Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I raked my hand through my already tousled hair and then proceeded to shut my mind to it and ignore it all. I had work to do, and now was as good a time as any to bury my head in it.

My first task at hand was to draft out a formal letter to Justin Kay, acknowledging his acceptance of my proposal—the property deal, not the marriage vows. No one actually proposed those vows anyway. It just sort of happened. Just like this property deal apparently.

I spent the rest of the morning tapping away at the keyboard like a lunatic. One would think I was some ingenious composer the way I had draped myself all over the keyboard. But a day away from the office left a pile of emails and correspondence to get through, and though pumped up as I was for some action, I knew Justin was not here to give me any. So there really was no time like the present to sort it all through.

But then, lunch did make its need felt. A missed breakfast and recent upheavals had a way of making my stomach rumble earlier than the appointed hour.

I picked up the phone, staring at its muted screen to note that he hadn't called. I'd received calls from every Tom, Dick, and Harry, but not from one Justin Kay. Who did he think he was anyway? I spared a moment or two, scowling uselessly at the screen before me before my fingers involuntarily reached out to dial the number that was beckoning me.

I gasped at my own temerity but then was too late to do anything about it for the deep husky voice I had secretly so longed to hear was already rumbling in my ear.

"Darling! Just the woman I was thinking about," he said smoothly into the phone with toe-curling effect. "Missing me already, are you?"

I shivered with delight but then said snarkily, "I'm hungry. I won't be able to wait 'til one for lunch."

His laugh was rousingly sensual in my ears. "That's just as well. I haven't been able to dislodge mother from the chair in front of my desk all morning. This is as good an excuse as any. See you at The Talking Point in fifteen minutes. I could use a good helping of Italian cuisine. You did a naughty thing, keeping me up last night and making me miss my dinner, too. I need sustenance you know. Growing boy and all."

Growing? I was still grappling for a suitable put down when the line went blank. The arrogant ass!

Fuming mad, I rose to my feet, grabbed my bag, and stomped off to the designated eatery. I couldn't believe his gall to accuse me of, ... and then to say all that in front of his mother, ... and The Talking Point was maybe fifteen minutes to get to for him, but it was a good half an hour's walk for me. Which part of I-am-hungry was it that he didn't understand?

Anger, however, was good in that it helped one march the distance without much being aware of it. I was lucky I was mad enough, for I seemed to take no time at all to get to my destination and swing in through the doors of the classy joint before making my way to the table already occupied by two.

Arrogance was hard to live with, especially arrogance that came from actual achievements. That made me doubly glad Justin Kay, my fiancé, inherited it all the good, old-fashioned way. Arrogance included.

I studied the tilt to his head and the sardonic smirk he wore on his lips as he indulgently listened to his mother rattle on.

"Ah, there she is! The love of my life!"

Beaming megawatts of unbecoming smirk, Justin rose to his feet to bow magnanimously before me. I gritted my teeth and barred them just the slightest bit for his sake, and the rest, I widened for the true culprit behind recent events—his mum.

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