Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I bit back on a sudden grin when Justin finally emerged from the room to join me for breakfast. His sullen face was priceless, a total contrast to his usual smug swagger.

"You know that doesn't count, don't you?" he began immediately to double back on his earlier declarations of extreme fondness, aka love. I narrowed my eyes at him in open threat.

But he was undeterred. "You know men tend to say things they don't necessarily mean during sex."

He did not want to go there.

"Anything to get into a gal's pants and all that."

Then again, maybe he did. If it were open warfare that he wanted, then bring it on!

"You're pushing damn close to losing this breakfast here," I murmured softly and tauntingly as I continued to peer up at him through narrowed eyes. His eyes fell to a feast that would satisfy the most discerning stomach. Something Justin's was far from. I heard his rumble of appreciation before he lifted a warm and loving gaze back at me.

I bit back the smirk that threatened to spread my cheeks wide, knowing he would not appreciate my laughing at him.

He sat down immediately to grab his fork and knife. The grilled Italian seasoned butcher's sausage gleamed invitingly up at him. He sunk his fork into one end and sliced off a chunk before spearing it and bringing the meat to his sensual lips. I watched those lips close over the fork and swiftly stuffed a chunk into my own to fob off an emerging moan.

I chewed slowly and contemplatively before I cocked my head at an angle to say, "So I suppose you want this back, huh?"

At his enquiring lift to his brow, I explained, "The ring."

I lifted my hand to wiggle my fingers at him.

"You said you lied. That you really didn't love me. That you only wanted, and I quote, to get into my pants, ... which I may add just meant that you wanted to borrow a pair. To which I would have said something like sure, but it won't fit you. Anyway, I digress. Here," I murmured, reaching out as if to pull off my ring.

His fork dropped onto the plate with a clatter before he rose and rounded the table in one fluid move. His hands closed over my shoulders like a manacle, and then, he was hauling me up onto my feet.

"I fucking love you, damn it! Don't you ever say anything like that again! You're marrying me," he spat out furiously, accompanying his words with a furious shake. I felt my teeth rattle even as my lips spread into a wide smile.

"Now, you say it," he stated firmly, breathing hard in his agitation, shaking me threateningly again.

I lifted my long, darken lashes to peer up at him wickedly, and then said, "Make me."

His lips reached down to close possessively onto mine in a kiss that was rough as it was emotional. I felt my throat clog with unshed sobs and my eyes water with unbidden tears. I clung to him hard. With all the love I felt for him. I bit back the urge to say those words.

I wouldn't and couldn't give in so easily.

The kiss was turning wild. Too deep, too quick. Justin must have realized we were snowballing straight back to bed. He jerked his head back and ripped us both apart. I stood there, trembling in the aftermath of our showdown.

"This is by no means over. Payback will be mine," Justin muttered out shortly. I nodded my head mutely. I didn't think it was the time to tell him that payback could never be his—not if he kept that up as his means. He really ought to pay more attention to me. If he did, he would know our little bouts of passion often left me speechless. Literally. I could never spew out my love for him in the throes of passion. But I suppose it wouldn't hurt to keep him trying.

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