Amourshipping High - The Hero...

By Amourboy15

333K 5.1K 7K

A teenage 18 year old girl named Serena, living in Kalos and goes to high meeting her friends Dawn, May, Mist... More

School begin
Mystery boy
The Fight
Getting to know you
The twist
Let the rivalry begin
The Battle of Love
New champion day out
Lets play
Trust or Lie
Goodbye Kalos, Hello Amour
I stand tall cause you know, I'm a winner
Satoshi/Gekkouga vs Alain and Charizard X
Keep each other company
The new couple
Good times
A plan to break Amour
Calem's plan
Decision: Calem or Ash - Kalos or Amour
New student
Author's note
A Battle for the win
Truth spoken
Still falling for you
No time for love, got to save the world
End for a living part 1
End for a living part 2
A life of a hero
Shoutout and new books
Redo and future (Not A Chapter)

The problem

4.8K 104 11
By Amourboy15


"Ashy boy! Over here" Gary called out from the wing in a couple distance, no one was marking him which he was free to pass.

I bounced the orange ball twice and throw it away from my chest as I stretched my arms out for thrust. The ball flied away from me as it heads straight towards at Gary who caught the ball with ease and runs with it in pace while bouncing, heading straight at the other-half side pitch's hoop.

We've been playing over an hour now; our team is winning more point than the other team. I have been scoring a lot of hoops even Gary as we kept on partnering up. But I got to say, it was an easy game, and it's fun having to play with my friends.

The other team which were Drew and Alain scored some but they were losing like a mile. Our points were 112 while there's is 21.

Now, I gazed at Gary as he runs on nearing to the hoop but then stopped by a defender, blocking his way from scoring the win. I knew Gary was in need of help so I ran from wing and shouted for attention while running.

"Gary!" I called out, running then instantly stopped for him to pass at me. Again, there was no one marking me so I was free and clear run towards the goal hoop.

Gary notices my appearance and throws the orange colored black-lined from his chest with power as it flied across field with defenders watching it go. i got ready in my stance asit came near. catching it in my bare hand in ease and start bouncing as i was near to hoop.

I jumped with power from laminated ground, raisng my arms up in the air as high as i possibly can with a ball in my hand reaching for victory. when I did, the ball made it into the circular sized hoop with me clinging on to it as I hold the bar and land down with no trouble.

Hot sweat was dripping off my face, splashing silently on ground.

Soon, the teacher blowed his sliver shined whistle from his mouth giving out a loud sound across room ending the match with our team winning it.

"Nice job Ashy-boy" Gary told as he walks up to me with a plastered smile.

I smiled back "Thanks Gare-bear"

We both gave each other high fives even with our other teammates.

There was defeated expression from the other team that they lost but a game is a game.

The coach puts the orange ball away in shed while rest of students went out for their next lesson.

"Man Ash, you're good" Drew complimented.

I smiled "Thanks"

"That's Ashy-boy for ya" Gary spoke with that nickname but I ignored and went towards Pikachu who has been encouraging me throughout the entire game. As I did, there was one thing missing next to my buddy.

"Hey guys, have you seen my jacket anywhere, i can't fine it" I said looking at my friends giving a shrugged in response.

I glanced at them then at other students. I'm certain I put it there. I thought.

I shot a quick scan around my surroundings to see if it has dropped near me, or anywhere that it had moved, but there was no trace at all in my view.

Oh well, I guess I have to go on in my shirt again.

Pikachu climbs up my whole body and on to my shoulder blade than I soon walked with my friends, heading towards the exit gym door. So now, we have to wait if I have made it to the team or not. i hope i do.

I stepped out first with my friends behind as we go out. However, I step on something which made me slip a little but manage to hang in balance even pikachu did too. I looked down to see my jacket and cap on floor, which made me confused completely.

"Why is my jacket doing here?" I questioned. Picking it up in both my hands and stared at it for a second.

"pika" pikachu said, looking at it.

"Maybe fangirls want to smell you Ashy-boy" Gary laughed with other joining along with his joke.

"Thanks Gary" I responded in no emotions and put my jacket on wholly with my red baseball cap on my head. Covering raven spike hair and adjust the position right which I actually like it, suiting my character.

I looked at my friends and smiled but for some reason, there was a guy walking past us by giving a sharp frown at me then darted straight, walking away from my sight leaving me perplexed about what was all that.

My friends attended then concentrate on me; even they didn't know what that was about.

"What was that about?" Drew questioned, narrowing eyebrows.

"Don't know but why did he look at you, Ash?" Gary questioned looking at me for an answer.

"I don't know I didn't anything to him," I replied giving a shrug.

"Hmm, something not right" Alain spoke looking at the guy that just left before then at me which made the boys focus at him.

I stared at Alain to see his eyebrow was narrowed. I don't know what it was but I prefer to know what's going on.

"What do you mean" Gary spoke.

"Well, at first. Ash couldn't find his jacket in gym but right here, it was outside which was really strange and second is that guy looking at you and you didn't know what you did ash. But I got feeling, after we came out, have you notice that there's no students around us." he explained.

He was right. I looked around to see no one in our surrounding just the five of us well Paul has been quiet for some time now.

"Yeah your right," Gary said as his eyes scans around. "There isn't anybody around,"

While I was scanning around at lockers and hallway, I felt a strong vibe coming through my body as a bullet. I didn't know what this feeling was, but it was strong and heavy feeling, it felt as if someone was broken. However, there was one thing on my mind.


