Loki x (Mostly) Male Reader C...

By tsun-dou

100K 3.4K 684

This Loki x Reader collection happens to be a collection of Loki x Male Readers, Loki x Nonbinary Readers and... More

Sorcerer's Apprentice (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 1
Sorcerer's Apprentice (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 2
Sorcerer's Apprentice (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 3
Spellbinder's Wish (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 1
Spellbinder's Wish (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 3
Bookworm (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 1
Bookworm (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 2
Speed Dating? Definitely Not. (AoA Loki x Male Reader) Pt 1
Speed Dating? Definitely Not. (AoA Loki x Male Reader) Pt 2
Speed Dating? Definitely Not. (AoA!Loki x Male Reader) Pt 3
Speed Dating? Definitely Not. (AoA Loki x Male Reader) Pt 4
Let the Sun Shine on Us Once Again (Loki x Nonbinary Reader) Pt 1
Let the Sun Shine on Us Once Again (Loki x Nonbinary Reader) Pt 2
Let the Sun Shine on Us Once Again (Loki x Nonbinary Reader) Pt 3
Elementalist (Loki x Asian Male Reader) Pt 1
Elementalist (Loki x Asian Male Reader) Pt 2
Elementalist (Loki x Asian Male Reader) Pt 3
Elementalist (Loki x Asian Male Reader) Pt 4
Mutual (Loki x Nonbinary Reader)
Easy Read (Loki x Male Reader) Pt 1
Easy Read (Loki x Male Reader) Pt 2
After Everything (Loki x Male Reader) Pt 1
After Everything (Loki x Male Reader) Pt 2
In All Seriousness (Loki x Nonbinary Reader)
Look for It (Loki x Male Reader)
Truth Serum (Loki x Male Reader)

Spellbinder's Wish (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 2

3.8K 157 7
By tsun-dou

It was raining. Possibly more than usual. You trudged back to your own home that you were exiled from. Wrapping a dark green cloak around you, you knocked on the door. Luckily, it was your mother who opened it. "Hello, mom," you smiled. Your mother gasped and immediately hugged you. 

"What are you doing here?" your mother asked. "Your father is home and I don't think he'd want to-" 

"Boda? Who's at the door?" your father then walked in to see that it was you. "Oh, it's the runt." 

You cocked your head to one side and glared at him. "I need answers," you said. You promptly took your cloak off and revealed your blue hand. "I suppose you know something that I don't." 

Your father chuckled. "Aye, your true colors are beginning to show 'cause the magic is wearing off." He stepped closer. 

"What the hel do you mean," you growled. Your father only responded with a dark laugh. You promptly pushed him up against the wall with your blue hand. He only laughed as you saw the blue spread onto him and the blood red eyes pool into his iris. His height grew significantly and he pushed you off. 

"Now you see me, boy," your father snarled. "You're jotunn scum like me. Even your mother is," he said as she walked in. She nodded her head in guilt but wasn't in her Jotunn form. 

"But how? Heimdall would obviously have-"

"We have ways of deceiving Heimdall, just like what happened today during the coronation." 

"Was it you then?" you said with fake accusation. Of course you knew who actually ruined Thor's coronation, but you wanted to take the blame off of Loki. 

"Of course not," your father snapped. He began to pace around. "Why are you still here."

"I want to know how you've been able to live among Asgardians without being noticed." 

"It's an age old magic... The kind most Jotunns have forgotten or lack the gift." 

"And what is that?" 

"Shapeshifting, Your mother and I were the only two left, so Laufey sent us as spies to live in Asgard." He gave a dry laugh. "I'm surprised you turned out to be a runt though," he said. 

"And what is this magic that's starting to wear off..." 

"Simple. Your mother and I, acting Asgardian for so long made you look Asgardian... but only for a certain amount of time..." He paused. "You went to Jotunheim today, didn't you?" 

"That's none of your business," you snapped. You went and swung your cloak around you to leave. "I've heard enough," you said as you walked out and slammed the door. You teleported back to the castle in your bedroom and threw the cloak angrily. You yelled out in anger and slammed a chair onto the floor. You stormed out and walked to where Sif and the Warriors three were still chatting. "There's spies in the kingdom," you said through gritted teeth. 

"And why should we believe you?" Fandral asked.

"Because he's right," Heimdall's voice boomed as he walked in. "We've arrested your father but your mother will be safe," Heimdall said to you.

"How did you get them to confess?" Volstagg asked. 

"My father revealed himself to be the monster he always was," you spat. "A damned Jotunn," you said as you stormed off. You were so blind in rage that you crashed into Loki. You growled but realized it was him and softened your gaze.

"Sorry..." you mumbled. 

Loki looked visibly shaken and took your hand and guided you into his room. He sat down on his bed and began to weep. You walked up to him and embraced him. "What happened?" you asked. 

