theme Park Problems - An IwaOi One-Shot

Best Kind Of News - Tanaka x Reader

800 13 6
Por infamouspan

Y/n, who was only sixteen years old, loved to sleep in. She loved to be embraced within her blankets, snuggled up to her boyfriend as she dreamed of anything and everything. It was a peaceful, Sunday morning on which our story takes place, and the couple could not be happier than they were at this moment. Encased in each others' arms as they slept soundly... Not much was better than this.

But, alas, all good things must come to an end, and in this case, that end was by the means of an annoying, wailing alarm clock. Y/n's eyes flew open in shock and she looked down at her boyfriend, who himself was still trying to awaken fully. "Tanaka? Why's the alarm set?" She asked, tilting her head and feeling her hair fall over half of her face.

Tanaka thought she looked like an angel, and he smiled dorkily up at her. "Wha-?"

She rolled her eyes and rolled away from him, only to feel a wave of nausea hit her. With a gasp, she barreled to the bathroom. She began to throw up everything that was in her stomach, from her dinner last night to her breakfast from three days ago. Her mind was reeling; why was she sick? Could it be that she had the flu? It was going around, after all, and it's possible that she could have caught it from her brother, her best friend, or even her boyfriend.

Speaking of her boyfriend, said boy was now wide awake and alert, noticing his girlfriend's quick escape to the bathroom. He scrambled out of the bed, though his legs got caught on the blankets, and he tripped onto his face. This did not stop him, however, and he inched his way to the bathroom as his girlfriend continued to puke. Was she sick? If she was, he was probably going to be, too!

Tanaka made his way into the bathroom, blankets still having a vice grip on his calves, and gave his girlfriend an encouraging smile. She turned to look at him, her hair a mess and her eyes drooping. "Hi, goddess!" He said cheerfully, and she groaned before putting her face back towards the toilet bowl and bringing up more of her guts.

The bald boy cringed and finally shook off the blankets before moving to her side and patting her back. "It's okay, let it all out..." He cooed softly, and she did exactly as he said. Her stomach felt like it was in the most pain of her entire life, and there was absolutely nothing she or he could do to make it feel better.

This caused Y/n to cry. Tanaka began to panic, kneeling next to her as entire buckets of tears came from her eyes. "Wh-What's wrong!?" He asked, a bit scared for his lovely girlfriend.

"I- I hate puking!" She sobbed before another wave of bile came over her and she forced herself back into the toilet bowl to throw up, again.

Tanaka stared at his girlfriend, a little worried for the (e/c) eyed girl's sanity. "That's why you're crying?" He questioned weakly, and she nodded her consent. The alarm was still blaring from out in Tanaka's bedroom, and Y/n peered at him with a quizzical look.

She had something she was going to ask him, before she had gotten sick. The sick feeling seemed to have left her, so she decided to ask it now. "T-Tanaka?" Y/n whimpered, and her boyfriend was immediately attached to her hip.

"Yes, goddess? What is it?"

"Why did you have you alarm set? It's a Sunday!" She exclaimed, and Tanaka laughed nervously before shrugging.

His eyes didn't meet hers for a moment, and he took this moment to look around the bathroom. "Well, we've got practice today... Daichi's orders." He scratched the back of his head in worry that she'd be upset, but Y/n only smiled before putting her head on his shoulder.

They both stared at the wall, their legs entangled as they sat in silence for a moment. It was a moment of peace; something neither had seemed to have in quite a few years. Yes, years. They had been together for three years, as astonishing as it was. Sure, that would've meant that they had been together since junior high, but they had. She, as a blushing junior high school girl, asked him out on a date. At first, he cried about his masculinity, but then he realized that a girl was confessing to him, and he was over the moon.

He fell completely head-over-heels for said girl, and when the two of them had entered high school, the team loved her as well. Sure, they had had their little problems, but they took it in stride and came out on top of it all.

And now, here they were, basking in silence as they enjoyed each others' presence. This was, of course, before Y/n realized something. "Tanaka, my love?"

Tanaka hummed softly, quite the opposite of his naturally loud and obnoxious disposition. "Yes?"

"Don't you have to go to practice, or Daichi will get pissed?" Y/n thought of the captain and shuddered.

Her boyfriend paled before darting up and speeding out of the bathroom, throwing on his uniform and shoes with the speed of a demon. Y/n slowly made her way out of the bathroom, one hand on the frame of the door to keep her steady as she watched Tanaka zoom around the room. She merely smiled as he turned to give her a kiss, holding her hand in front of his lips.

"Mm, no. I've been sick, remember? And anyway, you've got your uniform on backwards." He looked down at it in shock, cursing out about how it betrayed him before quickly tossing it off. He didn't even give it enough time to touch the ground before he put it back on, now the right way, and pressed a kiss to his girlfriend's head.

He gave her two thumbs up and a bright smile, going to his bedroom door. "Come watch us?" Tanaka asked, and Y/n nodded as he ran down the stairs. Of course, he stumbled down a few as well, but in the end, it was all right.

