Twisted I Am

By Crazy-house

11.5K 542 56

Winter is not normal like the other kids. Winter doesn't like to be touched. Winter finds pleasure in things... More



334 16 3
By Crazy-house



I could feel eyes on me every time I passed a group of guys. They either knew about me from Lion or are weary of Smoky. Doesn't matter to me as long as they stayed back. When I reached the light cream house with a half necked woman out front I knew I was here. She was the same girl I saw when they dragged me inside. Different outfit and a little older but it was her. Lions favorite girl.

That Bitch better watch her back.

I made my way past his gate ignoring the guards as they followed me. I made eye contact with the girl. She stood straight with a hand on her thin hip. Her face turned from seductive to twisted in a second. That day I got away I might have shot her hand that was holding a door closed. She tried to keep me inside. She's lucky I didn't kill her.

She flipped me off showing the beautiful hand scar I left her. I blew her a kiss as Smoky growled. I tightened my hold on her leash and kept walking. A shadow fell over me until light welcomed me as I entered the house most of the guys in here were not a threat. But then again he could have made some changes.

"Wait here." The guy was the topical lower level drug dealer.

I gave him a bored look but didn't move. I bent down and patted Smoky as I waited for Lion. I wasn't really that surprised that they didn't check me for weapons. If push came to shove only Lion had to get out.

"Is that who I think it is?"

I stood up at Lions voice. When I faced him he was wearing a curious smile. He still looked the same from head to toe. He was good looking with a nice built body. He got women and men in his bed left and right. One of his followers tried to whisper but failed. "It's the one we thought was a chick."

I kept my mouth in check and smiled at Lion. "I would really like your cooperation."

Lion tilted his head at me never losing his smile. "Really? Is that way you brought your dog?"

I smiled down at Smoky as she stood by my side. "Just a bit of training for her. Can we talk alone?"

He made a hand motion and started for another door. I followed keeping my guard up. The house was beautiful no doubt but way too flashy. I'm sure this isn't where he keeps all his goods. That would be just dumb. The brown doors closed behind me once I entered the room. It was a study. Lion took the seat behind the desk resting in the middle of the room. I sat on the couch not far wanting to keep him in my sight.

"You want to know who the new murderer is?" His face was smug.


"I don't know that information. I thought you would."

I felt Smoky lay by my legs as I kept my eyes on Lion. "Now why would little old me know that?" It was hard not to get sassy.

"The same reason you're asking about it."

I rolled my eyes at him. "You're playing with me."

Lion leaned forward a little with a smirk. "You'd know if I was playing with that body."

I frowned at him in disgust. "What do you know about Dean. The son of-"

"I know who he is." Lion turned to his desk top. "Other than you keep him for information, he's a shadow kinda kid."

I bit my lip wondering what he was talking about. "Dean? I spent time with him for years."

Lion kept his eyes on his monitor. "He's spent time with you too hasn't he."

He had a point, Dean didn't know who I really was. But I'm sure I would've found something odd. He has been acting weird lately. Then again he's always been a bit off. "I have someone I want you too meet. They'll be here tomorrow night. Will you be free?"

I could here the interest in his voice. "What's this all about?"

He never stopped typing as he smiled showing his perfect teeth. "I've just been talking about the one that got away. It caught someone's ear."

I frowned and looked at Smoky. "This another trap?"

A deep laugh broke out from Lion as he finally looked at me. "The first time wasn't a trap. My guys just happened to snatch the wrong person."

I didn't answer him and instead got back on track. "What did you find?"

"Well I got some camera footage that I'm sure you're dying to see. It seemed to have been erased, smart bastard, but I'm smarter."

I stood up to see the screen but Lion stopped me. "What?"

"Will you come tomorrow night?"

I frowned and crossed my arms. "You won't let me see it until I do. Right?"

Lions smirk told me I was right. "It'll be vary interesting."

I huffed and started to glare. A low growl started from Smoky getting Lions attention. He opened his desk draw slowly and pulled out a gun. After he sat it on his desk his eyes met mine. "Wouldn't want her to get hurt. Keep that damn thing on a tight leash Winter." All the teasing was gone from his voice.

I glared harder at his threat. My phone went off signaling a message. I ignored Lion and I took it out.

K-I'll be home soon. Dress casual.

I forced my smile to stay down and put my phone up. "Fine, I'll be back tomorrow​ night."

Lion smiled brightly and nodded. I led Smoky back to the door. She growled at Lion until he was out of her sight. I was lead out out the same way I was let in. Not spearing another glace back I started back to my house. I should leave Smoky out back if I'm gone long. Wouldn't want another accident to happen. Her barking caught my attention. I looked around me but couldn't see anyone.

