Creatures from the Ocean (Sci...

By paris_girl22

507K 19K 9.5K

Stiles Stilinski has been living in Beacon Hills for quite some time now. He's made great friends who have be... More

1: Everything Changes
2: A Secret to Hide
3: A Dumb Decision?
4: Weekend Getaway Disaster
5: Alone
6: Lesson Number One
7: The Siren's Song
8: A Strange New Feeling
9: New Threats, Nostalgia and Surprises
10: Dangerously Close
11: Stilinski Reunion
12: The Movies
13: Loyalty
14: The Hunters
15: Trapped
16: Saving Stiles
17: Pep Talks
18: Missing Home
19: Theo's Threats
20: Concern
21: Suspicion
22: Moving out of Scott's house
23: Pack Sleepover Fun
24: Nightmare? Or something more?
25: Kira Knows
26: The Discovery of Merpeople
27: Getting to know Kara
28: The Aquarium
29: Setting Up a Date
30: The Truth
31: Standing Strong
32: New Revelations
33: The New Girl
34: Disagreements and Disappointment
35: Jealousy
36: The Darker Side of Samantha Worthington
37: Making Up?
38: Not Alone
39: A Fatal Shot
40: Melissa and Stiles
41: The Whole Truth
42: Poor, Unfortunate Souls
43: Finding the Cure
44: Saving Scott
45: An Important Heart to Heart
46: Dread Doctors
47: Shock and Disbelief
48: What it really means to have a best friend
49: Danny's Party
50: Hallucinations
51: Uncertainty
52: Love Hurts
Exciting Announcement!
53: A Wendigo?
54: Stiles' Anchor
55: Sleep Deprivation
56: Something Suspicious
57: Manipulation
58: Just Like Strangers
59: Betrayed and Heartbroken
60: True Love
61: Confessions and Discoveries
62: Planning
63: First Date - Part One
64: First Date - Part Two
65: Filling In The Blanks
66: The Perfect Hybrid
67: Hybrids and Tridents
68: More 'Nightmares'
69: Stiles Through the Looking Glass
70: Journey to Atlantia
71: Childhood Friends Reunited
72: The Beginning of the End
73: The Final Battle
74: Success
75: The Aftermath
76: Stiles' Birthday
77: Ceremony Preparations and Jitters
78: Celebrations *FINAL CHAPTER*
Important Announcement!


1.6K 92 13
By paris_girl22

Scott-2 POV

We all are waiting patiently for them to get back when a crash came from outside. Everyone shares a worried look before running out to see what was causing the trouble. We dash down the stairs and look around to see nothing.

"I could have sworn there was something out here." I point out in annoyance. The other me frowns as he scans the area, eyes flashing red. "There is something here. I can feel it..." Lydia says slowly, eyes glazing in and out of focus. Great, so a banshee can sense something is here with us. This is not going to end well at all.

"I smell fish." Malia groans, holding her nose. That is another sign something bad is coming.

"Are the others okay down in the ocean?" Kira asks worriedly. She just spoke my concerns building up inside me for the past couple of hours. I hope they aren't hurt. However, whatever made that noise was not them.

"Yeah, it's definitely not them. This thing smells like a fish died and has been rotting for a couple days." I point out as I catch a whiff. There is no way in hell this thing is a merperson or siren because they don't smell like this, even in this world. I've only smelt this creature once before and I don't like this whatsoever. I growl and shift into a werewolf, preparing to fight.

"Scott..." Tyler says with wide eyes. I look over at her and a expression of fear covers her face. I have never seen the vampire this frightened before. "Please tell me it's not what I think it is." Liam from my world groans.

"What is going on?" Derek asks in confusion. I look around me to see that all the werewolves and Malia have shifted, spinning around, trying to find something to fight. Kira unsheathes her sword.

"I-It's the trench demon." She stutters as a shadow monster comes out of nowhere. Everyone quickly steps back. The whole crew gasps at the creature that is now growling at us. My doppelganger roars and runs towards the creature, preparing to attack. "Scott, no!" I call out in warning, but it is too late. Scott runs through the creature and crashes into the tree behind it. I hear him groan in pain. The shock doesn't stop there. The trench demon growls lifts up a hand and my counterpart's limp body goes flying at least 100 feet into the air. I gasp. "SCOTT!" Everyone screams in horror as the alpha starts to come crashing down. Tyler quickly takes action by climbing up a 40 foot oak and catching him mid fall. We all sigh in relief seeing that both of them land on the ground without crashing. However, Scott looks a little dazed.

"Liam, I mean this world's Liam, get Scott in the loft and watch over him!" Derek orders. The beta nods, grabs the other me, and rushes him into the apartment. He got inside just in time. The monster threw ice at them and if he wasn't going at werewolf speed they would have been goners. "Scott, what is this thing!?" Derek asks as the demon starts to go for us.

