Creatures from the Ocean (Sci...

By paris_girl22

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Stiles Stilinski has been living in Beacon Hills for quite some time now. He's made great friends who have be... More

1: Everything Changes
2: A Secret to Hide
3: A Dumb Decision?
4: Weekend Getaway Disaster
5: Alone
6: Lesson Number One
7: The Siren's Song
8: A Strange New Feeling
9: New Threats, Nostalgia and Surprises
10: Dangerously Close
11: Stilinski Reunion
12: The Movies
13: Loyalty
14: The Hunters
15: Trapped
16: Saving Stiles
17: Pep Talks
18: Missing Home
19: Theo's Threats
20: Concern
21: Suspicion
22: Moving out of Scott's house
23: Pack Sleepover Fun
24: Nightmare? Or something more?
25: Kira Knows
26: The Discovery of Merpeople
27: Getting to know Kara
28: The Aquarium
29: Setting Up a Date
30: The Truth
31: Standing Strong
32: New Revelations
33: The New Girl
34: Disagreements and Disappointment
35: Jealousy
36: The Darker Side of Samantha Worthington
37: Making Up?
38: Not Alone
39: A Fatal Shot
40: Melissa and Stiles
41: The Whole Truth
42: Poor, Unfortunate Souls
43: Finding the Cure
44: Saving Scott
45: An Important Heart to Heart
46: Dread Doctors
47: Shock and Disbelief
48: What it really means to have a best friend
49: Danny's Party
50: Hallucinations
51: Uncertainty
52: Love Hurts
Exciting Announcement!
53: A Wendigo?
54: Stiles' Anchor
55: Sleep Deprivation
56: Something Suspicious
57: Manipulation
58: Just Like Strangers
59: Betrayed and Heartbroken
60: True Love
61: Confessions and Discoveries
62: Planning
64: First Date - Part Two
65: Filling In The Blanks
66: The Perfect Hybrid
67: Hybrids and Tridents
68: More 'Nightmares'
69: Stiles Through the Looking Glass
70: Journey to Atlantia
71: Childhood Friends Reunited
72: The Beginning of the End
73: The Final Battle
74: Success
75: The Aftermath
76: Stiles' Birthday
77: Ceremony Preparations and Jitters
78: Celebrations *FINAL CHAPTER*
Important Announcement!

63: First Date - Part One

3.3K 132 27
By paris_girl22

Stiles POV

I wake up early the next day. I quickly get out of bed and ready for school. I'm really looking forward to tonight, but I have no idea what to expect. As I make my way down the stairs, I pass Kara. She seems to notice my happy mood. "What's got you so cheerful?" Kara laughs as we go down into the kitchen together.

"I'm going on a date with Scott tonight." I reply as I pull out two bowls from the cupboard.

"That's awesome! Where are you going?" Kara asks excitedly.

"I don't know, all Scott said to me was that he'll pick me up at 4pm and that I need to bring a towel." I tell the mermaid.

"Wait, but Scott doesn't have a car." Kara points out.

"I know. Maybe he's taking his mom's car or he's using his motorbike. I've never been on that motorbike before." I shrug.

"I guess you'll find out tonight." Kara tells me as I continue to get our breakfast ready.

"So, how are you and Isaac going anyway?" I ask Kara curiously as we walk towards the dining table with our bowls of cereal. "Good. Really good." Kara smiles as we sit down.

"Am I going to get any more details?" I laugh before I take a bite of my cereal.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Kara asks with a small blush.

"Hmm..." I say as I try to think. I don't want to ask anything too personal that will make Kara feel embarrassed.

"Do you love him?" I eventually ask. There are a couple moments of silence.

"Yes, yes I do love him." Kara answers with a smile. I can't help but smile back.

"Have you told him that?" I ask as I take another bite of my breakfast.

"Yes..." Kara mumbles with a small smile.

"And? What did he say?" I ask excitedly.

"He said that he loves me too." Kara's small smile turns into a huge grin.

"Kira is a great match maker!" I laugh happily before I eat some more of my cereal.

