My Seven Brothers

By _Sam-Winchester_

1.3M 29.6K 10K

COMPLETED ; BEING EDITED Meet Isabella. She's a 16 year old girl. Isabella is your average normal girl. Exc... More

Meet the Winchesters
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter 10
11|| Taken Bacon
12|| Backstories
13|| Cousins
14|| Witches Beware
15|| Texas Y'all
16|| Homecoming is a Big Deal
17|| Friends?
C18: Weston
C19: Perfectly Perfect
C20: Holidays!
C21: Tree Decorating
chapter 21 clear up :)
C22: I'm Wounded!
C23: Explaining Nolan
C24: #Braniel
C26: Christmas
C27: Bear Bear
28: Aunt Isabell
C29: Valentines Day
C30: My Idiot
C31: Here Comes the Bride
C32: Graduation
authors note
authors note + sequel info

C25: You little sh-

23.3K 560 159
By _Sam-Winchester_

Isabella Rose Marie Winchester

Despite Grandma being here dinner is pretty good so far. Natalie is here too, so is Prim Rose. I didn't know that Luke and her were still in contact. Chris was more than happy that he wasn't in the spotlight. Natalie was currently being questioned and I think someone needs to save her.

"Mm. Grandma, I think Natalie needs a break, why don't we talk about Kael" I suggest. I send Kael a smirk and he glares at me.

"Ah yes! So, any girl on your mind?" Grandma questions. Evan chuckles and Luke rolls his eyes. This was the same question for everyone at this dang table.

"No Gramma" Kael mumbled. He pushes his food around his plate and stabs his carrot.

"Lets move on, since Kael refuses to give me a appropriate answer." Grandma stares at Kael and continues, "Evan, I haven't seen you since you were in diapers!" Evan cringes and thinks before he answers.

"Yes it's been so long Elizabeth!" Mary, Evans mom, gushes. Grandma smiles wipes her mouth.

"Yes! We must go to lunch before I leave back to California." Mary nods her head and smiles. Evan scrunches his nose up and rolls his eyes. Weston chuckles and kicks my shin. I glare at him and scratch him on his arm. He winces and Chris chuckles.

Grandma began bickering with Grandpa and the table turned into chaos. Everyone was having their own little conversations, loudly. Weston and Chris were arguing about the best colors for a baby room. Don't even ask...

"If they don't know the gender yellow is the best!" Weston yells.

"No! Gray!" Chris spits, he pouts and crosses his arm.


"Nope! Gray is the best color" Chris whines.

"You guys a pathetic. Gray is the best color with cute little hints of yellow or aqua!" I hiss. Chris looks at Chris with triumph.

"She's your girlfriend! That's not fair" Weston whines.

"She's your twin sister! It's totally fair" Chris says smirking.

"I am not having this conversation with you!" Weston yells. Dinner comes to a halt and moves to the living room. The obnoxious bickering between Weston and Chris don't stop there.

"Grace is better than Emma!" Chris chastises. Weston rolls his eyes. They were talking about baby names. Brooklyn and Bailey were babbling about cats. Carter and Colton were talking about footballs with faces?

"You ignoramus cheese-head!" Weston spats. This was perhaps the stupidest conversation I have ever heard. I think I'm loosing brain cells just listening to this argument.

"Your on my last nerve!" Chris growls. I kick Weston in the shin and he screeches in pain.

"Ow! You little sh-" Weston stops. Grandma sends him and glare and shakes her head.

"I dare you to say it" grandma challenges. Chris holds his laughter in and bites his tongue.

"Ow! You little poop" Weston corrects. Grandma fake smiles at him and turns back to bickering with grandpa. Chris bursts into laughter and I swear I could see tears in his eyes. Weston glares daggers at Chris. I start to laugh and Weston narrows his eyes at me. "Don't you start too!"

"Awh my baby takes after me!" Chris coos. He wraps an arm around me and pulls me close.

"No you take after me" I smile. Athena licked my feet and barked.

"Loud, loud dog!" Grandma shouts. I roll my eyes and pick Athena up. Chris pulls Athena and I into a hug.

