Steve Rogers Imagines

By Fandoms-Assemble

506K 7.1K 707

Need a little Steve loving in your life, well here's the place for it. a bunch of different imagines of every... More

REQUEST- Powers Part 1
Powers Part 2
Powers Part 3 (Final Part)
REQUEST- They make it all okay
I'm fine...Okay fine i'm sick
Any Problems Call For Backup
Just Another Bad Day
I'll get you back, I swear
Merry Christmas
Happy new year!!!
I didn't think you could stoop so low
Please Don't Ever Leave Me
I Promise
(REQUEST) Teasings and Revenges
The Captain, The Witch and The Old Guardian
A Feeling
(REQUEST) Family
REQUEST- Taken In (Part 1)
REQUEST- Taken In (Part 2)
Is it really you?
That's why its called a secret
Civil War
Beach Party
Art Substitute
Lean On
A/N sorry
Awakened and Assembled
A little secret
Mixed Signals
The Not-Date
Old Married Couple
Requests Information
Still Human
The Nomad
Taken In Part 3 (Mini Series)
Skinny Love
Important A/N please read
Q and A
End of the Line
Opposite sides
New Year, New Beginnings
Fighting for One
I Do
I love you despite...
Tell her I'm Sorry
Worlds apart
Avengers/Brooklyn 99 crossover
Infinity War
Endgame Pt1
Endgame Part 2
Endgame Part 3
Endgame Part 4
New Book!

Changed Attitudes

10.7K 146 18
By Fandoms-Assemble


"Sayonara Assholes" I shout as I take out a large group of Hydra agents that I had cornered into a small abandoned barn and throw a grenade at, "Cap, (Y/N) said a naughty word!" tony jokes as he flies over head. "stark stop with the language thing would you" I hear Steve grunt over the comm followed by the sound of his shield connecting with an agent, "prove it, shout fuck at the top of your voice" tony challenges.  I stand still for a moment reloading my guns smirking as I wait to see if cap does "I ah, no I can't" Steve sighs his morals winning out, I laugh shaking my head while I raise my gun and shoot a guy to the right of me without even bothering to turn around. I start jogging to return to the main fight "Nat, Clint how close are you to getting that intel?" I ask, I don't get an immediate response "Nat? Clint? Have you got the intel?" I repeat. The comm in my ear cracks to life "give us a minute" I hear Nat grunt as she takes down an agent "I'm coming to you" I respond pouring on the speed towards the hydra base we were taking.  "we're fine" Clint says before taking an obviously hard hit by the sound of the painful grunt he let out, "doesn't sound like it" I smirk launching myself though a window into the room they were in, ignoring the multiple cuts I just got from the glass. I roll and come up standing kicking an agent behind me in the chest as I shoot at one in front, I help Nat take out the agents around her allowing her to get the intel. Clint moves closer to me shooting and kicking agents that got too close "you glad I came as backup now?" I smirk easily shooting down two more agents "shut up" Clint says  as he smashes his bow into an agent "just admit it Clint" Nat adds from behind us. Clint shoots down the last agent in the room "okay maybe just a little bit, aren't you needed outside?" Clint asks turning to me, I ignore him and glance at Nat "you got the intel?" I ask. she turns around holding up a memory stick "got it" she smirks as she shoves it into one of her pockets "okay cap, we have the intel how's it looking outside?" I say into the comm as the three of us make our way outside. "we're all clear out here so get back to the jet" he replies, "roger that rogers" I smirk making other on the team chuckle slightly when Steve just sighed in response.

When the three of us made it back to the jet everyone else was already aboard and waiting to take off, Nat passes the memory stick to Steve "there you go cap" she says making her way over to Bruce. Clint brushes past me to get to the pilot seat of the jet causing a short sting of pain to shoot up my arm from the many cuts I had, Steve turns to me noticing the quiet cry of pain I had just tried to suppress. His eyes widen when he see the multiple cuts all over my body "(Y/N), what on earth happened to you?"  he says making his way over to me, I look down at my body only now fully noticing the large amount of cuts I had making my navy blue suit look spotty with the small amounts of blood. "tis but I scratch" I joke moving to sit on one of the chairs, "nope over there" Steve says pointing to the medical cot we had on the jet. I sigh moving to sit on the cot, "what exactly did you do to cause all this?" Steve asks grabbing the first aid kit. I shrug my shoulder "just the general hits from hydra agents" I lie, "she jumped through a closed window instead of going through the open door" Clint calls from the front of the jet "stuff you Barton!" I call back glaring at him before turning my attention back to Steve who was giving me a disapproving look "what?" I ask. he shakes his head at me "really? A window? Surely you should know better" he say pulling out some tweezers from the first aid kit "it was quicker, and they needed me in there" I reason pulling down the top of my suit to expose my sports bra underneath. "it may have been quicker but it was riskier, you can't take risks like that, the next time you do you could get seriously hurt or worse" he says as he begins to pull out a couple of small shards of glass out of my cuts, I suck in some air sharply at the pain. Steve looks up at me apologetically "sorry" he sighs he carefully removes a couple more pieces, I watch in silence as he continues working on me. his brows were furrowed in concentration as he pulled out the last few shards of glass, when we began  to clean the cuts he did it so gently as if not to cause any more damage. My skin tingles slightly as his fingers brushed slightly against it while bandaging up some of the worse cuts, "there we go" he sighs standing up straight "now no more throwing yourself into windows okay" he smiles closing the first aid kit. "oh she won't stop that anytime soon, remember she has the rep one of the bravest agents just because of how many risks she takes" Bruce chimes in stand up to join the conversation "that and the one of the most ruthless, did you not see the barn full of agents she took out in one go" tony adds "do you not have a weakness?" he smirks. I chuckle shrugging my shoulders "guess not, I'm just as invincible as capsicle" I say making tony laugh "yeah lets not test that theory though" Steve says moving away to the front of the jet.

