Spotlight ~ larry mpreg au

By bestwriterever8

1.9M 85.7K 81K

[FINISHED 2017] Who would want to be in the spotlight? Certainly, Louis wouldn't. He cherished his private li... More



29.1K 1.3K 1.3K
By bestwriterever8


by Melanie McKay

Last night, Harry Styles attended London's nightclub 'Empire' for the third time in 3 weeks. We last reported that he was seen talking to a mystery brunette in a side alley of the mentioned club, and now we were finally able to put a face to him, thanks to a Twitter user who snapped pictures of them both.
In the first pictures Harry is seen leaving the nightclub alone, and getting into his car. Some time later, the brunette, whose face is pretty clear in the pictures, is seen walking up to Harry's car, and then getting in it.
Still, we have no idea who he is, and Twitter has been blowing up with speculations of who he might be, and accusations of the brunette coming between Harry and Cole Martin's recently outed relationship.
Our mission right now, is to discover who this mystery brunette is, and as soon as we know, we won't hesitate to let you know.


It was Edgar's meows that woke Louis up that Sunday morning.

"Just 5 more minutes, Edgar" Louis mumbled without opening his eyes.

But because Edgar didn't have any patience when he was hungry, he kept on meowing, and louder this time.

"Okay, okay, I'm up" Louis gave up, as he sat on his bed and rubbed his eyes.

He looked at the time on his phone, and realized it was 10 past noon, which meant he had actually gotten 7 hours of sleep, and that almost never happened.

"Hey, you didn't wake me up so early" Louis smiled at the cat as he got up from the bed, and picked him up to take him with him "I'll give you a treat for being a good boy".

Louis walked out of his room, and into the kitchen, got food in Edgar's plate, and then changed his water too, because he always liked to have fresh water to drink.

Then it was his turn to have breakfast, and he decided to make pancakes, he hadn't eaten those in a while, and he had all the stuff to make them from scratch, so he did.

When he finished the pancakes, he put syrup on them, and sat down at the counter with a cup of tea.

He had just started eating, when the front door of the flat burst open, and in came his neighbor.

"Louis!" Niall said urgently, and slammed the door shut behind him.

"Yeah?" Louis asked, not even bothering to protest Niall's presence in his flat, there was no use to.

"You're the mystery brunette!" Niall exclaimed.

"I'm the what?" Louis asked, completely confused.

"The mystery brunette that's been hanging out with Harry Styles!" Niall replied, and he was almost hyperventilating "It's you! Why didn't you tell me?".

"Harry Styles? What-" Louis started to ask, but he didn't get to finish.

"How did you meet him? Was it at the club? How long has this been going on?" Niall questioned.


"You got into his car last night, did you come here? Did you sleep with him? Oh my god, is he still here? Is he in your room?" Niall demanded.

"There's no one in my room, Niall, and last night I got a ride with this lad-" Louis started to explain.

"Harry freaking Styles, Louis!" Niall almost

"Chill, will you?" Louis asked, he had never seen Niall like this.

"I can't! You got a ride with Harry Styles!".

"His name is Harry, but I have no idea what his last name is, how would you know?" Louis asked, still not understanding what was going on.

"Because everyone who hasn't been living under a rock for the past 6 years knows his last name!" Niall exclaimed.

"What?" Louis frowned.

Niall shook his head, as he unlocked his phone, which he had been holding in his hand, and then showed it to Louis, and there was a picture of Harry in it.

"Why do you have a picture of Harry?" Louis frowned.

"Because he's famous, Louis!" Niall told him, as if he was stupid.

"Oh my god" Louis said in shock "Are you serious?".

"Yes, he's the biggest post star of our time, I've talked to you about him a million times".

"I don't remember..." Louis trailed off, but his mind was set on Harry "He never said anything".

"I can't believe you didn't know you're dating Harry Styles" Niall said in disbelief.

"I'm not dating him, of course not" Louis denied right away.

"But you got into his car" Niall reminded him, and he seemed a lot calmer now.

