The Art of Fake Dating // h.s.

By MandyVera

132K 2.3K 651

"Time is ticking, and time stops for no one." In the world of fame, trying to save someone who has the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 - Finale Pt.1
Finale Pt. 2
Final Note

Chapter 19

4K 90 29
By MandyVera

"Can I just have one decent meal with my girlfriend without all you parasites capturing my every move?" Harry yelled at the paparazzi, flicking them off as we sat at our table outside the restaurant. Ironically, it was the same restaurant we had our last episode in where Harry was acting like a total jerk once again. Difference this time is I'm actually in on the plan.

"But Mr. Styles, I just have-"

"Beat it, asshole!" Harry yelled at the pap, who put his hands up in a surrender position and walked away. I gave Harry a stern look, placing my hand on top of his.

"Harry, was that really necessary? That one seemed relatively nice. He actually called you Mr. Styles." I reprimanded, but gave him a slight smirk. He chuckled, then lifted my hand towards his mouth and planted a gentle kiss on it.

"I just want a nice lunch out with you. We're always at your apartment, I don't want you to feel trapped there. I want you to feel free to walk out here in public with me without feeling like you're about to get trampled by a stampede of zoo animals." He said softly, grabbing both of my hands in his and giving it a squeeze.

"Zoo animals? Now isn't that a little derogatory, Harry?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He shrugged nonchalantly in reply. He let go of my hands and we both grabbed our menus pretending to scan them for whatever entree we desired. After a few seconds, I noticed the guy who had been standing uncomfortably close to us near the sidewalk, walk away while stuffing a small notepad in his coat.

"Do you think he got that?" Harry whispered, leaning over the table as he looked up at me. I looked back at the guy retreating to his vehicle, following him with my eyes until he was inside.

"Well considering he wrote something down before he walked away, I would say yes." I told him, giving him a big smile. We had sat in the apartment the past two weeks, scheming up different scenarios that we knew would get back to management. We thought at first that it would be easier to come up with scenarios and just reenact them in public, but after realizing how difficult that would be as well as what a terrible actor Harry is, we decided against it. Instead we came to the conclusion that whenever we're out in public, Harry would just be a total jerk and I would be the dutiful girlfriend who scolds him on his ways; which so far seems to be working.

"We're a good team, Lawson." He commented.

"Ditto, Styles." I replied, sending him a flirtatious wink. Unfortunately, it did not have the intended effect since he burst into fits of laughter the following second.

"My goodness, you can not wink to save your life." He said, still choking on fits of laughter. I furrowed my eyebrows and pouted my lips, slumping back into my chair.

"You're mean." I pouted, crossing my arms and glaring at him.

"And you're too cute." He told me, sending me a proper wink before looking back down at his menu. I sighed and figured it was time that I gave mine an actual look as well.


"Harry, come here! Our little stunt from yesterday made the gossip sites already." I called out, hearing the pads of his footsteps across the apartment floor. It was nighttime, and Harry had been busy watching some movie on TV while I kept on lookout for any news on the popstar himself.

"What does it say?" He asked, coming to stand right behind me as he leaned slightly on my chair with an arm extended and resting on the desk in front of me. I took a sip of my coffee and scrolled down the page a little.

"Let's see. Do you want me to read it aloud?" I asked, looking up at him. He nodded, but his eyes were trained on the page. "Alright well it says,

Teen popstar, Harry Styles, and his girlfriend, Christina Lawson, were spotted outside of a local restaurant seeming to have a quiet lunch. Well, it was all quiet until the paparazzi seemed to be too many for Styles to stand. He blew up at the paps, calling them a few unrepeatable words, while girlfriend, Lawson, seemed to actually be scolding him on his behavior. An eyewitness from moments later stated that he was quite a gentleman to her after the paparazzi left the scene, and not the same Harry that was displayed to the paparazzi. Could it be that his girlfriend is the key to getting him back on track? Or do you think Styles is past the point of no return? Leave your comments below and don't forget to check out the video of Harry Styles' behavior towards the paparazzi. Link below.

"They actually caught a video of that?" he asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

I gaped at him. "Hey! That was my coffee, get your own." I pouted, grabbing the mug out of his hand and then took a sip out of it, as if to prove a point.

"You kiss me, it's the same thing technically." He stated like the smartass he is while giving me that infamous smirk.

