Loki x (Mostly) Male Reader C...

By tsun-dou

100K 3.4K 684

This Loki x Reader collection happens to be a collection of Loki x Male Readers, Loki x Nonbinary Readers and... More

Sorcerer's Apprentice (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 1
Sorcerer's Apprentice (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 3
Spellbinder's Wish (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 1
Spellbinder's Wish (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 2
Spellbinder's Wish (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 3
Bookworm (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 1
Bookworm (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 2
Speed Dating? Definitely Not. (AoA Loki x Male Reader) Pt 1
Speed Dating? Definitely Not. (AoA Loki x Male Reader) Pt 2
Speed Dating? Definitely Not. (AoA!Loki x Male Reader) Pt 3
Speed Dating? Definitely Not. (AoA Loki x Male Reader) Pt 4
Let the Sun Shine on Us Once Again (Loki x Nonbinary Reader) Pt 1
Let the Sun Shine on Us Once Again (Loki x Nonbinary Reader) Pt 2
Let the Sun Shine on Us Once Again (Loki x Nonbinary Reader) Pt 3
Elementalist (Loki x Asian Male Reader) Pt 1
Elementalist (Loki x Asian Male Reader) Pt 2
Elementalist (Loki x Asian Male Reader) Pt 3
Elementalist (Loki x Asian Male Reader) Pt 4
Mutual (Loki x Nonbinary Reader)
Easy Read (Loki x Male Reader) Pt 1
Easy Read (Loki x Male Reader) Pt 2
After Everything (Loki x Male Reader) Pt 1
After Everything (Loki x Male Reader) Pt 2
In All Seriousness (Loki x Nonbinary Reader)
Look for It (Loki x Male Reader)
Truth Serum (Loki x Male Reader)

Sorcerer's Apprentice (Loki x Male Ace!Reader) Pt 2

6.6K 270 59
By tsun-dou

It had been a few months since you've been disowned by your father, but it was worth it. All the training with Frigga had paid off and you were learning quickly. You were even a little better than Loki! When you were training with Frigga, you focused on destruction and healing more while Loki focused more on illusions and destruction. "Boys!" Frigga called. You and Loki bounded down the hallway, giving each other a small smirk as you passed each other. In the end, you won. You were exercising a lot more lately as well, while Loki, well he exercised like normal. 

"Yes, Allmother?" you asked. Both of you were lightly panting and looked at each other.

"Today, we'll be doing your first sparring session," she beamed. "Now, first one to fall on their back shall be the loser," she said with a rather serious tone. "I know both of you can take it, as long as no blood is shed," she said. She stood up and motioned them to follow her. The two followed her out into the guards training area. They passed Thor and his friends sparring with each other, you glanced at them and glanced back to Loki who had muttered a small ugh. As you reached the grounds, Frigga motioned the two of you to go on opposite sides. "Begin!" she announced. 

Loki made the first move. He threw an ice shard towards your path, quickly rolling out of the way, you retaliated by throwing a fireball. He leaned back to dodge it and growled. He then threw 3 ice shards towards you. Kicking up a wall of fire, the ice melted. Taking advantage of the situation, you quickly stopped the fire and froze the ground. It became incredibly slippery, forcing you to place your footing in a stable stance. Loki looked like he was going to slip, so you smirked as you sent another wave of ice towards his feet. The so called Loki in front of you shimmered away and he tapped you on the shoulder. Becoming startled, you slipped on the ice and fell on your back. "End!" Frigga said. "The winner for today's spar is Loki." 

Loki looked triumphant and you couldn't help but stare at him as he offered you his hand. Blinking, you took his hand and he hoisted you up. "That was fun!" he said with a warm smile. You rubbed your back and nodded in response. 

"You did very well for your first spar, (y/n)," Frigga complimented. You put a hand behind your neck and chuckled. "Using the ice tactic to make to battlefield easier for one to fall on your back is good!" she said. "Next time though, I suggest more traction for you or cast a spell that makes the ice cause the other person to slip but not you." Loki snickered.

"And you, Loki!" Frigga said. "I'm not going to leave you out, dear," she said. "If you're going to use ice spells, throw them better!" she said. "A good aim and good speed result in the opponent losing, keep that in mind, your illusion tactic was excellent though, you had one flaw though, your illusion didn't move enough." Loki nodded and Frigga looked at you again. "I want you to focus on sparks more," Frigga said. "You seem to be doing well with ice and fire, but not sparks. Loki, perfect your illusions more, like this," she said. She made a perfect copy of herself and it moved like an actual person. The illusion went away and she nodded.

"Well, I am sure sparring took a lot out of you, so we'll start the lessons in the afternoon," Frigga said. "You can do whatever you'd like as long as you come back in 4 hours. The both of you nodded and left her presence. You began walking first and Loki caught up to you. 

"Making the battlefield icy was smart," Loki commented.

"Yeah, but I still lost to your illusions," you said, rolling your eyes. "I even had a stable stance!" you exclaimed. Giving a small sigh, Loki only chuckled. 

"You'll get better, I-" 

"Brother!" a loud voice yelled. Loki and you looked over to see Thor and his four friends tailing after him. "What battle was that?!" Thor boomed. "That was hardly any glorious!" he said. 

"Our sparring is based on wit and magic, not trying to overpower each other with our muscles," Loki retorted. 

"Why? Because you don't have any?" Thor jested. You huffed in silence and glared at Thor at that comment. 

"I don't believe you are smart enough to understand," you blurted out towards Thor. An awkward silence fell across the group. Thor then burst out laughing and hit you on the back in a friendly way, causing you to grimace since he hit right where you fell.

"Your friend here has heart, I'll give you that," Thor laughed. "I've seen you around the castle, what is your name?" 


"Ah, so you are mother's apprentice," Thor said. "Well, have fun wasting your time with magic!" Thor said as he walked away with his friends. You wanted to punch Thor. You glanced over to Loki who looked very frustrated. He gave a exasperated sigh and grabbed your arm. 


"Shut up and just follow me," Loki snapped. You closed your mouth and let him drag you to the royal gardens. He let go of your arm and sat you down on a bench. He then sat down next to you and stayed still for a while in silent anger. After an awkward 30 seconds, he then asked you a question.

"Do you like Thor?" 

"What in Odin's beard do you mean by that." 

"As in a friend." 

"I don't even consider him a friend, Loki. He's too much like my father." 


You sighed and hated the fact that you had to remember him. "My father is arrogant, a brute, reckless, and the most selfish person I have ever met," you ranted. Loki listened intently as you began to rant more. "All he does is boast of how he is an einherjar, constantly says that being a man is by being a great warrior and whatnot and..." you sighed. "It's ridiculous! The man even disowned me after I walked out the door to meet Queen Frigga." You hung your head dejectedly. "All because he thought magic was a waste of time," you spat. You shook your head and sighed. "...Sorry, I went off track a little bit..." 

Loki chuckled and shook his head. "No, it's perfectly fine," he said, it seemed his anger went away. "That's almost exactly what Thor is like," he smiled. "A brute, a reckless, selfish man, all that," Loki said. "I... somewhat understand, (y/n). I do not know how it feels to be disowned though," he said sadly. "But, look," Loki said as he took your hands into his. "I'm your family now," he said. "My mother is as well," he smiled.

This puzzled you. "Wait, so are we friends or brothers then?" you asked in confusion. Loki laughed and didn't reply. 

"I think friend works for now," he said.

"For now?" you asked. You furrowed your brows in even more confusion. "Loki, you confuse me." Loki only laughed and squeezed your hand, causing your face to flush once again. 

"I'll make you mine," Loki thought to himself.

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