When we arrived back at the tower Bruce checked up of my cuts before releasing me to relax, and clean up. I made my way back to my room passing Steve as I went "hey how are your injuries?" he asks "uh good, the stopped the small amount of bleeding and look to beginning to heal up so Bruce said I don't need any bandages just to take it easy" I tell him with a smile. Steve rubs the back of his neck "good that's good, uh tony wants to have a movie night tonight he say to tell everyone to meet in the cinema room at 7pm" Steve tells me, this makes me smile "is it going to be his choice or pulled from a hat" I ask raising a brow. "oh from a hat for sure, we aren't going to suffer one of his choices for sure" Steve chuckles "so you're up for it then?" he asks, I nod my head "oh for sure, I already have my choice picked" I tell him. "it's not another horror movie right?" he asks hopefully "that's for me to know and you to find out later" I smirk tapping my nose before heading into my room. Once inside my room I smile to myself thinking about later, and earlier on the jet when Steve looked after me. it was a nice feeling and I couldn't defiantly feel myself falling for the captain, whether I would do something about it though I wasn't sure. I didn't know if he felt the same way, we were close but as friends and team mates. I would have to test the waters later, see how it goes. I strip off my suit tossing it on my bed so I would remember to take it to stark for repairs and get in the shower the warm water relaxing my muscles after the fight. I watched as all the grime and grease washed off my body and down the drain, I washed my hair using my favourite shampoo that made my hair super soft and smell like vanilla. After washing my hair and body I stand in the shower for a couple of minutes, enjoying the warm water and not wanting step out into the artic that would be my bathroom. I finally turn off the water and wrap myself in a towel moving to dry my brushing and drying my hair, I took longer than expected as I had quite a few knots thanks to the fights. I don't know how Nat keeps her hair so nice during these fights, I would have ask her later. Once my hair was dry and I was dressed in my post mission comfy clothes I grabbed my suit and made my way towards the labs where I would no doubt find tony.

Like i thought that's exactly where I found him doing repairs on his own suit, "hey tony, where do you want this?" I ask holding up my suit. He glances up "over there is just fine, you know I'm gonna have to start charging you for materials the amount of time I've had to repair your suit" he says pointing a wrench at me. I shrug my shoulders innocently "maybe all the other aren't putting in as much work I am" I smirk tony chuckles returning his attention back to his suit "don't let the cap here you say that, plus the only reason you suit is torn is because you purposely jumped through a window, so don't do that again" he tells me. I grab my chest in fake shock and stare at him "wait cap when did you get here?" I gasp, tony looks up and around before realising what I mean "oh shut up, cap is only worried about you, I'm worried about the money I'm spending on repairing your suit" tony scoffs. I raise my brow at him "wow glad for the concern, plus you have enough money to not have to worry about some material" I say moving to lean up against one of tables, he just waved his head "whatever I still have to spend it, now run along I need to focus on this" he says furrowing his brows at his suit. I watch silently as he goes to repair a certain part but it sparks at him sending his arms flailing in shock, I try to bit back the laughter but fail. He turns to me slowly "shut up and go" he says pointing the door, I hold up my hands in defeat laughing "okay, okay I'm going" exiting the labs "I'll see you later" I call as the door shuts.

We all gathered in the cinema room and put our film suggestions in a bowl, I chose the newest horror movie that I had. "okay captain trustworthy, pull out a suggestion" tony say shoving the bowl towards Steve who just rolls his eyes but picks one anyway, he reads it and looks directly at me "seriously (Y/N)?" he asks. I clap my hands in excitement as I pass tony the movie, he puts it in and we all get comfy on the sofas. Me and Steve shared one couch, him sat upright at one end and me lying down on the other. I stretch my legs out and rest my feet on Steve's lap, he raises a brow at me "you comfortable?" he smirks, I nod my head contently "I am now" I smile. Steve smile back and turns his attention back to the movie, as the movie went on all of the team were jumping and screaming slightly at the jump scares, well except for me. "(Y/N) how are you not jumping at this?" Clint asks after one particularly big jump scare that made tony scream like a girl, I shrug my shoulders "it doesn't scare me at all, just gives me a rush of adrenaline" I tell him. Tony just shakes his head at me "like I said earlier ruthless" he mutters, the film continued and I noticed as Steve got more comfortable he did end up resting one of his hands on my leg. At one point he began stroking it, when he didn't see me react negatively to it he just carried one with a slight smile. When the film ended me, Steve and tony all went into the kitchen to refill all of the snacks. "urgh we're out of popcorn" tony complains "we can't have a movie night without popcorn" he droops his shoulders in disappointment. "tony I'll run down to the shop now and get some, you guys go get the next movie running, I've already seen it anyways" I say moving to leave the kitchen and grab my bag from my room "(Y/N) I'll come with you, its dark out now" Steve offers following me out. "no it's okay, its only a 5 minute walk I'll be back before you know it" I smile rejecting his offer, he nods his head in understanding "just stay safe out there okay?" he asks pushing his hands into his pockets. "I always am safe" I smirk walking down the corridor to the elevator "well after today, don't blame me for not trusting you on that" he smirks back. I stick my tongue out at him playfully as the elevator doors closes.

I had just left the tower and was walking towards one of the smaller shops to get the popcorn, when I get there I find out that it shut half an hour ago "crap, I'm gonna have to walk further to target" I mutter. I walk on towards target as I go I walk past one of the alleyways I often use as I shortcut to target, I ponder going that route knowing it wasn't that safe at night, "heck I'm an avenger any mugger would be stupid to take me on" I scoff quietly to myself as I head into the alley. I had made it pretty much all the way thought the network of alleys that cut of 10 minutes of my walk "I don't know what I was so worried about" I sigh just about to step out onto the quiet main street. Just as I take another step an arm goes around my neck and a rag across my face, I try to right the mugger off but as I do I become sluggish now realising the rag had chloroform on it. I try and fight it off but it was no use my vision became blurred as I slowly slipped unconscious.