"He just gave me a ride because my..." Louis started to explain, but then he stopped when he realized something "How do you know I got into his car last night?".

"Because there are pictures all over the internet" answered Niall.

"No" Louis shook his head "No way".

Niall took the phone from Louis, searched for something and then showed it to him again.

And there was a picture of Harry, wearing the clothes he had been wearing last night, and he was getting into his silver convertible.

"That's just him, I'm not in the picture" Louis said relieved.

"Swipe it" Niall instructed.

Louis did, and there he was walking up to the Harry's car, his face impossibly clear. Then he swipped it again, and there was another picture of him actually getting in the car.

"Are these really all over the internet?" Louis asked, still looking at the phone.

"Yes" Niall answered.

"How famous is he?" Louis wanted to know.

"On a scale from 1 to 10, 11" Niall replied

"And is he out?".


"Is Harry out of the closet?" Louis asked, and looked up at his friend.

"Yes, as far as I know, he's never been in it" Niall shrugged.

"No, no, no" Louis said, and buried his head in his arms.

"Louis, it's fine, it will blow over soon, it always does" Niall assured him.

"Niall, my family might see the pictures, and then they'll know" Louis explained, his voice muffled by his arms.

"Oh" Niall said, his tone completely normal now "I hadn't thought about it".

"I can't believe this!" Louis declared, and unburied his face "He should've told me who he was".

"But Louis, it's not like you're kissing or even holding hands in any of the pictures, you're just getting into his car, he could've only been giving you a ride" Niall offered.

"That's what he was doing" Louis said truthfully.

"Then that's what you're going to tell your family if they ask about it".

"Do you think they'll believe me?" Louis asked unsure.

"Well, it depends on whether they believe the tabloids, because they're all saying you're Harry's new love conquest, and that you're trying to break up Corry" Niall answered.


"Harry and Cole Martin, he's an actor? It's been speculated for some time now that they're together, but now that you came into the picture, they're saying you're coming between them" explained Niall.

"Great" Louis said bitterly.

"I'm sure most people won't believe a word of this" Niall tried.

"Thanks for telling me all of this, mate, but could you go home, please? I need to be alone" Louis decided.

"Uhm, yeah, sure, whatever you want" Niall said, and immediately walked to the door "I'll probably be in my flat all day in case you need to talk or anything".

"Thanks" Louis sighed.

Niall gave him a small smile, and he opened the flat door, and as he did, Louis heard his breath hitch.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked.

But Niall didn't have to answer, because someone else spoke.

"Hi, I'm looking for Louis Tomlinson, do you know him?" Harry's voice asked.

"He... I... uh... you... Harry Styles" Niall stuttered.

"Niall, go home, please" Louis said as he walked up to the door, and immediately saw Harry standing in the corridor, and he smiled when he saw Louis.

"Hi, Louis" Harry smiled.

"What do you think you're doing here?" Louis demanded, not being in the mood to say hello.

"I came to return this" Harry said, and showed him a brown leather notebook.

"You stole my notebook?" Louis asked, immediately taking it from him, and hugging it close to his chest.

Because those were his poems, and no one was allowed to touch them, let alone read them.

"I didn't steal it, you left it in my car, and I was kind enough to bring it back" Harry explained.

"Thank you, now leave" Louis ordered "I never want to see you again".

"Why? Did I do something?" Harry frowned.

"Yes, you neglected to tell me you're famous" Louis accused.

"Oh, that".

"Yes, that!" Louis exclaimed "And because of it, now my picture is all over the internet".

"Are you serious?" Harry asked, taking his phone out.

"He's the mystery brunette" Niall spoke.

"Niall, go back to your flat, please?" Louis told his friend.

"But-" Niall started.

"Niall, please" Louis begged.

Niall nodded, and walked across the corridor to his door, and went inside, but Louis just knew he had his ear stuck to his door to be able to listen in on him and Harry.

"Louis, I'm sorry" Harry said, looking up from his phone.

"Your apology is useless to me right now" Louis shrugged.

He tried to close the door, but Harry  stuck his foot out to prevent it.

