Creatures from the Ocean (Sci...

By paris_girl22

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Stiles Stilinski has been living in Beacon Hills for quite some time now. He's made great friends who have be... More

1: Everything Changes
2: A Secret to Hide
3: A Dumb Decision?
4: Weekend Getaway Disaster
5: Alone
6: Lesson Number One
7: The Siren's Song
8: A Strange New Feeling
9: New Threats, Nostalgia and Surprises
10: Dangerously Close
11: Stilinski Reunion
12: The Movies
13: Loyalty
14: The Hunters
15: Trapped
16: Saving Stiles
17: Pep Talks
18: Missing Home
19: Theo's Threats
20: Concern
21: Suspicion
22: Moving out of Scott's house
23: Pack Sleepover Fun
24: Nightmare? Or something more?
25: Kira Knows
26: The Discovery of Merpeople
27: Getting to know Kara
28: The Aquarium
29: Setting Up a Date
30: The Truth
31: Standing Strong
32: New Revelations
33: The New Girl
34: Disagreements and Disappointment
35: Jealousy
36: The Darker Side of Samantha Worthington
37: Making Up?
38: Not Alone
39: A Fatal Shot
40: Melissa and Stiles
41: The Whole Truth
42: Poor, Unfortunate Souls
43: Finding the Cure
44: Saving Scott
45: An Important Heart to Heart
46: Dread Doctors
47: Shock and Disbelief
48: What it really means to have a best friend
49: Danny's Party
50: Hallucinations
51: Uncertainty
52: Love Hurts
Exciting Announcement!
53: A Wendigo?
54: Stiles' Anchor
55: Sleep Deprivation
56: Something Suspicious
57: Manipulation
58: Just Like Strangers
59: Betrayed and Heartbroken
61: Confessions and Discoveries
62: Planning
63: First Date - Part One
64: First Date - Part Two
65: Filling In The Blanks
66: The Perfect Hybrid
67: Hybrids and Tridents
68: More 'Nightmares'
69: Stiles Through the Looking Glass
70: Journey to Atlantia
71: Childhood Friends Reunited
72: The Beginning of the End
73: The Final Battle
74: Success
75: The Aftermath
76: Stiles' Birthday
77: Ceremony Preparations and Jitters
78: Celebrations *FINAL CHAPTER*
Important Announcement!

60: True Love

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By paris_girl22

Scott POV

The next day, I'm sitting in the cafe with Samantha again, frowning. "So, you still haven't found your phone?" Samantha asks me curiously and worriedly.

"Yeah. I'm sure I had it on me yesterday though..." I sigh.

"Does that mean you haven't talked to Stiles then?" Samantha raises her eyebrows.

"Well, considering there's no school today and I haven't called a pack meeting, I haven't had a chance to run into him... so no I haven't talked to Stiles." I reply as I stare at the table. I feel uneasy again, but I don't know why. Suddenly, I feel Samantha kiss me lightly on the cheek. I turn to her with a confused smile. "What was that for?" I chuckle.

"No reason." Samantha shrugs.

"Do you want me to get some drinks? My treat." Samantha asks as she stands up, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, that'd be great." I smile at her. She nods as she reaches into her handbag and pulls out her purse.

"I'll be back in a minute." Samantha assures me before she kisses me on the head and walks off, leaving her bag with me. I chuckle and turn back around, looking outside the window. Suddenly, I hear a noise coming from Samantha's handbag. I frown. It sounds exactly like my phone's ringtone. I pull Samantha's handbag towards me and open it up. I reach inside and slowly pull out my phone. Suspicion rolls over me as I realize that Samantha must have taken my phone yesterday while I was ordering. Suddenly, the suspicion turns into fear as I wonder why she could have possibly wanted to take my phone. The first thing I notice is that I have a missed call and voice mail from Stiles. I bite my lip guiltily as my heart aches and I become overwhelmed with sadness.

