By Hamstuffyay

187K 5.3K 14.7K

Another lams college AU. Competed. There are actually only 40 chapters More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 not chapter 3 let me change the title stupid wattpad
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Happy new year
Chapter 9
I messed up
Chapter 10
Woah 200
One last time
So sorry
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 bitches
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 16( suprise bitch i'm back from the dead)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Holy schanoodls
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
I am the eternal disaster
Untitled Part 38
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Thank you, i'm sorry, i'm alive... kinda.
GUESS WHAT I SAW + yay camp
I got tagged again
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty one
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Whole wheat bagels.
Chapter 37
Chapter thirtyeight
Chapter Thirtynine
What do you guys want?
Am i really in the wrong?
Chapter forty
Cover and tumblr
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Tapas.io and other stuff
Really important stuff seriously
Chapter 43 (The End)
Its over
Happy birthday ham man

Chapter 19

2.4K 104 543
By Hamstuffyay


James is ok! Poor alex. but james is ok! Laf and i went to his room we could go see sam after. Poor smol child. Laf and i walked in.

" thomas! laf!" James said happily then started coughing

" your ok" laf said and hugged him

James flinched

" james mon ami i am so sorry i was not thinking" laf said

" its fine i was just surprised" james coughed

" are you ok " i said worriedly

" i'm fine" james said " don't worry so much"

" um mon ami, you were just shot remember" Laf laughed

" yeah i gues" james laughed


I walked in to his room next to James's room. Followed by herc and alex, He was not awake yet. We all stood there in akward silence for around 5 more minuets. Sam started to stir.he sat up.

" sam!" Herc alex and i cheered

" hi" sam said" who are you people?"

We all gasped.

" you really don't know?" Asked herc

"I have no idea" sam said

Sam pointed to alex" but you seem annoying"

Alex looked a mix of hurt angry and about to burst out laughing

" well he is annoying most of the time you two fight a lot his name is alex. My name is Hercules but most people just call me herc" herc said" do you remember him?" Herc pointhged at me

" no you two seem a little familiar but who is he?" Said sam seeming confused

Alex and herc shared a look. I was sad and a little hurt.

" Sam, he's you roommate and boyfriend" said herc

" my what" sam seemed surprised

" you two are dating " repeated herc

"Good" said sam " he's cute"

I blushed

" i think we should go" herc said


Herc dragged me down the hall back to theo and Angelica's room. He pushed in dragging me behind him.

theo looked up from whatever conversation she was having with the other people in the room.

" what did he do?" She asked herc

" i did nothing i was just the unlucky victim" i said attempting to rip my arm out of his grip

" sam lost his memory it was best if we left " herc said finally dropping my wrist

I listened to what ever conversation was going on for a few minuets then my mind drifted to john. What if he forgot me when he woke up. What if he never woke up. What if he didn't even market ur through surgery. I couldn't sit in this'd hospital any longer. I stood up

" i need to go " was all i said and walked out

I heard a voice behind me

" where are you going?" Herc called down the hall

" just let him be" i heard peggy say.

I didn't stop or respond i didn't even look back. I just kept walking. I walked down the stairs past katie and out the door. I could feel stares flowing me everywhere i went but i didn't care. I didn't really know where i was i walked in to a little corner store or something walking in there there seemed to be a lot going on. There was a younger boy with another boy about the same age but taller leaning on him. One man about 19 or so with hi back turned to me making coffee and a girl about the same age as him leaning on the counter.1

" come on ease up on the kid hes only 14" said the girl

" 14 and already a slacker good luck" said the man making coffee" he's lucky i even hired him"

"We all know abuela forced you two" said the girl

" your not wrong there Vanessa" said the man

So thats her name. The man turned around i gasped.

" usnavi?" I said shocked

"Alex!" Vanessa and Usnavi heads turned

" who's alex" whispered the tall boy to who i assume was sonny. was the tall none pete?

" beats me" said sonny

" what are you doing here " asked usnavi

" i go to kings college, is this where you ended up after your family left all those years ago?" I asked

" yes i live here now, so do Vanessa and Abuela. Sonny and pete are over there" usnavi pointed to the two boys.

" sonny your so old now' i laughed" and so are you pete"

" who are you again?" Asked Sonny

" oh you might not remember i was one of your cousins best friends when we were young you were just a baby at the time" i laughed " i remember once in a letter Usnavi said you and pete climbed the fire escape and no one could find you gut for hours and you guys were like 3"

" what happened to your arm" asked pete

" thats a long story" i said

A man walked in

" yo usnavi" he called then stopped and looked around

" yo Vanessa why are there two Usnavi's?" Said the man

Vanessa laughed " benny this is alex usnavi and my old friend"

" he does look a little like usnavi now that u mention it" said sonny

" give my your hat usnavi" said Vanessa

" wh-" Usnavi started

" just do it usnavi" said Vanessa

" fine" usnavi handed her his hat

She stuck the hat on my head.

