Juliet and the Doctor (Doctor...

By WriterChick101

100K 3.8K 690

"Doctor, Doctor, please come help me!" Who knew that this was what started it all, that caused the Doctor to... More

Juliet and the Doctor (Doctor Who Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29 *EDITED*
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Note to Readers

Chapter 28

1.4K 73 18
By WriterChick101

I decided to update, cause well, I wanted to! (and cause you guys are all awesome!) :D Make sure to read below (VERY important)! Also, this chapter is dedicated to my friend @girlwriter44! Can you guys please do me a favor and check her stories out? Thanks! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Hopefully the next one will be better! The faster you guys vote and tell me what you guys want for the next chapter, the faster I update (I won't even ask for a specific number anymore). So enjoy and make sure to tell me below what you guys want to see in the next chapter! Read below and Enjoy! :D

The Doctor's POV

After sending Juliet off to bed, I sit down on the chair next to the TARDIS's console. My head feels like it is spinning in several directions. I had almost lost Juliet, if she had not been as strong as she was, who knows where she would be now.

I hear the familiar noise of the pitter patter of the someone walking up the staircase, as Jack walks up into his room. Finally, after a few minutes, I stand up as I walk up the steps and through the long hallways. Not stopping till I come to my door, pulling it open, I sit on my bed. Then I lay down, the last thing I see is the stars that shined on my ceiling.

Juliet's POV

My eyes flutter open, as everything begins to come into the focus. Rubbing my eyes, I yawn, and pull myself out of my bed. Strangely enough, I had no dreams. Scratching my head, I walk over to my mirror as I brush out my bed hair. Looking into the mirror, what I see shocks me.

The girl looking back at me has long wavy brown hair which flows down to her waist. Her eyes are a startling blue with pale skin. What shocks me is that she looks older, as if she is eighteen, instead of fifteen which she was just before she went to bed. So much had changed, she looked like a fully grown woman. She was now at least 5'6 as a smile forms on her face as she finishes brushing her hair and puts it into a braid.

When my hair is done, I walk into my closet. Getting a pair of blue jeans, red blouse, and a tan trench coat with a pair of matching, red, high top converse. Once I am changed, I walk into my room. Where I put on a gold chain necklace with nothing else, simple. Then I walk out of my room and out into the long hallway.

Walking, I hear sounds from one of the rooms. Turning towards it, I see a door with the name 'Jack' on it. The sound is unclear, but the door bursts open, as Jack walks out. His hair is a mess, but looks fine. While he is wearing a pair of khaki's, suspenders, navy shirt, and a trench coat. Upon seeing me, he looks shocked, not being able to recognize me. "Jewels?" He asks, I smile and nod, "Yep." I tell him, dropping the 'p.' Jack chuckles as he just shakes his head as he puts his hand in my own, in a friendly manner, as we both make our way to the control room.

The Doctor's POV

Standing next to console, I play with one of the buttons. I had not been able to sleep well last night, Juliet was on my mind. Laughter suddenly echoes through the TARDIS and floods into the console room, bringing me out of my thoughts. Turning, I see Jack walk in, hand in hand in a friendly manner, with an unfamiliar girl. She looks to be eighteen with long, wavy brown hair to her waist. Her eyes are piercing blue with pale skin, while she wore a trench coat over jeans, blouse, and some converse.

She is laughing with Jack, as if they are best friends, "Jack? Who's your friend?" I ask him. Their laughter ceases as the girl looks to me, then to Jack, and they both laugh together again. They both are still holding hands as they both walk down the steps. The girl is about 5'6 as she sits down on the couch, turning to Jack, he sits down next to her.

Realization hits me as I realize who it is, it's Juliet. She just went through a major growth spurt and now looks like a grown women. "Juliet?" I ask out loud, she smiles as she stands up and gives me a hug. Pulling away, she wears a big smile as I give her a kiss on her forehead, like I always did. Smiling, a red tint forms on her pale cheeks as she looks up at me with her pupils. A smile forms on my face as she rejoins Jack on the seat.

"So the question remains, where would you guys like to go next?" I ask them. They both look to each other, "I don't know, where would like to go Jewels?" Jack asks her. A light pink tint forms on her cheeks as he puts his hand back in her's as she looks to be thinking. Then her face lights up with realization as she turns to me.

So, what did you guys think!? Okay, so sense nobody posted then tell me out of these three (suggested by three readers of this) which one would you like to see next?

Vashta Narada or Living Plastic or Slitheen

Just tell me in the comments which of them you would like to see! I will now post when I can :), but please tell me which one you guys would like to see! Whichever gets the most votes will be added to the story and the fan who made it up will get a dedication! Only one vote per person! Good luck and May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor! Love y'all- WriterChick101

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