"Our happy little family!" He jokes. A small blush appears on my face. The thought of Chris and I having a family makes me blush.

"Slow down there buddy, she's only 14" grandpa yells.

Colton snorts, "she's 16, grandpa." 

"What? She's 16! I think she's 14" grandpa mumbles.

"By the way," Colton starts. "I think you should name your child Colton."

"Who says I'm staying with this douche for that long" I state, poking Chris in the chest. He frowns and starts to pout. I stare into his eyes and he smiles at me.  Colton groans.

"Stop giving each other lovey dove eyes!" Colton yells.

"Hey thats not fair! Go look at Daniel and Brooklyn" Chris whines. Colton turns his head toward him and started gagging.

"I'm sorry that not everyone here is a player!" Daniel yells. Nicky snickers and Noah laughs.

"Colton Michael Winchester!" Grandma scolds.

"What grandma?" Colton groans.

"You are a player? I've never been more disappointed with you!" Grandma chides.

"No grandma, I'm not a player" Colton cries. He glares at Daniel and narrows his eyes at Nicky.

"Lies" I cough out.

"Phew! I was worried there for a second" grandma answers. Colton rolls his eyes and  kicks Daniel in the shin. Daniel narrows his eyes at Colton. Ryan sat on the love seat, cuddling with Natalie. They're are so cute.

I watched Archer, Avery, Luke, and Kael talk in the kitchen for a little bit. Grandma ascended the stairs with grandpa following close behind. Evan seemed to be in deep conversation with Collin and Harrison. The twins, Brody, and Harvey were asleep. Chris' and Evans parents were talking while Violet was asleep in her arms mom. 

"Look at Carter and Bailey" I whisper to Chris. They were asleep on the couch, cuddled up in each others arms.

The. Cutest. Couple. Ever.

"Aw, wish we were that cute" Chris frowned.

"You guys are that cute" Natalie calls. I smile at her and she laughs. I turn back around to my handsome boyfriend, to find him staring intently at me. He smiled down at me and I gave him a cheeky grin. His eyes put me in a trance.

"Stop being cute" Brooklyn teases. I break out of the trance and shake my head.

"Stop with all the cute, lovey-dovey mumbo jumbo," Nicky and Noah say in unison. Oh god, twin telepathy.

"Stop with the twin telepathy" I fire back.

"Theres no such thing as twin telepathy!" Nicky and Noah shout. They glare at each other.

"Ahah! Twin telepathy" I yell. Nicky narrows his eyes at me. I smile innocently at him. Chris chuckles at the exchange between Nicky and I. Colton stares intently at Carter and Bailey, with jealousy? I move myself away from Chris and sit next to Colton. Chris gives me a weird look but doesn't do anything.

"Hey big brother" I coo.

"Hmm?" Colton asks as he looks at me.

"Whats up?" I ask him. He looks at me and his face falters.

"Its just that, everyone here is in a relationship and I feel kind of lonely." He answers.

"Couldn't have brought a fling?" I mumble.

"She'll read too much into it" he whispers, rolling his eyes.

"You'll find someone perfect for you" I promise him. He nods and stares at Ryan and Natalie. I return back into the comfortable arms of my boyfriend. He kisses the top of my head and I move my head to the crook of his neck.

"Hi" I mumble into his chest.

"Bonjour, mon amour" he whispers back. I look up at him, questioningly. It means, hello my love."

"Ah. Te amo" I murmur.

"I love you?" He questions.

"No, it means I hate you" I tease. He frowns at me and sticks out his bottom lip. "I'm just kidding a lahv you." I say, mispronouncing the love.

"I lahv you too" he mimics.

"I'm tired" I mutter.

"Go to bed then" he chastises.

"But there are still guests" I say. I feel disoriented.

"Everyone left 20 minutes ago, love" he continued. "Carter and Bailey are still asleep and I don't think they're going to move. Ryan and Natalie went upstairs a few minutes ago. Daniel and Brooklyn are asleep on the couch and Colton went upstairs."

