Twisted I Am

By Crazy-house

11.4K 542 56

Winter is not normal like the other kids. Winter doesn't like to be touched. Winter finds pleasure in things... More



410 20 0
By Crazy-house


I kissed Drake cheek as we rested in my living room. All the bags were brought inside. We put them up and now the roast was cooking. Drake had a goofy smile on his face. "I really am happy you gave me a second chance Winter."

I just laughed at him trying to hide my annoyance. Since the text from Dean I've been itching to ask Kevin some questions. At this point Kevin needs to come clean about who he is. Its pissing me off how he knew about Lisa.

Drake leaned closer pulling me out of my head. I forced my smile to stay up as he kissed me on my mouth. A shiver of disgust went through me. Drake must have thought it was something else since he leaned in more and touched my cheek. I pulled away and turned to the side hoping he'll back off. He didn't though, instead Drake moved to kissing my neck. His hands moved under my shirt as he pushed me to lay back in the couch.

I glared at the ceiling before putting a sad face on and sniffing. Drake shot up off me looking worried. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

I covered my face. "You think I'm a slut!"

He stumbled over his words shaking his head. I put my hand on his cheek catching his attention. "I k-know we've had sex a-already but....but......I wanna wait for out next time. P-Please can we?" I shifted my eyes, as they teared up, to the side.

Drake nodded quickly. "Yes of course. I'm sorry I scared you, I swear. Please don't cry. Between my fight with your best friend and now I feel like shit."

He rested his head on my chest as we laid on the couch. I could only roll my eyes. How many other people think Deans my best friend? That's annoying but effective.

"Don't feel bad. I'm sorry if I'm being a Nun. Please don't leave me for someone else who will give it up more." I made my voice shake and wrapped my arms around Drakes head.

He wrapped his arms around my torso tightly. "I won't I swear I won't. I don't mind waiting. We can go as slowly​ as you want Winter."

I released him and let him sit up to look at me. "Do you want to talk to Dean? I'm sure he'll want to fix the misunderstanding you two have."

Drake looked unsure but one glance at my sad face and he gave in. "Sure, can I call off your phone?"

I nodded with a smile and took out my phone. "Here I'll call him."

After two rings Dean answered sounding relaxed. "Hey Winter, what's up?"

"Hey Dean. Listen, Drake wants to talk about what happened." I gave Drake a smile for encouragement.

"I don't know Winter....."

"No no listen he knows it was a misunderstanding. Please can you guys make up?" Dean sighed before saying sure. I gave the phone to Drake. They started to talk and I slowly made my way out the door when he wasn't paying attention.

I made my way across the lawn and to Kevin's house. It took three knocks before he opened his door looking annoyed. "What boy I'm busy."

I frowned and crossed my arms. "I want to ask you a question."

He kept the door slightly closed. He was trying to keep something out of my sight. "What is it?"

I glared at him. "Can I come in?"

He sighed before glaring back. "I have company."

I clenched my jaw. "Well your showing them how rude you are by not letting me in."

He moved his body more out the door make my eyes slide to his chest that was covered by a grey shirt. I put my eyes back on his when he bent down closer.

"Listen Winter, I think you're being the rude one. I can see you have guest to entertain." His eyes moved to Drakes truck.

I huffed and rolled my eyes. "He's busy with something. Its just a quick question."

He looked vary annoyed. "Fine. Come in but stay by the door."

He opened it wide and I walked in. I stayed by the door as he closed it. Kevin looked around towards the kitchen before his eyes met mine. "Your more annoying then a barking dog at 3am."

I shrugged. "I don't care. How did you know Lisa?"

Kevin's whole mood changed. His glared got even harder. I felt like I was under a thousand needles. He body grew stiff and his arms fell to the side as he balled his fist up. "Why?"

I swallowed hard and kept my position. "I just found out that she was murdered, and you're the only one who-"

Kevin moved swiftly and grabbed my chin tightly. My breath got caught in my throat as I looked at his eyes. They were dark and it sent a shiver through me. A shiver that felt wonderful. He leaned closer tilting my head up a little. I grabbed his hand but couldn't find the strength to push it away. "The only one who what? If you wasn't her friend then don't ask about her. You have no business coming in here and asking me anything." His voice was deep and strict.

