A Love Like Ours

By 50shadesofblues

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Previously titled Forever Mine, Marrying a Playboy Billionaire is now A Love Like Ours. Catch it on Kindle. J... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
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Chapter 1

18.5K 489 22
By 50shadesofblues

Chapter 1

Five years after.

"Oh my God, Aria! I can't believe you just did that!" exclaimed Cynthia as she hurried along, tittering on the edge of her high heels, after me.

I couldn't believe it either. It wasn't every day I told off my pompous bosses and got away with it. I must have caught them on a good day. The pedantic idiots actually listened to what I had to say. Unfortunately, the meeting hadn't all been a win for me. When I proposed that we lease out our excess land banks to commercial farmers rather than opt for development, I should have known the forerunner to this option was none other than Justin Kay.

Gorgeous, incorrigible, and unforgivably rich Justin Kay.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I hated even thinking of him. He was a blonde Greek god that belonged in ancient times. Not because of his attitude to life, but because of his aristocratic good looks. I mean, who even sported a David-like profile anymore. They just didn't make them in that mould any more. And with reason! There was only so much palpitations a female's heart could take. Any more, and it's a straight off cardiac arrest and off to meet your maker. Not that I had no haste in wanting to meet mine. There were a number of things I wanted to talk to him about. Not the least of it was one Justin Kay.

But that was not why I hated his guts. He had the temerity to be best buds with Dale Carmichael. The very same Dale Carmichael who dumped me five years ago for my dear cousin, Linda Shubeck. Now, his wife—Linda Shubeck Carmichael.

I guess it wasn't really Justin whom I hated at all. It was the Carmichaels. Them, I hated with a vengeance. And it was them that I had to see year in, year out at the various family get-together. And in a close-knit family, there were plenty of such events to attend. It took all I had to face them with a grimace that could barely pass muster as a smile, as was still the case the last time we had bumped into each other.

After five years, you'd think I would have gotten over Dale throwing me over for Linda, but as fate would have it, glorious Linda blossomed with each passing year, and dickhead Dale only got hotter. It didn't make sense that evil should be so blessed. What was wrong with the universe?

Let's face it. It all came down to the luck of the draw, and I really had drawn the short stick. Figuratively speaking, I did not purport any great height to boast off. But at five feet four, I was no shorty either. My growing pudginess did not help either. It was hard to grin and bear it, or more progressively, grin and mean it when I had a shape like mine to compare Linda with.

She was all slim, gorgeous silhouettes. And I was a pear-shaped, melon-assed all woman. In short, I was my mother-in-the-making.

But we can't all be blonde stunners. I believed Justin Kay had already cornered the rights on that market. Anything else would simply pale in comparison.

My own dark-brown hair and eyes to match didn't do much in casting me out of the ordinary either. But on good days, my thick, wavy hair stepped up in the face of dignity and did me proud. That, coupled with an astounding skill in makeup application, and hey presto, I had some convincing if self-delusional hope of not ending up looking like my mother in the coming years. Not that my mother was not amazing to look at. I was sure in her hay days, she'd been a stunner. Now, though, she stretched the limits of pudginess.

I shifted a hesitant hand down my own length, feeling my curves and bumps contorting the expensive line of my business suit to extremes, effectually redesigning the otherwise straight cut of my two-piece jacket and skirt suit. I narrowed my eye on Cyn, who invariably followed the drift of my hand with unseemly interest in her hazel gaze. Cynthia Waters, my assistant, while efficient in her work, was a scrawny fribble of a person and a humongous gossip to boot. I stopped my self-conscious appraisal of my person. There was no way I would allow her disparaging glance at my figure affect me or to let her make mountains of it on the grapevines. Not when I had actually taken measures to rectify the matter. This year would see a new me. No longer would I tumble down the spiral of despair, just thinking about my figure. Thinking of the clothes I could and couldn't fit into. Thinking of where to shop and where not to. Instead, I would do something about it. I had signed up with a fitness club. It would be the start of a new me. A great start to the New Year!