I've been treating Stiles terribly lately. I know that ignoring Stiles was wrong, even if he kissed Samantha. We should have talked it out. Why did I even agree to ignoring Stiles? I try to find an answer, but my mind draws a blank. I frown worriedly. Something isn't adding up here. I quickly glance over to Samantha to see her still at the counter, chatting happily with a waitress. I'm still wondering why she stole my phone, but that isn't my biggest problem right now. I turn back around so I'm facing the table. I glance down at my phone, staring at the voicemail Stiles sent me yesterday. I quickly press on the voicemail and hold my phone up to my ear.

Once I finish the voicemail, I slowly take my phone away from my ear, tears rolling down my face. I feel so stupid. I notice my hand holding the phone is shaking uncontrollably. I cry silently, unable to believe the pain and heartache I have put my best friend through. By listening to the voicemail, I have finally realized two things. I can now see how much Stiles really loved me. I also realize that I love him too, and not just in the best friend type of way. I love him with all my heart. It feels like my mind has been cleared, as if it had been filled with fog until this moment. I feel... Free. I think back to all the times that I cared for Stiles above anything or anyone else. I think about how lost I would have been if Stiles had died with the Nogitsune or on that metal bench with the poison in his system or in my arms with that sword wound. I finally understand what Kira had meant when she broke up with me.

I feel absolutely horrible. Stiles has already forgiven me for my mistakes way too many times. I went too far this time. I should have listened to him when he tried to tell me that he didn't kiss Samantha. She was the one that kissed him and made it look like Stiles kissed her. I hate myself for realizing all of this way too late. Stiles will never forgive me now; I completely broke his trust. I guess that you never really know or appreciate what you have until it's gone. My mind tried to warn me on multiple occasions through nightmares or that weird vision at the party. Even my doppelgänger tried to help me. I slowly start to stop crying. I wipe my eyes and sniff. I need to talk to Stiles, even if he will never trust me or want anything to do with me again.

Suddenly, Kira rushes into the cafe. I stand up as she walks up to me. She looks angry. I'm about to greet Kira when she suddenly slaps me hard across the face. "Ow! What was that for?" I gasp as I stumble back, rubbing my sore face.

"For being an idiot. I should've just told you at the beginning. Then, we could have avoided this whole mess." Kira groans and rolls her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I understand now. I understand everything, including why you broke up with me." I tell the kitsune. Kira sighs.

"Well thank goodness for that. Now, we only have one huge problem to deal with." Kira comments.

"And what's that?" I ask worriedly.

"Stiles is missing. No one has seen him since yesterday. Kara is freaking out about it. I tried going around to his house today, but no one was there. Where could he be?" Kira asks fearfully. My heart drops as I realize what must have happened. I start to feel unsteady on my feet as a wave of dizziness rolls over me. "I don't think we'll be having an easy time finding him..." I sigh sadly, running a hand through my hair. I feel like I'm going to be sick. This is all my fault. "Why?" Kira questions me with a frown.

"He... Left me a voicemail. Yesterday." I answer.

"What? Why the hell didn't you act sooner?" Kira asks me incredulously.

"Because... Someone stole my phone." I reply slowly, my sadness and fear being replaced with anger. How could Samantha do something as horrible as this? Stiles was right about her all along. I really wish I had listened to him. "Come on. We should go get Deaton. He might know what to do." Kira suggests as she grabs my arm. We start to run out of the cafe, but Samantha stops in front of us. "Where do you think you're going?" She asks me suspiciously.

"None of your concern, bitch." Kira responds harshly. Samantha glares at her.

"I didn't ask you, fox." Samantha retorts.

"Hey!" I interrupt in annoyance. I look at the mermaid with anger, resisting the animalistic urge to rip her apart.

"Stiles is missing. We are going to find him." I tell her as calmly as I can.

"But you promised that you wouldn't hang around him." Samantha complains. I look at her with complete disgust.

"I can't believe you just said that. He could be in real danger and I have a feeling that it is all your fault." I hiss while shaking my head in disappointment. "You're going to have to choose, Scott. You can't have it both ways. It's him or me." Samantha states smugly. Kira looks at me with worry, almost like she is scared that I would be torn between the two options or that I might even choose Samantha. However, this is not the case. My mind has been made up and no one can change it.

"There is no option, Samantha. I never want to see you again." I answer simply in a cold voice.

"What, so you're dumping me?" Samantha asks, not quite able to believe it.

