direct messages | gmw

By riarklerrs

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[ COMPLETED ⚡️🌱 ] ; a texting story in which riley, maya, lucas, farkle, smackle and zay meet through Instag... More

one | random human beings
two | 'folks!'
three | smackle's backstory
four | their selfies
five | farkle likes smackle?
six | lucas's brief backstory
seven | their introductions
eight | farkle likes who now?
nine | farkle's backstory
ten | who's jealous?
eleven | lucas and maya?
twelve | josh
thirteen | where did riley go?
fourteen | lucas realizes
fifteen | riarkle's first "i love you"
sixteen | the breakup
seventeen | riley and maya's chat
eighteen | THEIR MEET UP #1
nineteen | THEIR MEETUP #2
twenty | THEIR MEETUP #3
twenty-one | THEIR MEETUP #4
twenty-two | THEIR MEETUP #5
twenty-three | THEIR MEETUP #6
twenty-four | THEIR MEETUP #7
twenty-five | THEIR MEETUP #8
author's note ✨ - gmw cancellation
twenty-six | instagram posts
twenty-seven | riarkle
twenty-eight | zayadora... and maya?
twenty-nine | smackle's feelings
thirty | zayadora is real... what about lucaya?
thirty-one | the talks
thirty-two | his backstory
thirty-three | riley's backstory
thirty-five | the reconcillation
thirty-six | found again
thirty-seven | updates
thirty-eight | smackle's new friends
thirty-nine | the 605s
fourty | the new girl
fourty-one | who's the angsty man?
fourty-two | 'you're a disgusting creature!'
fourty-three | smackle's reaction
fourty-four | the girl at his window
fourty-five | cory and topanga
fourty-six | betrayed(?)
fourty-seven | we find out who the blonde girl is
fourty-eight | london at midnight
fourty-nine | the theory
fifty | the fake outfit
fifty-one | the unexpected voices
fifty-two | blood
fifty-three | ally
fifty-four | the scream
fifty-five | the group hug
fifty-six | SIGNING OFF
author's note - new oneshot book!!!
author's note 💥 - 20/7/17, an iconic day
author's note 💥 - 20/7/17, an iconic day pt. 2
author's note 💐 - corey's birthday project!!

thirty-four | maya

992 36 30
By riarklerrs

at school, in New York.

What? That isn't Farkle's voice.

I immediately spun around, my hair flying up in the air, and, apparently, smacking deep-voice guy in the face.

"Ow!" A brown-haired, hot guy exclaimed, covering part of his eye.

"Oh my god! Sorry!" I tried to help him, but ended up laughing my ass off.

"Hey! Stop laughing! Rude," the guy said.

Damn, he was hot. His nose was sharp as a knife, his smooth, brown hair naturally covering part of his eye, and his musc—

No. Riley Matthews, stop it. You are in love with Farkle. You love Farkle. Stop. It.

"Whatcha staring at?" He asked, smirking when he caught me looking at him for a little longer than a normal person would.

"Erh, what? Nothing. Anyway, I'm Riley Matthews," I smiled anyway, holding my hand out to shake his.

He reached out to shake mine, and introduced himself.

"I'm Charlie."


in the janitor's closet, in New York.

As soon as Riley had stormed out, I sat down on one of the buckets in the closet and buried my face in my rough hands.

I couldn't lose anyone else. Especially not Riley...

I smacked myself hard in the face, blaming myself for being so intrusive. I just wanted to know what her school life was about. If she was getting bullied, I wanted to help her. Why was she getting so annoyed about it?

I grumbled, as I picked up my backpack from the floor and carried it on my left shoulder, reaching my hand out to the doorknob to open the door. Math lessons, ugh.

Just as I was about to turn the knob, I heard voices. More specifically, Riley's. And another guy's.

I quietly turned the knob and peeked out through the little hole I'd created.

What? Why was Riley with some other guy? And smiling at him?

I heard Riley say, "I'm Riley Matthews."

And then, the guy replied, "I'm Charlie."

She then smiled shyly at Charlie.

At the sight, my heart shattered into a million pieces. I could finally call her mine, and this was supposed to be a great year. Why is she acting this way?

I closed it again, and then sat back down on the bucket, burying my face in my hands once again, letting my tears fall.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Yay for me, because I got through the day avoiding Riley. She cast me strange and confused looks whenever she saw me, but I quickly avoided eye contact and started talking to someone else.

And, well. She was hanging out with that same guy. She tried very hard to come talk to me, but I would walk away quickly before she could reach me.

And so quickly, the day was over. I started walking towards the school gate, scrolling through Instagram.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated. A notification had come in, and it was a text.

I pressed on it, only to realize that it was from the group DM, random human beings.

zayscookie: guys, Maya is missing.

What? Maya? Missing?

I quickly typed back.

imbatman: what do you mean?

texasboi: what the hell?

I looked up from my phone when I heard a loud laughter. A very familiar one. Riley.