"Take me upstairs..." Chris picks me up and carries me up the stairs. He lays me on my bed and kisses my forehead. I close my eyes and sleeps takes over my body.

Bright lights shine through the windows and I groan. I try to get up to close the curtains. Chris mumbles something incoherent and pulls me back into bed. I sigh and give in. I snuggle into Chris' chest and close my eyes. I roll around to face Chris.

His eyes flutter open and a small smile appears on his face. Unfortunately, the smile quickly disappears when Bailey walks in.

"Wake up lazy butts! I'll pour water on you if you don't" Bailey threatens. I jolt out of bed and Chris mutters a few colorful words and gets up.

"We're up!" Chris groans.

"Okay, this time, no matching!" I chide at Chris.

"Mmm fine. I'm wearing a maroon shirt with dark jeans" he says.

"That's not fair!" I whine and continue, "I was gonna wear my maroon crop top today!"

He smirks, "I guess we're gonna match again, I'm not changing my outfit and I'm pretty sure you won't either."

I groan and grab my clothes and head to the bathroom. Grabbing my black converse, I lace them up and grab my wallet.

"So Bailey? Why'd you wake us up and were are we going?" I ask her.

"Well Carter, Daniel, Brooklyn, Colton, and I are going to go grab some lunch a find somethings to do. Obviously, you guys are going to join us." Bailey says.

"I was thinking rollerblading" Carter chimes in. He kisses the top of Baileys head and starts to make toast.

"What about shopping?" Brooklyn sings.

"Mm no" Daniel adds. He kisses Brooklyn's cheek and wraps an arm around her waist. "Good morning" he mumbles.

"Couple goals" I giggle. Chris walks in and greets with a peck on the lips.

"Morning love" he says smiling.

"What do you mean couple goals for us? Look at you guys! Your matching" Brooklyn comments.

"Thats his fault he won't change!" I yell, poking Chris in the chest.

"I told you what I was gonna wear first!" He argues.

"But I thought it first!" I fire back. Chris narrows his eyes at me.

"Chill, chill. You guys are cute, you match all the time. Every time that happens Isabell claims she thought it first and Chris claims he said it first." Colton says, chuckling.

"I'm first!" I say scowling.

"Whatever you say babe" Chris remarks.

"Lets go eat some lunch and then go rollerskating." Carter says, changing the topic.

"I love rollerskating!" I chirp.

"I hate rollerskating" Chris utters. I shove his shoulder.

"Me too" Daniel mumbles.

"You guys only hate roller skating because you suck at it" Bailey comments.

"Oh true. Chris is terrible" I add. He narrows his eyes at me. I smile at him and kiss his cheek.

"So is Daniel" Brooklyn says giggling. Daniel frowned as Brooklyn's smile overpowers his frown. 

"Lets move!" Colton smirks.

"Bailey, Brooklyn, and Carter aren't dressed" I say.

"Oh yeah" Colton says sighing.

"I want to curl my hair too" I add. I run upstairs with Chris hot on my trail. I start to heat the wand up.  

"Let me do it!" Chris says. I crinkle my nose and shake my head. I really don't want to my hair to burn off. I love my long hair and really don't want to cut it. "Please!" He coos. I give in and hand him the curling wand.

"Ah! Fine, your lucky I love you," I sigh.

"I love you too" he mumbles.

To my surprise, he does a pretty good job.

I take our picture while he was curling my hair. He looked so focused and determined.

"Pst. Chris" I utter. He turns to look at my phone as I video tape him. He smiles at the camera and continues to curl. I post the video on Snapchat and the picture on Instagram. 

"Done!" Chris says proudly.

"Awh. Thanks babe! You surprisingly did a good job" I chirped. He smiles with proudness written all over his face.

We head downstairs and wait for the twins to get dressed.

"Ready? Let's go" Carter chirps. He wraps an arm around Bailey and he grabs his keys.

"Shotgun!" Bailey sings. Carter hops into the drivers seat and Bailey in the passenger. I sit in the second row with Chris and Colton, Daniel and Bailey sat in the back row.