I didn't know what this was but my mind played that name over and over, but why did that name popped up first, I'm sure she is alright.

I ignored the thoughts in my head and looked at my friends.

"Let's go to lesson guys, or else were going to be late," I told, getting their attention.

They nod at me in response and walked down the hallway as we now head straight towards our lesson but still there was that strong feeling I could sense. What is it? why do I feel it like something is about to happen?


Me and my friends arrive at our lesson which was history withMr Ramos. Gary started the door first, grasp the handle and turns it. He swung It fully open as we entered in class. When we did, the entire classroom gave us aglare, not my friends but me. I didn't know why they acted like this or what I did wrong butsomething definitly was not right after we had our basketball game.

Mr Ramos told us to take a seat. Me and my friends went to our seats with students still giving me glare, facing directly at me as I walk to my place.

I sat down taking a seat next to Alain and Gary beside me. Paul and drew were sitting behind.

Pikachu leaped out from my shoulder and lands on table, sleeping peacefully on it like a cat curled up.

Students did one last glare and went straight at the boared, proceeding the lesson with Mr Ramos starting and writes notes on board.

"Hey Ash" Alain whispered not too loud for the teacher to hear and it caught my attention.

"Yeah" I muttered back and glanced at him then at board ahead, so I won't get into trouble.

"Wasn't it strange that we entered the class, and students gave a look at you? Something is not right after we came out from basketball," Alain explained.

"Yeah your right," Gary responded. "It's like we are living in a different world but not only that, they are giving Ashy-boy looks. But not us." he added, glancing at both of us as teacher proceeded on the class, not attracting our conversation.

Both Alain and Gary were right, something defiantly has been going on after we came out from our basketball. I need to find out what it is. But also, I wonder how Serena is doing; as a matter of fact she is not even here, not even the girls too.

"Hey guys were are the girls," I said.

Gary and Alain looked around the classroom surrounding finding them in each student from table after table. There was not even one girl from our group, which was really strange, have they gone out and where is Serena? I felt my worried was swelling, and a thought was ringing my body.

"Your right Ashy-boy, there are not here," Gary said.

"Maybe we should check later, right now let's carry on with the lesson and find out what's really been going on lately" Alain told as me and Gary gave a nod in union and focus on the lesson. But I have funny feeling that my day will be the worst day.


We ended our lesson with Mr Ramos, which was a piece of cake. Now, me and boys head out from our classroom and began searching around the whole school looking for our friends. Paul was with Drew going to each class while me, Pikachu, Gary and Alain head outside and down the corridor.

We tried scanning around each places with students walking past us but there was no trace of them, not even Serena too. Hope she's all right.

As we continued walking down hallway, I spotted a girl with a red hear and green suit walking towards her classroom.

"Hey Marian" Alain called and ran to her as me and Gary catching up behind.

The girl whirled around and faced at Alain coming towards her, a blush formed across her cheeks which I noticed right away and know full well that she has crush on Alain.

"H-hey Alain" she stammered as Alain arrives in front of her, stopping his tracks.

"Marian, have you seen some girls anywhere?" he questioned to her.

Marian was curiuos of why he mentioned that. I think she was jealous over a fact that Alain was saying about our friends. I stepped in and addressed.

"We looking for our friends." I remarked. "Have you seen Misty, May, Dawn, Iris and Serena too," I added with a nervous sound of naming Serena.

Marian's face softened "oh them, well I have seen them down the hall at first-"

"You have" I interrupted from her speaking, which I shouldn't have acted.

"Pika" doing same with Ash.

She nods "yeah, I saw them exiting the school," she pointed at the door across hallway which leads to playground.

"But I think they were hurrying for something, i don't know. Also i did see that blond girl with a pink dress running outside the corridor, it look she was crying" she added.

A Blond hair girl wearing pink dress. Wait, did she mean Serena and why was she crying. I thought. I didn't know what but something was not right and who make Serena cry. I had to find her.

I glanced at Gary and Alain and declared "guys let's go find them."

I was about to sprint with Pikachu set on my shoulder but Gary interupts, stopping me from running.

"Whoa Asy-boy not now, we have to go to our lesson first we don't want to get detention first do we. We'll come back for them later."

"But Gary" I said, staying in a same position looking at him.

"Ash, he's right." Alain spoke.

"Huh" I respond and squinted at him. puzzled.

"Look, I'm certain they will come, even Serena. We'll see them in class, maybe will meet them there," he told.

I stared at him for a while then looked straight at ground with my cap shadowing but hiding my whole tanned face. Thinking about who could've caused Serena to cry after we had our basketball match.

I looked up, meeting Alain's face and smiled. "Yeh, you're right" is said with a nod.

The boys nod back at me for my approval and travelled straight to our next lesson. But one thing remained on my thought. Serena... where are you.

We continued walking down near an ict classroom. When suddenly, a door crept slowly swung opened getting our attention as we carried on walking until somebody appeared out.

I looked closely to know who it was but then I recognized who it was. However, what actually hit me surprised was a bruise mark on his face with blood from his mouth, I didn't know what happened to him but something didn't add up pieces. First, we heard Serena crying and now seeing my friend bleeding.

Alain and Gary gave a skeptical look as I spoke out my friends name in distance.


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