She was sitting on a bench with that idiotic Charlie guy, laughing at his apparently funny joke. Ugh. Did she even see the message? I guess she was too busy with her new 'friend' to have time for us.

zayscookie: in the morning, we agreed to meet up and go home together. omg, this is all my fault. I should've noticed her scars and stuff. Anyway, but she didn't appear just now. so I checked with the security guard, who said that he did see Maya, and that she left some letters for me. Or us, actually.

texasboi: what? so what do they say?

zayscookie: do u guys want me to give it to you personally

zayscookie: oh wait nvm I'll just private DM it to u guys

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

How could Maya be missing? This is terrible. Why would she do that?

Immediately after Zay said that he would DM it to us, I received a notification.

zayscookie has sent you an image!

zayscookie: this is your letter.

I stood near a bench, near the gate, reading the letter Maya had left me.

Dear Farkle,

Hey! How was your first day of school? Especially with Riley? *wink wink*

I suppose that Zay just sent this to you when he checked where I was with the security guard? Anyway, I'm writing this because I ran away.

I mean, it sounds so rebellious when I say it like that and all but that's who I am, huh?

Anyway, to the main point. I ran away. You wanna know why? Because my dad came back. As you would know, he left when we were young. But yesterday, he came back home, and all of a sudden, he became the boss of the house again. He tortured my mum and I, he beat us up. This morning, my mum betrayed me. She left the house. Without me. My dad was raging. I managed to pack all of my stuff as well as some food and left the house secretly. After school ends, which is probably now for you, I plan on running away.

Don't bother finding me, you probably never will. Don't worry about me though, I do have enough money. My mum did leave me some, and I also took all of my savings and some of my dad's money. But I'm writing this to thank you for being you. You have no idea how glad I actually am to have met you and the rest of them through Instagram. You've been such a joker and nerd in the group but we all still love you. I do. Thank you for being who you are and accepting all of us so well.

I don't know when might be the next time I'd be talking to you guys, but we'll just see what the future holds for all of us. Thank you again, and I love you.

Have fun in school with Riley and I hope that the two of you are able to last super super long.


Unknowingly, tears had fallen from my eyes and dropped onto my phone.

We have to find her.

Laughter again. I looked up to see Riley look at Charlie and laugh loudly. Charlie's hand was lightly touching her waist and slowly moving down.

I wiped away my tears. Riley may not want me anymore, but for Maya. For Maya, I'll pretend nothing's wrong, and get Riley to go find Maya together.

I walked at an increased speed towards the two of them, anger in my heart growing every second.

Riley looked up to see me walking towards her, and immediately lightened up. She started to say, "Farkle, oh m—"

But I cut her off and pulled her hand, and out of the gate.

"Farkle, what are you doing?" She tried to struggle, but my grip was firm.

"Don't talk to me. Check your phone," I said sternly.

"I'm not going to, unless you tell me why you were acting so hostile towards me," she refused like a 5-year-old child refusing to go to school.

"Maya's missing, would ya just do me a favor of checking your phone?" I didn't know where I was bringing her to. I was just pulling her away, away from the school.

"What?" I heard her shocked tone. She immediately got her hand out of mine with a lot of force, and got her phone out of her bag.

I waited as she read through the texts and probably the letter Maya had left her, and soon enough, like me, tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"But... but why would she run away just like that? We gotta find her. Right now," she continued sobbing, but started walking quickly, and past me.

I walked a little faster to catch up with her, and heard her mumbling to herself.

"I could've prevented this if I had cared more about her. What are we going to do now..." she said softly.

I was angry at her, but it had died down. I saw her being so worried that I just wanted to hug her.

"Um... uh it isn't your fault, Riley. It was her dad," I tried to tell her, but she ignored me and continued mumbling to herself.

I shrugged and pulled my phone out of my pocket, still trying to walk as fast as she was walking.



texasboi: shit. omg. find her now.

geniusisadora: Maya was foolish. she could've stayed at one of our houses.

geniusisadora: lucas, why can't u find her too? stop ordering us around.

imbatman: that isn't the main point right now. we gotta find her.

texasboi: exactly.

zayscookie: okay, so she said it'll be hard to find her. so that means she's either out of the state... or even the country. or maybe she rented a room somewhere on the opposite of here.

catsarepurple: Maya did tell me she's always wanted to go to Texas.

texasboi: really?

zayscookie: wow.

imbatman: could she have flown there?

texasboi: which part did she ever mention?

catsarepurple: she did talk about El Paso...

texasboi: oMFG. I'm gonna go search for her right now.

texasboi: u guys continue finding her in New York.

imbatman: what? ure in Texas right now?

zayscookie: lucas?

texasboi: ugh... long story short, I'm the Lucas Friar from Austin, Texas. I was the one who bullied and stuff. yep. so I'm in El Paso now.

catsarepurple: wow.

imbatman: anyway, we have to split up. Zay, search near your school. Smackle, wherever you are right now, go find her near that area. uh, Riley and I are gonna search near our school as well as around our houses.

zayscookie: good plan. and lucas can search in Texas.

geniusisadora: LETS GO GO GO!!


tbh this is so unplanned lol like I never thought of adding so much drama etc into this story but
whoops HAHA.

I felt that Maya wasn't getting enough attention in the story so I thought this could be quite cool. leave some opinions and tell me what you think would happen to Maya and where she would be 🙃🙃 honestly bc I haven't thought of it yet LOL.

thank u for reading and continue to comment, vote and read!!!

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