Who the fuck is watching me? I could feel it on the back of my neck. My hairs stood on end. I could tell it was somebody close and Smoky could smell it. I kept my face straight and kept walking. Smoky panted as she moved beside me. I made sure to stay away from dead ends and dark corners. I kept my ears open and eyes looking around. It didn't work out that well since I felt my arm get snatched. I could only watch as someone else grabbed Smoky as she turned to me. I looked back to see who it was but could only see a masked figure. I frowned hearing Smoky bark in panic.

"Are you serious?" I said lowly getting dragged more into a dark corner. The figure ignored me but I could feel the gun on my side. I was calm, but deadly calm. They took my dog. They took my Smoky. I raised my arm and grabbed his stopping our movements. It was quiet as we stood in silence. I could hear Smoky bark in pain and I snapped. Lifting my leg quickly I connected it with his gut. He doubled over and I connected my knee with his face. He changed direction and fell back letting his gun go.

I quickly picked it up and put two bullets in his chest. I didn't spare him a second look as I headed to the sound of Smoky. When I found them in the next ally she was putting up a fight. She had her jaws wrapped around his arm. I smiled proudly lifting the gun and firing a shot hitting my mark in the head. The sound scared Smoky making her let the dead body go. I called her back to me and calmed her down. She was whimpering and trying to lick me.

"Come on Smoky, I gotta go throw this in the river." I told we slowly grabbing her leash. 

A sigh escaped me as I saw people coming out of their homes. I turned the other way and started running with Smoky. When we reached the end it was all cleared of people. I kept running knowing I'll have to go the Lion tomorrow. I'll have to see if he can erase any cameras that might have caught me or Smoky.

"Fuck!" I yelled scaring Smoky. I calmed down and felt my phone ring. "Yeah."

I could hear Lion snicker on the other end. "Are they dead?"

I sneered at no one as I slowed to a walk. "You. What the hell was that?"

"Just wanted to see if you still had it in you."

I clenched my jaw. "How did you get my number?"

He only laughed before hanging up. I held back from throwing my phone. I put it back up and sighed in relief that the water was closer. I cleaned the gun off on my shirt before tossing it. Thank goodness I didn't have to use Kevin gun. I turned around and made sure no one saw me. I felt heated but kept it off my face. Once I started my way home I could feel my face was red. The nerve that asshole had to try that. He knew what I would do. He knew his men would die. What the hell dose he have planed now? Who the hell am I meeting? This better not be a set up.

I got a message on my phone from Kevin. I cursed Lion out again.

K-where are you?

I sped up and made it back home 10 minutes later. After I put Smoky out back and the gun under the sink I went to Kevin's house. After knocking I took a deep breath. I was still pissed but didn't want to take it out on him.

The door opened and Kevin looked slightly upset. "Where were you? You wasn't home."

I smiled and shrugged. "I was walking Smoky. Last minute thought, sorry."

He took my answer and nodded. "Are you ready?"

I nodded and watched him lock up. We walked to his car and I kept my mind from wondering. Damn Lion for making me distracted. "Are you ok?" Kevin asked once we was sitting and buckled up.

I nodded and sent him a convincing smile. He only gave me that "look" again. The one that said 'yeah right'. I just turned and looked out the window. When he knew I wouldn't speak up he started the car. I sighed relived. If he kept pressuring me then I was sure to tell him. 

"Where are we going?" I asked after a while to driving.

"I changed things around last minute."

I looked at him with a frown. He kept his eyes straight. "That doesn't answer my question."

He shrugged making me huff. "Don't care." 

I leaned back in my seat more and closed my eyes. They hurt from all my thinking. It was still on my mind even when I wanted to push it back. Not just one thing but everything. From who is this killer to will Smoky be fine without me? It was pissing me off. So much that I didn't even feel when we stopped.

When I did open my eyes I looked at Kevin confused. "Why didn't you tell me we are here?"

He glanced at me before unlocking the door. "I thought you was sleep. You look tired. Come on."

I frowned and got out with him. My shoes landed on grass grass making my brows rise. I looked around and saw we was in a park. Trees all around us with the sun shining down. My mouth fell open when I spotted a picnic basket on a blanket.

I looked at Kevin quickly seeing him already looking at me. My face got hot letting me know I was blushing. His eyes bore into me making my body shiver. "Do you like it?"

I could only nod and watch him make his way to my side. He took my hand slowly and pulled me the rest of the way out the door. After closing it he lead the way to the blanket. My heart was beating so fast it hurt. I could feel my eyes burn but pushed it aside.

What's happening?

I don't know this feeling.

It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts.


I looked up at Kevin seeing him smiling at me. My knees felt weak and my breath escaped me. He was beautiful.

It hurts.



It...feels wonderful. Fuck.

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