"In all honesty? I'm not sure, but they call it a trench demon." I reply as I take a step back from the creature.

"Well, that's helpful." Derek rolls his eyes.

"It attacked us at school only a day before we came here!" My Liam adds with wide eyes.

"It's kind of how Brody accidentally revealed Stiles' secret in front of the school. He pushed him into the pool so the demon couldn't hurt him." I explain as all of us back away from the creature slowly, which is continuing to growl at us.

"A trench demon can't be touched by physical or mental attacks." Tyler informs as Derek narrowly avoids a lightning bolt that was thrown at him. "Since when the f*ck can it do that?!" She screams and shakes her head.

"You tell us! You're the expert!" Malia hisses angrily.

"Brody is the expert, not me so don't try and yell at me, She Hulk!" The vampire yells back, hiding in a tree. Malia growls in response.

"So what you are saying is that there basically is no way to defeat it?" Isaac asks, raising his eyebrows. I think for a quick second and then remembered how we beat it the last time. Sound. Who could perform something louder than a growl or a roar... Lydia!

"Lydia, scream!" I exclaim urgently. Everyone looks at me in confusion, but the banshee goes for it. We all cover our ears and watch in hope. Even with my hands covering my ears, I can still hear the ear splitting scream. Sadly, the banshee did not affect the monster whatsoever. The only thing that happens is that the monster turns around and advances on Lydia. I quickly pull her behind me. I could heal if the monster decided to drop me from 100 feet up in the air. Lydia can not. I guess only a siren or a merperson could do damage to this thing.

"Lydia, go hide with Liam and Scott!" I tell her. She nods and rushes off towards the building. To my surprise, the trench demon follows her and completely ignores me. "What the hell..." I mutter. I am pulled out of my own confusion when I realize that Scott, Liam and Lydia are the ones in danger now. They need to get out of the building!

"We need Brody." Tyler points out with realization. She jumps out of the tree and runs off, leaving us on our own. Great, so now what do we do? I think the demon thing can't see me, but I still need to protect these people. I growl and run forwards, trying to stop the trench demon at all costs. I notice that my Liam and this Derek follow in pursuit. We chase the demon up the stairs and back into Derek's loft. I spot Liam and Lydia holding the other me up in the corner of the room, looking at the trench demon fearfully. I freeze, unsure on what to do. I turn to Derek. "What now?" I ask. Derek frowns for a moment.

"We distract it." Derek eventually says. With that said, he roars at the demon, which quickly turns around at the sound. I notice that everyone else has gathered behind me. Kira is the first to run forward with her sword. She tries swiping the demon with it, but unfortunately, the sword goes right through the monster. Lydia screams again, trying to distract the monster. All the windows in the loft shatter.

"I got Brody!" Tyler cheers as they rush back. I take notice that she has a little blood on her mouth, meaning she has got some on Brody's blood in her now. Well, it's about to get really loud. "Cover your ears!" She informs and we do so. As soon as everyone has covered their ears, the two let out an ear piercing scream that is louder than ten banshees put together. The monster covers its ears and tries to disappear, but Deaton rushes in and places down some mountain ash at the door. The sirenex and vampire quit screaming then take in a sharp breath. I look around to see the ash has trapped us all in here with the monster. Deaton then tosses over a special box to me that I've never seen before.

"He can't see you, I can tell. This box will suck him inside and trap him. Do it quickly before it regains strength!" I open the box and walk over to the monster. The trench demon roars angrily, but is instantly sucked in and trapped as soon as I close the box. I look down at it with surprise. "Uh, what just happened?" I ask in confusion.

"It doesn't matter. Just as long as we got him trapped. Deaton, I know we call them trench demons, but what are they really?" Brody asks the vet. Deaton looks like he was about to nearly vomit in his mouth after seeing the creature.

"That thing should not be here. Nowhere near here." He says sternly. I have never seen him act like this before. He was truly scared of the monster in the box. "Deaton, are you okay?" Kira asks in concern. I can see Deaton's face get even paler. "No. I am not okay." He states. He then turns his attention on Brody, my Liam, Tyler and I.

"What did you guys do?" Deaton asks harshly.

"What? We didn't do anything!" I protest. Deaton sighs.

"What's going on?" Lydia asks worriedly.

"That thing comes from the Black Sea universe. A universe where there is no light and it is full of monsters and demons. I don't understand how that thing is here unless some really powerful magic is at work here." Everyone in the room trembles a bit at the sound of a world like that. It sounds so bad, who would ever want to live there?

"How powerful does the magic have to be?" Brody asks in fear. Deaton bites his lip.

"Almost as powerful ass the sea goddesses themselves." He answers.

"Crap..." Brody mumbles, looking very afraid.

"What is it?" Both Liams ask in confusion.

"Diana." Brody growls.