"Harry, let me close the door, please" Louis said calmly, he didn't want to yell anymore, he just wanted to be left alone.

"No" Harry denied "Let me come inside?".

"Why would I do that after you lied to me?" Louis asked.

"I didn't lie" Harry denied "I just didn't tell you because I liked that you had no idea who I was, that you didn't treat me differently".

"But I had a right to know whose car I was getting in; if I had known who you were, I would've never done it" Louis declared.

"Why not?".

"Because now my picture is everywhere!" Louis exploded.

"It will die down soon, I promise" Harry brushed off, like it was nothing.

"The harm's already done, Harry".

"What harm?" Harry frowned.

"Just leave me alone, okay?" Louis requested.


"Leave!" Louis ordered, getting more upset.

Suddenly, the door of the flat next to Louis' opened, and his neighbor peeked outside.

"Is everything, alright?" Mrs. Parker asked.

"Everything's perfect Mrs. Parker, don't worry" Louis faked smiled.

"Then would you mind taking it inside?" Mrs. Parker wondered.

"Don't worry, he was leaving" Louis said, and tried to push Harry away from his door, but Harry was stronger.

"No, I'm not" Harry denied.

Louis huffed, and because he didn't want to make a scene in the middle of the corridor for his neighbors to see, he just pulled Harry inside the flat, and closed the door.

"Who said you could make yourself comfortable?" Louis asked, as he turned around, and saw Harry was sitting down on the couch.

"I did" Harry smiled.

"What do you want from me, Harry?" Louis asked tiredly, and sat down on a chair.

"I want your songs" Harry replied.

"My what?" Louis frowned, completely confused.

"The songs in your notebook" Harry said pointing at it, which was still in Louis's hand.

"You read this?" Louis asked in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have" Harry admitted "But the lyrics are so beautiful, Louis, I need them".

"These aren't songs, they're poems, and they're personal, Harry!" Louis said, feeling completely violated.

"I know they're personal, I can tell, but-".

"You should've stopped reading when you realized it" Louis interrupted.

"I couldn't, Louis, the words had a pull on me, I didn't sleep reading them, and turning them into songs in my head" Harry explained.

"You can't do that" Louis opposed.

"Why not?".

"Because they're mine" Louis declared.

"But you'll get full credit for the lyrics, and you'll get paid" Harry tried to reason.

"I don't care about that, I don't want these out there, they're too personal" Louis explained.

"But they're beautiful Louis, the world deserves to listen to them" Harry insisted.

"I already said no".

"Just give me one, just one" Harry begged.

"No" Louis shook his head.

"Why do you always say no to everything?" questioned Harry.

"Why do I always say no to you, you mean?" Louis translated.

Harry sighed, and passed his hand across his curly hair, as if he was stressed, when in reality he was the one causing Louis stress.

"Louis, you're clearly a good writer" Harry stated.

"I know I am" Louis rolled her eyes.

"That's what you went to University for, didn't you?" Harry guessed.

"Yes, so?".

"Then why don't you want to get your writing out there? You could make a living being a songwriter, I can guarantee it" Harry said, looking very serious.

"Right" Louis said sarcastically.

"I've worked with a lot of songwriters, and your lyrics are a million times better than any of theirs" Harry explained.

"They're poems, Harry" Louis reminded him, just as Edgar jumped into his lap.

"But they can be songs, they just need a melody, and I can do that".

"No" Louis shook his head.

"Why not? And don't say again it's because the poems are too personal, anything you write is personal, it's the purpose of being a writer" Harry

"I don't want to be involved with you" Louis said truthfully.

"This has nothing to do with me wanting to sleep with you" Harry argued.

"I don't want to be involved with you in any capacity, personal or professional" Louis clarified.

"Why not?" asked Harry.

"Because you're gay" Louis declared.

"Excuse me?".

"You heard me".

"You're gay too" Harry pointed out.

"I know, but my family doesn't know that" Louis revealed.

"You're in the closet?" Harry asked, his eyes wide.