"Absolutely. You've been horrible to the ones I care about the most. You lied to me and you stole my phone just so I wouldn't talk to Stiles. If you really loved me, you wouldn't have done any of that." I growl. I suddenly look at the locket hanging around her neck.

"That's not yours, is it? You never bought it from an antique shop, did you?" I ask. Samantha smirks.

"Of course not. I made Stiles give his locket to me." She explains.

"What does that mean?" Kira asks angrily.

"It means he lost." Samantha laughs. I growl in response.

"Stay away from me and my friends, or otherwise you will lose more than just your boyfriend." I threaten angrily with a snarl. With that, Kira runs forward and quickly takes the locket off Samantha. She quickly stuffs it into her jacket's pocket. Once she's back beside me, the two of us push past Samantha and run out of the cafe. "You haven't seen the last of me, Scott McCall! This isn't over!" My now ex-girlfriend screams, but Kira and I choose to ignore her. We run to my motorbike and quickly jump on, Kira wrapping her arms around my waist. I quickly give her my helmet. Once she has strapped it on, she gives a sign that she's ready to go. I quickly start the engine and drive towards the animal clinic. The whole time, my mind is consumed by thoughts of Stiles. God, I hope he's okay. I will never forgive myself if he is seriously injured or even killed because of me and my stupid actions. How could I have been so blind? How did I not realize my feelings sooner? How couldn't I tell that Stiles felt the same way about me? I finally understand what that vision was telling me at the party now. I fear that it might be coming true.

We finally arrive at the parking lot of the animal clinic. I park close to the building and quickly cut off the engine. Kira and I jump off the motorbike and Kira takes off the helmet and hangs it over one of the handles. The two of us race inside, hoping that Deaton isn't dealing with any owners or animals right now. Thankfully, he isn't. Deaton looks up when he sees us rush towards him. "Deaton! We need your help!" I exclaim breathlessly.

"Okay. What's going on?" Deaton frowns as he leads us into a back room. I quickly explain the situation to him. The veterinarian sighs sadly. I glance over at Kira, who is pulling out the locket. "We need to keep this somewhere safe." She says. Deaton nods in agreement. He takes the locket from Kira and places it gently in a box to keep it safe. Deaton closes the box and locks it before turning back to us. "What do we do?" I ask desperately, trying to remain strong and not break down in front of Kira and Deaton.

"I don't know if there's much you can do. It's a big ocean out there." Deaton sighs. I take a deep shaky breath.

"I can't lose Stiles..." I mumble as I quickly wipe my watery eyes. I sniffle quietly.

"Oh my god! Scott, I just realized that there is a huge fishing competition taking place today! They're using the huge boats and nets to get the most fish!" Kira gasps in horror.

"Where is that?" I ask in a hurry.

"Not too far from the place we stayed at for the weekend. Well, that's what I read in the newspaper at least." Kira answers. I nod.

"Okay, we need to hurry. Stiles could be in huge danger." I absolutely hate the thought of Stiles being in danger. It would break my heart and I don't think I could live with myself if he was captured by people and was put into a tank to be goggled over and tested on. I promise myself that I won't let this happen, no matter the cost. The three of us leave the animal clinic to gather up scuba diving gear and rush to the beach in Deaton's car as fast as we can. It doesn't feel fast enough for me. Deaton hires a little boat that has an engine for us to use. The three of us jump into the boat. "Uh, does anyone know how to use a boat?" Kira asks worriedly.

"I do, don't worry." Deaton replies. I also know how to operate a boat thanks to my dad, so it's good that we have at least two competent people to know how to drive and steer a boat. Deaton starts the engine and we speed out to open waters. After about 20 minutes of speeding through the water, Deaton parks the boat behind a rock. I peer out behind the rock to see that boats are already out in the water, preparing to lower their nets and go fishing. "We don't have time. Stiles could already be trapped." I inform the other two.

"I have to go under without a suit." I add as I take my shoes off.

"Scott, no! It's too dangerous!" Kira protests. I turn around to face her. I hold Kira's hands for a moment and squeeze them comfortingly. "I have to try." I give her a small smile before turning around and dive into the ocean, taking a deep breath of air before going under, ignoring Deaton and Kira's protests. I need to save Stiles, even if he doesn't forgive me and never wants anything to do with me again.