Steve's POV

I glanced at my watch again it now being half an hour after (Y/N) said she would be back, "guys shouldn't (Y/N) be back from the shops by now" I say catching the attention of everyone "yeah I want my popcorn" tony jokes. I glare at him slightly "guys this is serious, it doesn't take this long to get popcorn, what if something's happen to her?" I ask sitting forward, everyone glanced round at each other "I doubt it, try calling her" Nat offers. I pull out my phone and dial (Y/N) but she doesn't pick up, "no answer" I sigh putting my phone back "something must have happened" I say standing up "look cap I'll call her see if I can get through" Nat offers calling (Y/N) herself. She looks slightly nervous "no answer, that's not like her at all" Nat says glancing round the team, "I'm going out to find her" I decide moving to leave "hold on cap we'll all go, if something has happened it may just be a way to lure us in, we have a better chance together" Nat says looking at the rest of the team to get them moving. Everyone gets to their feet, "I'll go with Bruce to the small shop, Clint and thor you go to the 99c store, and Nat and Steve you try target" tony says telling everyone where to go.

We all head out me and Nat heading towards target, we decide not to go through the alley ways since of the dangers of them. We had pretty much gotten all  the way there when I noticed a phone near an entrance to an alleyway, curious I pick it up to see it all cracked but when I turn it on I see the familiar background of (Y/N)'s phone. "Nat, it's (Y/N)'s phone" I say turning to show her it, Nat bits her lip anxiously looking around until her sight falls onto a rag that had been dumped. She picks it up and gives it a quick sniff only to hold it away from her quickly "that has chloroform on it" she tells me making my panic slightly more. "who could have taken her" Nat say pulling out her phone to tell the others what we have found "hydra" I growl marching off back to the tower.

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up in a cold cell, in god knows where, I glance around and see nothing but a door and a plate of mouldy bread. I pull my legs up and wrap my arms around them trying to retain heat as I could clearly see my breath in this cell, I couldn't tell what time of day it was or how long I had been out for. I only knew that I was in danger and I needed a way out, fast. I hear some footsteps approaching my cell and Russian voices to accompany them, the small hatch on the door opens and I see someone look in. the door then opens and 3 large men enter the cell, two of them immediately grab me, I go to fight them off but the 3rd one punches me straight in the head knocking me out immediately. I wake up suddenly again and look around the room, my hands were in chains that hang from the ceiling my feet only just touching the floor. I was alone again, I try to pull myself out of the chains but they were too tight and only caused pain, I bit back the screams as I continued to try. I stop trying when I see a man enter the room, he inspects me before speaking "so the ruthless and brave avenger gets taken down by just an agent and a cloth" he scoffs. I glare at him "I've heard so much about you, rumlow told me everything he knows, told me to get you back for what you did to him" the guy continues, "so you're hydra" I state. The man scoffs "I'm surprised you don't recognise me, let me give you a little reminder: 'he'll be better off in the tact team, he's not suited for field work'" the guys says, "wait did I train you?" I ask still not remembering him "yes, and you shot me down before I even had a chance, you only gave me one session" the guy sneers. "wait Donny? You weren't suited because of medical reasons, the only way you got into the academy was by lying" I tell him suddenly remembering him "yeah and look at me now, one of the head guys at hydra" he smirks walking away slightly "so you still don't do field work then" I mutter making him glare at me before punching me square in the gut. "bring in the tools" Donny shouts to the men outside the room, a man then proceeds to bring in a trolley full of different torture weapons. Donny walks over to the table and picks up a knife gesturing for the man to leave "now you are going to tell me everything about the avengers, they're weaknesses, their pressure points, everything" he says twirling the knife. "over my dead body" I growl making him smirk, "I would speak to soon" he says lowly dragging the knife down my arm, I bite back a scream  as he does the same on the other arm. Donny continues the torture as I refuse to tell him anything, any cut he makes is enough to cause pain but not enough to do any serious damage telling me this was only the beginning.