"Diana?" I hear someone ask in confusion. I spin around to see both Stiles', Kara and Samantha standing in the doorway. They look around in utter confusion. "What about Diana?" The other Stiles continues.

"Wow, we leave you guys alone for not even a day and you get yourselves into this much trouble? Good job." My Stiles comments, staring at all the broken glass and the worn out pack. I run up to my boyfriend and crush him with a hug. "It's good to see you too." He chuckles as he wraps his arms around me.

"Um, I'm sorry to break up your moment, but what about Diana? Surely she couldn't have come here. Why would she come here?" The other Stiles worries. We all turn to look at him.

"Stiles, what are you talking about?" Kara frowns.

"There was a sea witch named Diana in the Emerald Sea. She wanted to trade my soul for Scott's life. I was really tempted by it, even though I was sure there was a catch. My grandfather was the one that banished her into an obscure, but eerie cave in the Emerald Sea." The other Stiles explains.

"You were going to sell your soul for me?" The other Scott asks in disbelief as he walks over to the other Stiles. I guess he has recovered from the trench demon attack now.

"Maybe." The other Stiles looks down guiltily. I can hear his heart beating faster due to anxiety.

"Why?" The other me asks in a stunned voice.

"Because you're my best friend and I couldn't let you die. Besides, I didn't give my soul up, did I?" The other Stiles responds. My other self just looks at his best friend with awe for a few moments. Samantha stares between the duo. I can smell the jealousy and anger radiating off her body.

"Well, our Diana just kills you and takes your soul. I don't know what she wants with them, but she's got something nasty planned." Brody points out, flopping onto Derek's couch.

"Oh, so you guys have a Diana on your earth too. Huh. Interesting. Well, at least it isn't the sea witch from the Emerald Sea coming after us." The other Stiles comments.

"Oh we don't just have a Diana, We are related to a Diana. She's our grandmother. The one that's trying to kill us." My boyfriend informs the group.

"She's the grandmother trying to kill you?" The other Stiles asks in disbelief.

"Yes. She sent the trench demon after us." Brody replies. The other Stiles frowns, as does Kara and Samantha.

"Um, what the hell is a freaking trench demon?" The other Stiles asks, raising his eyebrows.

"The thing that attacked us." My doppelganger answers.

"It attacked you?" Both Stiles' say at the same time with the same amount of worry. They glance at each other and grin. "Jinx." They both say at the same time again. They start laughing.

"Double jinx!" They exclaim through their laughter. I shake my head at my boyfriend and his doppelganger. They are easily amused. "Okay, stop. It's creepy." Derek scowls.

"Okay, sour wolf." My boyfriend and the other Stiles both reply. They try to hold in their laughter, but it doesn't work very well. Usually I would think this is cute, but the situation is very serious right now. "Guys, we need to focus." I point out. The two share a look and then nod.

"Okay, so now we need to find out a way to turn Taylor back to normal before they go back home. Any suggestions?" Derek questions.

"Yeah. Do they actually have the mirror?" Tyler asks suspiciously. The other Stiles holds up the mirror for everyone to see. "I think so. Unless there was a different mirror we were supposed to find?" The other Stiles replies sarcastically. He hands the mirror over to Brody.

"What does the back say?" Their Liam asks the sirenex.

"Oh, it says through the mir-"

"NO!" Everyone except their Liam shouts in horror. My Stiles snatches the mirror from his brother and groans.

"Damn it Brody, use your brain!" The other sibling knocks on his head and makes a fake hollow noise.

"Sorry, no one's home." Brody retorts with a smirk. Everyone rolls their eyes and then continue to think of ways to get Taylor back to normal.

"I got it." Deaton announces, pulling out his bag. He looks through before pulling out various herbs. Everyone look over at the vet with confusion as he starts to throw stuff together. No one asks what he's doing until Samantha pipes up.

"What the hell are you making?" She questions, cringing at the nasty green color.

"It's a rough version of the same potion I gave to Stiles so that he could become human." He informs us. All of the merfolk except my Stiles and Brody wince.

"Oh my god, no! Not that! Don't put Taylor through that torture!" The other Stiles gasps in horror. I notice that Kara and Samantha also seem to look horrified. The three of them shudder violently. I frown in confusion. "Ugh, he'll die again just because of the taste." Samantha comments as she looks away. She almost looks like she is going to be sick. Her boyfriend rushes over to her to make sure that she's okay. Kara just shakes her head and walks over to Isaac, unable to look at the potion anymore.

"My guess is that it tastes bad." My Stiles laughs, making me snicker.

"Bad? That is the understatement of the year! No, scratch that. Century!" The other Stiles replies with wide eyes.

"Deaton, why the hell do your potions taste like crap?" He turns to the veterinarian.

"Because they do. Now, let's get this to Mr. Taylor so we can get you guys home."

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