Y/n, herself, grabbed the blanket that Tanaka had dragged to the bathroom and climbed back into bed, deciding that she was going to sleep for at least another hour before she got up and did anything meaningful or important with her life.


When Y/n did wake up, it hadn't been an hour. It had been three, and now it was ten a.m. She stretched before grabbing for her phone, clicking it on and becoming astonished at the sheer mass of numbers that had been sent to her. Tanaka was in the lead, of course, with about 100 messages asking if she was okay and if she was still coming out to see them. She quickly texted her reply, informing him that she had just gotten up and that she'd be on her way shortly. Her parents had also texted her, asking her when she was coming home from Tanaka's. They knew about her boyfriend, and how she had spent the night at his house. They were rather relaxed about it, as well, knowing that if they freaked out, she'd want it more.

And lastly, her best friend had texted her. Pani sent about five less messages than Tanaka, asking why she hadn't texted her yet and if she had read any good fanfics recently.

Y/n made sure to reply to that one as well, laughing as she did so. She explained this morning, telling her about how she had gotten sick but was feeling much better now.

Pani's response made her choke on her spit.

What if you are pregs? – Pani

I'm not. It's just the flu going around. – Y/n

She hit send more viciously than she had intended, and the phone bounced out of her hand as it sent. Y/n leaned back on the bed, reflecting over this morning and Pani's joke/true question. She supposed there was a slim possibility that she could be pregnant, but it wasn't anything she wanted to think about. After all, she was only sixteen, and the thought of bringing another life into this world when she hadn't even truly started her own... She let out a soft sigh and picked up her phone in hopes of seeing some comfort. The only thing she got in response was a sarcastic message from Pani.

You know what's also going around? – Pani

Babies – Pani

The (h/c) haired girl groaned and flopped over onto the bed. If Pani was right, which she usually was, she was going to need some tests. And a best friend. So, she dialed her friend's number, and Pani picked up on the first ring.

"Jesus, Pan, do you do anything but glue yourself to your phone?" Y/n asked, only to get a dry laugh from the purple haired girl.

"Ha, ha. At least I'm not a mommy."

Y/n yelped in astonishment; the words felt so much more real when spoken aloud. "Hey! We don't know that yet!" She could hear her friend hum her agreement as she moved around. "Where are you?"

"Oh, you know, just where you're supposed to be- Cheering your boyfriend on at practice..." Pani said the words so causally, it was hard to believe that she was dead serious. That meant she was at Seijoh, and it'd take about fifteen minutes for her to get back.

(E/c) eyes blinked in surprise before Y/n laughed softly. "Well, jerk, because of your other words, I am worried about something a bit more important. Will you come over?"

"Woo! Go, hunny buns!" Pani screeched, and Y/n pulled the phone away from her ear before staring at it. Her best friend was rather psychotic. The yelling stopped and Y/n picked up the phone again. "Yeah, of course, Y/n. Want me to bring some tests?"

"Well, I don't want you to have to buy anything!" Y/n scrambled to exclaim, feeling a bit bad for putting her friend in this situation.

Pani was quick to rebuttal, however, and merely laughed. "That's what you think. You think you and Tanaka are the only ones who get it on sometimes? Oikawa's very..." She paused, and Y/n could only imagine the smirk that was crawling against her friend's lips, "persuasive, and Iwaizumi's oh so willing when Trashykawa and I beg."

The poly-relationship Pani was in was still a bit for Y/n to process, but she had gotten used to it for the most part. She still wrinkled her nose in disgust, however, whenever their sex life was mentioned. "Gross, P. Just hurry up and get here! I still have to go cheer him on!"

A bark-like laughter was heard through the phone. "'Have to?' You make it sound like it's a chore!"


Even though she teased her friend, Pani was there in eight minutes. Y/n blinked in astonishment, her mouth going dry. "Uh, how many people did you run over to get here so fast?"

Pani smirked, "The important thing is that I'm here, isn't it?" And with that, she booty-bumped her way into the house and up the stairs, leaving Y/n to chase after her.

"W-Wait! This isn't even my house! You need to greet the Tanakas!" Y/n exclaimed, but Pani shook her head.

"They aren't here, are they? And even if they were, would you like to explain that your best friend is here right now because you think you may be pregnant?" There was that word again. Y/n pouted and looked away, grumbling out a 'no' as her friend slapped her cheeks gently. "Good girl!"

With a scoff, the girlfriend of Karasuno's left wing followed her friend farther up the stairs. "I'm not a dog!"

She was merely tossed a pregnancy test in response.


"I still can't believe it." Pani marveled as they took the train to Karasuno High. "I can't believe it."

Y/n let out a sigh and leaned her head against the window, "You've said that already." Pani gave her down friend a sympathetic smile before patting her knee and looking out the window herself. They both noticed the sky, and the clouds that floated lazily across it. Y/n let out another sigh. What if Tanaka found out about the test before she told him? Granted that was near impossible as she was on her way to his high school right now, but stranger things had happened before. Example number one: Pani.

Pani nudged her friend's shoulder, "Hey, things could be worse." She offered before laughing quietly. "We could both be pregnant."

