Writing Our Story (Complete)

By Monsi_Salcedo

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Demi Lovato & Harry Styles Demi Lovato moves into a new town after the death of her mother. Her dad wanting... More

Writing Our Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Thank You
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Fun Facts on Writing Our Story

Chapter 16

93 8 1
By Monsi_Salcedo

Liam and Demi were walking out of the school. They were standing very close together for the lack of space. They made it to their bikes as they saw Niall and Perrie next to theirs. Niall and Perrie were talking about their homework for a class when Niall notice them.

"Finally you made it out."

Demi just smile as she shook her head. Getting her keys out of her pocket as she knee down to undo her lock. She could hear that Liam was telling Niall something but couldn't hear what he was saying. Moment later she could hear Niall giving him a high five. Finally get the lock out as she stood up before putting the lock away. Getting her bike out as she made sure not to get on anybody's way. Demi place some hair behind her hair as she looks at Perrie, who had a big smile on her face. Demi raise her eyebrow at her as Perrie just let out a giggle.

"Come on. Let's start going."

Perrie said as she grab her bike's handles. They rode their bikes to a corner that would split them into their neighborhood and the middle of town. Niall and Perrie waved goodbye to Liam and Demi as they made their way into town.

"Do you think they will have a place for us to put our bikes ?"

Demi said as she look at Liam.

"Yeah they do, since all the kids ride their bikes until college. They have it on the side of the building "

They kept riding their bikes as Liam wanted to show off. He started to do some tricks as he could hear Demi's laugh, it made him smile. He look forward as he could see the movie theater already. Turing his head looking back at Demi as he move his head to the direction of the theater. Demi look pass him as she saw what he was telling her. It had the new movies out already playing. As from what her friends had told her is a small town, but to her it didn't seem that small as there was more then one school for each level.
(High school, middle school, elementary school. Y'all got the idea, right)
They both jump on the cover as Liam got off his bike. He turn around to look at Demi as he watch her get off her bike.

"Come on I will show you where we put the bikes."

They walk to the side of the building as Demi saw many bikes already tight up. They found one where they were two empty spots they quickly put their locks. Demi stood up as she place some hair behind her ear, as she look at Liam. He was smiling like a fool at her as Demi let out a giggle. Demi grab the straps from her backpack as she look at Liam's bike. He just simply put his backpack on the handle of the bicycle. Turning to look at him as she tilted her head. Liam look at her then back at his bike as he notice what she was confused about.

"Oh, you could just hang your backpack on your bike's handle. Nobody a big stealer here. A lot of people do it. "

Demi only gave him a weird look but still did what he told her to do.
He check his watch as his eyes widen. He grab her hand as he started to run to the front of the theater.

"Come on, we need to go buy the tickets. The movie stars in a few minutes."

Demi laugh as his voice would get high pitch when he was nervous. She had heard it more then once, every time he had to speak in front of the class that how it would get. Which got her thinking, why is he nervous. They were about to enter the building when Demi stop him.

"Wait wait Liam. Can I ask you something first."

Liam stop as he turn around and look back at Demi. He had the door half way open as he turn around. Giving his attention to Demi.

"Yeah sure, what's up ?"

He had drop Demi's hand as he put his inside his pockets.

"Why are you nervous? I notice that your voice went high pitch when we were putting our bikes up. Are you okay?"

Liam looks down at the ground as he starts to kick a small rock around. That when Demi notice his appearance, he had a nice red button up shirt on with the shelves rolled up. He then match it with a pair of jeans. Which doesn't seem anything special but Liam had told her that he usually only wears t-shirts and jeans to school. Similar to Niall but this time it looks like he actually put effort into getting dress this morning. Which only gets a raise eyebrow from Demi. Liam stop playing with the rocks as he look at Demi, which warm Demi's little heart.

Deciding to let it go as she just laugh it off. Grabbing his hand as they made their way to the ticket booth. They soon receive their tickets as they made their way inside. They got a big bucket of popcorn and two drinks. They were sitting down in a chair as they made small talk about random topic as they waited for the movie to start. Demi was then asked the question she hope nobody would ask.

"Why do you stay everyday after school with Mr.Styles? I mean, he's cool and all but..... It's just a question."

He was looking at her with concern in his eyes. He was holding her hand as he had a raise eyebrow. Trying to figure out an answer as she know tutoring would be bullshit.