As time went on the methods of torture got worse and worse, he would push me to a point when I could easily be killed then stop so I wouldn't. he had used all forms including torture and induced hallucinations, the hallucinations were the worst as even when the drug had worked its way out of my body the things I had seen had worked their way into my dreams causing me to rarely sleep. I  didn't know how long I had been here and I was beginning to give up, I doubted that the team would find me I basically disappeared without a trace. It felt easier just to give up too, but I just couldn't Donny wouldn't let me, as soon as I gave the impression that I was fading it would stop. The amount of damage that had been done to me meant I could no longer stand as my legs would just give out on me, if I moved them ever so slightly it would hurt. I was currently lying on the cold hard floor trying desperately to sleep but no able to because of the night terrors that haunted me. just as my eyes began to close my cell door opened with a slam, two agents picked me up as I cried out in pain. They dragged me out of the cell and towards the room I was all too familiar with, when we enter the drop my onto a chair and tie me to it. they leave me and my head droops in exhaustion, Donny then appears through the door and walks straight over to the table to pick up a knife. "okay I'm giving you one last chance to tell me something" he orders, I don't even bother to look up I just wanted to go already, "fine, I'm kicking this up a notch as I don't care if you die anymore, you're boring now" he sneers stabbing the knife all the way into my leg all the way to the hilt. I cry out in pain as he does it again with the other leg, he does it more times. He grows inpatient and angry as he slaps me and punches me repeatedly across the face, I feel myself begin to slip and decide to leave him with a comment "still haven't got what it takes to be in the field" I croak. He glares at me and grabs my face "you bitch" he sneer walking away slightly pulling a gun from his belt aiming it at me, I lift my head to stare directly at him "go on then" I mutter. Donny steadies himself and releases the safety as he does the door burst open and I see Steve in his suit "(Y/N)!" he shouts, Donny turns to see Steve "it's too late captain" he says turning back at me to shoot. Steve runs forward and knocks the gun out of Donny's hand but not before the trigger gets pulled, the bullet fires and hits me in the gut. I gasp at the pain watching as Steve takes out Donny, he turns to me immediately and see the gunshot wound "no,no ,no, no, (Y/N) stay with me okay? We're gonna get you out of this" he says releasing me from the chair. He rips of the sleeve of my top and wraps it tightly around my abdomen to try and stop the bleeding, he does the same with my other sleeve wrapping around the stab wound which was bleeding the most. He gently picks me up and begins to run "I have her, everyone back to the jet now she needs to get to tower immediately" Steve commands. As he runs out of the hydra base he continues to talk to me "(Y/N) focus on my voice" he tells me, I begin to cry "it hurt so much Steve, I just want it to stop" I stutter. He shakes his head at me "I know you do but you have to pull through this, tell me about your favourite movie" he asks me, I take a shaky breath "it's mean girls" I croak "good tell me what happens in it" Steve says urging me on. "it's about a girl that's new to high school, she ends up becoming friends with the mean popular people, then as she gets closer to them she become one and" I tell him the plot fading off in the end as the pain get too much. "that's okay (Y/N) we're in the jet now, Bruce is going to look after you, I promise, just stay with us" Steve says as he places me down on the medical cot, I try and stay awake as the doctor works on my injuries but the darkness wins over and my vision fades to black.

I wake up with a start instantly panicking as I didn't know where I was, "hey, hey, hey calm down its okay, you're okay ,you're safe now" a calming voice says. I look over and see Steve stood next to my bed with a reassuring hand on my arm, "Steve" I croak, my voice hoarse from lack of use. "yeah, I'm right here, nothing's going to happen okay" he says taking a seat next to my bed, "how long was I gone for?" I ask. "you were in a Russian hydra base for 2 weeks, and back here for 1, Bruce had to keep you under to allow your body some time to heal" Steve explains, my eyes widen "I was in Russia!? How did you find me?" I ask surprised. Steve smiles weakly "we had a couple of sightings to go on but nothing much, when we found out Donny was working at that base we thought it was our best bet" Steve explains he glances over to the door when Bruce comes in "(Y/N), so glad to see you awake, how do you feel?" he asks coming over to read some of the monitors. "okay I think, what damage did they do to me?" I ask getting straight to the point, "well the gun shot wound didn't hit anything important but caused a lot of internal bleeding which we had to sort and get you a transfusion for, all the older injuries have mostly healed up, but with your legs some significant damage has been done to your tendons and ligaments meaning while they heal you will have to be in a wheelchair" Bruce explains. I sigh deeply knowing it could have been a lot worse "how long will it take to heal?" I ask glancing over at Steve, "well Helen Cho is coming over with her tech so with that the healing should only take a month instead of a few" Bruce tells me. I nod my head knowing about the technology Helen had been working on "when does she get here, and when can I get out of this bed?" I ask making Steve chuckle slightly "next week, and I just have to check on you and I'll discharge you now" Bruce smiles. He goes back to doing some checks before giving me the all clear, he passes me some strapping for my legs "you'll need to wear these to support your legs, once you're more healed we can use crutches instead and ditch the wheelchair" Bruce adds before leaving. "do you want help with those?" Steve asks standing up, I nod passing him the strapping he does them up tightly for me before helping me into the wheelchair Bruce had left. "thanks Steve" I smile weakly "it's nothing I'm just sorry we didn't find you sooner" Steve apologises as he pushed my wheelchair out of the infirmary "where do you want to go?" he ask when we reach the elevator. "my room please, despite being asleep for a week I am actually quite tired" I smirk glancing up at him "that's fine, I'm not surprised you've been through a lot" he say pushing the button for the floor we needed. " yeah I have I guess, what happened to Donny?" I ask quietly looking at my lap "same as all the other hydra agents, he won't be able to hurt you again" Steve says putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. I place my hand over his "thanks Steve again".

When we reach my room Steve helps me by passing me my baggiest items of clothing to change into, turning away as I do. When I go to put the trousers on I struggle a bit and can't get them up all the way "uh Steve?" I ask, he doesn't turn around "uh yeah what's wrong?" he asks, I bite my lip "I can't get my trousers all the way up" I admit "can you help me?". Steve turns round and I see the slight ting of red in his cheeks, "uh yeah sure" he says he helps me stand "put all you weight on me" he says holding me up when my legs won't support me. I feel him pull up my trousers not even looking down, being a gentleman and keeping his eyes on mine "thanks Steve" I mutter breaking the eye contact. Steve nods his head his cheeks now bright red, "let me help you get into bed" he says helping me over to the bed, pulling up the covers for me "thanks Steve" I smile "for all this" he smiles back at me "it's nothing, I'll see you later call if you need anything" he say heading towards the door to turn the light off for me "sleep well" he adds as he shuts the door. I sigh contently at the softness of my bed, maybe I would get a good night's sleep finally.

