Sugar Cakes (A George Shelley...

By theRgirl

45.8K 1.3K 340

Only in the movies does your best friend evolve into your lover. However, my life took a weird twist and that... More

Sugar Cakes (A George Shelley Fanfiction)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 - Epilogue

Chapter 25

1.1K 44 25
By theRgirl

For all my readers who have inquired about Amanda.

Amanda's character is based off a person I know in real life. She is actually a bully whom I've been dealing with for a few years now. She is extremely pretty, blonde hair, blue eyes, thin. Basically, the full package. Anyway, this heartbreak story is kind of due to my feelings at the moment. I had a huge crush on a guy at school and one day when I just walked up with him to have a conversation like we normally do, he called me ugly and disgusting in front of the whole school. It didn't really help since I already had body image issues.

But it's alright, I'm not trying to let any of you pity me. I would have never mentioned this, I only did because some of you were asking for an explanation.

I love you all. Xxx

I was taken aback by Josh's sudden act of affection, but for some reason......I didn't mind it. It felt nice actually, he was giving me what I was missing from George lately, love. He was treating me like a princess, something George hasn't done in a whole week. He was doing everything I wanted George to do, he was filling the gap that was pulled away by George, my boyfriend.

Guilt instantly washed upon me and I pulled away gently and whispered as I looked at my hands and scooted away from Josh, "I'm sorry, I can't Josh. You're a sweet guy but George is my boyfriend."

"He isn't treating you right! He's hurting you and you know it!" Josh exclaimed angrily, trying to lower his voice as his hand tried to grasp mine.

"I can't cheat on him." I whispered and moved my hand away. I didn't know what to do, Josh was right. George wasn't treating me correctly recently and it was only causing me pain.

"But that is what he's doing to you." He said and then his hand quickly flew to his mouth and his features changed immediately. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't want you to suffer any more." He whispered apologetically.

(A/N: I know George would never do something as vile and vulgar as that, it's only for the story :) )

My eyes instantly brimmed with tears as they went wider at this new piece of information. I wrapped my arms around Josh and cried, this couldn't be happening.

"I'm so sorry you had to learn this way." He said, running his fingers through my hair and kissing my forehead. I cried for a while into his arms and pulled my phone out once I and calmed down a bit.

'Meet me in front of Sugar Cakes in half an hour.' I texted George bluntly and stood up. I sighed and quickly but softly kissed Josh's lips and whispered, "thank you...for everything." I speed walked out of the ice cream parlor before the boy could utter another word.

I sat in my car, driving around for the next half hour as I cried, thinking of how George had been cheating on me the whole time. Has it been going on only this week? For the past year while he was gone? I didn't know the answer to any of those questions.

Half an hour later, I was stood in front of Sugar Cakes, George standing in front of me nervously. He wasn't sure if I was on to him, I could tell. I knew this boy so well, I loved him. But it was obviously a one sided love.

"How can you cheat on me?" I asked shakily and bit my lip. His eyes widened and he looked at me guiltily. I did something I would have never imagined I would do to George. I slapped him.


It was quite short, I'm aware, but I promise the next one is 3 pages long. This one is just to add to the suspense ;)

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