Stiles POV

I am currently hiding behind a rock, trying to avoid the boats and their nets. Ugh, how did I end up in this mess? Suddenly, I see a turtle about to be caught in a fishing net. My eyes widen in horror. I can't let this happen. I swim quickly up to the turtle and guide it away from the huge net. I grin happily as the turtle manages to swim away to safety. Unfortunately, the same thing can't be said for me. After helping the turtle, I am not quick enough to escape the net as well. The net surrounds me, tangling up with my tail. I try to swim free frantically, but it's no use. I then try to pull apart the net, but this also doesn't help. I only get rope burn. I float hopelessly in the water, trapped in the net. It will only be a matter of time before people will pull the net up and see what they have really caught. I close my eyes in despair. This is not how I wanted to end up.

Scott POV

After about a minute of desperate searching underwater, I have to go up for air. I gasp heavily as I reach the surface. I hear Kira and Deaton from behind me still calling for me to come back, but I don't listen. I need to find Stiles now. I dive back underwater, getting closer to the boats. Everything looks slightly blurry. I wish that I had perfect eyesight underwater, but werewolves weren't made to be in the water like merfolk were. Suddenly, I see something out of the ordinary. I quickly swim over to it. As I get closer, I see that it's a large figure in the water. As I get even closer, I realize with horror that it's Stiles. I quickly race through the last bit of distance between me and the boats to get to Stiles. My air is running out at this point, but I don't care.

Stiles POV

I look up to see Scott swimming closer to me. "Scott?" I ask in confusion and surprise. I can't believe he's here. It takes me a moment to come to my senses. "Scott, get out of here before you drown! It's too dangerous!" I tell Scott urgently, but he doesn't listen. He merely shakes his head. Scott looks at the net. He then lets his claws grow. He starts cutting through the netting.

Scott POV

My lungs scream for oxygen, but I push past the feeling and keep going. I won't stop until Stiles is free. Stiles seems to notice my struggling. "Scott, leave me. It's okay." Stiles tries to push me away, but I refuse to give in. If I die trying to get Stiles out of this net, so be it. My vision becomes blurrier than it usually is underwater and I feel really lightheaded, but I manage to cut away the last bit of net. There is now a hole big enough for Stiles to swim through, which is lucky because the net starts to get dragged up. I help untangle the bottom of the net from Stiles' beautiful red tail. Once that's done, Stiles swims out of the net in a hurry, sighing in relief. At this point, I have lost all my oxygen and I start sinking as black dots start to appear before me. I'm just glad that Stiles is safe. In the next moment, I lose consciousness.

Stiles POV

"Thanks, Sc-" I start to praise, but as I turn around in the water, I can't see the werewolf.

"Scott!" I shout desperately. I slowly look down to see Scott sinking down, eyes shut.

"No!" I yell in protest, quickly swimming down to Scott. I grab him from under his arms and hold him close to my chest. I manage to swim away from the sea of boats, dodging all of their nets. "Don't worry, Scotty. I'll get you to safety." I assure the unconscious boy in my arms. After a minute of furiously fast swimming, I arrive near the shore of an isolated beach. No one comes here because it is a rocky cove and can be very wavy. It's not a very good family beach or surfing beach. There's not too much of a view to see either, so it's safe for me to get to shore.

I swim up as far inland as I can go and push Scott onto the sand. I use my arms to crawl my way over to Scott, making sure that he's lying flat on his back. I can barely control my breathing, but I don't care right now. Scott actually can't breathe at the moment, so I need to focus on that problem. I start performing CPR. "Come on, Scott. Breathe!" I shout desperately as I pump Scott's chest. After several more presses, I decide to try mouth to mouth. I put my hands on the sides of Scott's face. I hesitate for a moment as I hover over Scott's face. After another moment, I press down on Scott's lips and try mouth-to-mouth. I then go back to performing CPR. I repeat the CPR and mouth to mouth process several times. By the seventh time, tears are rolling down my face and I can barely contain my sobbing.