I did fall asleep immediately, but the night terror find me immediately. My dreams plagued with the hallucinations that I experience while being tortured. When I thought one dream was finished it would fade into another more vivid and equally terrifying, In the next dream I woke up in hydra base with all the other avengers around me all of us tied up. Donny appeared next to me holding a gun "this is for not giving me a chance"  he whispers in my ear, he raises the gun points it Bruce I cry out for him to stop but he shoots Bruce who slumps down. I cry and beg for him to stop as he moved on shooting thor, Clint, tony and Nat, "and the best for last" Donny says putting down the gun and pulling out a knife. He moves  to stand behind Steve grabbing him by the hair and pulling his head back, he places the knife up against Steve neck "no please don't! not like that!" I cry out "please don't kill him" Donny looks over at me and smirks stepping back, pulling the knife away "fine I won't do it" he says. I sigh in relief "I'll do it like this" he says stabbing Steve in the chest "STEVE!" I cry out. I scream closing my eyes at the pain, a hand on my arm making me flinch "hey (Y/N), it's okay, you're safe, everything's okay just open your eyes" I hear a calming voice say. I open my eye to see I was back in my bedroom and the hand that was on my arm belong to Steve who looked down at me worriedly. "Steve? What are you doing here?" I ask still shaking slightly from the dream, "you were screaming in your sleep, you screamed my name" Steve says softly as he moved to turn my bedside lamp on. My face reddens at the realization of what I did "did I really? Sorry if I woke you up" I apologise rubbing my arms looking down, Steve places and hand on my shoulder and gives it a friendly squeeze "it nothing I know how bad these night terrors can be" he tells me. I glance back up at him "I've never had them before I was you know- I thought now that I was back home they would stop" I tell him taking a shaky breath. He nods his head "did they start while you were there?" Steve asks, I nod my head "Donny used to inject me with this drug that gave hallucinations, when the drug wore off what I saw always made it into my dreams" I explain beginning to tear up. Steve moves so he can put his arm around me "hey it's okay, you don't have to tell me anymore, tell me in your own time" he says soothingly. I wipe away me tears "how do you deal with this? These dreams?" I asks, Steve takes a deep breath "in some ways I don't, some nights I sleep the entire night, others I wake up in a sweat and I only have to take a few deep breaths to calm myself and if I have a really bad night the only thing I can do it go and punch the punching bags, which doesn't always work" he tells me looking over at me sympathetically. "but one thing I can tell you is that they do get easier with time, when I first came out every night was a bad one so much so that the local gym owner gave me my own set of keys" Steve continues, I nod my head "thanks Steve, I feel a lot calmer now" I sigh giving a weak smile. Steve smiles back "good, try and get some more sleep though, lack of sleep makes them worse too" he says standing back up to leave, but I grab his hand "wait! Do you mind just staying just until I fall asleep?" I ask blushing slightly. He smiles back at me "sure" he agrees grabbing a chair and setting it next to my bed, I watch as he sits down "goodnight Steve" I yawn lying back down in bed slowly falling back asleep.

When I wake up again it was morning, I had managed to sleep the rest of the night without any more night terrors. I look around the room and my eyes fall on Steve who had fallen asleep in the chair next to my bed, I move my legs so I could sit up and try and reach for my wheelchair. "come on almost there" I mutter to myself as I try and reach further to it, I then hear Steve stir I look over to see him rubbing his eyes. "morning Steve" I smile catching his attention "oh hi (Y/N), sorry I must have fallen asleep here" he say standing up with a stretch. "it's okay do you mind helping me into my wheelchair?" I ask pointing to it, "oh yeah sure of course, here hold onto my arms" he says placing his hands under my forearms. He helps me stand and moves me into the wheelchair, "okay where do you want to go" Steve asks moving behind me so he could push it "uh breakfast please?" I ask, Steve chuckles "of course". When we reach the kitchen we find the rest of the team already making themselves breakfast, Nat and Clint were arguing over the pancakes "Clint let me flip them, you're terrible at flipping them!" Nat says trying to get to the pan, "no the last time you flipped them it got stuck to the ceiling!" Clint agues back holding the pan out of Nat's reach "that was you!" Nat fires back. Clint stops slightly "okay maybe it was me but that was a one off" Clint says flipping the pancake, as it leaves the pan Nat hits the pancake so it goes flying and sticks on one of the cupboard doors. "okay that's enough, I'll flip the pancakes while you clean my cupboard" tony says taking the pan from Clint, "oh morning (Y/N), would you like a pancake, I would offer you that one but I think it'll taste of cupboard" tony says when he notices me. "yeah that would be great thanks" I laugh watching Nat and Clint clean up their mess, Steve helps me get up onto one of the stools at the breakfast bar before going to make a coffee and talk to Bruce. "lady (Y/N) how are you feeling?" thor smiles munching down on his 4th pop tart "alright, didn't sleep very well at first, my body still aches a bit too" I tell him with a half-hearted smile. "well it's great to see you back, you'll be up and running in no time" he smiles slapping me slightly on the back, "yeah hopefully, uh thanks tony" I say as tony passes me a plate of pancakes. "no problem do you want any maple syrup or Nutella?" tony smiles as he pours more batter into the pan "uh Nutella sound good" I ask, tony turns round and points to Clint "you heard her now get the Nutella" he says. Clint gives a mock salute and grabs the Nutella from the cupboard passing it to me. half the way though my small pile of pancakes Steve joins me with his coffee and toast "(Y/N), I talked to Bruce about the night terrors" Steve starts "only because he was worried about how you were" he adds quickly "and he agrees with me and thinks you may be suffering with PTSD" he explains. "what's PTSD?" I ask slightly confused "post traumatic stress disorder, its what I suffer with, so Bruce suggests that you can talked to a therapist about it or if you prefer one of us" Steve explains nodding to the team who were trying to act like they weren't eavesdropping. "yeah I guess that could work, I don't know how comfortable I would be talking to a therapist" I say putting down my fork and pushing away my half eaten pancakes, "would you be okay talking to me about it?" Steve asks glancing down slightly, I smile slightly "yeah I would" I tell him. He nods his head with a smile "good that's good, you can talk to me about it whenever you want okay, for however long too" he says, I nod my head properly smiling now "how about breakfast once I'm dressed?" I offer. "yeah sounds good to me, now are you going to eat those because Clint is eyeing them" Steve laughs pointing to my pancakes, I glance up at Clint to see him quickly look away "I am now, nobody is getting these" I smirk taking another bite.