"Yeah, you're only saying that because of you and Scott." Kara snickers. I almost choke on the cornflakes. I look over to Kara with wide eyes. "What? No I'm not!" I protest. Kara raises an eyebrow.

"It's true! I'm saying it because Kira saw that there was chemistry between you and Isaac! Now look where you are!" I point out wildly. Kara chuckles and shakes her head as she continues to eat her breakfast. I sigh as I look back down at my bowl. "So, do you have any idea when you are going back to your family?" I say as I look up. Kara's face falls slightly.

"I really don't know... I don't want to leave Isaac." Kara bites her lip.

"You wouldn't have to leave Isaac forever." I point out.

"Yeah, but I live so far away from here." Kara replies sadly.

"Find another way to stay in contact when you're unable to see him." I tell her.

"How?" Kara asks me with sadness in her eyes.

"Um... I don't know... Maybe you'll just have to go on land and find a phone." I suggest, even though I know it's not the most practical idea. Kara sighs. "That's the only plan I've got. I was afraid of getting too close to anyone here because I knew this would happen." Kara groans.

"Hey, you can't help how you feel. You can't deny your feelings forever either, believe me." I try to comfort the Australian mermaid.

"I don't know what to do, Stiles. I want to see my family, of course I do, but I love Isaac too much to leave him behind." Kara sighs with sadness and frustration.

"Maybe you guys will just have to work it out long distance. Maybe you will just need to travel really far to see each other." I conclude. I wish I could tell her something else, but I can't figure out anything else to say.

"It seems like it." Kara shrugs.

"Look, don't worry about it for now. It's not like you're leaving this instant." I comfort her as I finish my cornflakes. I notice that Kara is finished too. We take our bowls and spoons into the kitchen. We place them in the dishwasher and close it up again. I'll make the dishwasher clean the dishes when I have more dirty dishes to wash. I look at the time on my phone. "Come on, Kara. If we don't leave soon, we will be late." I tell Kara as I walk to the front door with my school bag and keys in hand. Kara quickly follows me. We walk outside to the jeep. We quickly jump in and I start the car. Within 10 minutes, I am parking near the front of the school. Once I turn the engine off, Kara and I get out of the jeep, grab our stuff and walk towards the school.

"Today is going to be really long for you, isn't it?" Kara laughs.

"Yeah, probably." I agree as we walk up the stairs. I open the door and let Kara walk past me.

"Such a gentleman." She chuckles. I do a little bow as I close the door behind me. We continue our way to our lockers. "Oh, by the way, Isaac is picking me up today, so you don't have to wait for me. We are going back to his place, since you'll be out tonight anyway." Kara informs me before she starts walking over to her locker.

"Sure thing." I call back in response. I then open my locker up and grab the things I need. Suddenly, I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I jump out of my skin and shriek in fright. I spin around to find Scott standing in front of me, laughing. "Boo." Scott says once he finishes laughing.

"Haha, very funny, McCall." I roll my eyes as I close my locker door and zip up my bag.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Scott shrugs apologetically.

"It's fine." I smile at him.

"What class do we have first again?" I frown.

"Um, math." Scott answers after a moment. I groan in dismay.

"Why math? That's the worst way to start the day." I grumble. Scott pats me on the back comfortingly.

"Oh well. At least you have me." He says as he guide me down the hall, his arm still draped over my shoulders. I can't help but smile. Kara smirks at us as we pass by her. "I guess that's true." I comment.

"Are you excited for tonight?" Scott asks me curiously.

"Yeah! I could barely sleep last night. I wish you could tell me where we were going." I complain in a lighthearted tone. Scott chuckles and shakes his head. "I'm sorry, but that would ruin the surprise." Scott informs me.

"Aww, come on Scotty." I whine and look at him with pleading eyes.

"As cute as you look right now, I'm still not going to tell you anything." Scott laughs. I sigh in defeat.

"Fine." I huff.

"Don't worry, you'll love it." Scott assured me, giving a quick kiss on my cheek, which leaves a tingling sensation. My lips are tugged into a smile. "Just don't forget to bring a towel." Scott adds.

"Don't worry, I won't forget." I tell him. The two of us continue to walk towards our first class.