"Shut up!" Y/n snapped, and her eyes widened. "Oh, I-I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to snap at you, Pani!"

The purple haired girl shrugged in response. "It's fine. Who knows, maybe we are both pregnant." She wiggled her eyebrows and stood up, adjusting her skirt as they neared the school. With the way she bragged about how much sex she got, Y/n wouldn't be surprised if one of those volleyball-and-sex addicts had managed to get her pregnant.

That brought Y/n to another thought. "Say, Pani?" She asked, and the other only hummed softly in acknowledgement of the question. "How'd you manage to weasel your way out of staying for the entire practice with Oikawa? I mean, I'm sure Iwaizumi would have been chill about it, but would Oikawa be a bit clingy?"

"That's true; he was. But, I also promised him something much better than a cheer at practice if he let me go, so he agreed." She was quiet for a moment, and Y/n figured the conversation was over, but then Pani spoke again. "And, no, it wasn't sex. I promised him I'd become their manager if they let me go to you. It was a no-brainer, obviously."

They finally arrived at the school, and Y/n could feel her palms getting sweaty with anxiousness. She couldn't imagine him rejecting the baby, but... What if he did? What if he didn't want it, or her, anymore?

She nibbled on her knuckle, but Pani took her hand away from her mouth.

"Uh uh. No. I can already tell what you're nervous about, and you have no reason to be. Tanaka loves you, this we both know. We both also know that, while a bit unconventional, he will adore and welcome this baby into his life. If he doesn't..." Pani cracked her knuckles in a threatening away as they stepped off the train, walking the last few bits of steps before they arrived at the volleyball gym.

The sound of sneakers squeaking against the floor, volleyballs bouncing against walls and arms, and people yelling out to one another, it was all very familiar to Y/n. It almost soothed her in a way, until Pani decided to just dart inside and present herself to the group.


Y/n paled and darted in after her friend, showing herself to the group as well. She paid them no mind, however, and gripped onto Pani's arm as she attempted to lecture her. "Hey! We needed a plan for this, Pani!"

Pani just laughed. "I've got a plan, Y/n!" She cupped her hands over her mouth like a microphone. "Oi! Baldy! Your girlfriend wants to talk to you!"

Tanaka froze where he was, and a ball that had been spiked by Tsukishima bounced lamely against his head before rolling away. The bald boy darted over to Y/n's side, after getting the permission by Daichi to do so, and she smiled weakly at him.

This Tanaka took as a bad sign and he collapsed onto his knees, begging and pleading for Y/n not to leave him. "You're a goddess! You're so beautiful! Who else can I use to brag about having a girlfriend in comparison to these losers!?" He whined, and Nishinoya stopped mooning over Kiyoko to glare at him.

"Hey!" Pani stuck her tongue out at him, making him blush and shut up.

Y/n placed her hands on his shoulders before lowering herself to his level. "Oh, Tanaka... I'd never leave you! Especially not now!" Tanaka, completely confused by this statement, stopped his begging to look at her. She gave him a nervous look before leaning forward and whispering in his ear. He gasped and fell backwards, onto the hardwood floor with a loud thud.

Pani peered down at him with a soft sigh. "Oh dear, Y/n. You've gone and broken the poor thing."

Suddenly, Tanaka was back on his feet, pulling Y/n up with him. He swung her into his arms, carrying her bridal style as the entire team stared. "Guess what!?!" Her boyfriend called out, "I'm gonna be a dad!"

For a moment, the entire gym was quiet. Y/n paled, worrying that she had just pissed off eleven people at once, and hid her face in Tanaka's sweaty uniform. Then, there was an uproar of shouts of joy from Nishinoya, and the entire team was surrounding the happy couple.

"Congrats!" "Congratulations!" "Good job, Tanaka-senpai!" Everyone managed to give their own form of proud congratulations to the couple, all while Y/n was tearing up from joy at everyone's happy reaction. Pani, who was on the outside of the volleyball family circle, gave her a thumbs up.

------- Bonus Ending! -------

"I fucking hate you!" Y/n laughed as Pani screeched through the phone, groaning loudly.

"Hey, you jinxed yourself, Pan." She informed her, looking at the calendar. It had only been a week since she found out the good news about her pregnancy, and Pani had called her this morning to cuss her out.

Said girl could be heard puking on the other line, followed by not one, but two boys trying to comfort her. She brought the phone back to her ear. "You know what, L/n? Fight me. Come to Seijoh, and fight me. Because you only have to deal with one dork fawning over you, and two families hovering over you. I've got two boys, three families, and two volleyball teams because my idiotic cousin is on Nekoma!" She let out another groan before someone else grabbed the phone from her hands.

"Don't mind her~!" Oikawa said cheerfully, "It's just her pregnancy hormones!"

Another voice grumbled through the phone, and Y/n could barely recognize it as Iwaizumi. "Can you sound anymore sunshiny about it? Your girlfriend is puking her guts up!"

Suddenly, there was the clicking of a cell phone, and the only thing left was Tanaka trying to bundle her up in his bed.

"I'm fine, Tanaka! I can still move around!"

"But it might hurt the baby!"

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