it was evening once again, Steve offered to help me back into bed again tonight "hey um Steve do you mind staying with me again, I managed to sleep better when you did" I ask once in bed. Steve smiles "sure it's no problem" he moved to grab the chair again "uh if you want and if you feel comfortable you can sit on the bed, in case you fall asleep again" I offer. He pauses in dragging the chair over "you sure? I mean I won't if you don't feel 100% comfortable with it" he says,  nod my head "yeah well I saw that you had a bit of a crooked neck today after sleeping in that chair last night, so I thought the bed would be more comfier" I explain thinking back to the amount of times Steve tried to stretch his neck today. "yeah I did, thanks" he smiles putting the chair back and moving to lie down on top of the covers on the other side of the bed, "you can get properly in if you want I don't mind" I say rolling over to face him. He shakes his head with a smile "no it's fine, thanks anyway" he says looking over at me, I let out and big yawn and make myself more comfortable "goodnight Steve" I sigh closing my eyes "goodnight (Y/N)" Steve says softly back as I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up again it was morning and I felt something heavy across my waist, I look down to see Steve's arm lying across it, the duvet blocking any skin to skin contact. I look over at Steve to see him peacefully asleep still on top of the covers, one hand under his head. His hair was also messed up slightly making me want to play with it, I lie there for a while until he begins to stir. I watch as his eyelids flutter open revealing his bright blue eyes "morning" I smile, his eyes fix onto mine and he smiles back "morning, how did you sleep?" he asks. "not a single dream" I tell him proudly, "that's good i-oh I'm so sorry" he says once he realised where is arm was, retracting it from my waist "no its fine, I kinda liked it" I tell him. He blushes slightly and smiles "oh okay, I'm still sorry though" he says.

After that night Steve did end up staying in my bed, eventually agreeing to actually sleep under the covers. Tony found it quite funny commenting on it when he saw me and Steve leaving my room together "oh you doing the walk of shame rogers" he smirked, "shut up stark, we didn't okay, I'm just looking after her" Steve fired back glaring at tony with a slight tinge of red in his cheeks. Tony held up his hands in surrender "okay if that's what you want to call it" he muttered as he walked away. I had also been working with Helen Cho for about a week and a bit now, I was getting irritated that I was still in my wheelchair. I felt useless, I was okay being in a wheelchair at the start as I was in pain so it made sense, but now I barely was in pain I just couldn't support myself for long enough, even with crutches. I was wheeling myself back into the living room to try to relax ,the rest of the team were on a mission and were coming back soon hopefully. I managed to get myself comfortable on the couch and began flicking through the channels looking for something interesting to watch. About an hour later I was going into the kitchen when the team came back, Clint, Nat and Steve came into the kitchen in search of a drink. "hey how was the mission?" I ask taking a sip of my own drink, "successful, it was hard though" Steve tells me, "yeah we could have used you out there, bit of ruthlessness" Clint jokes. It doesn't sit right with me though "yeah I wish I was out there too, but I'm stuck in this stupid thing and seemingly nowhere near being back on my feet, quite literally" I snap slamming my glass down, I wheel myself out of the room Steve following after glaring at Clint. "what was that for!" Clint hisses after Nat slaps him round the back of the head "for being insensitive moron" she snaps back. I had made it to the elevator when Steve caught up with me "hey (Y/N) wait" he calls jogging to get into the elevator with me "he didn't mean it like that" he tells me. I shake my head looking down at myself "I know I'm just so tired of being in this thing, I feel so useless, and what if I'm not going to be like I used to be?" I sigh. Steve bends down in front of me forcing me to look at him "(Y/N) you will be, I know it seems like its taking a long time, and that your behind progress wise but you will get back to normal I promise" he says placing a hand on my knee. I look up to see his face properly, he looked at me with a reassuring smile "maybe we can talk to Bruce get some more physio therapy sessions booked in, even if I lead them without him, I'm sure I'm better than no one" Steve chuckles. I nod  my head in agreement "yeah that would probably help, I should go apologise to Clint too" I says smiling slightly again, Steve shakes his head "no you don't have to, I'm sure Nat will make him understand" Steve smirks.