"Father collapsed in front of me after..." Loki trailed off and sniffled. "He told me of my true heritage," he said. 

"Something happened on Jotunheim, didn't it..." you said. Loki didn't answer and looked down. You grabbed Loki's hand with your blue one and held it. He looked up at you in surprise. You placed your hands against each other. You watched as his hand turned blue. He flinched and shot his hand back. The blue went away, while yours didn't.

"I'm... Laufey's son," Loki then said. "And... I'm just a stolen relic..." Loki growled as tears began to fall again. "It makes sense..." he sobbed. "Odin never wanted a frost giant on the throne!" Loki yelled angrily as the tears kept falling. You felt like you wanted to cry with him but you swallowed that sadness and merely hugged him tightly against you. 

"Shhh, I'm here now," you said through shut eyes. "I don't see you as a relic..." you whispered. "I see you as a man, who is worthy of anything," you licked your lips. "A man I can love." Loki's sobbing died down to soft crying. He was never this vulnerable. But it broke your heart to see Loki this sad, all because Odin picked favorites. 

Loki sniffled and hugged you back, taking a deep breath and sighing. "I love you so much, (y/n)." 

"I love you, too." 

A knock broke the two of you from your embrace. "Yes?" Loki said, putting on a serious mask.

"The Allmother wishes to see you, Prince Loki," the guard said. Loki got off his bed and kissed your forehead. He smiled at you before leaving the room. 

You sat in his room and silently began to cry. Cold tears fell down your cheeks and you wiped them off. "Ugh," you said to yourself. Glancing at your hand again noticing that the blue was growing, you touched it out of curiosity. It was cold. In fact, you could feel your body temperature dropping. It wasn't long until Loki had come back into the room with a rather surprised look on his face. You noticed that he was holding Gungnir. You scrambled out of his bed and knelt to him. "My king," you said. Loki smiled and pulled you up. 

"The plan worked," Loki said in your mind. You smiled and he kissed you ever so softly. "Thank you for being by my side all these years," his voice echoed in your mind. You kissed him on the cheek and nodded to him. 

"I'm going to bed, you should as well... my king," you said before slipping away. He chuckled and nodded before closing the door. Loki then used his magic send his form to Thor.

The next morning came rather quickly. Sif shook you awake and said that they were going to talk to the Allfather about Thor's banishment. You kept your mouth shut and didn't tell them that Loki was king. You followed them as they walked quickly.

"Allfather, we must speak with you urgently!" Sif said as she walked in. They all saw that it was Loki sitting on the throne. His legs spread wide and sitting rather lazily with Gungnir. You couldn't help but feel weirded out by the way he sat. It looked good and... weird. Loki then leaned forward.

"My friends," Loki said.

"Where's Odin?" Fandral asked.

"Father has fallen into the Odinsleep. Mother fears he may never awaken again..." Loki said, feigning a fearful tone.

"We would speak with her," Sif then said.

"She has refused to leave my father's bedside. You can bring your urgent matter to me," Loki then stood up. "Your king." 

Sif hesitated and kneeled before speaking again. "My king, we would ask that you end Thor's banishment." She said my king rather sarcastically. The rest kneeled before Loki while you still stood. After little hesitation, you kneeled as well.

"My first command cannot be to undo the Allfather's last. We're on the brink of war with Jotunheim. Our people need a sense of community in order to feel safe in these difficult times. All of us must stand together. For the good of Asgard," Loki said. He stood his stance and kept an emotionless face. Sif almost walked forward with anger but Fandral placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Yes, of course," Fandral said nervously. 

"Good. You then await for my word," Loki said, he looked done with the conversation. 

"If I may, beg the indulgence of your majesty to perhaps reconsider-" Volstagg started. 

"We're done!" Loki said sternly as he cut Volstagg off. The group left and you turned to leave but Loki stopped you. "(y/n), you stay," he said. Sif looked back and looked at you with worry. You reciprocated it to make it seem you were on her side. You turned around and walked towards Loki. 

"...What is it, my king...?" you asked. He walked down to you and pulled your chin up and kissed you. 

"Be my prince," he purred. Your face flushed immediately and you couldn't help but laugh awkwardly. "I want you to decline and pretend that your loyalty stays with the idiots three, I know they're plotting something," he said in your head. "I know Heimdall will be watching me and I know I'll need a spy to help," Loki's voice echoed in your mind. Understanding what you needed to do, you pushed him away. 

"This is madness, Loki," you lied. "I don't want to rule with you," you lied again. But Heimdall didn't know that. You ran off to join the others. Loki gave a frustrated sigh and went to the Bifrost to head to Jotunheim.

"Now we see how this plays out," Loki thought to himself.

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