"I just want to make a good impression on him. Since later we might need letters of recommendation for college. So i'm looking out for my future. Nothing much. "

Demi smile at him before he could ask another question. The light went down, they watch the commercials as they laugh at a few of them. They were eating popcorn and drinking their soda. Demi could feel a pair of eyes on her but she decided to ignore it. Soon getting comfortable as she lay her head on Liam's shoulder. With in a second he lay his on top of hers. For a moment it look as if they were a couple. Liam was getting butterflies in his stomach as his hands start to sweat. They watch the movie in peace as Demi would hug Liam on the moment that would make her jump. Liam only chuckled as he hold her tightly.

"It's alright. I got you. No need to be scared."

He whisper into Demi's ear sending a shiver down her spin. It cause her to smile as she look at him. The screen was hardly giving them light but it was enough to see his perfect smile. They both look back at the screen as they stayed like that for the rest of the movie. They watch the lights go on as the credits were on the screen. Sitting up straight as she look at Liam.

"Want to play 20 question while we wait ?"


Liam said as he turn his body to hers. Demi bite her bottom lip as she thought about a question.

"Okay, this isn't a good one but...what's your full name?"

Demi said as she look at him, who had a small smile on his face. He only chuckled as he look at the ground. Focusing his eyes back to Demi as he parted his lips to answer.

"Liam James Payne. Fun fact me and Niall have the same middle name."

She could only raise an eyebrow as she tilted her head to his direction. Within seconds questions were flying out from their lips to be captured by their ear. Some of the question made them laugh or had to think hard. Before they knew it the whole theatre was empty, they both walk out as they headed for the main entrance. They made their way to their bikes, to Demi's surprise their backpacks were still perfectly hanging there. Just like they left them. Looking at Liam as his facial expression just said one look, I told you so. Smiling down as they walk to their bikes, they started to head to Demi's house. As in Liam's head this was a date, his parents and sisters told him that he should always walk a girl to her door after a date. Demi was telling him a story that happen one summer with her best friend Nick. They could soon see Demi's house as they look at each other. Demi look at the driveway and didn't see her dad's car.

Guess he's working late today.

She thought to herself as they rode up the driveway before getting off their bikes. Opening the garage door as she walk inside. Not hearing Liam's footsteps as she turn around to look at him. He was wearing his famous shy smile that she would always love. Tilting her head to the direction of the door as she parted her lips to speak.

"Want to come in? We could call the others and do something fun. Unless your tired."

Liam lick his lips as he didn't know what to say. Looking behind him as he glace at Perrie's house. He wanted to spend more time with Demi but alone. One day he could find the courage to tell her how he felt. Looking back at Demi as he parted his dry lips to speak to her.

"Yeah sure. We could go hang out in the park. It's still early, you got get Perrie while I call Niall."

Demi nodded her head as she walk to Perrie's house. Liam took out his phone and diall Niall's number. Thankfully he asked for the day off. The phone rang two times before Niall pick up. Liam ask him if he wanted to hang out with him and the girls. Lucky he said yes. Saying a quick goodbye as they hang up. Putting the phone in his pocket as he turn around. He could see the girls  talking as they made their way to him. Perrie was holding a football that they would keep at her house. Knowing the boys would lose it. Perrie and Niall knew about his little crush on Demi, they promise to keep it a secret. One day he would tell her.

"Niall on his way here."

The girls look at him as they nodded their head. They sat down at they waited it.

You could hear Demi's laugh from a mile away. Perrie was telling her how she meet Liam and Niall as they were fighting about a cartoon. Liam was smiling as he look over at Demi. She was still wearing her perfect smile.

"Hey i'm here. Sorry I took longer. My dad ask me to help him put something away in the basement."

They all turn their head to Niall's voice. His hair was a bit messy then usually. Niall stop as he put his feet on the concert as he look at them.

"Sorry for making you wait. Come on let's go."

Everybody jump on their bikes Perrie and Demi taking the lead. Niall and Liam were riding next to each other.

"Hey, did you tell her? "

Niall ask as he could see Liam looking at Demi. Liam look over at him as he just shake his head saying no. Niall just gave him a sad smile as they caught up to the girls. Once they made it they all jump off their bikes. Perrie grab the soccer ball as she threw it in to the sky letting it fly in air. The ball fell closer to Liam as they quickly split into two teams. Demi with Liam while the other team was their blonde friends. By the time they finish to their surprise Niall and Perrie won the match. They stayed at the park until it started to get dark. The boys stayed with the girls until they got home, making sure they were safe. They quickly said their goodbyes as they all went their separate ways. Demi walking into her house as her phone went off. Locking her front door as she check her phone. Seeing that she got a text messages from Harry as she open it. When she read what he wrote it gave her butterflies in her stomach. She could feel her cheeks heating up knowing that she was blushing.

We need to talk. Stay after school tomorrow.


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