As the final bell rings, I run out of the school as quickly as I can. I run to my jeep and jump in. I quickly start the car and drive back home, a smile on my face the whole way. My mouth starts to hurt, but I don't care. I rush inside the house. I run up to my room and sit on my bed, unsure on what to do. I finally decide that I will read for a while. I grab one of my novels and start reading it. After 15 minutes or so, I check the time. It's 3:40pm. I really should start getting ready if I don't want to be late. I toss the book onto my bed before I rush to my drawers and pulling out my nicest clothes. I sort through them on the floor, making a pile of things that I might wear and things that I won't wear. Once I've gone through all my nice clothes, I place the ones I don't want to wear back in my drawer. I bite my lip as I look at the remaining clothes. I wish I knew where we were going. That would help a lot.

After a few more minutes of contemplation, I decide on black jeans, a plain white t-shirt and my black leather jacket. I quickly get changed. I even change shoes. I slip off the ones I wore to school and put on the nice white trainers I have. I quickly tie up the laces. I stand up and slip on the jacket. I walk over to the mirror in my room to see how I look. I smile to myself. I don't look too bad. I give my hair a quick brush and make it look like it is styled nicely. I grab my wallet, phone and keys, stuffing them into one of my jacket's pockets. I look around the room, wondering if I'm forgetting something. Suddenly, it hits me. I need to bring a towel. I walk out into the hall and walk to the linen press. I open it up and grab a blue beach towel before closing the door again. I grab a bag from my room and stuff the towel into it. I quickly rush down the stairs.

I make my way into the living room. I sit down on the sofa, placing my bag down beside me. I glance up at the clock. It's 3:56pm. Scott should be here soon. I suddenly notice that my hands are tapping against my legs nervously. I force myself to stop by folding my arms across my chest. I look around the room taking in the detail of things as I start to get bored. Time seems to slow down. I take in a deep breath, trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach. I shouldn't be nervous about this first date. I let one of my hands fiddle with the locket hanging around my neck. I wonder what Mom and Dad would tell me if they were here right now. I smile sadly at the thought. Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door which makes me jump. I quickly get up, grab my bag and race to the front door. I take a deep breath and open the front door. As soon as I see Scott standing at the door frame, I immediately relax. I smile brightly at him.

"Hi." I greet my boyfriend cheerfully, letting him into the house.

"Hey, Stiles." Scott replies. I take in his appearance. Scott is wearing a blue shirt, denim jacket and black jeans.

"Wow, you look great." I compliment him. I almost say that he'd look amazing in anything, but I manage not to, as I don't want to embarrass myself.

"So do you." Scott beams as he gazes over me, admiring my own appearance. I feel myself blush slightly.

"Thanks." I reply as I swing my bag over my shoulder.

"Should we go?" I ask as I tilt my head towards the door. Scott nods eagerly. He holds out his hand for me to take. I smile as I gladly hold onto Scott's hand. The two of us walk out of the house, with me locking the door behind us.
I see that Scott has managed to bring his mom's car. "How did you manage to convince her that you can use her car?" I laugh.

"I told her I was going on a date with someone special. I didn't say who though." Scott replies as we walk towards the car. I nod in understanding. Scott opens the passenger door for me. "You do know I can get into a car myself, right?" I raise my eyebrows. Scott shrugs. "Just doing the polite thing." He chuckles as he makes his way to driver's side. I quickly get into the car, placing my bag down at my feet. I close the door and put my seatbelt on. Only a few seconds later, Scott is strapped in too. He looks over to me. "Are you ready?" Scott asks me.

"Yep." I reply. Scott grins and starts the car, driving away from my house.

"Can I put on some music?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah, go for it." Scott nods. I rummage through the CD's that are in the glove box. I finally decide on a Skillet CD. I put it into the CD player and the first song begins. Scott starts nodding to the music. "You have a good taste in music." Scott notes.