Finally, on the tenth time of me pumping Scott's chest, Scott coughs up a huge amount of seawater. "Scott!" I cry out in relief, hugging the werewolf as he slowly sits up and opens his eyes. I pull away quickly though, letting Scott recover. Finally, my breathing calms down and my heart stops hammering against my chest. As Scott wipes the water from his mouth, he looks at me. "You... Almost died... To save me?" I ask in disbelief. Something inside of me starts to mend. It's a warm and strange feeling that I can't describe. It feels like the world has just gotten a little bit brighter. Scott grins. "I would have happily died to save your life, especially after all the pain I've caused you. Stiles, you were right. You were right about everything. I have been a complete jerk to you, I've let you down so many times and Samantha wasn't who I thought she was. Anyway, I'm just glad you're okay." He says with relief.

"You're glad that I'm okay? What about you, the guy who almost drowned?" I exclaim in exasperation. Scott's face falls a little. "I know that you won't be able to forgive me for all the pain I've put you through and I know I don't deserve to be forgiven, but I need to tell you that I'm so, so, so sincerely sorry for being such an ignorant jerk." Scott apologizes with the most guilty look on his face. I chuckle lightly and shake my head. Scott stares at me, looking really confused. "Do you remember how it is nearly impossible for someone to regain the trust of a merperson?" I ask. Scott's expression becomes extremely sad and void of hope, but he nods anyway. "Yes, I remember that all too well..." He sighs sadly.

"Well, I think you somehow accomplished the near impossible." I grin with a tear rolling down my cheek. Scott's eyes light up quicker than a flash of lightning. His expression becomes happy and full of hope, quite the opposite to what it had been a few seconds ago. "Really? Are you sure?" Scott asks excitedly.

"Yes, I'm sure." I reply honestly. It's Scott's turn to breathe a huge sigh of relief and start crying. Once he has gotten a hold of himself again and wiped his eyes, he shuffles closer to me. "There's something that I need to tell you. I guess I've felt like this for a while, but somehow I didn't notice because I'm an oblivious idiot. Today made me realize this. I love you, Stiles Stilinski. I love you more than anyone in the whole world and I need you. I always have and I always will." Scott admits, his eyes gazing at me with love and admiration. I smile even wider. "Although you can be such an idiot sometimes, I love you too, Scott." I reply. Scott leans forward and crashes his lips against mine. My heart flutters and I'm sure Scott's heart does too. It feels like we've both wanted this for so long, even if we didn't know it ourselves. I pull Scott closer and kiss back just as passionately. This is so much better than the times where I kissed him in the animal clinic while he was in a coma or the time I kissed his doppelgänger. This is real and actually means something for us. I place my arms around Scott's neck while Scott places his hands on my hips, just above the place where scales meet skin. Eventually, we break away.

"Sorry. I should let you dry off." Scott tells me. I just laugh in response. The two of us sit on the beach and talk while we wait for me to dry off. After about 25 minutes, I am completely dry, so I transform back to human. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that." Scott breathes in astonishment. I roll my eyes playfully.

"I would kiss you again, but then I'd just grow a tail. Again." I tease as I gaze at Scott's slightly damp clothes and hair. Scott raises his eyebrows. "Well, I should go and get dry then." He replies with a smile. Scott stands up, water dripping slightly from his hair. Wow, his hair takes ages to dry. I then stand up as well. "Come on, we should get going." I suggest. Scott nods. As we walk away from the beach, I suddenly remember Scott's girlfriend and the reason I ran away in the first place. "Wait, what about Samantha?" I ask, biting my lip. I notice Scott's expression harden.

"Trust me. We are done. I'm never seeing her again." Scott assures me.

"Really?" I ask in hope.

"Of course. I'm just really sorry that I ever went out with that bitch." Scott sighs.

"It was the biggest mistake of my life." Scott continues sadly.

"If I didn't go out with her, then I wouldn't have hurt you and maybe I would've realized my feelings sooner." Scott tells me, continuing to be harsh on himself.

"Dude, don't think like that. It's not worth it." I assure him. Scott smiles.

"Thanks, man." He replies.