Now, if I could somehow contrive to ignore Justin Kay, his bright engaging baby-blue eyes, and his unbelievably rosy lips, and set about getting this deal over and done with.

"Cyn, you'll have to set up the appointment with Justin." I straightened my spine authoritatively and told her without preamble. I narrowed my gaze at her pointedly again, this time, meaning business.

"Thank you!" She squealed excitedly before staring off into space dreamily.

Yes, that was the reaction Justin produced in the opposite sex. The most eligible bachelor to walk the streets of Sydney. Not that he actually went about walking anywhere. Not when he had his selection of luxury cars to take him wherever he desired. His millions didn't hurt matters either, and to top things off, his dad passed on just a few months back, leaving him another pile of millions to wade through. It was bewildering really, but for some cosmic reason, shit like that kept happening to the rich. What was he now anyway? A freaking billionaire? Cosmos certainly thought so.

I drew a rueful breath as I watched Cyn walk dreamily off before I called after her bitchily in pretend disgust. "Snap out of it and get to work." Then, I marched off to do the same.

My office was my only accomplishment in that five years since Dale Carmichael dumping me—the point of my life I seemed to measure all things up against. Small, windowless, and stuffy, it represented more than my failed dreams. It was a shout-out-loud that my life had stalled ever since. Still, it was all I had. It not only ensured I had the means to butter my bread but that I had any bread at all. And if I wanted to retain this hold over my tiny office and all that bread, I more than needed this deal done.

I immediately set about resolutely dragging myself out my chair and set about getting the paperwork straight, ignoring an annoyingly persistent niggling at the back of my head as I did. The niggling thoughts of why I really wanted this deal done. Of why I had proposed this deal in the first place, knowing the reason had nothing at all to do with this office or my job or anything other than satisfying my conscience.

A reason I did my best to ignore through its persistent niggling did its best to hinder my progress. But through sheer determination alone, I managed to roll up my sleeves and dig in to get the deed done, so when Cyn finally called in to say the meeting had been arranged for that afternoon, I was ready and raring to go.

I paused only to grab a quick bite of a Mars Bar to boost my energy and to stop by the toilets to freshen up. There, the urge to splash some water on my face almost got to me. But I refrained in time and resorted instead to reapplying my lipstick with renewed determination, this time choosing a scarlet shade of red that surely stated I meant pure business. Narrowing my eyes, I glared at my profile reflected in the bathroom mirror. It was time to face the facts. I had made my bed, and now, I must lie in it. This project was my doing, so I would face my demons and see it through.

Nodding my head with renewed purpose, I stalked out of the bathroom and then later out of the building with all the determination of a hunter seeking its prey. Bold and masterful, I stepped out into the crisp and clear morning air, pausing only to take in a deep, appreciative breath and admire the Sydney harbour views, letting my eyes rest on the peaceful, deep blue waters of the bay before I turned to face the tall-skyscraper-lined road, still jammed pack with morning traffic, in search for the elusive taxi. Wynyard train station was a short walking distance away, but at this hour of peak traffic, there wasn't much chance of getting on board the train. It was a good, long walk to Justin's from where I exited the train anyway.

Moments later, and a transport altercations besides, and I was in a taxi, on my way down to the pier front—a boutique development of stylish office blocks that housed millionaires playing at making yet more of it. As far as I knew, the entire row here belonged to Justin. It was a good idea if you wanted to avoid traffic and if you practically lived off your own private yacht, anyway. But for me, traffic had been pure torture in getting here from the other end of town.

I paid the fare then got out of the taxi, taking in a deep breath to calm a sudden case of the nerves, only to have a waft of clean sea breeze tantalise my nostrils, provoking leisurely thoughts of a sunny day at a beach. Then, the breeze grew stronger and set about ruining the neatly combed dressing of my hair. I bit back a silent curse, knowing my one place of pride had abandoned me, and stormed into the place as if I owned it, only to come to a jerky halt at the sight of what lay in front of me. The office layout was state of the art modern and spacious with, for some stupid ass reason, spindly stairs that led up to the CEO's cabin.