"Thanks." I reply with a smile. Soon, the two of us are rocking out to Skillet songs at the top of our lungs. After a good amount of time driving, Scott finally pulls to a stop. I notice that we are at the beach. I look over at my boyfriend. "So that's why you wanted me to bring my towel." I laugh as we get out of the car. I carry my bag with me. Scott walks around to the boot and opens it up. I watch as Scott grabs all the scuba diving gear in his arms. I close the boot for him. "Well, I thought that I haven't really been swimming with you before, so now would be a great time." Scott explains as we walk down to the sand. "Sounds good to me." I comment with a smile. Scott leads us to a small boat that is anchored into the sand. Scott places the scuba diving gear in the boat. I raise my eyebrows at him, making sure I keep a good distance away from the water. "How far are we going out?" I ask curiously.

"You'll see." Scott chuckles. I roll my eyes at the mysterious werewolf. I glance around to see if anyone is on the beach. Thankfully, it is just the two of us. The wind picks up slightly around us. Tiny grains of sand fly about in the wind. I love the sea breeze rushing past my face. I feel at home here. Scott seems to notice my mood and smiles at me happily. "So, how are we doing this?" I question Scott curiously, gesturing to the boat and myself.

"I guess I'll take the boat and you follow?" Scott suggests.

"That could work." I nod as I toss my bag into the boat. Thankfully, it doesn't miss.

"Can your boat keep up with me?" I smirk mischievously.

"I guess we can find out." Scott laughs.

"Don't worry, I'll stop and wait if you get too far behind." I wink before I run forwards and dive into the water. Within moments, my legs fuse together and transform into a tail and gills appear on my neck. I break the surface of the water and turn back to Scott, who is staring at me with amazement. I swim closer to the shore, flicking Scott with water by using my tail. "Hey!" Scott yelps as the cold water touches his skin.

"Come on then!" I tease. I watch as Scott takes the anchor out of the sand and pushes the boat further into the water. "Hey, do you mind pulling it out further?" Scott asks me as he gets into the boat. It's still too shallow for him to start the engine. "Sure." I chirp. I swim closer to the boat and pull it out further into the water. Within 30 seconds or so, I stop pulling. "I think you'll be good to go now." I inform the werewolf. Scott nods in response and quickly turns on the engine. The boat whirs to life. "Follow me!" Scott calls out over the noise. I watch as the boat speeds past me.

"More like try and stay with me." I chuckle as I dive underwater. I follow the trail of bubbles above created by the boat. I easily take the lead. I jump out of the water like a dolphin and shout in triumph. I can hear Scott laughing before I dive back into the water. I flip my tail faster, allowing me to swim faster. After a while, I stop swimming, rise to the surface and turn around. Scott's boat is a fair way back. I can't help but laugh. I swim to the side as Scott's boat catches up to me. Scott slows the boat to a stop and looks down at me. I float on my back as I look up at him, my tail bobbing above the surface from time to time. "How much further?" I ask the land dweller.

"Not far. I think we can stop here though for now." Scott informs me as he throws the anchor into the water behind the boat. I nod. I look up at the sky to see the sun nowhere near setting yet, which is good. It's great that we are in daylight savings at the moment. "Alright." I reply to Scott as I swim over to the boat. I reach up and grab the sides of the boat with my hands. I pull myself up and lean on the boat's side. I grin mischievously at my boyfriend. "This is harder than it looks, you know." I inform him.

"I can imagine. Your tail isn't exactly light." Scott laughs and shakes his head.

"I just need to get changed into scuba diving gear and then we can go for a swim." Scott tells me with a smile. I nod and then drop back down into the water. I dive under the surface, giving Scott some time to change. I swim deeper, trying to find anything that would be interesting enough to show Scott. After a few minutes of swimming around, I find a small coral reef. I grin happily. This coral reef is a really lucky find. I decide to go back to the boat. I quickly swim back the way I came. Once I swim up next to the boat and pop my head out of the water, I can see Scott scanning the water around him as he searches for me. "Hi!" I call out, making Scott jump slightly. He turns towards me with a relieved expression. "You scared me. Don't do that." He chuckles. I roll my eyes playfully. I notice that Scott has the wetsuit and all of the scuba diving gear on now. "Ready to go?" I ask excitedly.

"Yep." Scott replies. He makes his way to the edge of the boat and sits on the side. Scott puts the mouth piece in place before falling backwards into the water. I smile as I dive back underwater to find him.

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