"Well then, I guess you won't be getting a kiss for the rest of the night since you already got one from my coffee cup." I huffed and refocused my attention on the computer screen, switching tabs to log into my twitter.

"You wouldn't." He said, his voice serious, but I just kept my attention on my computer screen, purposefully avoiding him.

"Aye Chrissy L." I muttered to myself, typing in my twitter username. "Password. Well I don't want to say that one aloud." I mumbled, typing in the login stuff for my twitter. I knew Harry was listening to every word I said.

"I still don't understand your username. @AyeChrissyL ? What kind of username is that?" He pondered, reading my twitter from over my shoulder.

"What kind of username is @Harry_Styles?" I retorted, knowing it was the lamest comeback ever.

"A normal one, babe." He responded, bending down to place a kiss on my cheek. I rolled my eyes, and focused back on my screen, trying to read my timeline. I followed a few of the band's fans but mainly just people that I knew from high school, and of course the boys and Justin. I had to double think about following the people I knew from high school. I felt so distant from them now, as if I was living in a different world with different people ever since I started seeing, or rather "seeing" since at the time it was fake, Harry. Plus, I'm graduating next month and it was a high probability that I would never see a majority of these people again, which included Olivia. I don't know what went wrong. How did I not see her deceiving ways? Was I that desperate for a friend that I was blind to it all?

"You said you weren't going to give me a kiss, you never said anything about the silent treatment." He told me, lifting his weight from off my chair. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned around and faced him, meeting a sight of him standing with his arms cross giving me the cutest pout.

"Puppy dog eyes don't work on me, Styles." I told him. He shrugged his shoulders and uncrossed his arms.

"It was worth a shot." He muttered and walked over to me. He balanced his weight on the armrests of my chair and leaned over me, some curls lightly brushing my forehead.

"So you really plan to go through with this? You know you can't resist me." He smirked, his green eyes focusing on my own brown ones. I quirked an eyebrow as I arched myself higher towards him, our noses now touching.

"Oh, is that so?" I replied, amused. I watched his eyes dance back and forth between my eyes and my lips. He knew I was teasing him, and I could see the internal battle he was having, between playing up the teasing and just caving in himself.

"Mhm..." He responded, licking his lips. I brought my face closer to his, our lips almost touching now, and looked him straight in the eyes, seeing the desire that filled him.

"I think you're the one who can't resist me, Harry." I winked, correctly this time, as I spun around in my computer chair and walked off, while Harry tried to catch his balance.

"You little tease!" he called after me. I laughed as I made my way to the kitchen, serving myself a bowl of cereal. I didn't care that it was nighttime, it's never too late for cereal.

"You started it." I called to him, and saw a tall, dark shadow make its way towards me. He made his way into the light of the kitchen and stood across the counter from me.

"So I don't even get a goodnight kiss?" He asked, tilting his head to the side a bit.

"You're not going to give up are you?" I asked, knowing that it was the truth. He just smirked in response, and walked over to me, lightly grabbing my hips.

"I think that you and I both know that when I want something, I don't give up on it." He told me, giving my hips a little squeeze. I thought back to our conversation from two weeks ago, when we were thinking up the plan on how we were going to be able to stay together. He seemed so determined to put on this jerk act of his if it meant that we could be together in peace for a little while longer. He knew that it would taint his reputation even more, but he would do it for me in the hopes that we could have our little moments like these without worrying that someone is right outside the window trying to capture a picture and spread it to the world the next day.

"You're right. I do know that." I replied, leaning up and giving him a soft kiss, one that reflected my inner emotions; the ones that realized how much he's willing to put on the line for me.

"You caved." He muttered against my lips. I rolled my eyes and smacked his shoulder.

"Just kiss me, you fool." I begged, wanting to feel him kiss me back. Now I was the one who was craving him, his touch, just the way he knew how to make my heart flutter, and not have any other care in the world besides him. He pulled away slightly, a hand still on my waist, and moved his other hand to the back of my head where he ran his fingers through the curly strands.

"Only if you stay with me tonight. I'm tired of sleeping alone."


Hey sorry, I know it was just kind of a filter chapter. I'm just trying to decide how to lead up to the big part of the story or if I should just jump right into it. Anyways, vote please? It means a lot to me, thank you for those who read this it means a lot :)

and comment!! I love comments ;)

If you haven't already, check out my other story Reign? This all means a lot, thank you loves .xx


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