"Damn, Cyn!" I cursed my assistant pointlessly as was my habit in confronting any obstacles, be it her fault or not. Before drawing in another deep breath, I turned to face the seemingly endless flight of terribly narrow stairs.

But the clock was ticking, and I really didn't want to dilly-dally in delaying this any longer, so I gritted my teeth and trudged up the stairs to face my nemesis although that would actually be a misnomer. To be completely honest, Justin Kay had only ever been kind to me. Kind with his warm regard whenever we met and certainly kind in acknowledging my existence at all.

But it was that very kindness that stung.

Quite possibly because I desired more than to have my existence acknowledges and because I simply desired. I was not going to apologize for that. I was a female. A female with needs. Hell, I was human, and with Justin Kay, that was all I needed to be. Gender didn't matter when it came to, obsessively if silently, adoring him. I doubted it mattered all that much to him either. The impossible man was more than overwhelmingly eligible to anyone, and the very worst of it was that he knew it.

"I'm here to see Justin," I finally huffed out, out of breath, to the scrawny looking receptionist perched precariously just beyond the steps. There was an OH&S issue here somewhere, one I wouldn't really mind exploiting, especially at the condescending smirk she shot my way.

"Your name?" she questioned pointedly.

"Aria. Aria Longbottom," I spat out, straight-faced. I had no choice. That really was my name.

"I'll let Mr Kay know you are here," she replied with an unprofessional smirk.

I gave her a dismissive nod that I just knew would irk and ambled over to the cushy corner. I was about to sit my ample arse on the red-velvet, soft surface of a lounge chair when the door beside me flew open.

"Aria!" exclaimed Justin as if he were more than excited to meet me. He came striding out of his office and, with nary a pause, had me wrapped up in arms in a warm hug.

A very decidedly warm embrace.

Hot even.

At least for me.

Justin Kay, born in Australia to an English father and an American mother, was blessed with all the charms and unqualified irresistibility that unique combination produced in abundance.

I was usually better prepared at dishing out the evasive manoeuvre, having encountered his exuberance many a time in the past before. But I blamed the endless bout of stairs I had so recently conquered for my more sluggish reactions. So, while I was mostly unsurprised to have him envelop me in a bear hug, I was still stunned to be there in his arms at all. And more so from all the delicious sensations invoked from his embrace. Sensations well remembered and decisively ignored. Usually.

At least, I tried.

Justin and I actually went back a long way—longer than the momentous moment five years ago, in any case. In fact, I think I piddled in his pool when I was five.

But it was definitely five years ago since I last stood this close to this man, ... any man. As I mentioned, my evasive maneuverers were usually good. Too good. I unwittingly took a deep, steadying breath, in a helpless effort to claw back from some of the lost dignity. As I didn't doubt, my usually firm posture had all but melted into his firm, hard, and generally muscular body. It was a sigh of pure rapture that I held back with some difficulty as my senses was engulfed by the exquisite smell of his scent. Delicious! But then, the super-rich could well afford to splash out on the very best.

I breathed hard, greedily taking in my fill until he pulled back from me abruptly.

"You alright?"

"Um, ... stairs," I said innocently, pointing to the evil behind me. It explained away my heavy breathing anyhow. I was not about to enlighten him on my fascination with his choice of fragrance.

"Come in." He hustled me in and shut the door behind himself. I moved to seat myself before his desk then deliberately busied myself with taking out the documents I had prepared and placing them before me. I needed a moment to regroup my senses and wear down the heat. But when I looked up next, I encountered the smooth, bronze surface of well-worked six pack abs.

"Wha? ..." I shot up startled, eyes to clash with his clear entrancing blues.

"You don't mind if I work out while we discuss this, do you?" Justin whispered softly, the innocuous innocence of his wide, blue eyes screaming pure danger as he drew forward, leaning in to invade my personal space.