" he looks like a shorter usnavi " laughed pete

" so you said you were going to Kings college, what brings you over here?" Asked usnavi

"It's my friend hercs birthday and we were at a bar and some dude came in and shot 5 of my friends. Four of them have gotten out of surgery and 3 are going to be fine one has minor temporary memory loss and the only one who we have no news about is my best friend John and i just couldn't sit in that hospital any longer." I said

" well that sucks" benny said

Suddenly the door burst open.

" alex" eliza shouted running in.

She stopped ad looked around the same way benny did

" ok why are there two alex's a young Washington and a young john" said eliza

"That's benny that's Vanessa that's sonny leaning on him is pete and that is usnavi" up said pointing to each of them

" cool we gotta go" said eliza grabbing my hand

"Here you might want this" said Vanessa handing me my phone

" how did you-" i said

" magic but now u got our numbers bye" Vanessa shoved me and eliza out the door

" well that was interesting" said eliza

" no kidding"said alex

We walked back to the hospital. It was dark already. I guess it was when i left. I didn't notice but we were still holding hands the whole way. I never realized how far i had gone. We were almost back i could see the building.

" so why did you have to come get me how long was i gone what time i it was there news about john is john ok?" I asked

" well i had to come find you to make sure you were ok and there is news about John" eliza said

"What is it!" I said

" he's out of surgery they are not sure if or when he will wake up though they want everyone to write something to him as like a letter for when he does not wake up because they don't klnopw who will be there when he does wake up. " eliza said" no one is going to start until you get there"

" ok " i said walking through the door to the hospital

"That's good and bad news Burt at least he's alive for now and there seem to think he's goin g to wake up at some point right." I said

" yeah it's bittersweet i guess" responded eliza "everyone is in theo and Angelica's room but Thomas and lee they are with their boyfriends"

" ok" i said

We walked up the steps and down the hall to the room i had just run out of an hour or two before. We walked in and everyone stared at us.

" you found him" herc said

" clearly" eliza said

" where did you go " peggy asked

" I just went for a walk and ran in to some old friends I had not seen for like 13 years or maybe 12 years. " i said

" cool" said maria

"We have to write stuff now" said angelica

Everyone picked up a pen and some paper that someone had brought in earlier.

Dearest, laurens

Your why i write like i'm running out of time, write every night like i'm running out of time. I could not live without you. You are everything to me. You make me a better person with out you i'm just as useless as u used to be, you make me feel less useless.


Alex wrote five whole pages but i only caught the end before he put it in to an envelope. It said

Cold in my professions, warm in my friendships, I wish, my Dear Laurens, it might be in my power, by action rather than words, to convince you that I love you. I shall only tell you that 'till you bade us Adieu, I hardly knew the value you had taught my heart to set upon you. Indeed, my friend, it was not well done. You know the opinion I entertain of mankind, and how much it is my desire to preserve myself free from particular attachments, and to keep my happiness independent on the caprice of others. You should not have taken advantage of my sensibility to steal into my affections without my consent. But as you have done it and as we are generally indulgent to those we love, I shall not scruple to pardon the fraud you have committed, on condition that for my sake, if not for your own, you will always continue to merit the partiality, which you have so artfully instilled into me.


I'm not sure what to really think of that. Mine was like a page this is kind of sad.

(Time skip brought to you by the letters)



We were sitting in johns room he still had not woken up. Him and i stayed with him today everyone else's but the other people in the hospital went to class today. But alex was going to stay we all and we didnt think that it was a good idea for him to be alone. He had been mumbling tithings all day i don't know if they are to himself or john but i know they are not to me.

(Time skip brought to you by soreness from dance)



Herc forced me to go back to my dorm and sleep and stuff he promised that he and peggy would stay. They would call me if anything happened, i ghost no calls the entire day.

( time skip brought to you by eyeballs)



It's ben three days they are doubtful that he will wake up today, or ever. But we are remaking hopeful. I picked up Alexander we drove3 to the hospital we were going to stay with john Today. The car ride to the hospital was silent. We were met as soon as we walked in by a doctor. They knew who we were at this point.

" he's doing better he could wake up anytime " said the doctor

Alex smiled. That's the first time ive seen him smile in days.

" but if he does not in the next few days he many never wake up " said the doctor

Alex's smile dropped. He took my hand and we walked up the steps. I feel bad for him i know how much he loves john, if only he knew how much i loved him.

We continued to the steps. We stopped in front of the door.

" you sure you want to come today" i asked and squeezed his hand

" yes i am" he said

He opened the door we were standing in the doorway john was not awake yet. There was one last thing i hand to do before john woke up.

I leaned over and kissed alex. And he didn't say no. This went on for a few seconds until we were interrupted.

" alex?" Johns voice said weakly

A/n woah 1.1k love u guys


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