Masters of The Universe (2002...

By CeleciaLeigh

3.8K 18 1

hat happened between the second season of the show and the beginning of my fourth season? How did Adora becom... More

Count Marzo's Return
The Girl of My Dreams
Fristo's Memory
The Return of Hordak
Prepare and Hiding
The Horde Attacks
Journey to Etheria
Almost Free
"For The Honor of Grayskull"
Family Reunited
The Princess of Morania

Disclaimer and Dedication

350 3 0
By CeleciaLeigh

Disclaimer: In no way does the author of this fanfiction own any characters, locations, and/or themes that belong to Mattle. The author only owns the OCs.

Written in 2008

Dedication: This season is dedicated to my first fans and readers. I know I haven't written a He-man story in years, but I still love you all.

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