"No problem. Anyway, look at the positive. You have me." I say with a wink as we continue to walk away from the beach. "Yeah, you're right. I think you'll be a great boyfriend." Scott chuckles. I grin, loving the way Scott talks about me being his boyfriend. "Yeah, I think you'll be the best boyfriend I've ever had." I add.

"Dude, I'm the only boyfriend you have ever had." Scott laughs.

"I know. Maybe you'll be my only boyfriend I'll ever have, if you know what I mean." I say with a smile, but I'm nervous about how Scott will react to my comment. Scott beams widely. He looks like an overly excited puppy. "I'd like that." Scott admits to me with a nod. The two of us finally make it back to the road. Now we just have to find my car. "That reminds me. You should let Kira and Deaton know I'm okay. They're probably still in the boat searching for me." Scott says, looking slightly guilty.

"I would use my phone, but it was probably destroyed in the water." Scott shrugs.

"Alright, I'll give Kira a call." I laugh, not very surprised that Scott jumped into the water with his phone still in his pocket. I pull out my phone and dial Kira's number. She picks up on the second ring. "Stiles? Oh my god, where are you? Are you hurt? Are you safe?" Kira asks me in a hurry. I can't help but laugh at her reaction. I hear Scott chuckling beside me, so I guess he heard Kira as well. "I'm fine now, Kira, it's okay. I'm just walking back from a beach to get to my jeep. No I am not hurt and yes I am safe, thanks to Scott." I smile. I notice Scott blushing beside me.

"So Scott's with you? Oh thank god, I thought he might have drowned or something." Kira sighs in relief.

"Well, the idiot almost did drown." I reply. Scott nudges me in the ribs.

"Hey!" Scott says in protest while I chuckle.

"Is he okay?" Kira asks.

"Yes, he's fine now as well. I managed to get him to the shore in time." I reply.

"So you both saved each other's lives?" Kira questions me curiously. I bet she's smiling on the other end of the phone. I glance over at Scott. "Yeah, we did. I think we also managed to save more than our lives." I smile at Scott while I answer Kira. Scott smiles back at me. "That's great! I'm so glad that you won't be ignoring each other anymore. Did Scott tell you that he broke up with Samantha?" Kira says.

"Yeah, he told me. He sounded like he regretted going out with her in the first place." I reply.

"Let's be honest though. Who wouldn't regret it?" Kira snickers. I manage to hold back my laughter.

"Well, thanks for calling me. I'll let Deaton and the pack know that you two are okay." Kira informs me.

"No problem. We'll see you tomorrow, I guess?"

"Sounds good to me. See you tomorrow, Stiles." Kira replies before hanging up. I place my phone back into my pocket and look over at Scott as we continue to walk back to my jeep. "So, where do you want to go? I can give you a ride, if you want." I offer.

"My house will be fine. There's one thing I want though." Scott answers me.

"Yeah? And what's that?" I frown in confusion.

"I want you to stay with me." Scott smiles.

"What, just for the afternoon? Or do you mean stay the night?" I ask curiously.

"It's up to you." Scott shrugs. I can't help but grin.

"I would need to let Kara know if I was going to stay though." I reply. Scott nods in understanding.

"Of course." He replies. After another several minutes of walking, we have finally made it back to my jeep. I only now notice that Scott is barefoot. "Dude, do your feet hurt after walking down the rocky road?" I laugh as we get into our designated seats of the jeep. "Maybe a little, but I'll be fine." Scott shrugs. I quickly start the engine and pull out of the parking lot. As I drive back to Scott's house, Scott takes my free hand and intertwines it with his own. I can't help but grin like an idiot, not quite able to believe that Scott is my boyfriend now. I squeeze Scott's hand comfortingly, not wanting to let go. We finally make it back to his place. I park the jeep in the driveway before the two of us get out and walk into the house. "Is your mom still at work?" I ask curiously as the two of us walk through the hall.

"Yeah. I'll be right back, I just need to get changed and dry off." Scott informs me before dashing up the stairs. I chuckle as I enter the living room and sit down on a sofa.