"I don't understand," I muttered, staring with blatant rudeness at his lovely exposed chest.

"I missed my morning workout, and I just hate how that makes me feel. A little off, you know," he said, his hot gaze meeting mine.

I nodded my head as if I knew, when I clearly didn't and then blurted out stupidly, "I'm doing Zumba!"

I watched as a fascinating smile spread across his handsome features. "Are you?"

I nodded, but then, his smile dropped away, and with it, the strange entrancement that had captivated me.

"I know why you did this, and I want you to know that I am grateful," he said seriously.

"I don't know what you mean, ..." I started to say, but he cut me off.

"Don't you?" Justin stared down at me, his eyes entreating mine to speak the truth. I dropped my gaze and stared at my lap.

Justin looked earnestly down at me as he explained. "You overheard us. Dale and I were discussing my need for more land at my dad's funeral, and I saw you listening in. Then, your secretary calls mine a few months later to arrange a meeting to give me just that. I know you did this for me. I wanted to thank you." He stopped, waiting for me to raise my eyes to face the sudden intensity in his; then he continued. "But more importantly, I want to know why"


I gulped down the lump in my throat. He could not possibly know. But I wasn't sure; that gleam in his eye said otherwise. I had felt a certain level of guilt over the years over what transpired between us that night Dale dumped me, five years back, and this had been my way to appease it and settle a debt. A debt he didn't even know I owed him, and I would rather have it kept that way.

"Look, I don't have much time. Could we just get right to the deal, and I'll be out of your hair, and then, you can do your exercises or whatever else it is that you do," I said obstinately.

He laughed outright. I wasn't joking when I said he was a merry soul, although I wouldn't hedge my bets when I say that was not true mirth in his tone. "You are an obstinate cookie, but I have this suspicion that only you can appease, and I want this settled, once and for all." He paused, taking a deliberate breath before continuing in an accusing tone. "It was you, wasn't it? That night at the costume party?" He stood up and reached down for me, yanking my cringing form to my feet before him. His grip on my arms tightened painfully as his face tightened with uncharacteristic ruthlessness, and then, he demanded, "Tell me it was you!" His breathing grew in ragged accents. "You, whom I held naked in my arms. Writhing beneath my own thrusting body as I took you. And I took you several times. More importantly, I took your virginity," he accused outright, sending a wave of panic and something else shivering down to my toes.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," I finally got out, between heaving breaths. His words shook me more than I could tell.

"Well, then, I'll have to put this to a test the only way I can," he said, a determined glint coming into his eyes.

"Wha—" I was hauled to my feet and pulled into his arms before his lips came down, sealing over mine and drawing all rational thought processes to a halt. I could only do what I did before. I melted in his arms and returned him kiss for kiss and then matched him as his kisses grew heated and almost frantic.

I knew instantly when he realised his suspicions were true. His arms tightened almost painfully, and the ferocity of his embrace took on a new meaning. He was a serious mass of contradictions. Openly jovial and carefree on the surface, but with hidden wells of passion that, when tapped, sprang out of control into one mind-blowing orgasm after the other.

He lifted me up and spun me around to place me on his desk before he broke off the ravenous kiss and stared down at me in awe. But I didn't want the reality that would follow. No, I wanted the kisses that I had craved ever since that night I slept with him five years ago. I reached up and swept my fingers through the rich thickness of his overlong hair and gripped hard before I used it as an anchor to drag his lips back to mine. If all was about to get unravelled; I'd rather get my time's worth now before I was dismissed to oblivion.

I swept my lips over his and pushed my tongue to plunder his luscious depths. He tasted divine just as he had back then. But I never really had the chance to truly appreciate him then. I had been drunk of pain and hurting out of my mind and he, well, I guess he had been just plain drunk.

I could surprisingly recall the whole night as clearly as if it were yesterday. Dale had rejected me right outside Justin's apartment in the long private corridors that led up to his door, which vibrated with the thundering sounds of music blaring within. The party had already been swinging at full throttle, and we'd been late. I had been hurrying on before Dale tugged my hand to pull me to a halt. We'd been just a few steps from that door—just a few steps from the party within.