"okay (Y/N) is you can get to the end and back with no problems you should be okay to ditch the wheelchair" Bruce says watching as I steadied myself, I took a shaky breath and took the first step, using the crutches to support me. With each one Bruce followed beside me ready to catch me if I fell,  I had gotten to the end when Steve returned to the room carrying drinks for the 3 of us. He smiles when he saw me doing well, I smile back losing my concentration as I took another step falling to the ground before Bruce could catch me "(Y/N)! Are you okay let me help you" Steve says rushing over to help. "no let me do it myself" I groan pushing myself up, it takes me a little while but I got there "well done (Y/N), it seems like your muscles are getting stronger by the day you should be on top form in no time" Bruce smiles happily. Steve rubs my back in circles "that's great news (Y/N), all the extras sessions have been paying off" he smiles, Bruce comes back over to us holding onto a clip board " okay (Y/N) I want you to try and walk on these as much as possible but don't strain yourself too much otherwise our progress could be haltered" he explains. I smile knowing that I would have to be in the stupid wheelchair anymore, "once you finish the exercise we'll call it a day" Bruce instructs stepping back so Steve could walk beside me. I make my way back to the start slowly picking up speed, not to a normal walking pace though. "that's it (Y/N) you are doing great" Steve smiles as we near the end "you've done it well done, you won't be in that wheelchair anymore" Steve says putting an arm around my shoulders and hugging them tightly.  " thanks Steve, I'm looking forward to burning it" I smirk looking up at him "maybe not burn it, but get rid of it for sure" he chuckles "now I think a reward is in order" he smiles. I raise a brow at him "what kind of reward?" I ask, "I'm thinking icecream and movies?" Steve suggests, I pass him one of my crutches and take his hand "sounds great"  I smile. We walk together towards the cinema room Steve helps me down onto one of the couches "you wait there while I get the icecream" he smiles heading back out. I made myself comfortable on the couch and wait for Steve to return, a few moments later he did holding one large tub of ice cream with two spoons as well as my favourite movie and a large blanket. As he sat down next to me he draped the blanket over both of us, "comfy?" he asks placing the icecream tub between us "very, and you got my favourite icecream too" I smirk taking a spoonful of icecream "well that was easy, especially since it's my favourite too" he smiles also taking a spoonful. He starts the movie and gets more comfortable on the couch, we continued eating the icecream and watching the movie. As the movie went on I began to grow tired, I moved closer to Steve and rested my head on his shoulder, he glanced over at me and smiled before watching the movie again. As I fell asleep I felt Steve move his arm so that it was around me, I smile at the feeling and let myself fall asleep.

"no Bruce I want to get this down before Steve gets back from his mission" I state glaring slightly at the doctor "(Y/N)  I know you do but you don't want to strain yourself, you are already tired maybe we call it a day" Bruce suggests hopefully. "no I'm so close just a little bit longer Bruce please" I say giving him a pleading look, he sighs in defeat "okay but if I think you are pushing it too far we will stop, no arguing" he warns. I accept his terms and we get back to work working on me being able to walk normally without crutches or a walking stick. I was so close I still stumbled but my legs were able to take my weight more, "maybe stop reaching out for the bars" thor suggests making his presence known. "what?" I ask glancing over my shoulder to him "well you keep your hands out to catch yourself, you are mentally doubting that you can do it" he explains walking into the room. "I don't doubt myself, I can do it" I fire back glaring at him "then hold your hands by your side, keep them away from the bars" he challenges. I turn my back to him and drop my arms to my sides, I take a couple of steps, I stumble slightly making my reach out for the bars. "no bars" thor commands, I retract my hands and gather my balance before starting again. I don't need the bars, I don't need the bars I repeated to myself . As I continue walking and slowly get more comfortable with my walking, beginning to stumble less and less to the point where I was able to just walk away from the bars with no help. "well done lady (Y/N), I knew you could do it you just had to believe" thor smiles slapping my shoulder proudly "thanks thor, glad you could help" I smile. Bruce smiles at me too "you've done really well (Y/N), still take it steady though you may feel tired quicker if you over exert yourself, in fact I would suggest you go rest now" Bruce tells me picking up my crutches "I'll take these away since you won't need them anymore". I made my way back to the living room with thor, once there I slumped myself down on the couch feeling really tired now "what television programming would you care to watch?" thor asks picking up the remote. "have you watched Sherlock yet?" I ask taking the remote from his hand "who is Sherlock?" thor asks, "I'll take that as yes then" I sigh playing the first episode.

"wait so does this son of wat works for moriarty?" thor asks pointing to the TV, "son of wat? Last names don't work like that here remember and no he's being fed things to say through an earpiece, he was captured" I explain. Thor nods his head "so his father's name wasn't wat?" thor says slowly, I shake my head in answer my focus back on the programme "so what is his father's name?" thor asks, I shrug my shoulders "I don't know! Now shush this is a good part" I tell him. We just about finish the episode when we heard FRIDAY alerting us that the rest of the team where back, I turn off the tv and stand up to head to the hanger. "lady (Y/N), remember banner's warning to go slow" thor says following me out, "I am plus you seem to be following me so if I fall you can catch me" I say walking out of the living room to the elevator. Thor sighs knowing I was right "now I also need to ask you a favour" I say as we enter the elevator "and what would that be?" he asks pressing the button for the right floor. "when we to the hanger I want you to hold my arm like I'm still struggling to walk and when we see Steve to let go of me so I can walk over to him okay?" I explain to him, he looks at me confused "but won't Steve think that you're about to fall?" thor asks I glance up at him and smirk "exactly". We reach the hanger just as the jet lands, thor does as he's told holding me as if he was holding me up. The door of the jet opens and the rest of the team exit it, all looking happy at the successful mission. When Steve exits he was talking to tony who had his back to me and thor, Steve glanced over tony's shoulder and smiled when he say me. thor took this as his cue to leave me and walk over to greet the team, seeing thor leave me Steve begins to surge forward to help me but stops short when he notices I was standing just fine. I smile at him and begin to walk all on my own towards him, the rest of the team now watching, I could see Steve smile grow wider as I got closer. I tenderly pick up the pace ignoring bruces warning about taking it slow, Steve also begins to close the gap and as we meet his wraps his arms around me and spins me around so happy at the fact I was back to walking on my own. He laughs putting me down "oh (Y/N) I'm so proud of you" he smiles hugging me tightly "I thought I would surprise you, I still have to take it easy and it may be a while until I'm back to missions but I'm almost there" I smile. Tony then comes over and pats the both of us on the shoulders "are aren't you two all cute and coupley" he smirks making the both of us blush "we aren't a couple" Steve says quickly making tony nod slowly "okay whatever you say, but congrats (Y/N) I guess you won't be needing the tony starkified crutched anymore" he says putting his hands on his hips "no I wont be, although I will miss the built in cup holder" I smile noticing that my hands were still on Steve's biceps. I contemplate removing them but then notice that Steve still had his hands around my waist, tony nods his head "fair enough, I have a couple of minor repairs to do on my suit so I'm going to go" he says glancing occasionally at the proximity of me and Steve. He turns around the rest of the team following him out, leaving just me and Steve. Steve glances down at me noticing how we were still standing and clears his throat and removes his hands making me remove mine. "hey now that you can walk more now, would we be able to go out somewhere?" Steve asks glancing down at his feet, I smile up at him "yeah that's sound great, where do you think we should go?" I ask. Steve smiles happily "just a coffee or something? Let me just get a shower and change out of my suit an we can go" Steve smiles gesturing down to his suit, I laugh "yeah I think you'll get a lot of attention going to get coffee like that".