I start wondering how everyone will react to Scott and I being together. I'm sure the pack won't mind, considering they've seen our doppelgängers together as a couple, so they'll be used to it. As for Danny, well, he wants the two of us together and thinks that we will be a cute couple, so I'm sure he'll be happy to know that we are together. I don't really care about anyone else's opinions except for our parents. That'll be interesting to see how they react. I need to talk to Scott about that when he gets back here. Speaking of the devil, here he comes now. Scott walks into the room with a red t-shirt on and blue jeans. He looks good. Then again, he always looks good in my opinion. Scott notices me staring and chuckles. I blush and look away in embarrassment.

"You don't have to be embarrassed or feel bad, Stiles. I think it's cute." Scott comforts me as he sits down beside me, taking my hand in his. My heart skips a beat. "Besides, I like to stare at you too." Scott admits to me.

"Why?" I ask in confusion.

"Because you're beautiful." Scott smiles. I laugh and roll my eyes.

"You didn't just quote 'The Fault In Our Stars' on me, did you?" I raise my eyebrows. Scott shrugs.

"So what if I did? It's true. Also, I'm not just talking about your good looks. Your soul and personality are also both beautiful." He replies. I feel myself smile and blush at Scott's comment.

"Thanks," I mumble. Scott shuffles closer to me. We are now so close to each other that our noses are touching.

"I mean it." Scott tells me firmly. He then cups my face with his hands and kisses me gently. I happily melt into the kiss. As usual, his lips taste of cinnamon and wood, which I love. Eventually, we have to break away for air. I lean my forehead against Scott's as I breathe heavily. I stare into Scott's beautiful brown eyes. "I feel the same way about you." I tell him honestly. Scott grins in response. Suddenly, Scott moves away from me slightly and leans back on the sofa. I follow suit. Scott wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him. I lean my head on his shoulder as I stare out the window and let my legs curl up a little on the sofa. I don't think it would matter where I am; I will always feel safe and secure with Scott.

"So, uh, I was just wondering. When should we tell our parents about us? Well, your parents anyway?" I ask Scott curiously.

"Personally, I would want to tell my mom and your dad at the same time. Then I'd eventually talk to my dad." Scott answers.

"Yeah, but my dad isn't here..." My heart starts to ache. Scott squeezes my shoulder gently.

"Don't worry. We will get him back. I promise." Scott tells me with an air of confidence.

"I hope so." I mumble.

"I think we should wait to tell my parents until we have your dad back. It'd be nice to tell them at the same time, although I don't think my dad will be around. I'll try to find a way to talk to him about it once Mom knows." Scott comments. I nod.

"If that's what you want to do, then sure." I say as I turn to look at my boyfriend. Wow, I still can't believe that I can say that word when talking about Scott. "What about the rest of our friends?" Scott asks. I can't help but smile. I'm glad that Scott doesn't want to keep our relationship a secret.

"Well, I'll guess we will need to tell them soon. We would also have to let them know that Samantha is out of the pack. Well, if that's what you want, anyway." I reply.

"Of course I want Samantha out of the pack! I never want to see her again. If I do, I'm afraid that I'll tear her apart limb from limb for all the shit she has done." Scott tells me. I can't help but chuckle.

"It took you long enough to realize that she was bad news." I playfully punch him in the arm.

"Sometimes I'm a little slow." Scott shrugs.

"Scott, I want you to know that I really didn't kiss Samantha." I suddenly blurt out.

"I know." Scott replies before quickly kissing me on the head.

"I also need to know if you really do blame me for Allison's death..." I sigh as I look down at my feet.

"Did Samantha tell you that I blame you for it?" Scott asks in a sad tone. I slowly nod my head. Suddenly, I feel my chin being lifted upwards. Scott cups my face in his hands so I'm looking at him straight in the eyes. "I would never blame you for Allison's death, no matter what anyone says or does. It was not your fault. Okay?" Scott assures me seriously. I nod in response, a smile forming on my face. I lean forwards and kiss Scott on the lips quickly. The two of us then go back to lying on the sofa. I lean my head on Scott's shoulder. We sit in peaceful silence for a few minutes.

"Well, our other selves got it right way before we did." I laugh. Scott chuckles.

"At least we got there in the end." He tells me.

"That's true." I smile. I turn sideways so now I'm facing Scott. I pull him close and crash my lips against his. The passionate kiss quickly turns into a make out session.

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