The Emperor's Strange Wife ✔

By madaxrt

153K 6.9K 1.9K

Book 1 of the Empress Zima Series. Zima was just a nobody, who had no idea where her life was going when her... More

Extra Chapter - The Past
Extra Chapter - The Past
Sequel: Home and Blood


6.5K 355 82
By madaxrt

Zima turned around and looked at her new purple kimono from the back.  It had a beautiful and fierce dragon stitched on the back. Zima was trying on her new outfit just in time to be leaving for her honeymoon.

"It's beautiful and you look amazing in it," said Shea in a low voice.

Zima blushed and turned her head, "oh stop it."

"No seriously," started Shea, "Aki might get a boner just by seeing you."

Zima automatically turned red, and got embarrassed, "SHEA DON'T SAY STUFF LIKE THAT!"

Shea giggled, "Why not, I mean he is your husband now so it okay."

"We have only been married for a few hours," Zima started to scratch her arm out of nervousness.

"So did you not see the way he looks at you at times, for god's sake he let you keep your last name, he's giving whatever you want. I have never seen him be so nice to any person." Shea put her hand on Zima's shoulder, "He is totally in love with you, so don't be scared about the honeymoon." Shea gave her a friendly smiling, making Zima feel more relaxed.

"Hmm, I don't know what to think I'm just worried about..... you know....sleeping together," Zima looked down at the floor biting her lip.

"Sex? He won't hurt you, I think he's a virgin so it might be his first time."

Zima's eyes widened, "Does he care that if I'm a virgin or not?"

Shea gave Zima a confused expression, "I'm not sure, why?"

Zima started to get nervous, she grabbed both of Shea's hand. "I'm not a virgin Shea, do you think he will be angry."

Shea started to laugh, "Hahaha your not a virgin who would have known,"

"SHEA, IM BEING SERIOUS!" Zima tightened her hands around Shea's.

"Ow!" Shea shouted moving her hands away from Zima's. "Shesh, I don't even think he will even care, as long as your honest with him."

Zima's face fell, and she slumped on the floor. "I remember when my father first found out I was not a virgin anymore, he beat and called he his prostitute daughter. He would not talk to me for weeks. My mother made me go to these religious ceremonies all the time and no one in the village would talk to me. I was the whore that had sex before marriage. The boy I thought I loved, I never saw him again that night."

Shea bent down towards Zima and grabbed her face, "Look at me, Lord Aki is not a monster. He understands pain and brutality more than anyone else. He might be scary but he would never hurt you, he would never call you degrading names, or make you go to ceremonies that you don't want to go to. He even let you have the choice to leave and not marry him if you wanted. Have you ever stared into Lord Aki's eyes?"

Zima nodded.

"When Lord Aki is ready he will tell the pain behind his eyes. Zima, you are no longer a slave to your village, you are a human being here." Shea wiped a tear away from Zima's face.

"You really mean that?" Asked Zima.

Shea smiled, "I really mean it."

Zima breathed out, she felt more relaxed. Aki wasn't her father, Aki was not like the men in her village.

Shea got up, "Know enough sad stuff your honeymoon is in a few minutes, your suppose to be happy!"

Zima smiled a real smile.

"Better," Shea bowed and left the room leaving Zima alone. Zima stood up and looked at her dress again, she flattened out the front and turned around and jumped when she saw it was Aki.

"Aki, oh my god you scared me," Zima said placing her hands on her sides.

He looked back at her emotionless, "I didn't mean to frighten you, are you ready to go?"

Zima looked around, "Yes... of course," she stuttered. Aki held out his arm, and Zima linked it with hers. As they both walked out the door, they walked down the hallway and went to the front door of the palace. Zima saw Shin, and Shea standing beside a carriage. Mystery ninjas stood both sides of the carriage and two men sat on horses. Zima smiled at Shin and Shea.

Aki led her to the carriage and a Shea opened the door for her helping her in. As Zima got in Shea gave her a thumbs ups and mouthed, "Have Fun." Zima could not reply back to her because Aki got into the carriage and closed the door. A curtain was covering the window on the carriage. It was a bit hot and stuffy, and the seats were wood. Zima glanced at Aki who was just staring ahead.

"Soo," Zima said trying to break the ice, "Where are we going."

"Its a beach in the south of the village, I think you will like it."

Zima glowed up, "I love beaches."

Aki just stared back at her and look away. He pushed the curtain to the side and hooked it, just looking out the window.

Zima frowned. 'Man it is hard to keep his attention on a conversation' Zima thought.

Zima leaned her head on Aki's shoulder and grabbed his hand. Aki at first seemed frightened by Zima's sudden movements.

"Oh sorry if you're not comfortab-"

"No, no its fine," Aki said cutting her off. Zima relaxed against Aki again and held Aki's hand. Aki's face was turning red, but Zima did not comment. She looked out the window with Aki. Already they seemed to be far away from the village they travel through farmland and saw animals such as horses, cows, and rice farms. Zima loved the scenery.

"You like it?" asked Aki.

Zima glanced at him, "I love it, everything in the countryside is beautiful." Aki did not reply and just continued to stare out the window. As the rode down Zima started to fall asleep, and did not look out the window the whole rest of the ride.

 . . . 

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