While I waited for Steve I relaxed on of the couches in the living room, once I sat down I realised how tired I actually was despite it only being the afternoon. I must have overexerted myself from the amount of walking I did, I tried to keep myself awake but l lost the fight letting my eyelids flutter close. When I wake up to someone gently shaking me, my eyes flutter open and I see Steve crouched down beside me "oh my gosh Steve I'm so sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep" I sat sitting up quickly. He smiles at me sweetly "hey it's okay, Bruce said you were probably really tired from the amount of walking you did today, so I let you sleep for a bit" he explains, I furrow my brows at him now noticing that the sun was setting outside. "oh Steve I'm so sorry, I promise we can get coffee first thing tomorrow" I apologise, he shakes his head smiling "no it's okay, we can still do something" he tells me, I tilt my head in question "like what?" I ask. he holds both his hands out to me "just follow me" he smiles helping me up, still holding onto one of my hands he leads me to the elevator but instead of pressing the button for the ground floor he presses the one for the roof. I wonder what he could possibly be doing but I don't say anything, when we get onto the roof I notice a picnic laid out "did you do this?" I ask looking up at him, he looks down at my with a shy smile "yeah, It meant that you didn't have to do much walking" he says as we sit down on the blanket. He pulls out some food from the blanket, the food ranged from healthy things like fruit to not so healthy things like poptarts " does thor know you took these?" I ask pointing to the poptarts. "I made sure to take the ones that weren't in his poptart cupboard" Steve explain eating a grape, I turn the box round so he could see thor's large handwriting on the box stating that it was his. Steve looks at his and his face drops slightly "uh oh" he mutters, "it's fine we'll blame tony" I laugh taking one to eat. We continue eating and talking about almost anything "want a strawberry?" Steve offers, I nod my head reaching out to take it "no just open up" Steve smirks, I raise a brow at him "Steve I can feed myself" I laugh. Steve shakes his head smiling "just open up would you?" he laughed, I give in opening my mouth he holds out the strawberry so I could take a bite of it. "very nice" I smile one I had swallowed, Steve smiles back at me brushing his hands together "um (Y/N) can I tell you something?" Steve says turning slightly serious. "yeah go ahead" I say shifting slightly, Steve glances down slightly before speaking "for a while now I've had these feeling for you" he starts glancing up at me "and I was going to tell you, but then you got taken and I couldn't, because if you didn't like me back it would be something more to be worried about" he continues, I smile slightly "and as I helped you get better my feelings just grew and grew, so what I'm trying to say is that I really like you, like a lot, maybe even love you, but if you don't like me back that's fine" he rambles on. I chuckle slightly grabbing his face and crashing my lips onto his, he immediately relaxes moving one hand to cup my cheek the other resting on my waist. When we pull away he rests his forehead against me "I love you too" I whisper to him, he smiles back at me before pressing a short and swift kiss on my lips "do you want to be my best girl?" he asks in between kisses. I nod my head " of course" I smile kissing him back.

Today was my first mission back, I was sat in the jet bouncing my leg nervously Steve who was sat next to me took my hand and kissed it gently "hey you okay?" he asks. I look over to him and fake a smile "yeah of course, excited to be back to work" I lie, he nods his head slowly "its glad to have you back" he smiles. "okay cap what's the game plan?" tony asks grabbing steves attention "uh yeah, tony you take the base from the sky, me and (Y/N) will try and get inside to gather information, Nat being our back up, thor and Clint keep the attention of the guards outside, Bruce I think it will be a code green too" Steve says laying out the plan, the team nod in agreement "landing in 10" Clint informs us from the pilot seat. The rest of the team get ready to disembark the jet grabbing the last bit of our gear "you ready?" Steve asks resting his hand on my shoulder "defiantly" I smile back as the jet lands "okay team lets go" Steve says as we jog out of the jet into the fight. Me and Steve had just made it into the base and things were going well, we were walking down a corridor on high alert looking out for agents. Steve was stood just ahead of me protecting the both of us with his shield, we had just passed a seemingly empty room when an agent sprung out from it wrapping his arms around my neck. I immediately panic and scream since it was similar to what happened to me a couple of months ago, Steve whips round and takes the guys out guiding me into the room to hide from anymore agents. He crouched down beside me as I continue to panic, my own mind fighting me and winning "hey (Y/N) shhh, calm down okay you're okay everything's okay" he says softly  rubbing my shoudlers "I'm not though, what if this happens everytime? The team thinks I'm as invincible as you, but I'm not at all, I'm weak and broken" I cry my voice all shaky. "(Y/N) nobody is invincible, not even me, you are not weak you are not broken, you had a big knock but you are back. You may not be exactly the same but that doesn't mean you are valued any less" Steve tells me "you are still the strongest person I know, perhaps even stronger because you are here right now" he continues. I wipe away some tears and look up at him "really? You're not just saying that?" I ask sniffling "really, and I'm being completely honest because your my girlfriend and I love you" he says cupping my cheeks and wiping away some tears. I take a shakey breath "thanks I love you too" I say standing up "lets get back out there" I smile, making Steve smile back at me proudly.

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