I didn't let up on my glare but winced when his hand on my chin tightened. It was silent and neither once of us moved. We locked eyes and I didn't want to look away.

"Kevin who are you talking to?" My face was released as a older man walked into the room. He was built for his age. Grey hair making his sandy blond stand out. He was in a full black suit that looked way to expensive to wear.

I stepped back from Kevin and ignored my throbbing chin. His eyes kept looking at me even when he spoke to the man.

"Just a.....friend father."

I glanced at the man then at Kevin. The looks were the same. The man looked like an older version of Kevin. His voice was a bit deeper but everything screamed family. But Kevin said his job kept them away.

The man looked between me and Kevin with a steady look. "We will finish our conversation once your friend leaves." He walked closer to me and put his hand out to shake mine. "My name is Samuel. Nice to meet you."

I shook his hand noticing he didn't use a strong grip. "My name is Winter."

His eyes slide to Kevin who dropped his eyes down. His father had a ghost of a smirk. "Winter. The Winter? My son speaks of you."

I felt oddly exposed. "He dose?"

"Yes. He says you two met when he came here, that day. You are lovely, as he said."

I blushed and looked at Kevin who looked upset. "You called me lovely?"

Kevin kept his eyes off me and opened the door roughly. "Your little boy toy is leaving."

I looked out the door and saw Drake rushing to his truck. I could care less but I need to make sure that he and Dean made up. I rushed out the house hearing Kevin close the door after me. When I got to Drake I quickly grabbed his arm stopping him. He turned to me looked relived. "Winter I was looking for you. Me and Dean made up. Listen I have to go my mom said she needed me."

I nodded with a smile. He leaned in to kiss me and I let him. I waved at him when he pulled off. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

Now that that was taken care of I need to get my information sheet back in the Principles office. That should be easy enough. I bit my lip making my way back home. Once I was inside I saw Drake left my phone on the couch.

It didn't even cross my mind to ask him about it. I frowned when I realized I had a whole roast that will be ready soon. I went to the kitchen and started making the mac'n cheese, and rice with gravy. Tomorrow night I'll kill Henry Crood. My schedule is free and so is his. Tomorrow he'll have soccer practice so his mom won't pick him up. He'll be walking home which gives me about 10 minutes to snatch him if he walks slow. But hopefully he takes the short cut through a small patch of trees. They are fairly thick.

I took the roast out the oven and smiled when I saw how mouth watering it looked. In a quick decision I made my way to the door. I left my house and hurried to Kevin's. Just as I stood in front of his house his door opened. It looked like Samuel was leaving. He saw me and stopped catching Kevin's attention. "Winter?"

I paused in my movements before putting my hands behind my back. "I was wondering if you two wanted some dinner? I made too much."

Kevin looked unsure and Samuel looked regretful. "I'm sorry Winter but I have to be on my way. Kevin's mother is waiting for me. It was a pleasure to meet you and hopefully......we'll meet again."

He looked at Kevin near the end. I smiled and nodded as he walked to his car. I looked at Kevin keeping my smile up. "How about you?"

He sighed and shrugged. "Sure I'll be there in 5 minutes."

I nodded and made my way back to my house. It didn't matter how much I cooked. I can't get what Kevin's father said out of my head. It made my head seem clouded and body tingle. It was fucking weird. I still couldn't find it in myself to be upset with Kevin. The way he grabbed my face was rough. It was a bruising grip as he eyes darkened. But made my body tingle.

I paused once I got inside my house. It was like cold water was thrown on me. How long has it been like this? How long has his touch stopped being disgusting to me? Was it ever disgusting? I don't remember ever hating his touch. How is that possible?

I felt like I was choking. What the hell made Kevin so different from everyone? How can his touch make me feel so many things except disgust? Never in my life has a person's touch not been disgusting. Even my bitch of a mothers touch was like acid when she was around.