"Here in London, no, back home, yes" Louis confessed.

"Why?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Because my parents are very religious, and they belong to a church that opposes homosexuality" explained Louis.

"You can't be serious".

"Why would I lie?" Louis shrugged, as he petted his cat, his eyes looking away from Harry's "Now you realize the trouble you caused me not telling me who you were?".

"You just got in my car, Louis, nothing else" Harry said, his voice soft.

"But you're openly gay, and according to Niall people are saying I'm your new lover or something" Louis explained.

"Tabloids say a lot of crap, most of it is lies, everyone knows that" Harry argued.

"Still, Harry, it was unnecessary attention, and my parents are going to give me the third degree about the stupid pictures" Louis told him, and it was completely true.

"Why don't you just tell them the truth? You're a grown man, and-" Harry was saying.

"You don't get to have an opinion over this, you don't know me or my family" Louis cut him off.

"Sorry" Harry apologized "Well, you can just tell them we're just friends".

"Yeah..." Louis mumbled, as he thought about it.

"Or tell them you're writing songs for me" Harry suggested.

"This again" Louis rolled his eyes.

"No, listen" Harry said, looking quite serious "They know you're a writer, right?".

"Yes, but they know I don't write songs" Louis pointed out.

"Maybe because you just discovered you have a knack for it" Harry grinned.

"I don't" Louis denied.

"You do, Louis, I swear you do" Harry assured him "And if there's actually a song written by you in my new album, your parents are going to believe you if you say you're just hanging out with me for professional reasons, and that will be the end of it".

Louis bit his lip as he thought about it.

Harry did make a point, but there was something within him that was telling him that if he agreed, he would be making a big mistake.

"If this works out, you can write songs for other artists, and you won't need to have two jobs, which means you'll be able to sleep sometimes" Harry tried to persuade him "Come on, Louis, say yes for once".

"Fine" Louis finally gave up.

"Seriously?" Harry beamed.

"Yes, but I have a condition" Louis said, because he wasn't going to give in so easily.


"You have to make sure people know I'm not your lover, I'm just helping you write a song" Louis explained.

"So you want me to tweet: Louis is not my lover, he's just helping me write a song?" Harry asked, clearly amused.

"No, but if anyone publicly asks you about me, that's what you'll say" Louis determined.

"That sounds fair" Harry nodded.


"Should we get right to it, then? Because the song, I mean poem, I like best is-" Harry started.

"No" Louis cut him off.

"Huh?" Harry asked confused.

"I need to be alone right now" Louis declared.

"But the song...".

"We'll discuss it some other time, I really need to be alone to think" Louis explained.

"And write more beautiful poems?" Harry smirked.

"Please leave, okay? We'll talk about the song some other time" Louis said, ignoring Harry's question, although he was probably going to write.

"Okay" Harry agreed, and got up from the couch "Would you give me your number so I can call you later?".

"This will be just professional, Harry" Louis said, taking the phone Harry was offering him, and started to type his number.

"Sure" Harry agreed.

Louis finished, and gave the phone back to Harry before he stood up, leaving Edgar on the chair.

"I like your cat" Harry mentioned "What's his name?

"Edgar" Louis replied.

"That's a weird name for a cat".

"No, it's not, his full name is Edgar Allan Poe" Louis explained, which made the name more obvious.

"Uhm" Harry hesitated, clearly not understanding.

"The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe?" Louis tried.

"Right" Harry nodded.

"You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?" Louis smiled, finding it amusing.

"None" Harry accepted.

Louis laughed as he walked up to the door, Harry following.

"I'm sorry again for not telling you the truth, I never thought it would cause any trouble for you" Harry admitted.

"I know, Harry" Louis said, and opened the door.

"I'll call you tomorrow, is that okay?" Harry asked as he walked out the door.

"Yes, that's alright" Louis nodded.

"You're not going to regret this, Louis" Harry assured him.

"I hope you're right".


A.N. Louis found out the truth! 😱

What do you think about how things developed? And how do you think things will work out for Louis?

Thank you for reading, and don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter.


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