Carter pulls out of the driveway and into the roads of sunny Texas.


Colton chucked a small piece of bread at Chris. He gasps and chucks a piece back.

"Guys we're in a restaurant!" Brooklyn squeals.

"He was being annoying!" Colton argued.

"Your always annoying!" Chris sasses. I watch as my older brother and boyfriend quarrel. I sit back in my seat and lean my head on Carters shoulder.

He wraps an arm around my shoulder and gave me a good shake. "Shook!" I utter. He chuckles at wraps his other arm around Bailey. 

"My two favorite girls!" Carter says grinning. I smile cheekily and kiss his cheek.

"Hey!" Chris pouts. "She's mine!" He whines and points to Carter. I roll my eyes and rest my head on Chris shoulder. Carter chuckles and Chris wraps a protective arm around my shoulder.

"You silly boy. I'm still yours" I laugh.  A high school boy passes by and sends me a wink. Chris growls and brings closer to him.

"Who does he think he is? Your my girlfriend" he hisses. Brooklyn and Bailey giggle.

"Your so protective" I say.

"More like possessive" Daniel says chuckling.

The food came and we all started stuffing our faces. The boys argued about football while the twins and I talked about Gilmore Girls.

"Jared Padalecki is so cute" Bailey gushed.

"I know," Brooklyn squealed and fanned herself with her napkin.

"But what about Milo Ventimiglia!" I coo. The girls gasped and started talking about how cute they are.

"Stop talking about other guys! You have your own guys" Carter whined.

"But Milo Ventimiglia and Jared Padalecki are so cute!" Bailey counters.

"But I'm cuter right?" Carter asks. Bailey thought for it for a moment.

"Ahah! She has to think about it," Colton chuckled. Carter pouts and Bailey pecks him on the lips, turning his pout to a smile.

"Yes your cuter then Milo Ventimiglia and Jared Padalecki" Bailey promises. His face brightens up and he smiles.

"You guys are cute" Brooklyn chirps.


"Mm. Bye grandma," I say, mustering up all the sadness I could. I am beyond happy that she's leaving.

"Bye grandpa!" Collin calls. Grandpa mutters something incoherent.

"Bye kids!' Grandma calls as she gets in the car. She waves and I lock the door.

"She's gone!" Alex yells happily. Nicky and Noah plop on the couch while Alex kicks his feet up on the couch. I sit on the couch, leaning my head on Nicky's shoulder.

"Praise the lord, she's gone!" Noah whispers.

"Why are you whispering?" Nicky asks.

"Because her evil soul could still be in here" Noah utters. Nicky and I exchange a look at start to laugh.

"Funny boy!" Alex chuckles. I start to head upstairs to my room, with tears in my eyes. Happy tears.

I plopped on my bed and stare at the wall, then my desk. I smile as I pick up a picture frame. A picture of the twins and I on our first day of high school. Another one of Weston and on our first day of Kindergarten. One with Carter and Colton, another of Luke, Ryan, and Kael. The last one was a picture of Chris and I. The picture was taken at Deans Market, I was in a shopping cart and Chris was pushing me. Happiness takes over my body as I look at the picture.

"I love that picture," I say to myself. I saw the ring Chris gave to me by the picture and I picked it up, slipping it on my finger.

"I love that picture too," Colton mumbles as see enters the room. "It shows how happy you are with him. Theres love and adoration in your eyes. He makes you so happy, it really shows, Iz."

"Someones feeling wise," I run up to Colton and give him a big hug.

"Oomph!" He stumbles back a little bit but catches me in his arms.

"Your going all soft on me" I tease.

"Only for you," Colton mumbles.

"You big ole softie" I say.

"We should take on of just us" Colton says. I laugh and he takes out his phone. 


We're both smiling like we're never going to smile again. I embrace him in a hug as he snaps the picture. 

At this moment, I realized I was so happy and blessed. I'm so glad that I have My Seven Brothers.

Authors Note:

No it's not the end of the book.

but it might be soon :(

Have a lovely day!!!


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