I didn't realized I had started clenching my fist until my nails dug into my hands. I sighed to relax and shook off my new found emotions. I can't let realizing that Kevin's touch is pleasant to distract me. I have to keep my daily life the same. This means nothing.

The food was done and I set out two plates. It didn't take long for Kevin to get comfortable across the table from me after he arrived. It reminds me of our first dinner together. He has been here for about a week since then.

I looked up from my food at him. "Is it good?"

Kevin licked his lips making my eyes catch the pink muscle as it glides across is lips. "It's delicious. You made this yourself?"

I nodded with a smile. "Yeah, it took some time but I mastered the roast."

Kevin cracked a real smile and I couldn't help but admire how handsome he really is. It made me aware of his every move. How his body moved with grace. How large his hands were compared to mine. I snapped out of it quickly and looked at my food. "Are you alright with soda? I don't have beer or anything like that."

Kevin nodded and watched me get up. I went into the kitchen trying to not seem like I was rushing. I felt myself take a deep breathe. I grabbed two sodas and made my way back to the dining room.

Kevin was done his food while I still had a bit to finish. "Thank you Winter."

I smiled. "No problem."

I could feel his eyes on me as I sat down. "I'm sorry for the way I grabbed your face. It wasn't right that I lashed out on you."

The image of him gripping my face flashed through my mind. I couldn't stop the shiver that went through me. It was clear that I liked that side of him. The side he hides. Could it be possible I liked his danger and pain? Weird, I've never liked pain before. Maybe I'm going crazy. Well crazier........

"That's alright. I was just wondering crazy things."

Kevin made a humming noise. "I'm glad your not upset with me."

I sent him a small smile. "I was wondering.....about your dad."

Kevin looked away as he bit his lip. "About what he said-"

"You said your job kept family away. Were you lying?"

He looked off guard with that question. "No. My job does keep my family away. My father comes around to give me messages others can't."

I nodded not really believing him. "And why did you talk about me to him?"

Kevin looked relaxed again watching me finish up eating. "He asked if there are any neighbors that are interesting."

I nodded and sipped my soda. "I'm full."

Kevin looked around the room before looking back at me. "You never told me when your parents are supposed to come back."

I shrugged and stood up. "Guess I didn't. Can you bring your dish in the kitchen?"

I walked away not waiting for his answer. I cleared my plate before setting it in the sink. I felt Kevin's body heat as he set his plate in the sink from behind me. I didn't move as he stood there. He was so close I could feel his body touch mine. "You know about earlier Winter...about Lisa....."

I felt my body lock in place on reflex. "What about her? You told me to forget about her."

"You was asking about her and I reacted like that without a reason. She was on a missing paper around here. I couldn't have imagined she was dead. I didn't know the poor girl either." I turned around to face him but didn't think he was going to move. He trapped me between his arms and the sink. I gripped the counter steadying myself.

"There were no missing papers around here." I would know.

Kevin smirked at me looking over my face. "Your right I lied. I just don't get why you seemed so upset about her murder."

I glared at him. "She went to my school."

"And? You said you didn't know her. Are you lying?"

Shit. He had me there. If I didn't know her then her death wouldn't mean a thing to me. I needed to start thinking this through. I can't keep getting riled up. "I just want to make sure school students aren't being targeted. Why did you get angry when I asked you about her?"

Kevin leaned closer. "I don't like being accused of things I didn't do. You were about to accuse me of something."

I frowned hearing that. That's a dumb reason to lash out. What the hell? "Fine."

He searched my face for something more but I stayed calm. There was nothing else to discuss. He keeps lying so to hell with it. I'll find out when he slips up. Kevin moved away from me. I wanted to test what I found out earlier. I grabbed his hand tightly making him stop. I couldn't believe I didn't realize this before. It was like a pleasant buzz. When our skin touched it felt......good. How the hell did this happen?

"Something wrong?"

I looked up at Kevin's face and let his hand go. "No, sorry."

He lifted a brow up at me but let it go and kept walking. I leaned against the counter and took a deep breath.

I need to kill.

Next chapter is a full killing chapter. If you don't want to read you can skip to chapter 11.

You have been warned.

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