"What?" I'd asked hurriedly, for I hadn't wanted to be even later than we already were. Justin's parties were always a blast, and this one was a New Year's costume party. But Dale seemed insistent that we stopped for a while to discuss something he felt was important. It had been important. I'd tugged off my mask so I could pay better attention to what Dale had been saying. I hadn't been sure I was hearing it right. But then, what he said dawned. I was stunned to silence at first. Then just plain hurt. Wrecked with pure, unadulterated pain. Made more so knowing it had all been my fault. I had been the one to introduce Dale to my cousin. I should have known he would not have been able to resist her. No one ever could. But hearing what he had to say and then watching him walk away had torn my heart apart. I had mindlessly picked up the pieces and shifted the mask back into place, covering my pain ravaged face, and then, I had gone through that door and let myself into the biggest mistake of my life.

The most pleasurable mistake I had ever made.

One I had been longing for five years to repeat.

Justin's hands lifted to frame my face before he abruptly pulled us apart.

"We need to talk," he said through his passion-induced, pouty, red lips. There they were those delicious, red morsels I had so admired. I reluctantly raised my eyes to tear my attention away from more carnal pursuits and met his rapidly cooling, blue gaze.

I took one look at the stony expression that came over his features and knew I was done for.

"It was you," he said with dawning conviction. "The woman I slept with on New Year's Eve five years ago. I had thought it was you, but when I went to confront you the morning after, you snuck away like a thief in the night. You were blabbering about how sorry you were that you couldn't make it to my party. You freaking lied to me, and I had let it go, unsure as I had been to begin with. Now, you turn up trying to buy me off with this offer of land banks? What do you take me for?"

That was left unsaid. By the both of us.

Still, when he put it like that, it sounded really shitty of me. But it had been just sex all those years ago. He was hot, smashed, and available, and I had been in a sorry state of mind. It had only been natural that I jumped his bones. Besides, it had been he who made the first move. Justin Kay, who had walked up to me with his drunken swagger and said, "Hey, babe, you look hot. Let's have some sex."

At the time, it had seemed like a good idea, but after four rounds or so, I began to see reason. I couldn't have revealed who I was to him, and my mask had amazingly stayed put while I had all but performed a feat of gymnastics on the bed with him.

The thing was I had loved every minute of being with him. Walking away had been hard. But I still had the pain of Dale dumping me running fresh through my veins, so it wouldn't have been fair to Justin for him to know I had blatantly used him to drown my sorrows.

Now, I shook my head at him. My brain on hyper drive, trying to locate ideas on how to escape my current predicament. I finally opened my mouth to refute his claims. Dishonesty was the only way out as far as I could see.

"Don't bother!" he snapped at me, obviously getting an inkling over what I intended. He reached around me and tapped something then spoke in my ear, making me jump. "I'm off for the day, Kate. Please cancel my appointments," he spoke to his receptionist before straightening up to stare down at me.

I moved immediately to shove him away. It was way past time I left. Whatever he had on his mind couldn't be good for me.

But the man was built like a rock, and my hands on his hot naked skin appeared to have a mind of their own in moulding themselves over him, ... all over him. I found myself unwittingly drawing closer, my lips reaching forward of their own accord to press onto the wonderful expanse of pure hot man.

"Stop that," he muttered huskily in my ear. "Don't think ... you can ... distract me. Don't ... think you ... can get ... out of this so ... easily."

I lifted my head and opened my mouth to retort, but his lips swooped down to cover mine in an open-mouthed kiss that reduced me to a puddle of pure heat right there in his arms. Our lips met in more and yet more heat-inducing kisses. And they were affecting him as much as me if the tent in his pants were any indication.

I got instantly greedy for more.

I wrapped my arms about his broad shoulders and did my best to heft myself up high enough to have him support all of my weight in his strong arms. It was about then that disaster struck.

It was about then that his mother burst through the door.

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